Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
So you are trolling on the forums or are you standing by the statement? The statement lines up if you think corruption isn't a deterrent to pvp as you said in the last few days or so.
We can take the back peddle to you thinking corruption won't stop people from flagging, that also is false. Corruption will still be a deterrent and affect the pvp engagement.
This can easily be compared to other games
in relation to pvp engagement
Shadowbane - no penalty (Extremely high risk of being attacked by any players)
Black desert online - Buffer until negative penalty (low - high risk of being attacked by player)
AoC- instant negative penalty (in theory should be low - medium risk)
Shadowbane people are hunting you heavily or almost always attacking on sight having no penalty and a incentive to kill you. It creates a atmosphere of attack first ask questions later.
In black desert online do incentive being holding a grind spot and not wasting time it can vary based on where you are farming to people not attacking you to needing to defending your spot. Do to having a buffer people are more open to flag and fight within the limits of their karma before stopping. Though in zones where you are red instantly after one kill you can see a huge decrease in people that are willing to pk and try methods being duel for spot/ guild dec/ or communication. Showing the strong deterrent from being instantly red.
Though Ashes of creation isn't out yet it is pretty clear what their goal is and not having random fights everywhere and people going corrupt but being more focused around meaningful fights (not going to get ito all that)
But the pattern is pretty clear, the more draw backs and less buffer the more prone players are to attacking. If there are deterrents it stops as much random pvp from happening based on the strength and level of it. Do to the atmosphere AoC is creating and things being more group focused you will most likely fine it will lean even further away from as many random conflicts.
I mean, it's not like I can take debate or discussion with you seriously.
I may as well have some fun with it.
Honestly this is a pretty solid mindset. As a flip side, if there was "cake" promised but I couldn't eat cake around people who aren't also eating cake, and the party actively discouraged eating the cake, I wouldn't want to attend that party.
Neither of us are wrong, we just like different parties.
What is pking? Is that like killing someone for no reason? So not quite as bad as actively and continuously griefing someone, but kind of random, uncalled for killing?
So you have legitimate contesting of content pvp, random, pointless pking, and then the worst of all, griefing. Is that about right.
So say I'm a guy that plays 30 hours a day. I'm not a griefer, not a random pker, but I do contest content much of the day. Yes, because we need a corruption system to control griefers and pks, and even though what I do all day is legitimate pvp, my actitivity will have limits put on it by the same system in place to control the griefers and pks. It could limit my legitimate open world pvp.
If it's required to go red to contest content that is. Ideally Steven will see to it that a critical mass of players, the every day green, all of us, who have valid and compelling reason to defend ourselves, generally do defend ourselves. Not always, but generally.
But am I getting it right, you're basically saying that because the corruption system has to limit griefers and pks, it will limit legitimate open world pvp to some extent as a result. I can see that. Particularly if Steven isn't willing to achieve a system that compels greens to defend themselves, when it can be reasonably inferred they should.
I don't think he will be willing to achieve that system. We'll see.
So you are a troll on the forums confirmed ok glad to have that out of the way. Ya you manipulate information, lie, and take your assumptions as fact (that can be lying as well), lack experience in the topics you bring up, and troll.
Ya I'd agree it is difficult to take you seriously. You are just a rando on a forum talking about things you don't understand 50% of the time.
From the perspective of basically any other poster, no.
PKing is just what PvP was before people bitched to have full loot removed.
Now it’s another buzzword for semantic headgame and personal politics.
Oh ok. I think my age is showing haha. Uh ok. Corruption does deter open world pvp. And it always did, it essentially has to. It's inevitable to some extent. The question is how much it's going to focus on eradicating red/corrupted pvp, at the expense of simultaneously reducing purple/combatant pvp.
But Noaani says that wasn't even what he was talking about. Ya know what, this is between yall lol. Frickin bout to have me memeing so hard because yall can't even agree on what you're arguing about. heh
I’m not in that conversation.
Stating things like "PvX is a car salesman term" sorta gives it away. That is not a positive connotation for anyone, I dont think.
You got a little passive aggression in ya. for sure.
6/10 on the passive aggression scale. I will now start rating this. I have a complicated scale and a small staff of reviewers. We have the same accuracy standards as @Noaani , so it should work out great.
This... this is @Noaani
Bait... wait... argue.
That's not anywhere close to aggression. Not even passive aggression.
But, if you wanna call that passive aggressive - I'm not going to argue semantics for that.
Yeah I know. I could have delineated that better. Or made it a separate post. I quote replied to you, but then the rest of my post was more directed at Nooani and Mag.
I didn't fully understand Mag's reply to me at first, so I was trying to refine my reply to him. Mainly like, if my group and I are doing a boss in Ashes, and another group comes in attacking us. In my mind it's not "ermagerd PEEEEKAYYYSSS!" It's more like we're being contested, focus up.
But I understand what he meant now.
you are not an honest person.
You have - on occasion - proven to be able to understand if something was a miscommunication or other such, and so isn't the case with you at all.
At least, not yet. I'm not sure what you mean by this.
I've told Mag in the past that I do not take discussion with him seriously, that I *mostly* engage with him for entertainment purposes.
He has a habbit of attempting to find any small detail that he thinks is off and fixates on it, even if it isn't actually a part of the discussion. Any attempt to point out to him that the thing he has fixated on isn't important is said to be an attempt to dodge or mislead of some other crap, rather than the attempt to get the discussion back on track that it actually is.
He's done this for years. The problem is, he isn't smart enough to do it well. Thus - the only use I have for him in a discussion is personal entertainment. If he insists on engaging with me in discussion, my goal for the exchange is to get entertainment.
I have been and still are quite open about this fact.
This thread is actually a good example of Mag's bullshit - though it is one that you started.
The post in this thread that you quoted and then questioned in relation to corruption being a deterrent. The actual comment being that corruption is not much of a deterrent to engaging in PvP, but may impact the outcome.
You seem to have understood what those words in that order means, but Mag insists I am saying that corruption is never a deterrent to anyone when killing other players in PvP.
That isn't what I said, yet he will refuse to believe I said anything else. As such, I can't engaging in a discussion with him on this topic with any expectation of getting anything out of it other than entertainment.
LMAO, Why you always lying. all you do is misdirect in conversations and derail it into non sense than giving an actual clear answer that makes sense for the discussion. You are too busy try to convince people you are right by spinning every corner you can do, which is why conversations with you get stupid long.
Then when you get called out you can't take criticism and start complaining like you did earlier or slinging insults.
It is kind of sad when your arguments, boil down to trust me i did top end pve (while not playing current mmorpgs to a full enough extent), insults, misleading, your assumptions as facts, trying to belittle other post in order to reduce others view on them, use random masses as if they agree with you, the list goes on.
I focus on all details of a disccusion it is the best way to get clarity for everyone and use direct examples from previous games. Thing is it is something you avoid because your arguments don't even hold weight under actual criticism so it is something you avoid.
This is the reason I rarely give you direct answers - the questions you ask are not at all important to the over all point.
My points are directly related to conversation and/or point imp quoting, you are to busy trying avoid answering and most likely getting yourself confused.
Ie your direct statement of corruption not being a deterrent in pvp.
Take the thread about PvE players right now. You are quoting me and asking for me to explain top end PvE to you. That isn't important to the discussion at all. Not even a little bit - yet you have fixated on it.
I'm not asking you to explain top end pve, this is you derailing looking for ways to avoid answering properly or understanding. You keep doing this twisting the conversation until it gets derailed.
The point I made is if you had the experience you spoke of, you would be using that with examples from the games you played in tandem with your responses. This would create stronger points or they would not hold up under criticism.
You have shown to not actually use experience in your post and rather belittle other arguments, and make assumptions on others experiences (as if that matters) and use that as a means to try to convince them you are right.
That isn't a discussion, you are half ego tripping in your replies....
However, you know what I haven't done?
I haven't asked you to give examples from fighting games when you talk about them. I know that you play more of them than I do (I play literally zero), so when you say a thing is true in relation to fighting games, I just take that as fact. I do not have the capacity to prove otherwise.
If you are asking someone to educate you while you are in a debate, you are doing debate wrong. If someone knows a thing that you do not know, and it is pertinent to the debate, you are essentially debating with the wrong person.
Learning these things is something to be done on your own time. If you want to argue what top end PvE is and is not, you go out and you learn about it on your own, and then you come back and debate it. You don't attempt to debate it while learning about it.
Buddy that is not how life works, because someone says they do something or have experience that does not mean you don't question things. It means the person with experience will use examples from their experience to explain both positive and negative parts in their points.
This goes even further when we are talking about the internet, i don't know who you are, you don't know who I am.
You have a serious lack of understanding people, like ill repeat again. I....did ...not ask you what is end game PvE. I said if you have experience that will be shown in the conversation as you use your experiences in different games to strengthen your points on why something does or does not work.
My comment is pointed to your interaction with a large amount of people, you don't talk about your experiences in games and use them as examples to boost your point. You be little others in attempts to show your point is right and not actually showing any indication you are speaking from experience.
Also I'm not a expert in fighting games, that was simply just soulcalibur. If I have a take, or I am questioned on my take in anything design wise, than having examples of my own past experiences would be important in showing I have an understanding of the issue. IE in this case about you feeling on lack of PvE in AoC. Then it would be good to reference multiple similar games along this mmorpg wise BDO, Archage, Shadowbane, Linage, etc and your direct experience in those games. And of course people will naturally respond counter points, etc.
You can question me about soulcalibur by the way that is fine, but if you are going to question me be ready to turn the game on and fight me. I don't need to settle throughs through words, my skill will make its own statement against anyone that would doubt me. If there is someone I need to crush, than I will crush them that is how I operate. I have no fear of speaking and showing my experience. Though I accept I'm not perfect and I always have room to grow.
In fact; I specifically said you could (and one could argue, should).
I just said that debate is not the time or place to be questioning something if that questioning requires further education on your part.
You get the education on the topic first, THEN you question it.
You said this...
You must be purposely also missing the whole point of what I'm saying. Il repeat again and shorter.
You show 0 game experience in your discussions, lack of experience makes all your points weak. Your points often rely on attempting to make others look bad, rather than showing any actual experience you say you have.
Yes, I did.
If I wanted to question you about fighting games, I would go out and I would educate myself on them. Then I would question you on them.
I don't have the capacity to do that right now (the time, in my case). As such, I have not questioned you at all as to your fighting game experience. I essentially take what you say in that regard as true - because you know more about it than I do, and more about it than I am willing to spend my time learning. Should you say something that I really want to question, I will start out by educating myself on the matter.
I mean, if I am questioning something you say, you shouldn't also be the source of my education on the matter. That doesn't make much sense. I have discussed some mechanics of top end encounters in the past - in conversation with you. Years ago. In those discussions I also explained to you why there is little information on the encounters I was talking about (I was more open to discussing them with you then than I am now), and also why there were no contemporary videos on them. I have, however, gone in to some depth on a small number of encounters - your response basically amounted to "show videos", after telling you why they don't exist.
So, I reject your point that I have not shown some experience in the past. I have talked as much about top end PvE experience in MMO's as you have about your experience in fighting games.
All of that open discussion that I have had with you in the past though, that is something I am no longer willing to get in to with you, due to your consistent misrepresentation of others comments.
Only one misrepresenting comments out here is you. In the past my remembrance of you is your refusal to share anything through videos and explain anything, instead of using tactics of belittling and insulting people. I extended a olive branch and tried to get it on track, only for you to continue to share nothing and insult.
That is the memory you left there was no real discussion, you were just like talking to a wall and only believe what you want with no compassion or care to understand other takes. Azherae with her arguments to me, is the only one I can say regardless if the issue between her and I, there was still some discussion time to time.
As I explained to you at the time, I can't share video with you if video doesn't exist. I even explained to you WHY it doesn't exist, and you just basically said "nope, video plz".
There was a discussion that happened around you, but when you stonewalled yourself with wanting video that didn't exist even after being given the reason for it not existing, you missed it.
That is no reason for me having to go through that discussion again.
Naa i found videos and you refused to talk about them.
You found videos of people that had outleveled the content and then "mentored" down to a more appropriate level. The way this system worked in EQ2 left mentored players with a massive advantage - to the point where a player leveled down 20 or more levels could solo raid content at the level they were mentored down to.
This is why I specifically said contemporary - as in, videos at the same time the content was current.