Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
You should keep your more valuable items for defending your node, or attacking one. Also for caravan fights.
Or if the most valuable gear comes from resources you harvested yourself, then you can use it there too, as you wish. You got it from there, you can lose it there too and get another one.
The only case which makes no sense is to go in high level dungeons to get valuable resources to make a valuable gear and then go become corrupt with it in average areas killing random players. But bounty hunters need fun too...
how can you do 99% of the damage when you cant even see the enemy might kill your target accidentally
99% was not the point. Many damages contributed to the killing of the player was the point.
For your point though, you will not know an exact value but the name plates will degrade to represent how damaged someone is. What plates look like at various percentages of health will absolutely be known by the time the game goes live.
You are correct tho, 99% would be super risky to go for, but 80% will probably be safe to assume within a margin of error.
i get what you mean. lets say i hit you once with the weakest possible attack i have, lets say i do 1 damage to you, i realize you dont want to pvp, then i leave. you heal back to full health then 30 seconds later you die to a mob due to your own incompetence. why do i deserve to be punished and corrupted?
that could also be exploitable. people would be karma bombing others 24/7. have you guys ever thought about that?
Oh I see I see. Yeah the mob part can be super exploitable. People just Leroy Jenkinsing into a pack every time they get tagged.
Two points of view on this. There’s one where I could be totally down with it not occurring on mobs. I still think it should apply to all player characters who contributed. You could say something like “but what if I tag someone to see if they want to fight, and then another player comes up out of no where and try’s to kill them”. Well now you have your PvP, and if you don’t want to go corrupted you’ll want to make sure that player you tagged doesn’t die.
The other point of view I have is if you really just did 1 point of damage and they suicide into some mobs, you contributed so little that you could potentially work off that corruption by just killing those same mobs they killed themselves on.
That’s the whole positive side of having more variables effecting corruption gain.
I didn’t mention any times but yeah I agree more than a few seconds would be a bit much
point 1:
also exploitable. people will get hit then leave consensual pvp areas (caravans, wars, etc) then die to something giving the players fighting in the pvp area corruption.
exploit number 2: you tag me, i dont fight back, i leave and hide behind a tree, then i kill myself with my alt who has no gear, or i make my friend kill me after he gives me his gear and now you become red and i kill you and take your shit.
point number 2: what if you cant kill those mobs? i bring 10 agro mobs to you, you hit me once, i die to mobs and guess what? you are next. even if you could kill them and it only took you 5 seconds, people nearby could all attack and instagib you.
exploit: it would be much easier for groups to kill solo players with 0 risks, or even lowbies. my party hides behind a rock, i go and try to mob drop you. if you dont hit me, we both die to mobs and drop some shit, then my party res me and picks up the loot. if oyu hit me thinking im alone, ill die to mobs, give you corruption and my party will kill you and you will drop your shit, then res me.
its simply not fair. now i think you also want ow pvp to be non existant because you dont like it or its inconvenient to you.
I just said “ I didn’t mention any times but yeah I agree more than a few seconds would be a bit much”. PvP areas flag you as a combatant. Once you enter a combatant state you stay that way for about 90 seconds. 90 seconds is much more than a few.
exploit number 2:
I just said “ I didn’t mention any times but yeah I agree more than a few seconds would be a bit much”. If your no gear friend can kill you in a few seconds then I think the TTK would probably need some tweaking. That also means your friend turned in to a combatant so I get to kill them now. Cool.
point number 2:
Why would I hit you at all while you’re training 10 mobs at me? In that silly scenario if it took me 5 seconds to clear the mobs and work off the corruption because I only dealt one damage to you then what’s the problem? I’m not corrupted anymore? And cool now I get more PvP.
This is similar to the one above, but my first instinct if someone was trying to mob drop me wouldn’t be to force attack the high TTK player character. It would be either to deal with the mobs by killing them or trying to CC them and move out of their leash range. If the PC continues to repeatedly mob drop me this would fall under Intrepid’s definition of griefing. I really don’t like to use this phrase but if someone did attack in that scenario it sounds like a skill issue, and hopefully they would learn a hard lesson.
I have no idea what you’re talking about. The main reason I initially got excited about ashes is because of owpvp and I hope it is plentiful.
You’re talking about potential exploits that require multiple steps and needing those steps to go very correctly.
Corruption only applying to the person that kills only requires one person to be able to deal roughly 20% of someone’s health and that same person not caring if they get corrupted. That would enable infinite amounts of other players to attack greens without repercussions.
I feel like you're forgetting about PK count which will increase with each kill (that is corruption acquisition). So if the system works as you suggest and people like to do this "one hit and then the victim dies to other people" all the time - your PK count will shoot through the roof and your character will start gaining insane amounts of corruption even for single points of damage against a victim.
And soon enough there'll be no owpvp.
If yes, the player who dies is probably aware of the situation and should have the option to allow or cancel the corruption on that player.
I absolutely did forget about that. To twist my own a bit words to conform with this additional factor, I am purely talking about player corruption. I could see a system where PKs are still tied to the player who gets the killing blow, but the effects of corruption can be variably spread to those that contributed to the kill like I stated.
In the case where a mob gets the killing blow no one would get that PK count because no one got the killing blow.
I think you mashed together two of my statements a bit but I think I got the general reference still.
You have to “force attack” in order for any of your spells to hit a non combatant.
Here’s more information about the flagging system: entering an open,will be flagged as combatants.
Currently PK count prevents people from just going on killing sprees (even if they're spread over a long time). But if the PK count can only be attributed to a single char or even no one in case of mobs - that's gonna be the main abuse of the system.
You do the exact same thing that was described here before. And the result is the same. People will clear corruption real quick and there's gonna be nothing on their record about them killing people.
I'd probably go with just another betterment of the BH system. If a group of people attacked and killed a person, the PKer immediately sends a ping to any BHs within a big radius, while his accomplices get a 5 minute flagged timer instead of the normal 90s (maybe even longer than 5m). And the BH ping includes info about it being a group gank.
So now BHs can go fight to their hearts' content. And they can call anyone pvp-likers they know too. This was a common practice in L2, just w/o the system-based reward for "BHs".
OK. I see it is clearly written there that players will gank but only gank box is to be avoided.
Therefore ganking is part of the game design and should not be seen as a thing to be punished heavily.
In a normal evening, a small group might roam a few hours until it encounters 1-2 players to gank.
But this to happen, resources should be valuable enough for solo players, in order to run as soon as they see a group.
In areas where you just level up, ganking will not happen unless is a spot where players can also have resources. For example you fight near the entrance to a dungeon and the attacker assumes you was deeper inside.
So, ganking being accepted makes the game more a PvP game than a PvX game.
also btw, you can take your gear off so that your friend / party can kill you fast T__T then they gang up on the corrupted person...
If corruption were something that you still gained if the player fought back (such as crime points in Archeage), then it makes sense that anyone taking part in the fight gains corruption. Such a system would make support classes basically immune to gaining corruption.
However, since you only gain corruption if the person doesn't fight back, it does make any sense at all for more than one player to gain corruption.
I think the PvX people will say that PvX means that PvP and PvE are tightly integrated with each other.
But... that really ends up having little meaning to me.
I typically leave PvP-Optional servers to play on PvE-Only servers, so if I weight the server types:
PvE-Only server = 0
PvP-Optional server = 1
PvP server = 2
I would probably need the server to feel like it's 0.75 or 0.5 for me to feel comfortable.
I'd say that Ashes seems like a 1.75 to me - at least.
But... the more I learn about Steven's vision of Risk v Reward... PvX feels like it has a PvP rating of 3 to me.
PvP is tied into everything.
So... if I try to add in my current response to PvX, I would rate Ashes as a 2.25 PvP server.
more ganking to prevent or promote environment management? PVX
More ganking to interfere with or promote node progression/events? PVX
More ganking to promote bounty hunting? PVP that directly counters the PvP everyone is concerned about
There should be limits to ganking, not prevention altogether.
So being in a very large guild seems to be better. They will provide safe PvE zones. When I have a PvP mood day I can help them maintain the safety. When I have a PvE mood, I can do my PvE activities.
When I want more danger, I go in areas outside of the guild control.
But doing PvE looking all the time arround if anyone approaches is not what I call PvX.
Or better said, that kind of activity makes the game itself a PvP game. The player activity may be more PvE if nobody comes close. But the PvP possibility will always be present on the emotional state if I have something I care about.
How isn't this PvX? Without the 2nd element you just have PvE. Without the 1st element you just have PvP. Both seems like a PvX scenario if they are equally implemented and compliment each other.
You removed the part where I said the game is PvP.
Try to explain your view about the difference between a PvP mmorpg game and a PvX game.
Honestly I dont think I have played a purely PvP MMORPG, nor can I think of one after thinking about it the other day. Just MMORPGS with varying balances of PvE and PvP. Some leaned one way more than another. Id say maybe a MMORPG that has instanced PvP separate from the rest of the game could be part PvP. The Warmane private WoW server would be the closest example where you have the option to instantly create a geared maxed out character to solely PvP with, but that takes out the MMORPG aspect of creating and leveling a character in a world. Not ideal to me.
An MMORPG can't be without PvE, so once you add PvP to that same content, I would say you are playing PvX. Though many games dont incorporate them together well.
We should not say it is PvX.
PvE players have no reason to get excited and Steven should not even try to attract them. They will say what a good game could have been but is not.
It's pvx. lol