Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Bunny hopping

Let's add a stamina cost to Jump and help keep the game prettier
I don't expect that to become limited.
Current Member of the Gray Sentinels.
I mean...
People are scared mobility will be used against them since they aren't good at fighting people that can move lol.
yeah thought so but..whats wrong with bunny hopping?XD
I've gotten so used to seeing it over the last 25 years it barely registers for me anymore. I didn't even realize it was in the stream until this thread.
yeah I know. some people complain it looks bad...but that's not enough reason to make jumping cost stamina...
Give them a fluffy tail and some ears to go with that hop. Rainbow colored of course.
Your better option is to mass focus tab target on hoppers. Then the behavior might change. Don’t think it will because players can play however they want.
Will I do it anyway so I can have an edge over people that cant keep up with movement? Yup
Should it be removed? Also yup, but I will use it until its gone.
its not immersion breaking. what if I'm rping a character that likes to jump when shooting stuff...or a very acrobatic character.
Come on, this is silly. leave spam jumping alone.
Edit: This change would also most likely make climbing feel like crap assuming jumping and traversing terrain are one and the same. instead of just climbing the terrain you get to have "fun" standing there every few seconds waiting for stamina.
Jumping is fine, great, and expected in a rpg to be able to do.
Spam jumping while swinging a heavy 2h sword is ridiculous. More so when you can, what looks to me from the video be able to change direction mid air while moving around, in combat while being hit.
I don't even care if there is just a graphically different movement displayed besides the hopping that gives the same movement bonus. this is entirely about looks and the hops are awful.
Remember they changed melee combat in A1 because of how most testers felt the lack of impact.
In Sea of Thieves - i call it MONKEY jumping !!
I can understand your wish to limit jumping around. The Idea that it drains Stamina bit by bit every single time is not wrong. The Question is how quick it should prevent People from jumping around.
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
As soon as people see the slightest disadvantage they will stop this pointless spam.
It's just a bad habit from irrelevant games to AoCs genre and combat design.
Anyone on here saying they jump spam for no reason is flat out lying. I have been a top level end game pvp player in 4 different MMO's over 20 years. Players do immersion breaking things when ever there is an advantage to it. This will always be the case.
Shut that bunny shiit down and drink the tears of anyone who complains. The game will be better for it.
Not about being pretty at all. It's about attacks hitting your target. Same cheap dodges in FPS. I jump all the time in mmos, but I don't think incessantly jumping should prevent your 5s cast major class attack from doing any damage.