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Bunny hopping



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    LegiLegi Member
    Just a few months and we will see how it plays. I love jump shooting as a ranger in other games. Meaning while kiting do a 180 to shoot a skill, 180 again and keep running.
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    GrilledCheeseMojitoGrilledCheeseMojito Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I need the jump button. I crave the jump button. Even if it doesn't do much beyond shift me around on sharp terrain, I need a jump button. I will find a way to jump as much as humanly possible.

    Do a stamina penalty or whatever, I don't care. But I want to jump.
    Grilled cheese always tastes better when you eat it together!
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    PyrololPyrolol Member

    Jump team ftw
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    George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    Pyrolol wrote: »

    Jump team ftw

    You will never look that good.
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    SathragoSathrago Member
    Pyrolol wrote: »

    Jump team ftw

    You will never look that good.

    Thats why we play video games where we can look that good.
    Commissioned at
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    Mag7spyMag7spy Member
    Sathrago wrote: »
    Pyrolol wrote: »

    Jump team ftw

    You will never look that good.

    Thats why we play video games where we can look that good.

    I was that good though xD

    Bunny hop pro here
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    Don’t worry. The Dead Wabbit guild will take care of the bunny hopping.

    I think jogging, running, climbing and jumping could cost stamina, but at different rates. And if we want to play the immersion card, wouldn’t the hopping increase your stamina over time? Jack LaLanne style? So if you want higher stamina, better start hopping.

    The goofy part of jumping in games is the disproportionate height/distance and change of direction in mid air as though gravity and momentum don’t exist. Now magic jumping could violate those physical laws, because magic is the trump card for realism. Kind of goofy like jump charging. But then I think goofy physics is the AoC style because it’s more fun over realism.

    The immersion argument is about as old as the game is not for everyone argument. On one hand it could be valid, but more times than not is just a lazy go to reaction to fair criticisms. Besides, any game with lethal combat without permanent death is immersion breaking. So we can go to the extremes on these arguments and that can easily lead away from a game and more towards a murder simulation.
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    hleV wrote: »
    "It's fine because it's a game" is a cop-out since you can use it for anything.

    Yeah, you can.

    Because it's a game.

    However, this only applies to things that don't otherwise matter - things that are just for fun.

    So, if jumping around offers no benefit, make it resource free, because it's just a game.

    If you make it use a resource, you need to make it have a purpose.

    You wouldn't make it use a resource and state "because its just a game", because that is taking more fun away from people than it is giving.
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    SpifSpif Member
    Like someone else said, jumping has several real advantages:

    Hides animations
    Continues your movement at full speed when snared mid-air, until you land (in some games), making it great for kiting

    And has the disadvantage of not allowing change of direction while in mid-air (most games...some have air control)

    So we have a balance reason to add a (small) stamina cost to jumping, as well as cosmetic one. I'm all for adding a small stam cost to jumping. IE, you can still jump 50 times before running out as long as you are not using stam for anything else.
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    PrinceMaslamaPrinceMaslama Member
    edited June 5
    What if instead of spamming the space button indefinitely we give Rangers DPS abilities that also have built-in movement like literally every other modern MMORPG game. I really hope Intrepid doesnt recreate WoW for their combat system that would be hella lame.
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    Noaani wrote: »
    hleV wrote: »
    "It's fine because it's a game" is a cop-out since you can use it for anything.

    Yeah, you can.

    Because it's a game.

    However, this only applies to things that don't otherwise matter - things that are just for fun.

    So, if jumping around offers no benefit, make it resource free, because it's just a game.

    If you make it use a resource, you need to make it have a purpose.

    You wouldn't make it use a resource and state "because its just a game", because that is taking more fun away from people than it is giving.

    That's not the point of the original post. The OP complained that the jump spam makes the game look goofy, cartoonish and visually unappealing. They suggested to apply a stamina cost to the spacebar ability to limit its use however that is only one of many solutions to this. It is rather lazy from a design PoV to have combat for a certain class heavily rely on spamming the spacebar for optimal kiting/survivability. The developers can do more and offer a more visually appealing alternative to the bunny jump spam.
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    It might not be a concern if you've never played any of the modern MMOs in the market but to the majority who have, it might not be appealing to switch from their already pristine MMO with seamless movement and abilities to a spacebar spam fest.

    It does AoC no good having silo vision it is a fact that there are combat systems out there 100x better than that of Aoc and they need to account for this if they're looking to siphon playerbase from other MMOs.
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited June 5
    That's not the point of the original post.
    I know - I can read too!

    That is why the post I quoted above, in the post of mine that you quoted, wasn't the OP. I wasn't replying to the OP. Rather, I was - gasp - replying to the post I quoted.

    See, this is a concept you yourself understand.

    How can I possibly know this? Well, it's simple, my friend.

    The above post of yours, where you quoted me, there was nothing at all in that that talked about what the OP talked about. You weren't talking about what the OP of this thread was talking about though, and we all know this - because you quoted me rather than the OP.

    That is how you signal on a forum that you are replying to a specific post.

    Edit to add - if you look at literally the first reply to this thread, I said in that post literally everything that needs to be said in regards to the OP of this thread.
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    What are you saying brother
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    What are you saying brother
    Noaani wrote: »
    That's not the point of the original post.
    I know - I can read too!

    That is why the post I quoted above, in the post of mine that you quoted, wasn't the OP. I wasn't replying to the OP. Rather, I was - gasp - replying to the post I quoted.

    See, this is a concept you yourself understand.

    How can I possibly know this? Well, it's simple, my friend.

    The above post of yours, where you quoted me, there was nothing at all in that that talked about what the OP talked about. You weren't talking about what the OP of this thread was talking about though, and we all know this - because you quoted me rather than the OP.

    That is how you signal on a forum that you are replying to a specific post.

    Edit to add - if you look at literally the first reply to this thread, I said in that post literally everything that needs to be said in regards to the OP of this thread.

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    HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Baby I'm a renegade, baby you're a firestorm.
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    To be honest, the majority of my bunny-hopping is out of combat, just cos it amuses me while I'm running long distances, or if I'm bored for a few minutes waiting for somebody to turn up, etc.
    This link may help you:

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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    daveywavey wrote: »
    To be honest, the majority of my bunny-hopping is out of combat, just cos it amuses me while I'm running long distances, or if I'm bored for a few minutes waiting for somebody to turn up, etc.

    This is by far what I see the most of.

    It's generally just people that are bored pressing a button and watching the thing happen.
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    CROW3CROW3 Member
    daveywavey wrote: »
    To be honest, the majority of my bunny-hopping is out of combat, just cos it amuses me while I'm running long distances, or if I'm bored for a few minutes waiting for somebody to turn up, etc.

    That’s ok - jumping mice lead to happy hawks. 😈

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    AbaratAbarat Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Dygz wrote: »
    Steven loves bunny-hopping.
    I don't expect that to become limited.

    Can you please provide a reference for this claim?
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    nanfoodlenanfoodle Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    edited June 7
    hleV wrote: »
    "It's fine because it's a game" is a cop-out since you can use it for anything.

    Bunnyhop slowdown is fine because it's a game.
    daveywavey wrote: »
    hleV wrote: »
    It's a popular opinion that senseless bunny hopping looks dumb. How is "it's fine because it's a game?" even an argument?

    If so many people bunny-hop that it needs its own thread, then presumably it's also a popular opinion that bunny-hopping is fun.

    And "it's fine because it's a game" makes sense because games are meant to be fun!
    Surely we can have features that are fun, aren't pointless and don't look dumb.

    Dont agree with you. Because it's a game is a great reason. It's a big thing my wife loves doing in MMOs because she has mobility issues. She plays MMOs to escape that. Feel like a hero and climb and jump up every surface she can. It's fun for people. Let it go.
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    nanfoodle wrote: »
    Feel like a hero and climb and jump up every surface she can. It's fun for people. Let it go.

    Yesss! In Star Trek Online, I used to use my Engineer's Cover Shield skill to climb up every surface I could. I got to some really unusual places, and had a fantastic view of everything. Aaaaand, then they nerfed it. And now I don't play it at all.
    This link may help you:

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    hleVhleV Member
    nanfoodle wrote: »
    Dont agree with you. Because it's a game is a great reason. It's a big thing my wife loves doing in MMOs because she has mobility issues. She plays MMOs to escape that. Feel like a hero and climb and jump up every surface she can. It's fun for people. Let it go.
    Nobody's asking to remove the jump button.
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    AszkalonAszkalon Member
    daveywavey wrote: »
    In Star Trek Online, I used to use my Engineer's Cover Shield skill to climb up every surface I could. I got to some really unusual places, and had a fantastic view of everything. Aaaaand, then they nerfed it. And now I don't play it at all.

    Tze tze tze.

    Didn't you get that some Developers don't want You to be an Explorer but only a Customer that plays ? lol

    ( This is meant in a cynical way. I witnessed something like this happen in other Games as well. )
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✗ Not looking for a guild atm
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    leameseleamese Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    i don't mind. maybe when you jump too much it slows you a little. must be exhausting.
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    nanfoodlenanfoodle Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    edited June 8
    hleV wrote: »
    nanfoodle wrote: »
    Dont agree with you. Because it's a game is a great reason. It's a big thing my wife loves doing in MMOs because she has mobility issues. She plays MMOs to escape that. Feel like a hero and climb and jump up every surface she can. It's fun for people. Let it go.
    Nobody's asking to remove the jump button.

    Bunny hopping is part of that joy my wife and I enjoy. It's a past time right back to dating while we played WoW together. Bunny hop hate all you want. It's valid form of game play in a MMO. I get stam styles MMOs limit this. But jumping does nothing in combat in this game but help getting up a ledge to get to a enemy.
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    SolmyrSolmyr Member
    I agree that bunny hopping looks dumb, and the best solution is to give players something else to do in their downtime. Weapon flourishes come to mind. I wouldn't mind jump being tied into the stamina pool as well, but only if it can be used to dodge certain attacks.
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    PyrololPyrolol Member
    It doesn’t look dumb, it looks like an mmo
    Still don’t see the point in taking away something fun that barely even effects gameplay but is just a fun habit
    This starting to sound like the Call of Duty complaints 😂
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    NoelzyNoelzy Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    If jumping cost stamina how am i gonna aimlessly jump in circles around town when bored
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