Greetings, glorious adventurers! If you're joining in our Alpha One spot testing, please follow the steps here to see all the latest test info on our forums and Discord!

Next Livestream + Q&A Submission - Wednesday, July 3, 2024 at 11am Pacific

VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
edited June 26 in Announcements

Glorious Ashes of Creation Community!

Our next livestream featuring an Alpha Two Server Meshing Technology Preview will be Wednesday, July 3, 2024 at 11am Pacific! (Click here to convert this to your local time.)

If you have a question for our team, then you’re in the right place! Please submit your question for our development team in the thread below, and we'll select 10 of them at random to answer during the end of our livestream. In order to accommodate a variety of questions from our community, please only post ONE question below - the more direct, and succinct the better (think one to two sentences)! Submissions end Monday, July 1, 2024 at 11am Pacific, so we can select your questions before the broadcast.

We'll see you soon for our development update livestream!


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    TenguruTenguru Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Did the Seven create the Ancient Artifacts?
    I'll tend to the flame, you can worship the ashes.
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    LashingLashing Member
    Will there be specific stats on gear outside of set bonuses that modify or interact with stamina. Such as increased maximum stamina, stamina regeneration, gain stamina on basic attack hit.
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    FurFur Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Hello Steven,
    A few months ago, you mentioned your desire to integrate artificial intelligence into Ashes of Creation, particularly for NPCs, so that their interactions evolve based on players' behavior in the world. I find this idea extremely interesting. Could you tell us more about it and let us know if this project is progressing?
    Thank you very much.
    Baron of Shadows
    Graveyard's Grin
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    FantmxFantmx Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Are non-citizens able to complete Mayoral commissions that contribute to the starting of a node war?
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    DrizzelDrizzel Member
    edited June 21
    How difficult do you intend the PvE to be? For example, will everyone be able to complete raids or do you intend players to maximize a classes potential to clear certain bosses?
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    Is it very difficult to achieve grandmaster level in crafting? How long does it generally take to go from the lowest to the highest level? For example, if playing 4 hours a day, how long would it take to reach the grandmaster level?
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    RenritarRenritar Member
    A quick and direct way to get feedback is via a poll. Can Intrepid implement a platform that testers/community members have the ability to share their thoughts in polls on mechanics, visual effects, etc. similar to what RuneScape does?
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    Earlier you said you were designing both solo and group content. Gathering and questing both look to be more successful in groups due to open world PvP. What solo content are you designing that wouldn't be better with a party?
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    arkileoarkileo Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    edited June 21
    For secondary archetype progression, will we be able to choose augments from all four schools of augmentation at the same time, or will we be locked into one school?
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    How many element types will there be at the start of alpha 2? And how many elements are intended to be at launch and what are they?
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    wakkytabbakywakkytabbaky Member
    edited June 21
    Is ones ingame Family name for the family system tied to the optional Surname at Character Creation or is it created in a UI menu / from talking to a NPC.
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    NwolfNwolf Member
    Do you have anything in common with Star Citizen? Except Server Meshing? :)
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    LordFishingtonIIILordFishingtonIII Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Will we be seeing utility skills in alpha 2 at some point? And if not will we be seeing them at the launch of the game or has the idea been phased out in favor of something else entirely?
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    FeeliusFeelius Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    When should A1 members be expecting an invite to A2?
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    khayoskhayos Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited June 23
    One of my friends brought up a very good question during our discussion yesterday.
    When it comes to the design of the corruption system for punishing red players, what stops them from having a friend who is not in their guild, alliance, raid or group, who can kill them to remove their corruption and safeguard their stolen loot, effectively circumventing most of the punishment?

    Wouldn't being able to do this to minimize the penalties, be counter productive to the design?
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    GlizzziiGlizzzii Member
    Are server merges a possibility in AoC? If so, how do you plan to merge two vastly unique instances (node progression, quest/story progression, etc.) to minimize loss of progression?
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    ImnotkioImnotkio Member
    Approximately what is the number you think the team can hit for battle sizes (250v250, 500v500) with acceptable performance at the A2 launch? What about player hubs like towns, is there a limit of players in the same location a player can see and interact with?
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    KalanchaKalancha Member
    You said that the sieges are planned to have 1200 active players. Could you tell me how you are going to realise this? So far, in most MMOs, 200+ players fighting in one location is a huge problem.
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    GeensGeens Member
    I was wondering if aoc will have some mobs that will deteriorate your gear or will give lasting curses that cant be cleansed. I really hope we will have more unique mobs like the mimic we saw a few livestreams ago and that u guys wont stop there.
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    SonicXplosionSonicXplosion Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited June 21
    With leveling being designed to be a lengthy process, how will low level players fare when participating in group PVP such as sieges and wars, especially when its possible for kills to count toward the win condition? Or are these events intended to be only for max level players?
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    KuldjuxKuldjux Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Will ashes have player courier contracts, similar to eve online.
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    NiKrNiKr Member
    What will happen to the siege attacker side if the owner guild has 250 members and one of the attacker guilds successfully cast the Seal to move ownership of the castle to themselves?
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    You had mentioned in the past that Player-Held Castles would be attacked monthly.

    Does this mean that if a Castle is not attacked monthly - by players - will the NPC Monsters which originally held the Castle, attempt to retake their Castle from these Players? If so, will this be a Monster Coin event that Players can join to assist the NPC Monsters in reclaiming their Castle? (please do this)

    Thank you!
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    Howdy! For the roleplay community, can we look forward to any QOL additions that are catered to them specifically? For example, things like a toggled flag beside your name that denotes you as an RPer, or the ability to have inspect-able character bios.
    [ RP nerd & Dog mom ♥ Always down to hear a good story. ]
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    khayos wrote: »
    One of my friends brought up a very good question during our discussion yesterday.
    When it comes to the design of the corruption system for punishing red players, what stops them from having a friend who is not in their guild, alliance, raid or group, who can kill them to remove their corruption and safeguard their stolen loot, effectively circumventing most of the punishment?

    Wouldn't being able to do this, to minimize the penalties, be counter productive to the design?

    just answering this for you, nothing is stopping them from doing that but you get 4x more penalties than a green would, and that goes up im pretty sure with your level of corruption. you then still have to work off that xp debt so it is a case of was it really worth killing that person and getting corruption or did you just waste your time.
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    planning to have a livestream dedicated to artisan/life skills (endgame of the profession as well)?
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    ElkzuElkzu Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    We Will have dual box?
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    George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    Is constant player jumping considered aesthetically acceptable or should there be some delay between jumps in the form of a sense of weight or stamina consumption?
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    How do you plan to integrate the game’s lore into the gameplay experience beyond traditional quests?
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    VoeltzVoeltz Member
    Are there systems in place to aid in balancing class abilities and augments such as pick rate or success rate?
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