Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Next Live Stream + Q&A Submission - Thursday, August 29, 2019 at 11AM PDT



  • NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    insomnia wrote: »

    we know all classes

    We have no info on the Summoner, rogue, warrior or bard apart from the names

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
  • FlynnStoneFlynnStone Member, Alpha Two
    edited August 2019
    Was there ever any discussion regarding a 'parry' system with the existing block mechanic?

    Example: Tapping the block button instead of holding does an animation as if you're batting away your opponent's weapon. If it hits, the opponent cannot use their basic attack for a short time (like a second max?). If it misses, you lose stamina and cannot block for a short time.

    Also, have you considered changing the targeting reticle depending on what weapon you're using? The overly large crosshairs doesn't really fit a melee weapon well, and it doesn't show your horizontal swing hitbox at all.
  • T ElfT Elf Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I wanted to single out this question as I have arthritis.
    Will there be a 'auto walk' option that moves you foreward? Holding W for a long time while travelling can be so tedious ! and it hurts.
    Formerly T-Elf

  • rvaladezxiiirvaladezxiii Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    First Question, how intensive is the crafting in AOC going to be? I have played some MMO's where the crafting was pretty boring and everyone could do it. But I really liked how the crafting in Final Fantasy 14 is really intensive and you feel more specialized and important for being able to craft something really cool. Will crafting be that intensive or more? I really hope crafting is really intensive and hard, it makes it feel more rewarding!
  • rvaladezxiiirvaladezxiii Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Will necromancers be able to resurrect or revive allies when the healer is being poopy?
  • RageskylarRageskylar Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hello! Just for starters I wanna say to not get discouraged from all the non-constructive criticism from the youtube and reddit communities! Those who have backed and been following the game ever since fully trust in the power of the sandal! Now on to the question!

    We have been updated on the server architecture issues among other things, but what I wanna know is how far along the road (estimate ofc) are the naval combat, ship mechanics along and ship models (as we have not seen one!)?
  • DocFrogDocFrog Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Will we able to move while dancing, similar to Archeage? Long treks carrying tradepacks were instantly more enjoyable due to this feature.
  • mapleybaconsmapleybacons Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Would it be possible to get stories from past heroes or significant people for each race? Legends maybe or more lore in general? Maybe starting to tie bits of lore together so we have a richer background from day one unlike a lot of mmos?
  • KesarakkKesarakk Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    1. We know that a tavern on a freehold will unlock buffs for players. Will there be options for a Tavern Keep to add a store to purchase player-made items as well, like an extension of the kiosks found inside a node or maybe a "Black Market". Example: A raiding guild obtains an item no one in their guild can use, or just don't want. They can sell this to their tavern for a good profit, and the tavern now has an "exclusive item" in their store for players to buy.

    2. While we know caravans will be the main way to transport goods between the nodes, will smaller caravans be able to travel between freeholds? Example: A blacksmith likes to buy their materials in bulk and wants them transported to their freehold where their workshop is. If this is possible, will the risk remain the same as normal caravans?
  • JahlonJahlon Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    A while ago Citizen Tickets were mentioned as a sort of one off and then never mentioned again.

    Have they stayed above the line or have they been cut?
    Is it too early to tell?
    Make sure to check out Ashes 101
  • JahlonJahlon Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Ruby wrote: »
    When doubling down on an archetype, will you have numerical advantage (dealing more damage, healing more etc.) or are 'hybrid' specs such as mage/rogue offering the same potential in numbers?

    "Players can also double down on their archetype choice to strengthen their primary role." - Steven

    Yes, doubling down on your archetype increases your potency at the expense of utility/specialization that comes with the secondary role.
    nimmer wrote: »
    Exactly how many months worth of expensive cosmetics will the "whales" have over us plebs when the full game goes live?

    Been roughly one cosmetic pack per month Since Feb 2018, assuming someone bought everything, they will have several hundred cosmetics more than you at launch
    mytherios wrote: »
    I know that this question will not be answered but, is there any plan to release the alpha 1 before the end of this year? and when it comes out, will it be under NDA?

    It has been stated numberous times that the Alphas and Beta from KS will not be under NDA.
    Regarding races. Is there anything new that you can reveal to us, concept art, etc. For the Tulnar, are we going to be able to play more sort of full on beastmen, like a canine with a full on snout and anthropomorphic features similar to sort of how the Cait Sith are in Camelot Unchained? Or are the Tulnar going to be mostly human looking with small humanoid features similar to how a lot of mmos implement races? Really hoping I can play a full on beastly wolf man or fox man :D

    There are bestial components that can be scaled up when creating a Tulnar character.

    Tulnar do not equal furries, but there are definitely some bestial components that you can scale up when you're creating your Tulnar character, so you could max that setting I guess. Whether or not that would give you what you would think of as a furry, I guess it's going to be up to your interpretation of what a Furry is. – Steven Sharif

    Tulnar race does not have sub-types, instead, players will be able to customize the appearance of Tulnar characters.

    Players will have dials to adjust the reptilian, mammalian, humanoid, and other attributes of their Tulnar character in the Character creator.

    for more vist:
    First Question, how intensive is the crafting in AOC going to be? I have played some MMO's where the crafting was pretty boring and everyone could do it. But I really liked how the crafting in Final Fantasy 14 is really intensive and you feel more specialized and important for being able to craft something really cool. Will crafting be that intensive or more? I really hope crafting is really intensive and hard, it makes it feel more rewarding!

    Crafting is one of the artisan classes in Ashes of Creation. It is a driving force for the game economy.

    2. While we know caravans will be the main way to transport goods between the nodes, will smaller caravans be able to travel between freeholds? Example: A blacksmith likes to buy their materials in bulk and wants them transported to their freehold where their workshop is. If this is possible, will the risk remain the same as normal caravans?[/quote]

    Yes Personal Caravans can travel from any point of storage to any point of storage, this means from the storage on a freehold to the storage on another freehold or in town.
    skadde wrote: »
    Would it be possible to get stories from past heroes or significant people for each race? Legends maybe or more lore in general? Maybe starting to tie bits of lore together so we have a richer background from day one unlike a lot of mmos?

    More lore will come closer to launch, but not "too" much. Enough for naming conventions and the like.
    Here is your background. You are a chosen hero, selected to come through the portal on Sanctus to reclaim Verra.

    And Go

    Make sure to check out Ashes 101
  • For the Bladecaller class. Fighter/Summoner. Are you going to actually be summoning weapons.... or creatures?
  • If we want to play the role of the villain or a mercenary , are there going to be specific content or mechanics that develops around this idea? like a "black market" or a "underground world" (not a tulnar underground, more like the rogue barracks in Dalaran sewers of WoW)
  • epichoboepichobo Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    In regards to the variations of certain classes based on subclasses making different things like rogue/tank to dodge the damage and tank/tank to just have high defense to block the damage. Will the boss or creature encounters have some sort of specificity on to what would be better in the situation? Like for instance it would be better for a group to have a dodge tank for a spider boss than a damage absorbing tank, due to possible high output damage from the boss. Making it so certain subclasses are needed over others in variations of dungeons, so one class isn’t always the prefer in every case adding variety.
  • How is the development of Castle siege going? Can we expect any news on it soon?
  • SolunaSoluna Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    pain116 wrote: »
    In the MMO, will combat and running animations become more polished over time as development continues? The running animations with weapons drawn in particular look very stiff at the moment.

    I´d like to add the stiffness of the combat animations as well. It´s a bit tricky to explain but to me the animations feel more like animations for yet another single player game which was developed in Unreal Engine 4. To exaggerate a bit I´d say the combat feels more like the combat from Dark Souls than from an actual mmorpg. I´m not a big fan of Black Desert Online but I rlly like the fluent combat animations there! But maybe it´ll be more fluent in the final game. Can you say something about this please?

    Thanks in advance <3
  • dualitypsdualityps Member, Settler
    Is there any plan to scrap the action style combat that makes this game feel like an first person shooter?
    I really hope to se a more tab-target way to do combat. This makes a huge difference for me and others for the whole role playing game feel.

    Please please please comment this

    Best regards dualityps
  • VulkanVulkan Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Q: Can we have more information on the Guild System in the game? What functions will it have? Will it be fluid and easily accessible for new players, yet be satisfying to experienced players? You're basing this game around cooperative play, which means that the Guild System should be one of the most fleshed out systems in the game, simply to mitigate the headache that most players have with MMO's.
  • CobraKingCobraKing Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    What are your concerns on people leaving AoC in favor of other MMO's in development due to their large amounts of progress, and how will you combat this fluctuation in followers in the future?
    How do you plan on keeping a steady player-base in the MMO without falling into the traps other MMO's in the past have done?
  • Wandering MistWandering Mist Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    What are you current thoughts on resource management in combat (e.g. Mana, stamina, etc)? For example, how often will we be able to cast spells before going "oom", and will there be abilities/augments to gain back those resources during combat?
  • rumyelrumyel Member, Alpha Two
    What are the milestones the BR has to achieve for you guys to put castle siege on the table for release ?
    What are the milestones the castle siege has to hit for the Horde mode to be set for release?
    What will be the duration between BR and Siege ? Will it respect the one before with one month or so of testing then next mode?
  • ShazeShaze Member, Phoenix Initiative, Explorer, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    How soon can we expect to see some variations in character models for Apocalypse? We'd like to see some CHONK instead of the skinny/lanky ones. Steven stated we'd be seeing race model variations in apocalypse soonTM back in March. <3
  • Hey my questions are if there is anything known related to religious nodes, a devoted follower system and maby some more info on rogues.
  • sunfrogsunfrog Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited August 2019
    If I say, "Ohm my god!" will the Storm Lord be offended or is that what the Kaelar say?

  • sunfrogsunfrog Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Nagash wrote: »
    attempt number 28

    Do we have any news on the remaining classes?

    Yes, Necromancers are out, Necrodancers are in.



  • Will there be a class among the 64 classes that use fists/gauntlets to “brawl” it out?
  • Is there any updated information on when alpha for the MMO side will be and how one can get into it?
  • NoeSparksNoeSparks Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Not sure if this was ever answered.
    Will different races start with different stats.

    I tend to prefer this sort of thing. Sorta like how EQ was
  • OzelotlOzelotl Member
    edited August 2019
    How will a new player or casual player fit in with all the veterans and hardcore players once the game has been out for a while? If someone logs in on a newer character during a siege or similar event, will that person be able to help, or will the player just get steam rolled by the higher level characters and mobs?
  • jointjoint Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    How many players participated in the play test and how many matches have been played ?
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