Welcome! Introduce Yourself Here



  • VargosVargos Member
    edited February 2023
    Hi to everyone!
    My name is Maxim, I am from Ukraine, Kyiv.

    In MMORPG I playing for a long time, approximately since 2006.
    My gaming experience:
    Lineage 2 - с4, interlude, gracia, h5 etc till "awaking".
    Archeage - till 3.5
    Wow - till "Pandarien"
    Also Tera, Requiem, Albion, Crowfall (tester), and some others.

    I paid attention to AoC for a long time and now I decided to join the community and share some of my thoughts and ideas, that could make the game better, and there is a hope that something will be heard by the developers.

    I would also like to find friends and a clan here for alpha 2, beta, and the release)
  • Hey guys, my name`s Richard, first heard of this project in summer 2022 and have been watching it closely since then with ever growing hype. :)
    Have a good one
  • FiriaFiria Member
    <3 Nodelicious <3
      PROJECT ANVIL - Forge Your Legacy [OCE/Hardcore/PvX]
      Recruitment Status: Open
    • Hey guys, I'm Parzival, you can call me Parz. I'm very happy with AOC, this project let me ancious to play MMORPG again. and then, I'd want to know how it was AOC project. I want to play the Beta, but i don't know when it be.
    • Ello!!

      Generally new to the MMORPG genre, excited to see the journey this takes us on!
    • Hello everyone! I am Mordekhan (most people call me Mordy). I've been actively looking at this game's development for many years now through Youtube content creators (shoutout to Lazy Peon). I am pleased to announce that I also recently bought a new PC that should allow me to play this game (relatively) flawlessly, as well as purchasing the best preorder pack! I can NOT wait to play this game.
    • RvG23RvG23 Member
      Hi I'm Ritter from Germany ...Good Morning
    • Hello, I am a 39 year old guy who never really played the old school MMOs of the past. I hope I can live similar experiences people remember so fondly with Ashes of Creation.
    • Good morning fellow gamers!

      My nickname is deedlit (derived from a character from the 'Record of Lodoss War') and been having that one as off '98. As a long time gamer and enthousiast for mmo's I got drawn in for this game by a friend of mine. Looking forward to playing it and seeing you all on the battlefield or while I am walking as the owner of the town doing trade or crafting while ruling over the region.

      See you then!
    • CombatThongCombatThong Member
      edited April 2023
      Combat Thong checking in.

      Yes, it's a brine-y garment but it is also bedazzled with very aggressive sequins.

      I'm most excited for group play in AoC. (Priest, or Tank... dash of rogue, like me)
    • atesates Member
      hi im ates from holland and i am very excited to try this beautifull game out! i hope we will have lots of fun together! <3:#
    • Hello i heard this will be the perfect mmo <3
      Dota 2 1v1?
    • Sc8perSc8per Member
      edited May 2023
      Hi Everyone! A friend of mine told me to look at this game and today is my first day checking it out. I watched a bit of the Mage Video that was put in and looking forward to explore this game more. I've been into MMO's just like most of ya'll here.

      I see that @Mordekhan1 above got a new PC and I'm about to look for my next build as well.

      Funny thing about the friend I mentioned above is that he told me about this game but didn't actually sign up here yet. :wink:
      Farscape was a Scifi show on the Syfy channel many years ago and I liked it.
    • NoldorNoldor Member
      edited May 2023

      'Why, O people of the Noldor,’ he cried, ‘why should we longer serve the jealous Valar, who cannot keep us nor even their own realm secure from their Enemy? And though he be now their foe, are not they and he of one kin? Vengeance calls me hence, but even were it otherwise I would not dwell longer in the same land with the kin of my father’s slayer and of the thief of my treasure. Yet I am not the only valiant in this valiant people. And have ye not all lost your King? And what else have ye not lost, cooped here in a narrow land between the mountains and the sea? 
'Here once was light, that the Valar begrudged to Middle-earth, but now dark levels all. Shall we mourn here deedless for ever, a shadow-folk, mist-haunting, dropping vain tears in the thankless sea? Or shall we return to our home? In Cuivienen sweet ran the waters under unclouded stars, and wide lands lay about, where a free people might walk. There they lie still and await us who in our folly forsook them. Come away! Let the cowards keep this city!’

      How many will set out with me to make our sacred lands habitable again, and how many will remember and avenge what was done to the Noldor people?
    • MaliaMalia Member
      Hello, my name is Malia. I can't wait to get started in AOC.
    • Z0RIXZ0RIX Member
      Ashes of Creation looks awesome , can't wait to make it my new home :)
      edited June 2023
      HI ALL, im silva cant wait to play this game looking forward to it... looks awesome too
      forgot to mention how can i play or gain access to join? just wondering ty
    • n_selzn_selz Member
      Hi! I’m n_selz and I look forward to playing this game one day :) I’ve been playing mmos since RuneScape back in 2002, currently only really playing new world. Hope to see you all in game! Good luck, have fun!
    • My name is Lucky.
      Brand new to this game and this forum.

      Been hoping to start a new MMO.
      8 years of Runescape and few years of Atlantica Online.
      Mostly play single player games now.

      Would really like to test out this game.

      I have no idea how to get into any of that but I would love to give it a try.

      I'm an older player. Turning 51 this year.
      Been playing games since 1980 and I still love em.
      Probably will my whole life.

      Looking forward to meeting this community.
      That's what really makes these games fun.
      All the friendships we make along the way.


      ~ Lucky
    • Hello,
      I hope this will be a great game!
    • DchizelDchizel Member
      edited June 2023
      Hello, I go by Dchizel.
      I've played a few games, examples being: Free Realms, Rift, Tera, Path of Exiles, Neverwinter, Archeage, Blade & Soul, Skyforge, and many more. I've gone by many names in these games but I usually use Dchizel now.
      I'm a 27 year old guy, I've been looking forward to this game for awhile now.
    • JazmynneeJazmynnee Member
      edited July 2023
      Jazmynnee here, I am so excited to be part of all this
    • Greetings, I am Wizard085. I'm looking forward to figuring out a great tank class, with so many options available. Can't wait to see you all out there!
    • IllyIlly Member
      Can't wait to see y'all in-game!
    • Hello. The name is Will Summon. I enjoy a lot of different classes. But, I find myself drawn to pet classes. I prefer multiple pets. I look forward to what Ashes of Creation have to offer.
    • Good morning/afternoon all,
      Navikity or Tykivina is what I go by in games. I have been playing MMOs since early 2000s. I found out about Ashes of Creation around 2020 and I am extremely excited to jump into this game. I have been trying to convince my wife to be able to pre-order so I can atleast get access to the beta phases but, she is a tough cookie to crack :(. Either way, I cant wait to meet you all in game. Keep up the amazing work this game looks extremely promising and the hype is real!!!
    • DUVETDUVET Member
    • Hello everyone, i'm Exulux, glad to join the community of AOC !
      I can't wait to join the Alpha two o:)
    • Hello, guys. I'm Hanish and started playing Ashes of Creation not long ago.
      I'm looking forward to get along with you all.
    • Hey all! A brit here, with his bo'ol o wo'oh
      After a year newsletters & following updates here and there. I bit the bullet, I'll hopefully be joining some of you in a couple of years in alpha-2 :D
      So I'll try to make myself at home here until then!
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