Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
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Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Dev Discussion #42 - Gear Color Customization

Glorious Ashes community - it's time for another Dev Discussion! Dev Discussion topics are kind of like a "reverse Q&A" - rather than you asking us questions about Ashes of Creation, we want to ask YOU what your thoughts are.
Our design team has compiled a list of burning questions we'd love to get your feedback on regarding gameplay, your past MMO experiences, and more. Join in on the Dev Discussion and share what makes gaming special to you!
Dev Discussion - Gear Color Customization
How do you feel about dying your gear? How far would you like the system to go? Do you prefer a full-color range that allows for some odd color combinations, or a more limited one that preserves visual fidelity and realism?
Keep an eye out for our next Dev Discussion topic regarding World Map Discovery!

I prefer the more limited one as long as it allows for all colors. I want to avoid the crazy neon colors but besides that, I think i should be able to tint my armor whatever color i want.
I would really like to avoid the absurd neon colors. But everything else is fair game in my opinion.
I think in the modern world of gaming, more customization is required. Steven once said that he wants Ashes to be the most unique and customizable game out there to make every person able to enjoy the game and create things that are completely their own.
Dyes are the answer to that. Dyes give you the ability to have red, tan, gold, or whatever other color you want on your armor and weapons. It makes it unique and also allows for players to change gear colors to colors that fit them.
How far should the system go?
I believe that a few games have done a phenomenal job on dyes like ESO which had a wide variety of dyes that you could dye every piece of the armor with every piece having 3 dye channels.
Dyeing should be more than just changing the color on the cloth of a suit of armor, it should also be able to select the color of the metal, the furs, and the trims that go around.
Bring on the customization to allow us to change colors of things and truly be immersed in our own world.
The more options to dye different parts on a piece of gear the better.
ESO Example
GW2 Example
Full color or Limited?
There is arguments for both, on one hand I think neon colors are awful in fantasy settings but I also like the freedom of being able to select that.
Personally I enjoy the gritty colors but still having access to a full spectrum of colors but perhaps not having them so sparkly or bright.
Additional dye ideas
Mount gear dyeing. I think it would be cool to dye saddles, armor, and other things on mounts that are man made so it can match your armor.
Guild Dye schematics. Basically a guild can create a "Guild Dye Pack" that can be used on a set of armor and it will dye the armor/ gear in that guild dye pack color
and if some people want to look like a rainbow to be walking targets that's their business
I am really hopeful that me and my guild members will be able to use my guild colors in all our costumes, like for example in this costume:
we would be able change all the purple materials to green, and the plate armor to black (true black), but not be able to change the helmet to green, cheast piece to pink, gloves to blue etc, only the overall color palette
same with all the others costumes, being free to change the color palette to any color we want as long as its not neon or really strong colors and changing individual parts making a rainbow costume. This also applies to gear.
Also, Please, for the love of God: Do -Not- make important dye colors Exclusive for early backers, I know you promised exclusive dyes for Kickstarter people for example, not sure how will you deal with this (bad) decision, but at least don't give them Important dye colors such as Black, White, Gold... and not allow anyone obtaining those. Maybe give them a random color off-shade of red/yellow and let people buy/obtain Very similar colors, but not black/white/gold
The video details the GW2 dye and skin system pretty well so I included it for people who want to see.
I'd like to see the GW2 dye / skin system implemented. So far it's one of the most intuitive systems I've used. Every piece of armor has around 4 dye slots that color different details on the armor
1 = buttons/metal bits
2 = outer
3 = inner
4 = decorations
The system makes sure you don't get penises drawn on a cloak and at worst you get someone who looks like their mum shagged a bird of paradise. While the account wide dyes and skins might not work for Ashes (cooks/alchemists could make money this way?) I think it would increase the longevity of the game. And especially for RPers and online fashionistas it would improve their experience a great deal.
Example of how to 100% do it ESO.
they have maybe one of the best systems to take inspiration from.
Its also realistic having to extract the darkest ink from a squid, the purest yellow from flower pollens, the most blendable vibrant red from dragons blood etc. Just in general more populair color = higher rarity.
Especially the dark black with the least light reflection should be rare since dye light reflection seems to matter alot in modern mmo's for the overal look. Just look at gw2, if you go full bright lightbar it actually looks cheap, let those colors be the easyest to get. (avoid neon though)
It helps me match gear that normally does not work with my class or other gear sets. However I feel there are a few rules to follow.
1. Gear metallic and gloss should not be changed. Wood won't glow and metal will still have a shine to it.
2. I find myself dying my gear to the color of my abilities. Adding the ability to change the main color of your abilities would be fantastic!! Gives all classes the option to use all colors.
3. Make them easy to get or reusable. I'm not looking to spend half my savings on changing the color if my gear.
4. Not all parts of the gear need to be changeable, would be nice but not needed. Just the main sections of the gear similar to GW2 would be great.
A channel for metal shouldn't have the same bright colors as a channel for cloth. Seeing bright purple metal may look strange and out of place, but bright purple cloth may look normal.
As for systems that I have seen that work: ESO, Wildstar, Rift, GW2. They all have [or had] good dye systems that gave freedom to look unique, but without going too crazy.
I do think dyes should be one-use, while having unlimited/reusable once you gain it is nice from a player standpoint, it is bad for a crafter/economy standpoint.
I typically don't dye much. As some form of Rogue/Druid who loves Invis and the Shadows, I like to have black gear and will use black dye if I must.
I might be interested in racial dyes or Religion/Social Org dyes. Dyes that designate Node Type or Biome could also be fun, but...
I'm almost reluctant to suggest those with the penchant Ashes has for that hideous combo of pinkish-purple/green.
I think I might enjoy dyes that create a steam-punk aesthetic.
a) Let us dye cosmetics, including pre-order ones. I wanna dye my red dress into a white wedding gown! I've seen you guys are hesitant on fully dyeable cosmetics and I think that's a shame as it heavily reduces their potential for RP/customization and thus inherently lowers their value.
b) Let us fully dye all of various parts of our gear, from the fabric to the metal adornments to the lining
c) Let us have access to a wide variety of colors and shades. I understand that bright colors might "break realism" but we also have an entire literal Underrealm that looks like it came out of the mind of someone on shrooms so I'm not sure why it would be unrealistic for people to have gear in similar colors to the bright neon flowers and crystals and mushrooms down there.
I think full spectrum is the way to go as it gives players more options to customize their character.
That said I will kill every neon pink or whatever wierd color combination player I see.
fully dyable cosmetics/outfits and gear should be a thing so we can design the layout the way we want with matching weapons. a color wheel would be an amazing addition to the game for customization instead of pre selected limited color options
in addition we can use color pallets for different ranks within guilds for group activities
Examples of games with solid dye systems I enjoyed: Neverwinter, BDO, and ESO. I know GW2 had a lot of dyes, but I thought their armor art assets looked so awkward and shoddy it's hard to see their dye system out of that context.