Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
I'm not saying too complex but i think we will see some awkwardness i mentioned. You will have a mix of none-combatants and combatants going at it and managing how people are flagged could become part of the strategy, which i'm thinking could be awkward.
I'm going to switch to a mode of communicating with you that I hope will be more effective, and hope that you don't find it offensive (I doubt you will, but it may seem annoying, possibly condescending)
You think in very concrete ways, in my opinion, and sometimes your opinions are formed based on underlying perspectives that I can't see because you are very economical with your words.
I will mirror this. From this point on, all my posts to you will start with either 'Please explain' or 'Please clarify'. This will allow me to force myself to reframe my perspectives and questions into a form that I feel will be more effective communication. Sometimes this may be asking you to repeat stuff you've already said, more specifically.
So, for this one.
"Please explain if you are still of the opinion that the reason for the change is technical."
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
It would not affect the players on the ship. I have no problem with that. If they leave the ship they go back to their normal corruption state. I have no problem with distinguishing the two states. What happend on the ocean stays on the ocean.
The owners ship corruption status would apply to all ships that they summon. You could use another players ship next time, but summoning is only possible at harbors so that is very inconvenient. Also at some point you have a whole lot of red ships that you have to get to purple somehow. Also they would only be able to be sold in a purple state.
Sorry, i don't think it's purely technical, just thought it might have played a role. I also think it was made because the kind of content that was planned for the sea and to support the pirate playstyle.
I'm OK with being attacked on the Open Sea as long as I am flagged as a Non-Combatant and the PKer is punished by Corruption if I choose not to fight back.
Right. So, I don't understand your push back when I said Ashes now seems much like that.
I merged two threads on the same topic: (Auto-flagging in open sea) together!
I also wanted to mention a comment that Steven made following the livestream, which can be found here
Steven discussed this topic and brings forward a few notes to remember about different game features and elements to our design direction. I highly encourage everyone to read it! ^_^
Carry on and keep up the awesome discussions!
P.S. Please be sure to be well unto one another. I know we're all very passionate about not only the game, but this topic. But remember - we're all here because we love MMORPGs and want to see the game succeed, and we all have that in common
Steven Sharif:
Happy Saturday my glorious friends, this livestream was a bit longer than expected but there was a lot to cover. I wanted to make sure to encourage everyone to comment your thoughts here on the YouTubes, as well as on our forums and Reddit with what was discussed, I'm sure I sound like a broken record, but the feedback is very important. Lastly, I would like to point out that while the open seas will be open-PvP zones, there are still alternate methods of traveling between the two continents, including flight paths between coastal nodes, airships between metropolises-ai and also a scientific node's vassal network's teleportation options (should that network extend across the seas or to nodes on islands), although none of these methods will allow the transit of materials or gatherables. Additionally, there will be healthy amounts of sea content within the coastlines of the continents that does not fall into the "open sea" area. It is important that the open seas represent the rewards and opportunity that cross-continental trade provides, but also the riches of treasure that the seas offer, all come with risk and danger... Ashes will always double down on the core philosophy of risk vs reward. Hope you enjoy much love to you all.
Please clarify if you expect Coastal content to not include things like meaningful/complex PvE encounters, in contrast to the Open Sea where it might be necessary to change the flagging system due to such encounters.
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
At that point I'd have 1 player designated as a corrupt ship and have another player follow without engaging as the designated green ship. Problem arises? Abandon ship and hop on the green one, sail away without dying unless the other already damaged ship decides to engage. I try to think up exploits for everything so don't take it as me saying you're wrong, this is just how I would avoid it
The peace and war zones disables and enables pvp, which is a lot different the ashes where pvp is enabled everywhere but is now not punished on the ocean.
I am very concerned that these two specific topics have been merged together for multiple reasons. I do not wish for this to be undone, but I do wish to ask, if another topic was made even more explicitly regarding the reasoning for the change, if that would also be merged.
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
I feel cheated, I posted my discussion first 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I kid
And I indented mine to be about the reasoning for the change, not if the change is good or not.. we were both cheated
Curse these efficient and on-the-spot moderators! Hahaha @Vaknar doing his job too well
They need to be merged now i dont need to look between two threads it was kind of annoying to keep up with the info. We don't need like 5 different threads running on the same topic.
I am not sure what the scenario is. Do you want to avoid attacks and use the designated green ship as a get-away or do you want to use the red one to PK and the green one is for what? What is the goal in the latter secenario?
In the first scenario, you can do that. You still loose the red ship you abondon. Its a high price to avoid a player death. I would think the ship death would be a higher priority to avoid.
Mine was a bit broader than this one but it's whatever to me. We are generally talking about the same topics
Use the red ship to kill other ships, once you're about to lose you disengage and go to the green ship as not to die and lose materials to the enemy.
As long as you're fine with it. It's probably going to end up pivoting to 'discussion of reason' regardless, I admit I was thinking from the perspective of 'people who just want to make topics that are celebrating it', getting thrown into discussions they might not care about, which is probably not a concern.
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
That's not how you do that, it's a button on my profile if you click through. It's a little hard to find, for some people, but just poke around at anything that looks like an arrow.
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
It's a bummer that it won't be on my discussion record but I won't make a fuss. In the end it's about providing feedback for devs
You loose the ship thats a hard punishment. Regarding the loot you supposedly collected with the green ship from all the previous kills, that is indeed a problem I have to think about. Maybe apply looting rights rules. Either the green ship at least fires one shot and is then purple, or it cannot loot. If only the red ship can loot, then all the mats go down with the ship since I assume you cannot transfer crago on the open sea.
I'd expect coastal pve enounters to work the same as the ones on land and not involve ships but that is purely my guess. On the ocean, I expect ships to play a larger role in pve encounters like the kraken/leviathon from Archeage but i'm not going to go as far as say the change is necessary.
I think the difference between the zones and reason for the change is more that the land has a large variety of content but the sea will probably be focused on high level content.
Please clarify if you perceive that this high level content will be rewarding enough to be a meaningful impact on the power balance on the server.
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."