Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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What Races will there be/ do you want to see?

So I have read in the FAQ that 8 Races planned for release. What races will this be? I mean ESO wants to sell us 5 races as 9. 3 human recolors and 3 elf recolors. I want to know what you have planned.
And maybe want to say what I would like to see in this game. At least I hope you don't want to sell us 8 Human recolors as 8 different races ^^.
Well I would like to see thinks like Lizardmen or Werwolf or even half creatures like Centaurus or so. Maybe Fox Human hybrids or Bird people like the Tengu from GW2 as playable races. Or an Insect based race.
They all have different looks maybe even different body shapes and separated skills and every race with a different culture.
I would like to hear what other players would like and what is planed so far from the Dev team.


  • Dwarves! There has to be dwarves, but lets make them evil for a change. How often do you see them as the good guys. Treasure hunting fiends that go out and pillage to bring back to their mountain holes for a change. As for other it's hard for anything to seem really new. It seems to me that everything has been done in one way or another
  • Unique races that aren't usually seen in mmos would be nice. More important I would say is that they avoid, as you say in the OP, 'slightly different looking' races. Swtor also comes to mind where every race has the same skeleton, animations, emotes. Just slightly different facial features. It's lazy and not very immersive. One thing WoW got very right is that playing a different races sounds and feels very different.
  • If you make races too unique they can limit design space. Charr from GW2 is a good example. With the hunched back they can't make any kind of back piece that is flowing without it clipping all the way through the Charrs body and so capes aren't in the game. Which you can imagine doesn't make the playerbase happy because capes were huge in GW1. Not only that but you have to create every single piece of armor differently for each race taking up development time that could be used for a new cosmetic.

    If I had to choose I'd rather have more armor/cosmetic choices than race choices so I'm cool with 8 human re-skins. I think re-skins can get pretty unique too and still give a lot of flavor to the game. I like the sylvari in gw2 for example.

    Anyways that's just my two cents.
  • [quote quote=1651]If you make races too unique they can limit design space. Charr from GW2 is a good example. With the hunched back they can’t make any kind of back piece that is flowing without it clipping all the way through the Charrs body and so capes aren’t in the game. Which you can imagine doesn’t make the playerbase happy because capes were huge in GW1. Not only that but you have to create every single piece of armor differently for each race taking up development time that could be used for a new cosmetic.

    If I had to choose I’d rather have more armor/cosmetic choices than race choices so I’m cool with 8 human re-skins. I think re-skins can get pretty unique too and still give a lot of flavor to the game. I like the sylvari in gw2 for example.

    Anyways that’s just my two cents.


    I can see where you coming from. I like the Sylvari too, they are together with the Charr my main race I play.
    But on the other hand, I really dislike Norn, they are nothing but bigger Humans. They are boring, and it gets really dangerous when the Devs forget that they don't have the same culture and same characters then humans.

    Also when they really want to make a sub payment system as well as an Ingame shop then is it to much to ask they put a little bit of love in the race creation and make it different then the other games out there? I wont pay for just another clone of the generic F2P MMO that wants to sell you human recolors as different races. And I would be happy to wait for new items so they can work this design problems out before bringing the items in.
  • Female Dwarves that are NOT little girls!

    Also, if you are going to create a unique race, please stay away from the demon types, it is getting old SO fast.

    Can we have Dark Elves that are actually dark? -- Remember Lineage's Dark Elves? ( not the big breasted women) but the lore behind them was so accurate .

    If we have a unique race, I would love to see something like the Warforged from D&D come back.
  • I just really want dwarves, like the oldschool big bulky dwarves. Also I don't really have a problem with the classic humanoid races, elves, dwarves, orcs, goblins etc. Like 6 classic ones and 2 kinda unique could be fun :)

    [quote quote=1659]
    Can we have Dark Elves that are actually dark?
    I read a book series once called "Dwarves" the dark elves in that where sick, like literally everyone of them where basicly psycopats ;) But it would be hard in this setting, since the races are friendly (I guess). It could be the some of the evil ones though.
  • [quote quote=1662]I just really want dwarves, like the oldschool big bulky dwarves. Also I don’t really have a problem with the classic humanoid races, elves, dwarves, orcs, goblins etc. Like 6 classic ones and 2 kinda unique could be fun <img alt="?" src="" />

    <blockquote><div class="d4p-bbt-quote-title"><a href="" rel="nofollow">hrdqueen wrote:</a></div>
    Can we have Dark Elves that are actually dark?

    I read a book series once called “Dwarves” the dark elves in that where sick, like literally everyone of them where basicly psycopats <img alt="?" src="" /> But it would be hard in this setting, since the races are friendly (I guess). It could be the some of the evil ones though.


    OhI love this Book series, they made a whole Book series alone about the "Dark Elves" Albae or in englisch Älfar. great Books. And they are awesome, nothing goes to waste XD. Also they still could use the bodys of the killed enemys, just not the enemys of other races but other guilds or nodes. Think about the Art they could create with this XD.

    But I would say make it more balanced, 4 classical races and 4 unique or beast races. Or at least 3 unique/bestial races. and in this situation maybe don't make it wolf cat or fox man etc but really different things from each other. maybe one is a mammal predator like fox or wolf one is a Lizard based race, one a Bird based race and one an insect based race or what ever you can come up with.
  • As long as each race has different features and different attributes, I'm fine with recolors! It'd be nice if, depending upon the combination of race and class, you're "powers" would change. For example a necro dark elf would have an ammit doing it's bidding, while a high elf would has, say, a fairy. In this example, the fairy would probably be a spell caster verses the ammit being more on the melee side. I hope this makes sense lol....

    This being said; PLEASE incorporate necromancers! hehehe
  • Looking through the concept art, it would seem that Dwarfs, Elves and some kind of red-skinned Orcs are a given. Along with humans, that's possibly half the supposed 8 races accounted for.
  • It's quite possible for there to be "Archetype Race" then maybe a "Sub Race". Think about how D&D and some other MMO's do it: with multiple types of elves. Example: Drow and Wood Elf. I bet when there are 8 possible races it would be something similar to

    2 Types of Humans
    2 Types of Dwarves
    2 Types of Orcs
    2 Types of Elves

    *These 4 races are confirmed throughout screenshots, concept art, and ETC which is a perfect example of this being possible
    EDIT: Further proof of this is when you head to screenshots under the Media section on the website, in the background you see two small people, Dwarf Archetype presumably. Notice a few things: Both are not wearing shirts, yet one has a beard and one does not. If the one without a beard was a female, she would be bearing some form of shirt or bra. Want to know which short people do not have beards? Something akin to a halfling.

    2 Orc Types seen here: Left one is a tall (female?) Orc, the strength one most likely. The one on the right is an almost goblin like Orc, similar to the Orcs from LOTR short, ugly, and Orc appearance on an oversized Goblin body.

    In this second photo notice it is titled Combat PvP and shows large brutish red orcs fighting some elegantly crafted armor/weapons on some elf or human soldiers.

    For Dwarves you could have something like mountain dwarves and then maybe instead a halfling like race? AKA Dwarves would mean literally a "dwarf" person, one shorter than the other races.

    For Orcs I could see something like how Lord of the rings did it with a smaller Orc, and then something more similar to a large Uruk style.

    For Elves I could see something like a tall slender setup, and then maybe a smaller setup. That or something along the lines of a Magical oriented high elf vs a wood elf. Even possibly a Drow elf vs a wood/high elf mix.

    For Humans you could do several different takes on it culturally. Large vs small or (Nuian vs Harani is a good example from ArcheAge), or do it based on some racial background traits. One is naturally a farming civilization so they get bonuses to crafting and maybe slightly higher fortitude or w/e. The other group is nomadic and gets slightly faster mount speeds or bonuses to breeding/animal husbandry.

    That would be my best guess on how the 8 races work. 4 Arche-Types with 2 sub divisions each.

    In terms of color re-skins I bet that would just be done through character creator. E.G. Black/Hispanic/White cultures represented in say the humans just via slider or general selection. Orcs would be similar of a dark grey, to green, to reddish looking orcs through slider. I'm sure there would be SOME restrictions, but those are more complexion based than anything. I would bet the sub-divisions in a race are actually scientifically reasonable. E.G. Taking example of two orc types: One is physically frail compared to the other, but better at magics/ranged due to adapting to said low strength. The other type being a serious brute with bonuses to such. Physically they are completely different despite being the same "Orc" Archetype, and not simply reskins of one another.
  • I wouldn't take concept art as a promis that this races are playable. they said they would have 8 Races for the releas, so more could come later. But I really hope that they don't just clone the races to get to this number. I want to support the game, but with 2 of any kind I can't see a good reason. Call me strange, but I don't play a game to play a Human. I am Human my whole live and when I get the chance to play a Fantasy game I don't want to be a Human. Also they say they want to make something special so I expect at least more then the standard races. again they don't need to make all races Unique and new, but at least 3 Unique races should be playable at release.
    Maybe I just got my hopes to high for this game, to make something new with playable races. Maybe they just do the same thing like every other F2P, B2P and P2P Fantasy game that is on the market at the moment.
  • Do you not consider Dwarves, Orcs, Elves, and Humans 4 unique races? You mentioned at least 3 Unique races, so Dwarves, Orcs, and Elves would that not count?

    8 Playable races using subraces seems pretty reasonable so long as they include something like 4 unique races each with 2 sub races. At that point I'd see that being plenty.
  • [quote quote=1715]Do you not consider Dwarves, Orcs, Elves, and Humans 4 unique races? You mentioned at least 3 Unique races, so Dwarves, Orcs, and Elves would that not count?

    8 Playable races using subraces seems pretty reasonable so long as they include something like 4 unique races each with 2 sub races. At that point I’d see that being plenty.


    Not really, in most games Orcs look like green humans with two sharp teeth in their mouth and Dwarfs just like a human that was shrink down. And Elves I think most games speak for them self with gluing long ears to humans.
    With Unique I mean different on the base, like a less humanoid form. a more beast or demon like form. Maybe a well made and changed Orc can be called a Unique race, but then as soon as we have sub races they are not unique in the game anymore. just to give a clear example of what I mean, unique in this situation would be a Centaur and a Minotaur. And the second one only well made and not just the head of a bull on the body of a man (look at Tauren in WoW). If you give me Night and Blood elves from WoW I would say no, they are not Unique races, just different name, color and system given powers but still the same body types. Heck from the lore they are the same just chose different names after the race split in two. But they are sold as two different races. And worst, they are just like the Humans in the game. Same Body, put them in a armor and I couldn't tell who is who. This is boring. If the ears wouldn't stick out of the Helmet I would never know what I had in front of me. And not better Orcs in games like Elderscrolls.

    Maybe they can pull it of with some Lord of the Rings Orc design and other tricks for the races, but most games I have played this races looked so alike there was no way to tell them apart beside the smallest details.
    But still, I hope for also more Beast like races, like Tauren, Worgen from WoW and Charr from GW2.
  • This is true, but also realize that the amount of time required to make 3-4 different variations on each armor set to fit each character type is an extensive amount of work.

    This is the reason a lot of MMO's try to get with a lot of humanoid shaped people with little horns/tails/size variations as possible. While I 100% agree that it would be awesome to see more unique and variant beast like races I am doubtful it will be a thing at least in the early stages. Every time you had one unique race in terms of shape it means not only resizing all armor variations to fit that new race, but also to account for any beast-like appendages or variations in body.

    All in all I bet they could get away with it if they did some form of humanoid beasts, but that slightly defeats the purpose. Even Tauren and Worgen are humanoidish with their main differences being feet (other than sheer armor scaling to fit them).
  • If some merfolk would make it to the game ,i'd probably roll one of those
    <img src="" alt="" />
  • I would like blatant variants if they go the 2 of each like Wood Elves vs High Elves change to deepin lore? Dwarves vs Duergar type dwarves the underdark ones. Humans w/e plain as usual, with Orc / Goblin or something new like Dark elves and Dryders with movement speed enhances like centaurs with no leg armor? IDK so many way you can go really, get carried away! I would just like to see more actual customization with stones or stats to make a character unique, Shadow bane did this best, builds were unique and rarely unless posted could one be copied perfectly. You basically chose from 100 stones that added something to a character based on points available at creation some worth more than others, some modified states, resistances, abilities, movement, higher spear skill cap at 110, or better sneak skill (the undetected) stone.

    Creating character became an addiction in that game =P so many builds so many cool ideas to make, a attack speed warlock using staff with high defense off the magic defense buff that was also a bird type with flight..... Like what? But with these many stones some even granting abilities not known to the class for a high cost, some builds through all the effort were trash but that was the fun.

    /end rant.

    A lot to take in if you never played.
  • Where is that Merfolk image from @Tipsytoo ? That would be an interesting setup. Reminds me of the races in PWI. The Tideborn to be exact.

    That would be interesting to have in terms of race differentiation. I wonder if the Devs could put out a blog about races anytime soon since I assume that kind of material is something they discussed very early on?
  • [quote quote=1729]This is true, but also realize that the amount of time required to make 3-4 different variations on each armor set to fit each character type is an extensive amount of work.

    This is the reason a lot of MMO’s try to get with a lot of humanoid shaped people with little horns/tails/size variations as possible. While I 100% agree that it would be awesome to see more unique and variant beast like races I am doubtful it will be a thing at least in the early stages. Every time you had one unique race in terms of shape it means not only resizing all armor variations to fit that new race, but also to account for any beast-like appendages or variations in body.

    All in all I bet they could get away with it if they did some form of humanoid beasts, but that slightly defeats the purpose. Even Tauren and Worgen are humanoidish with their main differences being feet (other than sheer armor scaling to fit them).


    With a Sub model I think they at least should put in the extra work. I don't say they should work faster, I would be happy to wait for a few weeks or month more for a new armor set, so it can look great on every race. But at they should put at least this much work in it. If they make a Kickstarter I will be happy to give them money, if they take 10 - 15 per month I would give them this. But not for copy past character models. The characters are the one thing that is the longest with us, and if they are not good or interesting more people will leave for less pricey games with the same character models. Also for Armor, when crafting is such a great deal, maybe they could work with this. Creating a program with wich the players can design and create their own armor and can submit it to be created as a recipe. But only when they create the armor for all races . This would also take a bit of work away from the team.

    Tauren also have the heads more in front of the torso than above the body, or at least the males have the head there ^^.
  • [quote quote=1740]Where is that Merfolk image from <a href="" rel="nofollow">@tipsytoo</a> ? That would be an interesting setup. Reminds me of the races in PWI. The Tideborn to be exact.

    That would be interesting to have in terms of race differentiation. I wonder if the Devs could put out a blog about races anytime soon since I assume that kind of material is something they discussed very early on?


    Its from the other mmo I'm currently keeping an eye on,Pantheon rise of the fallen.
    Very oldschool though with very slow combat/long fights with downtimes,which people either would love or hate I think
    Not sure where i'd stand on the matter and if i'd be able to tolerate it...
    I learned my lesson with everquest next the hard way to never give money on promises and something that is in a pre-release state,also the price for Pantheon is very high at the moment
    and unfortunately i see similarities with how things went with everquest next;a big cashgrab to just become vaporware in the end
    The cool thing is that their dungeons are not instanced ,and with these long fights you can see other groups in the dungeon fighting their way through..So byebye "looking for groups" till eternity

    Actually I think one of the first things I saw about Ashes of creation is a preview of a dungeon/water temple.
    Some great artistic work there;
    <a href="">water temple</a>
    recalling that makes me even more excited for a merfolk race in this game.
    It's a pitty the merfolk rarely make an appearance as playable race in games.
    <img src="" alt="" />
  • <img src="" alt="" />

    Would love to be able to play a Undead/Wight race, Oddly they are not so common in more recent MMOs. Now, to keep them distinguishably different from your average risen skeleton & ghoul. They would be mostly non-decomposed, however would be recognizable from a living human in that they had paled skin and discoloration of their hair. Possibly glowing eyes (you know if you want to add that sort of thing)
  • I would like to see a giant, though I wouldn't play as one but would be interesting to have them around. Another race I'd like to see and play are the dark and light elves, which makes me think it would be interesting to have sub-races under a primary race like the elves.
  • +1 for an Undead race, I want to be an edge lord. Although I'd prefer a more decayed version with bones sticking out.
  • I am happy with everything honestly but please don't giva us a **** class. I mean if there is an abolute need to do so then please give us a **** class as well! But in all honesty, we don't need the **** class, neither the **** class..

    Equality people, I say equality!

    Guild Wars 2 - Asura. I love them. Something similar to them would be great or all in all, a race which is super cute and a little smaller would be awesome!

    Also, be careful of equiping. There are only a few things I hate more than gear that doesn't fit my class. It's all nice and everything with hairstyles and costumes but they should at least work together. No one likes to watch your character's hair disappear, while making slight movements, into nothingness.

    ~ Zention
  • A straight up green warhammer buffed orc would be pretty cool. Just want a race that looks overlybuffed and douchy, maybe the new cat race from bless :)
  • It would be nice to have classic classes like Dwarfs and Elfs. But also some kind of special races. Like a Wolf/Lion/Giant race.
    The sea race looks also very nice.
    Oh and you defenetly need some cute little race. (I personally dont play them but in most games it is very succesful to have such a race)
  • I think if you have unique races just have the ability to turn off capes and such to away from graphic overlays
  • Also I do really like the ESO vampire/werewolf infections I think those were great ideas. Something Nature that does not have to be an elf is always nice =) I also like the undead options
  • I personally prefer human or a more Masculine looking Elf. Or maybe something we've never seen before will catch my attention.
  • I would like and prefer this races: gnoms, elfs, orcs, humans, dwarfs

    Like a conditions undead (no zombies), Vampirism or Lycanthropes...
  • Prefers antropogenic races with similiar height/weight (in my opinion, it makes game atmosphere more authentical, good primer -TES series), not fan of very big / small races, but don't mind, exept they could looks too cartoonish. Here some exp.
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