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Official Livestream Q&A Question Thread – May 19, 2017



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    In regards to crafting, will many items only be obtainable through player commerce, or will most items be purchasable through NPC merchants in game?
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    What will the sound system be like? Will you, for example, be able to hear someone walking up to you from behind and will you be able to hear how that person closes in on you? What about abilities, will the have distinguishable sound effects?
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    Will there be chat bubbles?
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    Will a combination of ranger and summoner archetypes lead to what has traditionally been a "hunter" archetype in other RPGs? That is having more nature oriented summons such as wild animals?
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    I am fascinated with the potential of the economics designed in this game and everything related to possible sea-based content.

    Will there be a way to be a shipbuilder (building ships for others), dockmaster (perhaps owning/managing your own dock or sea-based-caravan route), or sailing captain (perhaps people hire you to pilot their ship to the treasure rumored area without crashing) as a profession or artisan class?
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    as a fisherman will i be able to sell fishes to npc's as a way to make gold ?
    also is there going to be hunting system similar to fishing but instead we will go out and hunt some animals and sell the skin/meat to npc's ?
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    What an odd feeling to be mentioned on the live chat :) Thanks for answering my question about if we will be able to store items in our houses.
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    Was a really enjoyable stream :) Thankyou very much ^^ I'll try remember to play my question for Monday next time since I forgot to post for tonight xD
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