Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
There was only one real drawback to the system, that the initial high population of the servers drew in people who didn't care about roleplaying at all, just because of the large population base at launch. But it always seemed like a mature player base in that game and there were very little negatives involved.
I believe over time, as server populations dwindled, the two RP servers were merged into one.
But I've also played games where there was no "official" server designated and the RP community always chooses an unofficial one (or two) anyways. So I really don't see this as a major concern right now.
Once we get a list of server names, we can choose our RP server as a community.
And that has always been my experience as well.
And I would still complain if interrupted because someone is interfering with me.
All kinds of games people can play without RPing. Including MMORPGs.
In 2014, I stumbled across what I call "theatre RP/fanfiction RP" during the Landmark alpha.
RP servers have always been among the more highly populated communities, when it comes to servers. Not just because RP'ers flock to them, but because the atmosphere is generally less toxic, than on other servers. RP'ers are, for the most part, very helpful and mature individuals, who also tend to be less competitive than their non-RP peers.
I've found out that non-RP'ers like to watch how we FIRP'ers interact with each other and may, at times, join in to some RP themselves. "Theater" or otherwise.....(looking at you @Dygz).
For me, most of my RP experiences like this were in EQ2 and GW2.
And you're right, within an open and inviting social invironment, you often get "non-rpers" (or perhaps beginner RPers) just joining in more casually - and randomly.
Personally, my most memorable RP experiences were just random encounters in these games.
There was one time back in EQ2 where I was checking out city housing somewhere in Qeynos. You could preview player housing in an instance, to see if you wanted to buy or not. I was doing this in a 3 room house when suddenly two players apeared inside behind me, presumably checking it out for themselves.
In a rare instance where I IMMEDIATLY acted on a impulse, I started to show the couple around the house as if I was a Qeynosian realtor! Without a beat, they totally played along - following me from room to room as I discussed it's merits and discussing what they liked with each other.
I never saw those two before or after, but it was such a random funny encounter - I've never forgotten it.
It's the little things like that, that make me love RP servers.
I understand much of what you are saying. In my years of traveling through the game universe I have never seen a game/server that could promote and maintain a really good RPing atmosphere. I have witnessed groups of Rpers at their best and participated in some Rp myself.
Sadly there is no perfect game that is ideal for every type of player, the same goes for the RP population. Role playing is acting, whether you have all the props you desire or not, it's the acting that makes the difference in the end.
I see Ashes as a great game for Rpers to be able to establish themselves. What could be more ambitious then a roleplaying community coming together to build a town and work together to maintain it in every aspect? A mayor or leader encouraging the town folk, or searching for others to help defend your homes? I think you envision the possibilities yourself. Good Luck, I hope I am able to visit your town one day.
There's different levels of roleplay, sure, but at the most basic level it's being "in character", emoting actions, surroundings, encounters, and the like, and at the very least carrying on a conversation as if part of the world you're playing in.
Just playing in an RPG doesn't mean you're "roleplaying", you might be running around, fighting things, and just engaging in non-character conversation (ie: lol hey everyone, who wants to group up and grind some XP? or something similar) That isn't roleplaying, that's just playing a game, and the idea that "Taverns will be places for RPers" can only come from someone who really doesn't RP much, as the majority of roleplay doesn't happen in taverns. I've been roleplaying for well over a decade and I think I've only been in a tavern two or three times in all of that, and none of those instances did the tavern play a major role, usually just a stopover during travel, or meeting a contact, or just stocking up on some supplies before heading off on the actual adventure again.
Taverns are footnotes at best, if you think they are the primary places of immersive RP, then you probably think the Goldshire inn on MoonGuard in WoW is a great example of roleplaying (it's not, at all. That's where all the trolls are and the RPers actively avoid it.)
This is your basic role play if you play D&D or ant other the other endless RP games out there.if you do something like this even if it in your head then you are role playing and there is nothing wrong with that in fact let me give you a bonny hug *hugs*
people will make places like cities into RP realms. it makes also fairly realistic IMO.
Such a strange contradiction.
We agree: Being in character, emoting actions and carrying on a conversation as if you're in the world - commenting about encounters and the surroundings is roleplaying.
That's what I do.
All that after saying that my definition of roleplay isn't RP at all.
If you're engaging in non-character conversation - that's not RP.
If you're making up invisible props and acting out things that aren't actually happening in the world...providing narration, etc....that is a different level of RP - "fanfiction RP".
I don't think taverns and inns are the primary places of "fanfiction RP".
But, the devs seem to think that's where "fanfiction RP" should take place... instead of officially supporting a server designated for RP.
TTFK - The Sorcerer's siege speech. #03
By the way @Dygz, I agree with pretty much all of the other sentiments in your post, which I find a little disquieting somehow.
Right. Which is why I never actually made a character on an RP server and never understood why some people said they weren't good at RP.
I always RP. And people I run into usually just join in - they respond to the world as if they're the character. If I hit a bow emote, they will bow back.
If I'm playing my female character, Neela, instead of my male character, Dygz, and someone who know I play both says, "Oh, hey, Dygz is here!" I say, "Oh cool! But, where?? I don't see him!"
And they remember to refer to my character as Neela.
But, it's the same if people start talking about invisible stuff that doesn't exist in the world. People can talk about their black eye all they want...I don't need to talk about their black eye. If the actually have an eye patch or a scar, I will talk about that. I might ask them to tell the tale of how they got the patch or the scar or backstory behind their choice of tattoo.
I just don't participate in "theatre RP" where a GM is basically running an RPG session as if they're directing a play within an MMORPG.
The whole reason I'm playing an MMORPG is so that I can live in a virtual world without a GM directed play session.
I would roleplay as an actor on a stage giving a performance to an audience in a tavern. Sure.
In the end, it'll still be the community that encourages or discourages the RP.
However it's terribly tricky to find a game that has got it 'right' to allow the roleplayers to find each other easily.. and which encourages them in all that they would choose to do, a lot of the mmo community still don't understand roleplayers and consider it odd, or at worst want to pick on them, it's hard to be able to not want to run away and hide if you're feeling so unaccepted and shamed.
I'm sorry if anyone thought I was suggesting that roleplay wasn't possible, I was just pointing from experience how many years and hours I've spent searching for roleplay in games, and yes, I do try initiating it myself... I've reallly really tried.
I sent a message to the Devs, yes I make bad judgement calls at the best of times and yes I may have been slightly tipsy, but I seem to remember just asking them (politely) to challenge their own preconceptions about how exactly the immersion is going to help to be encouraged, rather than just roleplay fading away and dying like has happened in so many other mmo's.
Ok, so there may not be official roleplay servers... and whilst I personally have seen communities ending up hugely divided if they have to choose themselves the 'unofficial rp server's....
We do still end up working hard to get the rp going! We're going to give it a darn good try! This is the game that we all want to be 'the one!'....
But I am concerned that eventually all of that desire is going to run to ground if there isn't enough support from the developers. Or no one can find anyone to roleplay with.
I seem to remember suggesting at the very least they look into arranging a community roleplay advisor to themselves. Getting someone in, even if voluntary, to discuss issues and to keep the community thriving rather than the opposite.
Yes these are my own opinions.
Mixing disparate playstyles on the same servers also segregates the community and, at best, pushes people to solo because it's more difficult to find like-minded players and the different playstyles clash too much.
Casual adventures are not going to group with hardcore adventurers - and really both will just piss each other off. And this is typically also true for the people who want to "theatre RP" but are constantly disrupted by gamers who have no respect for RPing and just want to kill stuff as efficiently as possible.
Different playstyles don't work together - it really just allows hardcore killer/achievers to dominate the game as they push the other playstyles out of the game entirely.
I have much respect for those who submerge themselves into role play and I realize how hard it is to maintain that persona when you are surrounded by others who don't understand what or why you do.
Often times my friends and I would choose a role play server, not because we were heavy into role play but because in general the really disruptive people would not choose it and naming policies were in place.
Unfortunately these servers were never overly populated and they never stayed true to role play for the most part. As I said previously general chat and actions of others ultimately ruined it for others.
It's costly to maintain servers and special overseers for individual social groups which makes it necessary for consolidation of the overall masses.
Individuals with conflicting views as in rl groups must take the initiative to find their place and maintain their individuality. It is up to you or someone else to make the effort to gather others like yourself and decide how you want to play and maintain your ideals in a world of individuals just like any guild must do. Is it hard? Heck ya. But as they say, :nothing in life worth while comes easy".
There is a reason chat windows have multiple tabs and often we can make our own channels. People can easily be put on ignore. Turn name tags off.
You say you need support from the developers. I think you need the support of more people like yourself to join and maintain your way of playing.
It is by far much easier to maintain a separation and different points of view in a game environment then it is in the real world where people you can't ignore push your buttons every day.
You show great passion for what you want. Don't ever give up, just find ways to do it. Be strong and confident in your play style and your place in the game world and you will be a strong leader and role model. Diversity in the game world is just as important as it is in real life. Take the reigns and find a path to embrace all and learn how to play amongst others with different views that you can find peace with. Is that not what we as humans must do in the real world? Again I have great respect for role players.
I long since found the 'ignore' button and ALL of the other tricks of the trade such as chat channels.
Over the years I've seen rp gaming communities struggling then disappearing because they're swimming against the tide of pvp'rs and pve'rs, yup, I agree it is totally down to ourselves to keep it going, but having the support of the developers would be a massive help.
As I mentioned, I'm NOT trying to change the Dev's minds if they're already made up about no rp servers, roleplayers are dedicated enough to attempt to gather up, it just saddens me to find a handful of people who didn't find out where the community was and gave up because they didn't realise that it had changed.
We don't NEED anyone overseeing stuff, so it really doesn't need extra funding by the Dev's, we are more than capable of policing ourselves.
And I really don't care about other peoples names, if they break immersion then it's great to know that they're not a roleplayer..... ignore, ignore, ignore.
But having a volunteer roleplay community liason... I don't understand how anyone could possibly lose out?
Roleplayers would have a champion to discuss issues with Intrepid that may be forming with the community.
Intrepid wouldn't have to pay anyone, they'd be doing it for the love of it.
It is my own personal opinion much the same as has been mentioned here, taverns are not enough by themselves to create quality roleplay of intriguing depth, rp'ers go there when there's no other rp to be found, and it is normally shallow depth rp to say the least.
So the Dev's view, saying, 'we're giving the community inns - they should be happy with that alone' is missing out on an immense opportunity for Intrepid.
If they want to keep players happy, those who really share their ideals, those who will help them much more than an inn, to achieve their aim of an immersive world, then they just need to rethink things just a little.
Do we want everyone to 'cheer' and 'get drunk' when they walk into a tavern, or do you want to see not only that, but groups of highly organised, well drilled player parades marching up and down. Player run music concerts. Funerals in the game....
I know what I'd prefer, and yes, I agree that it's down to the players to push it, but real life gets in the way, and when the handful of roleplay guild leaders are off, then the community as a whole would benefit from a helping hand.
As to roleplay servers being underpopulated? We must have been playing different games as I've had to spend weeks trying to get into them before......
Thankyou for your positive outlook on everything, I'm not arguing, I'm not being negative. Please understand I've been doing this for decades, I'm not stupid, my brain damage doesn't make me so, just confused and slow sometimes.
I'm just trying to explain what I have seen happening in game, after game for years where the roleplay community ends up being driven or running away and moving to find a new game. I'm not sure anyone wants that.