Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
If you're interacting with invisible props, some form of theatrical plot is going along with it.
"Theatre RP" is my term for interacting with invisible props in an MMORPG, especially along with GMs creating a fanfiction narrative for other players to participate in.
the Engine/Devs can only do so much to give us an immersive world
I don't see any point in referencing invisible apples or any other invisible props.
I treat such people as if they are insane. Or at best, ignore the reference.
Same as I do with mentions of baseball and computers.
- Even when the community has designated an unofficial server, the role play community still ends up split and scattered because at launch everyone has different ideas of which external rp community to follow.
- Even when an official server IS delegated, it takes a long time for rp to settle down. Where is the hub ( and yes, sorry Steven but taverns are not normally our number one choice if given an option ) where are people heading to at what time, what race is all of the rp at etc etc. So you find its hard at times to find other rpers, that could be standing right next to you.
-add on top of this the non role players or (some) erp seekers trying to interrupt or derail your rp and most Rp ends up going underground happening in guild or group chat only.
- from Stevens interview with LazyPeon I'd agree he sounds like a casual rper, rp light as you would. Not one to act out his characters emotions and actions, but one to use occasional theatricality to embellish his game time.
I could be totally wrong, but if have to agree that he doesn't 'get' the complexities and difficulties that everyday role-players have.
@Steven if you read this, ask yourself the following questions.
Would I choose to walk rather than run just because my character might be 'tired'? Do you understand what potential benefits and pitfalls there might be in emoted fighting versus using in game character skills?
If you answer no to either, or worse both, then PLEASE re consider your no to server stance.
Although, I don't feel that this forum thread is actually going to result in anything productive enough to change Intrepids mind... after all pre launch there's a lot of stuff talked about that the game devs can take with a pinch of salt. If we want to actually change some minds, someone from the role play community trying speak to Steven and voice concerns or set up a petition,/ campaign to change minds might be better.
*le sigh*
And there is a lot of stuff like this which is essential in rp, I'm surprised that you'd not take my word for it or would treat me like I were insane if I'd just been clobbered by an npc / monster in game, and over the next hour said I had a black eye developing.
Would you say it didn't exist and force me to take a break or stop the role play until I could visit a cosmetic store?
I understand much of what you are saying. In my years of traveling through the game universe I have never seen a game/server that could promote and maintain a really good RPing atmosphere. I have witnessed groups of Rpers at their best and participated in some Rp myself.
Sadly there is no perfect game that is ideal for every type of player, the same goes for the RP population. Role playing is acting, whether you have all the props you desire or not, it's the acting that makes the difference in the end.
I see Ashes as a great game for Rpers to be able to establish themselves. What could be more ambitious then a roleplaying community coming together to build a town and work together to maintain it in every aspect? A mayor or leader encouraging the town folk, or searching for others to help defend your homes? I think you envision the possibilities yourself. Good Luck, I hope I am able to visit your town one day.
A hear you like roleplaying, a roleplayer whilst roleplaying within that roleplaying game you like.
I thought inception baked my noddle.
No need to "use imagination" in a virtual world unless you are staging some form of theatre.
All that is essential for roleplaying is to stay in character and act out the roles available based on the content the devs have provided.
Fanfiction RP is some form "theatre RP". But, maybe fanfiction RP is a better term.
Why would I take your word about an apple that doesn't exist?
If you said you had a black eye and I couldn't see it, I would probably just ignore that. Why would I need to force you to take a break just because I don't believe you have a black eye?
The devs are expecting that taverns and inns will be spaces where "theatre RPers" can perform their fanfiction theatre.
I'm sorry for those who don't find themselves able to step out of the game framework, or in game objects to explore stories and plots that add so much extra layer to an mmo and life.
When we were children we used imagination. We made up friends, songs, stories. We made dinosaurs have battles with robots or had dolls tea parties.
Are all our youth insane?
No they were playing.
Role playing uses imagination a lot of the time to tell stories and requests and requires your integral faith, you buy into the gms view of the world.
I understand that there are no wrong ways of doing things, but I'm beginning to understand WHY the rp servers aren't even being considered.
Folks still don't get it as acceptable or normal?
Every time we watch a fantasy telly show or play an mmo, you have to pretend that reality is other than it is, rather than agreeing on the reality, the Apple is there, even though I can't show it to you, must I be confined and unable to stretch further?
In every rp guild I've ever met you have to pretend to be part of the next and most wonderful storytelling.
As to find people you'll find rp, it doesn't work that way, 90% of people haven't experienced good rp and as such don't understand it.
It's why Intrepid s view that role play automatically appears if you give people a tavern is frustrating.
Lfrp Is a common shout, you have to nurture and create it.
The reason non peers think that inns will create rp, is backwards, rpers seek out taverns to MAKE their stories.
Pah I'm being told of by oh to walk the dogs and because of brain damage won't have got everything out I wanted to n say or even make sense.
$3k and only now am I regretting it
But the devs seem to share my perspective... and seem to be expecting fanfiction RP to occur in taverns and inns, etc.
Just because the game does not have a graphic for the cake that one is eating (or that the game keeps promising but never delivers), does not mean that one cannot pretend that one is eating a cake. And anything that can be "pretended" can also be "roleplayed".
If you wish to participate in the pretense, and encourage the roleplayer, you have the ability to do so. You also can ignore the roleplayer, but I would think it rude to tell the roleplayer that what he is imagining or pretending isn't real. Just because you can't see something doesn't mean you can't imagine it.
On another note. Taverns/inns rarely have good RP. Just because the DnD trope of starting in a tavern is a thing doesn't mean its where people want to RP. It also makes it a easy target for griefers, and since they don't plan on having dedicated RP servers there's not much you can do to combat a RP griefer except maybe take the corruption penalty which really just helped them grief you even more.
If I'm watching Grey's Anatomy, the doctors don't start acting like an invisible bomb just exploded in the ER. If a bomb explodes in the ER, we see an explosion in the ER. If Meredith is driving her roommates to work, we see Meredith driving her roommates to work. We don't see them walking to work talking as if they're driving in a car. And if we did see them doing that, we would consider those characters to be delusional... or mentally impaired from alcohol consumption.
If someone is threatening a doctor with a gun, they can't simply be holding up their finger or brandishing a cigarette like it's a gun. If all we see is a finger or a cigarette, then we assume the person supposedly brandishing the "gun" is delusional or otherwise mentally impaired...and we expect the doctors to treat them that way too - rather than acting like the gun is real.
Same for RP in an MMORPG - especially since I will be recording vids of my gameplay and people will watch like it's a telly show or movie.
If you want to pantomime fanfiction in the virtual world, you are free to do that. But I will treat it like a best. And the devs appear to have the same perspective and expect pantomimes and fanfiction to primarily take place in spaces designated for theatre rather than requiring a separate server.
you just don't get what roleplay is. It's fine, it's not everyones cup of tea. But please, don't call yourself a roleplayer if you don't get it
As far as I'm concerned, anyone who engages in a playful, friendly manner about something in game is Role Playing.
Would it be so controversial to suggest that we are all roleplaying to a degree as soon as we log in?
Let's say you craft a sword and you want to sell it - I am not aware of any MMORPG that does not allow you to display that sword to the buyer. Certainly won't be the case in Ashes.
In Ashes, regardless of whether you are a gamer or an RPer, when you offer to sell the sword you crafted, the buyer (regardless of being a gamer or RPer) will inspect the sword.
If you say, *Rivest places the exquisite sword upon the table* and there is no sword at all on the table, Rivest is either lying or insane or trying to engage in fanfiction.
That fanfiction RP buyer will likely say something like, *Megs places 500 platinum on the table.* "Thank you, kind sir for that exquisite blade."
Doesn't mean the sword doesn't exist in your inventory. It does mean that the sword isn't actually lying on the table. If I'm the buyer, it also means that you won't be getting my potential "500 platinum" until you place the sword into the trade interface and I can verify it.
If you open the trade interface and I see the sword you're talking about, I will ignore your fan fiction about placing it on the table and just talk about the sword itself. There's no need for me to reference the sword being on the table.
Taverns/inns rarely have "good RP" because fanfiction RPers typically have an "RP server" to play on.
I have a feeling that the devs don't even recognize RP griefers as a thing.
I agree, corruption won't deter "RP griefers". And that corruption will negatively impact people who kill non-combatant "RP griefers".
That's a great concern to discuss with the devs.
If all you do is discuss the game from the perspective of a real world gamer rather than from the perspective of the character, you're not roleplaying. Especially if you constantly talk about real world stuff, like the fantasy football pool or your kids' grade school graduation.
As @Nagash stated earlier, simply by playing an RPG, a player is engaing in RP, even if it's at the most basic, fundamental level. For example, a player taking on the "role" of a fighter, a cleric, a mage... Though the player him/herself, may choose to comport/communicate in the common vernacular. I agree with this sentiment.
The other type of RP, of which I proudly align myself with, is what I so eloquently coined "FIRP" (Full Immersion Role Play). In "FIRP", the player not only takes on the role of their class, but they create a whole other identity, separate from the RL (Real Life). The game is the theater. It provides the modus operandi, the stage, for the role player to act out fantastic adventures!
I guess that would make me a "FIRPER", yes?
I am glade to see that people still love RPing it brings a warmth to my non existent heart