Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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Whats the class you always try out first In an MMO?



  • I always start with cleric and hope their non-healing spells aren't boring.  (Sounds like that may be the case for AoC.)  My alt is always a summoner/pet class.  I do this for every single MMO I've ever played...I think there's something wrong with me.
  • I always start with cleric and hope their non-healing spells aren't boring.  (Sounds like that may be the case for AoC.)  My alt is always a summoner/pet class.  I do this for every single MMO I've ever played...I think there's something wrong with me.
    I always try to have one of each class in whatever game I play.  However, I do prefer the power class like Mage mostly.  With Ashes having so many combinations, I may have to stick closer to the Archetypes for the sake of completeness.
  • Idk I'm always sinking into warrior type class to learn the game properly. (Even tho I dislike warriors type class) 
  • Necro/Summoner type. Or, in case of TOR, Imperial Agent, which, I suppose, is a hunter? (Went sniper)
  • I will always play a Tank/Fighter because I love jumping into the fray and being the one to suck up the damage, initiate the fights and control the enemy.

    In AoC I will most likely try out the Tank/Fighter, Fighter/Tank and Tank/Tank combo's to see which fits me the best.
  • I will be tank / tank to get me in the middle of all enemies stun crazy while I get hits everywhere, trusting in my heler, I love you helers, without you I could not do my job.The power of the chicken protects me.

  • Mage. Always a mage or some form of spell slinger.
  • I'd most likely run the squishy class with High burst damage. But I must learn the game first and warrior's class are always the easiest to learn
  • I usually try a healer or whatever a melee dps.
  • If available my favorite classes are always Necros and Anti-paladins (Death Knights, Shadowknights etc) as I really like Necromancy and life drain mechanics as well as the general design aspects associated with them.
  • Ranger/Hunter, I enjoy the long range dps characters.
  • I didn't read all the others. I will be playing a tank it's what I play in every MMO i've ever touched... Make tanking great again!!
  • Always a healer for me! Usually a paladin or battle healer type so cleric will be great!
  • I don't know about "always", but it just depends on what is appealing. My first ever MMORPG was World of Warcraft. I chose male human warlock back in vanilla as my first ever class. Got addicted, long story short.
    Typically, I guess, it would have to be a ranged magic-based class. Again, depends on what is most appealing. but it's gonna be magic almost always. :P

  • I usually find myself drawn to the Melee classes, tanking is something I used to do alot. I really like the whole close up positioning. I have in the later years started to stray into trying out ranger types.

    But to answer the questions, mainly melee dps. I especially like it, if they have some sort of cc.
  • I normally test out rouge to see how well it works. I then get a taste of mage and ranger. I then decide which works best to compliment the rouge and use that combo. If both don't work well with rouge I jump right to my favorite... Bard.
  • Warriors, especially tanky ones. I like to hit things (and get hit I guess).

    Played WoW for two years before I used a second character slot,  so I tend to stick with my first choice. 
  • I typically go for a magic user of some kind. Ideally a pet class. Then depending on how they look either a fighter type or rogue type.
  • I usually always try ranged dps, more specifically aoe range dps. I generally l love the nuke the opposing team kind of character because to me blowing the enemy team off the map is more fun then waiting for them to fall into a trap. Though i have played support characters and healers before also as well as single target assasination characters.
  • Assassin is a very dynamic class, using the tactics of quick attack, and thanks to the incredible skill he is able to inflict damage to multiple enemies and easily Dodge attacks.
  • Friar... but they are drastically rare in MMO-genre...
  • I try to choose different kinds of classes from game to game, but it's never any rogue or assassin class. It's just not my thing.
  • My first instinct is versatile class, like Druid from WoW, then a pet class, ideally who can tame or otherwise choose the appearance/ability of their pet from creatures they meet. I like to put survivability and ability to do damage while not exposing myself too much, to be the top priority when soloing. And it's how I pick my classes. I can also do healer, though I pick this for grouping.

    My style is somewhat reckless. In offline RPGs like Kingdom Hearts, this means charging in and hoping I can deflect blows rather than block or evade attacks. So the survivability thing ensures I live through my recklessness (usually).
  • the class that I think i'll have most fun with.

  • Melee DPS is my go to, though I'm very interested in some of the class combos in this game that may make me switch it up.
  • Rogue or Assassins/Stealth Classes, else rangers/archers.
    Same here as @ReaperOfCookies I steer clear of the main healer types but with the combo idea, I might try it.
  • nagash said:
    I always like the summoner type classes as its fits my style of play the most plus how does not love having a mini army following you around 
    I always play a healer and then regret it years later due to the slower levelling and dependence on others; however we are the ultimate pet class.

    We have the best pets which follow us around;

    Tanks, DPS, Support... :smiley:
  • I love to start with ninja/rouge builds, the ones that can kill and get away with it. I've never really played a lot of pvp, so I'm yet to see how that influences my feelings.
  • I normally go Warrior/Paladin, but seeing as there is a Summoner class I may try Warrior and Summoner as secondary class.
  • Looks like there's going to plenty of Summoners and Necromancers in Verra.
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