Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Ashes of Creation - "Dear Intrepid, Let's Talk About Your Combat System.."
Some food for thought.
Do you think its good or bad? What would you change, how would you change it? Be as constructive and detailed as possible!
Do you think its good or bad? What would you change, how would you change it? Be as constructive and detailed as possible! 0
I agree that the precision bar should be moveable, and someone on discord even suggested a circle instead of a bar as a reticle in the center of your view. As long as it's moveable, I like the precision bar!
(EDIT: After this comment, Steven and team said during the PAX panel that it will be fully customizable, circle and all.)
I do agree w/ the assessment that the rest of the combat isn't particularly innovative. That's ok as long as it's enjoyable.
Think: Familiar yet fresh.
I do agree that instead of a bar to watch at the bottom of the screen some other visual cue more centrally located would be better so as not to draw the eye away from the action. As long as the UI is fully customizable so that I can resize and move things around I'll be able to make it work.
The bar has to go, I would spend half my time watching it instead of the game and no doubt standing in red lol. I think some sort of visual cue would be best, it could still be on a random timer during the combat animation. Your weapon could gain some sort of aura or as shown the combat effect could change colour. The cue could also have some sort of colour customization or different visual effect so you could find an effect or colour you easily recognize, not all could use a colour based system.
As for the combat effects, animations etc this is just the starting point, not even pre alpha, years of work lay ahead, animations will be smoothed out models rendered. Its all about our feedback, and that feedback being constructive.
Keep up the good work DeathsProxy you have a far louder voice than most of we mere plebs.
I saw that bar and my first thought was "wow, that's clunky"
Rome was not built in a day and poor combat will kill the game. *points to The Secret World*
go back to the drawing board Intrepid.
you are really pissing me off with this.
I just hope the people who come to PAX gives the DEVS constructive feedback.
all classes have weapons, it's a weapon skill combo, there was a great ideia on this topic to make the weapon change color or a bright light like songoku when combo is available.
make the char scream a differente sound like (aaaargh or fuuuuuu lol) or some generic stuff
there was a great game out there where the UI was all in the back of the char. we have weapons, screams, lights, belts, boots, rings, trinkets, anything but bars and scrolls
but I think that simple combo is a great ideia, it's not a clustertuck, it's not in every skill which would cause confusion. Just a combo on your main ability power regenerator to make it more interesting while elevating that skill ceiling just a little bit more
first the link of the Pax West Pre-Alpha Tutorial where you can see the combat qte(quick time event):
In general I really like the idea of quick time events and no auto attack as combat.
With the qte I was wondering if the point to hit is always at the same spot so you can learn the rhythm of all the spells by heart. Also the bar with the qte is kinda hard to pay attention to, so i hope they improve the ui/feedback to make it easier to notice when to hit, during intense combat.
The UI action/combo bar (80s Golf Swing) needs to be abolished. I hope* it is just a place holder for in game asset integration of animations, audio and visual cues.
Less UI clutter, more visceral dynamic engaging combat please.
If we look at the Ranger we can see he has a red effect on his draw arm, this could change colour of pulse effect at optimal action intervals with sounds for example, basically turn his draw arm into the action bar. His power shot already has a visual cue effect on the bow aside from the 'action bar'.
There is no group dynamic teamwork or opponent counter play to a UI action bar.
Also make auto attack on base weapon attack optional, Gw2 does so by right clicking a weapon ability icon. Some people might not want to be fully engaged in combat while doing less intensive activities such as gathering or traveling. At least have the option for auto attack functionality.
There's no ignoring the fact that it's a quick time event which will probably cripple people with bad reaction time or any kind of lag.
Each game have thier own play styles and other games have similar and different iterations of these core types of game play.
I like something more skill oriented than ESO, but no so difficult for newbs as BDO. I think BDO sucked in that it was very difficult for player who couldn't get the button presses down just couldn't even play period. This means it's game i can't play with my G/F or low skill friends and forces me to play with folks on the knifes edge of play. Which is cool, but it's just waay to far. ESO in this game every thing you do has a button press to it kind of game play, it's too basicly. Lots of roles don't have a very high skill ceiling..
I think auto attacks are kind of pointless. It's like giving every class a dot just by being close or in line of sight of your target. I like rewarding players for being actively engaged in the game play. I also think builds like the area PVP lich king death knight build i ran where all i did was load up dots and let pets attack you while i just used none interacting skills to keep myself alive are a little unfun for the opponent as that skill gap starts to disappear. Same can be said for some sorc pet builds where you throw pets and run in eso, and could explode a few of them for free no effort damage. Both of these builds i played alot and i'd go so far as to say they were both my primary means of play, and i can say i think they suck for your opponent.
As such i kind of like the no auto attack approach, and i really like having timed attacks. Where i agree is that timed attacks should have some other on screen dipiction for it's implementation. Absolver does this very well where in your character flashes when you should finish your ability. This would allow all player access to every skill, but also reward good player. This way noobs don't feel like they are only playing half thier class, but they can't just be good from just picking it up.
I think by using the absolver style character blink you can keep your eyes on the action and still keep that reaction mechanism.
In lue of auto attacks maybe make it so any skill could be toggled to be cast automatically for semi AFK farmin.
My mind went to Stan, soon as i read the title...
That being said I think it looks great for a game that is in "pre-pre-pre-pre-jurassic-before-the bigbang-ever-happened-or-didn't-happen-alpha". I can't wait to see how it evolves overtime.