Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Welcome! Introduce Yourself Here



  • Greetings everyone! Much love to you all for supporting this project <3

    I'm super stoked for it and can't wait to get in game when it's available.
  • VargothaVargotha Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hello everyone, long time mmo player here, Looking forward to this game. I have a huge amount of respect for the team making the game, and as a software engineer I hope to be as ambitious as the ones working on AoC!
  • Hey all, Willy here ^^
    been a gamer for 25 years, playing MMO's for 13+ years and I'm 27 xD heard about this game only recently, supposedly it's going to be the next WoW competitor or such.. sounds interesting.. looking forward to it, I still have no clue when the release date is but.. I'll keep an eye out.
  • natticusnatticus Member, Alpha Two
    Hello everyone. I'm natticus, as it says up there. ↖️
    I've been playing RPGs for 30 years and MMORPG's since the release of the original Everquest in '99. I was in the alpha for eq next before everything went sideways and it disappeared. Aside from that short lived excitement, I've been thoroughly disappointed by what the gaming industry has had to offer in the last decade in my favorite genre. I'm sick and tired of pay to progress/win, micro transaction, MMORPG's whose content and gameplay offer nothing new, and often take shortcuts which make already mediocre copies even worse.
    Anyway, please excuse the rant. I'm excited to sink my teeth into this one! It honestly looks like what I've been waiting for since eq2.
  • Hello Internet Strangers,
    I'm Stephen and I was an Army musician for the better part of 12 years. I am one semester away from graduating with my BS in Computer Science and I enjoy back-end and full stack development - I love databases. I play mostly Blizzard games as that's what I grew up on (the Warcraft gamut). Anyway, I saw the AMA today and this looks very promising. Lastly: shout-out to Steven Sharif from a fellow Hoosier!
  • AidexAidex Member
    Hello world i'm Aidex,
    small twitch streamer, i've known about this game since 2016 and followed its progression now and then, lost a bit of interest over time but alot of news and information started popping up in the last weeks and i'm quite looking forward to the future of this game, i'll keep both my eyes and ears open.
    being strong is good, but stronger is better.
  • GoodCitizenGoodCitizen Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited April 2024
  • JimboSliceJimboSlice Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited July 2020
    Hi Everyone, Jimbo Slice checking in. I'm really excited about this game. I stepped away from the MMO world for awhile and am happy to see something that actually suggests real progress in the genre. I can't wait to dive in!
  • Good afternoon from Victoria, Australia. I'll be going by Melaleuca here and in-game. I'm really looking forward to playing a game that appears to respect those of us that mostly want to roleplay and focus on support or non-combat roles. I am interested in the combat as well as it is relevant to questing, but in most MMORPGs I feel like I'm pushed into content I'm not really interested in. I'm looking forward to just RPing my character and hanging out with others like me. Another really interesting thing about this game for me is its most unique feature, the node system. It's a perfect solution to so many problems, and will make the world feel really fluid and responsive to player activity. A lot more realistic. This will make the social structure of each server so much more important, and enforce respect of all roles. Me and my RP buddies won't be able to simply exist in harmony forever if we want to get anywhere. We will need to live under the protection of a node that has a healthy amount of combat-focused players, and conversely, these players will not thrive without us doing crafting roles and other things well. I suppose to some extent this is true of any MMORPG, but most of the time it seems that everyone is expected to do a bit of everything, whereas in AoC it seems like we'll be able to be highly specialised without any notable penalties.
  • Howdy,

    I'm James and i've been playing mmo's since Meridian 59 (first graphical mmo). I played twenty years (jeebus) of everquest, an ungodly amount of wow, and have played and beta tested for nearly every single mmo that has attempted to make a footmark in the genre. To be quite honest, i feel as if the genre has been stagnant for almost two decades now.

    I don't currently play any mmo, and for an mmo enthusiast, that really sucks. I feel as if the genre moved in a direction away from what the core of what made an mmo a unique and enjoyable experience - focus on community - and has absolutely suffered for it. It's reached a point to where it's hard to actually get your hopes up for an mmo as they usually end up just another cookie cutter attempt with maybe a slight twist of the already tried and whats clearly not true idea of what an mmo is supposed to be.

    I've been keeping an eye on ashes of creation for quite awhile now, and will continue to do so. The interviews and videos with Steven has given me a lot of hope, i've been saying for years that the only way to save this genre is for someone that loves what these games were meant to be to produce and overwatch their own game.

    Hoping to see some amazing stuff from you guys, and if you are ever looking for feedback from a grizzled and honestly jaded veteran of the genre, i'd love to.
  • Sword ArchonSword Archon Member
    edited July 2020
    Looking forward to Alpha-1 and beyond.
  • Hello, super excited to play, cant wait for it to come out. really excited to start in a new world where everything is undiscovered
  • LoxliLoxli Member
    Hello, I'm Loxli and I'm a game designer, I really wanna see Ashes of Creations succeed. gl
  • Jet2Jet2 Member
    I'm ready for some AoC.
  • GarstoGarsto Member
    Hey, I'm Garsto. I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since 2005. I've tried many other MMORPGs but none have really hit the spot for me in comparison to WOW so I always go back. I wholeheartedly want to see Ashes of Creation succeed and scratch that itch that other MMORPGs could not reach. I have a good feeling that the community for the game that's building up is going to be a great one and it feels good to be a part of it.
  • CygnusCygnus Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hello! I had no idea this game existed until TheLazyPeon put his video out recently. This is the most excited I've been for a game in years, I can't wait to play! I just bought one of the packages that grants access to Alpha II + Betas, when access opens up Ill be looking for people to play with!
    Discord: Cygnus#0077
  • NudiggityNudiggity Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited July 2020
    Heyo! What's up?
    This is Nudiggity and thank you for welcoming me.
    I know nothing about this game except that it's going to be epic and there's something cool about property or something else. Either way, I'm diving in head first, what the heck. Let's stream it up
    I wrote a song about a tortilla! Well, it's actually more of a wrap.
  • FelautumnFelautumn Member
    edited July 2020

    I started my mmorpg journey on Runescape in 2004 at a young age.

    I have gotten to endgame in the following mmorpgs; Runescape 2, Flyff, Rappelz, Aion, Cabal, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2, OSRS and Runescape 3.

    edit: I have also played countless mmorpgs, from countless Korean mmos to plenty of recent failed westerns. If there is an MMORPG that gained hype in the past decade (like ESO, FFXV etc), I have played them and gotten to max level through the leveling experience (just not endgame).

    I have grown to understand the psychology associated with gameplay loops in why people play MMO's and why WoW and OSRS are still, so successful.

    I have studied games development from a design standpoint and due to growing up, almost failing secondary education through escaping the harsh realities of life through mmorpgs, I base my input on what is good for longevity rather than short term gains which players think would be good but harm the game.

    I hope to provide detailed input on my opinions on how mechanics, systems and community can be improved for the value of a desirable experience, rather than a hand holding.
    Felautumn - OCE hee hee
    "He who has a why to live can bear almost any how"
    Friedrich Nietzsche
  • IncinIncin Member
    Hi, and thanks for all the hard work.

    I haven't been excited about an MMO since 2009. You guys finally introduced something I could genuinly look forward too.

    GJ on the latest interviews and content :smile:
  • KingtigerknightKingtigerknight Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hello, I'm King and I can't wait for Ashes of Creation.

    I hope I can find a lot of people here and start our adventure and become a guild of good friends or enemies MUHAHAHAHAHAH
  • THEmightyCARLTHEmightyCARL Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hello world! I have been keeping an eye on this game for quite a long time and finally took the plunge. I look forward to seeing you guys in alpha, beta, and beyond!
  • Howdy! I like potions.
  • kevqikevqi Member
    Hello everyone!

    I haven't really played MMOs much in the past but Ashes is the first one to have caught my eye. I'm hoping to be able to play in one of the beta tests but for the time being, I'm glad to be a part of the community!
  • NeverwakeNeverwake Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two

    Neverwake signing in, just purchased one of the packs in the shop, looking forward to seeing you guys in the Alpha and Beta! Super excited and can't wait to play!

    Cheers love.
  • SiriusIndigoSiriusIndigo Member
    edited July 2020
    Greetings Adventurers! I'm Sirius Indigo and I participate on the creation of a AOC facebook group to bring good content to our Brazilian mmo community. We are on the vanguard to become Ashes of Creation accecible to our player base.
    We are VERY excited and following all the news and streams about it.

    Best regards and thank you.
  • Hello, Phantom checking in. Heard about AoC a month ago and finally locked in my purchase. Really excited to explore this MMO's world which looks amazing.
  • JJienJJien Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited May 2021
    Hello all, this is JJien. I plan to join you guys in the Alpha2 test, and I look forward to make amazing memories with you all :)
  • UlfUlf Member
    Greetings !!!

    I saw the stream with summit and shroud a few days ago, where Steven mentioned his love for Lineage 2

    I'm Hooked... Played that game for many years in the official and private servers. This looks like the succesor that we, the L2 fans, were looking for.

    I currently live in Chile, LATAM. Don't forget about us !!

    I look forward to interacting with the community and watching the development of the game.

    You guys, if you do this right.... man this will be good.

    Were are my L2 boys at !!!

    Have a nice day y' all :)

  • Greeting WatWoon here. Gamer from Myanmar. Just watch your AMA and really relate your passion and for the game. I can speak Burmese, English and Chinese, so if need any help let me know. Cheer
  • EgghookEgghook Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hello, everyone, names Chad, I am an old dialup days gamer so looking forward to playing an immersive MMO now on the search for a Guild.
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