Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Next Live Stream + Q&A Submission - Friday, April 30, 2021 at 12PM PDT

LieutenantToastLieutenantToast Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
edited May 2021 in Announcements

Glorious Ashes Community!

UPDATED: Our next live stream will be Friday, April 30, 2021 at 12PM PDT! (Click here to convert this to your local time.)

For this upcoming stream, we'd love to gather some questions from you to answer live! Please submit your question for our development team in the thread below, and we'll select 10 of them at random to answer at the end of our live stream. In order to accommodate a variety of questions from our community, please only post ONE question below, and the more direct/succinct the better! Submissions end Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 11AM PDT so we can select your questions before the stream.

We'll see you soon for our development update live stream!

ICYMI this live stream VOD is now available on our YouTube channel!
Also, we uploaded the 4K Alpha One Preview gameplay footage separately for your viewing pleasure - check it out below!


  • DocFrogDocFrog Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Will there be cosmetics that noticeably change appearance based on race, similar to how armor changes with race?
  • KarthosKarthos Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited April 2021
    Dynamic destructibility is being considered for ships, does this mean we could see status effects from damaging different parts of a ship, such as slow speed for sail damage, impaired turning for rudder/wheel damage, ect?
  • JahlonJahlon Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited April 2021
    What happens to your stuff if you have stuff in storage at an apartment and the mayor decides to destroy the apartments?
    Make sure to check out Ashes 101
  • i just wanted to say hi to steven and jef and everyone else and you toast and marg
    keep up the good work
  • Can you talk about the tools guild leaders will have access to in order to structure their guilds rankings or Chain of Command?
  • NyxxaNyxxa Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Nyxxa Novella
  • AOCCrafterAOCCrafter Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited May 2021
    Will there be an official mobile app for IOS and Android sanctioned by Intrepid for this game? If so what would some of its features be?
    “There’s absolutely no limit to what plain ordinary working people can accomplish, if they are given the opportunity, encouragement and incentive to do their best”.
    -Mr. Sam Walton
  • RulinRulin Member
    Hi, do you have plans for a seperate download of ultra settings textures?
    Some games do this, to make the client smaller for (most) players.
  • VarezVarez Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    How will crowd control skills will work on mounted people, e.g. if I stun a mounted person, will it dismount them, or just stun the mount for the duration?
  • SkkiasSkkias Member, Alpha One, Adventurer, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I know that there is going to be a race that lives underground. I know we've been told about general map size, but how big is the "under realm" going to be compared to the overworld? Will there be nodes underground as well?
  • Hutchy1989Hutchy1989 Member, Alpha Two
    Will there be some sort of level requirement for artisans? Whats going to stop me from having my main be a gatherer and just ploping two level 1 characters in my freehold that cover processing and crafting
  • CareFreeCactusCareFreeCactus Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Can you go more in detail on what can be done with a boat?
    As in, can you have a crew/more than one owner? Can you attack other boats and get cargo?

    Thank you,
  • PurecpuPurecpu Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    How will skills be planned to be distributed / earned? (ie: a Rogue + Rogue combo will have certain special skills achieved at later levels that will not be accessable to Rogue + Knight. Or perhaps a Rogue + Knight will have certain skills modified themselves to suit that specialization?)
  • GanymedGanymed Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Ideas on onmounted battle?^^
  • ShoelidShoelid Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Will there be weapons or armor made for specific classes or abilities? For example, some legendary boots that help a rogue move faster during stealth, or set bonus on some rare armor that will increase a tank's threat generation.
  • Th3 m3nTh3 m3n Member
    edited April 2021
    Are classes not focused on dps going to be able to level alone? Ie a tank full life, resistance, defense, etc ... or a bard full heal, support ... will they be able to level alone despite having little damage and being more focused on utility in a group?

    I ask this because I would like to be a solid tank for my guild / party but I would also like to be able to level alone without always having to depend on a group to do something .. in short I want to be able to do things alone despite being a tank / support / etc..
  • CawubCawub Member
    Will you be able to level up or gain XP from ways other than combat? Like fishing or farming, etc.
  • PowurshotPowurshot Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Question 1: I've seen a number of new games shoot themselves in the foot with poor server architecture. How much foresight is being put into the original design for future technical upgrades/enhancements? Is cross server access something that 'could be' implemented if need be?
    Question 2: My friends and are are excited to try life on the sea, will there be treasures to be found under the sea?
  • WilofearWilofear Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    What are your intentions with the corruption system? Are you aware of the exploit from the current corruption system where a corrupted player or corrupted group of players can simply stow away equipment to avoid one of the equipment penalties? If so, how do you plan to address that, or is that intentional? It's been mentioned in the discord from Steven that, there are other ways of getting rid of corruption as well, what are those ways?
  • Tearl StoneheartTearl Stoneheart Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    If I have real family members that play with me (my wife, for example) and we establish a freehold together, will she be allowed to use her freehold skins on my freehold?
  • JahlonJahlon Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Kerik wrote: »
    I know that there is going to be a race that lives underground. I know we've been told about general map size, but how big is the "under realm" going to be compared to the overworld? Will there be nodes underground as well?

    The Underealm is 100 km²
    Yes there is a race that has its origins there; they are called the Tulnar
    Yes, there are Nodes in the Underealm.
    Make sure to check out Ashes 101
  • Do you (Steven) want or think that you'll make another mmo in the future?
  • KarthosKarthos Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited April 2021
    Hutchy1989 wrote: »
    Will there be some sort of level requirement for artisans? Whats going to stop me from having my main be a gatherer and just ploping two level 1 characters in my freehold that cover processing and crafting

    Here you go
  • Oriano1337Oriano1337 Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    This question relates to the PvP side of things. I know there are a lot of options for PvP planned, but this is pointed to open-world PvP and "Outnumbered" PvP.

    Say I had a group of 4-6 experienced players who were in comms. This group is calling when to use high-damage skills, when to focus on defense, and when to peel, and when to kite.

    If this group were to go up against, say, 8-12 (Or more, maybe) less-organized players, would the 4-6 players stand a fighting chance with you current model?

    This may be more of an opinion based question perhaps, since you might not be able to support an answer just yet, but I was just curious how you felt, considering your current combat system.

    (An example I would point to that shows a good example of where this kind of PvP is possible would be Elder Scrolls Online. Cyrodill PvP specifically)

    Thank you for your consideration!
  • ImmortalityImmortality Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited April 2021
    Hutchy1989 wrote: »
    Will there be some sort of level requirement for artisans? Whats going to stop me from having my main be a gatherer and just ploping two level 1 characters in my freehold that cover processing and crafting
  • Dante MachiavelliDante Machiavelli Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited April 2021
    If multiple Bounty Hunters team up to try and take down corrupted players, who gets the score for the kill? Entire party or last hitter only?
    ooh ooh oowa oowa
  • nightsonggrnightsonggr Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    In the latest stream we were shown that there was some sighting of corruption and we were told that the corruption will expand in analogy to the progression of the nodes. Will there be nodes that have their own corruption? (For example, if the people of a divine node decide to worship an evil deity, will there be corruption inside and/or outside the node?)
  • acheretoachereto Member, Alpha Two
    If the corruption in an area is not fought by the players, how far can that corruption grow?
  • TyranthraxusTyranthraxus Member, Alpha Two
    A question about Coastal Nodes:

    Will there be such a thing as "floating" Freeholds that we can place shortly into the shallow waters?

  • Will we as players able to influence/control the weather in zones ? example: I don't want to sail in thunderstorm at sea so i change it temporarily or maybe id like to siege a castle and a specfic weather type would boost my guilds abilitys.
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