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Will Dwarf designs get beefier and wider?



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    ThexBlackxKnightThexBlackxKnight Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited May 2021
    Dygz wrote: »
    I have never argued against "any changes".

    This was your quote , it proven to be false , you just just admitted that you have been arguing about changes.... lecturing about peoples reading comprehension. :D

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    ThexBlackxKnightThexBlackxKnight Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Dygz wrote: »
    I didn't say I'm not arguing about change.
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    DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    That's right. And I put "any changes" in quotes for a reason.
    You did not comprehend what I wrote because you ignore semantics.
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    ThexBlackxKnightThexBlackxKnight Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited May 2021
    Dygz wrote: »
    That's right. And I put "any changes" in quotes for a reason.
    You did not comprehend what I wrote because you ignore semantics.

    Anyone can see that you contradicted yourself you can't be for any change and argue against chance at the same time.
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    AsgerrAsgerr Member
    At this point I think it'd just be easier to entirely ignore Dygz's opinions on dwarves if not most everything. He''ll just argue and contradict himself over 20 pages of a thread and still tell you you're in the wrong.

    He even thinks that holding people hostage to the current visuals under threat of delays (for which he has no source or proof btw) is a healthy way to disagree. So yeah...

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    NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited June 2021
    Aside from making them wider and beefier (and slightly taller), what kind of sliders would you want to see?

    I definitely want a beard-slider. The bigger the beard, the sexier the dwarf. If they go with chest-sliders, it needs to apply to the men as well. Only dwarf beards are more sexy than a nice dwarven chest (m/f).

    Third on the list would be a nose-slider. A big honking dwarven nose is a secondary status symbol I feel, next to a big beard. It's a sign of your noble lineage that is harder to cut or get burned off compared to the beard.
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    Uncommon SenseUncommon Sense Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    2.2k views 456 comments, Clearly this discussion topic has struck a nerve. I hope Intrepid takes on board some of the legitimate constructive criticisms that have been expressed.

    Was not interested in playing ego Kerplunk and finished my game of cluster B personality BINGO.

    Peace out :)
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    Nerror wrote: »
    Aside from making them wider and beefier (and slightly taller), what kind of sliders would you want to see?

    I definitely want a beard-slider. The bigger the beard, the sexier the dwarf. If they go with chest-sliders, it needs to apply to the men as well. Only dwarf beards are more sexy than a nice dwarven chest (m/f).

    Third on the list would be a nose-slider. A big honking dwarven nose is a secondary status symbol I feel, next to a big beard. It's a sign of your noble lineage that is harder to cut or get burned off compared to the beard.

    definitely a beard slider that is a MUST, in an ideal world they'll allow you to make your beard as low as your knees but that's probably not gonna happen..

    a head hair length slider would be nice too - i want a big ass mohawk..aside from hair length's i'd say shoulder width, belly or gut size and arm width.
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    2.2k views 456 comments, Clearly this discussion topic has struck a nerve. I hope Intrepid takes on board some of the legitimate constructive criticisms that have been expressed.

    one of the biggest threads recently and many ppl expressing their opinions and wanting changes to the models - i'd be very concerned if intrepid didn't take anything from this thread!

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    AsgerrAsgerr Member
    Shergrim wrote: »
    2.2k views 456 comments, Clearly this discussion topic has struck a nerve. I hope Intrepid takes on board some of the legitimate constructive criticisms that have been expressed.

    one of the biggest threads recently and many ppl expressing their opinions and wanting changes to the models - i'd be very concerned if intrepid didn't take anything from this thread!

    The saddest part is people denying that a majority of people feel like the dwarves' appearance should be changed
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    ConradConrad Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Asgerr wrote: »
    Shergrim wrote: »
    2.2k views 456 comments, Clearly this discussion topic has struck a nerve. I hope Intrepid takes on board some of the legitimate constructive criticisms that have been expressed.

    one of the biggest threads recently and many ppl expressing their opinions and wanting changes to the models - i'd be very concerned if intrepid didn't take anything from this thread!

    The saddest part is people denying that a majority of people feel like the dwarves' appearance should be changed

    They clearly played very little fantasy lol. XD
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    DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Asgerr wrote: »
    The saddest part is people denying that a majority of people feel like the dwarves' appearance should be changed
    I don't think anybody denied a majority of people feel like the Dwarves' appearance should be changed.
    The devs already agree with that. It's an Alpha One Preview. There will be changes in any case.
    There will also be changes for all the other races. Expect to see a bunch of changes around July/August, which is when Steven hopes some of the newer Human and Elven models are implemented.

    I also hope the Dunir appearance will change.
    I never said they shouldn't change.
    And I'm not aware of anyone who said the current models are perfect.
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    JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Im glad they split the dwarves the way they did. I really like Niküa's design, but I wish my chonky Dünir brethern all the stocky hirsute goodness that would make them feel comfortable.

    I think all the criticism will really help them gauge how much they need to let the character creator engine push the character models. As it stands the current Dünir iteration is, probably whatever is easiest to do ab testing with.

    Ornate Dünir beard weaves and ornaments tho! Plz and thank ^.^
    Small print leads to large risks.
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    ConradConrad Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Dygz wrote: »
    Asgerr wrote: »
    The saddest part is people denying that a majority of people feel like the dwarves' appearance should be changed
    I don't think anybody denied a majority of people feel like the Dwarves' appearance should be changed.
    The devs already agree with that. It's an Alpha One Preview. There will be changes in any case.
    There will also be changes for all the other races. Expect to see a bunch of changes around July/August, which is when Steven hopes some of the newer Human and Elven models are implemented.

    I also hope the Dunir appearance will change.
    I never said they shouldn't change.
    And I'm not aware of anyone who said the current models are perfect.

    You literally said a few posts ago and several times before that you like them as they are and models won't get changed because they are a waste of time. I see a lot of conflicted opinions
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    AsgerrAsgerr Member
    edited June 2021
    Dygz wrote: »
    Asgerr wrote: »
    The saddest part is people denying that a majority of people feel like the dwarves' appearance should be changed
    I don't think anybody denied a majority of people feel like the Dwarves' appearance should be changed.
    The devs already agree with that. It's an Alpha One Preview. There will be changes in any case.
    There will also be changes for all the other races. Expect to see a bunch of changes around July/August, which is when Steven hopes some of the newer Human and Elven models are implemented.

    I also hope the Dunir appearance will change.
    I never said they shouldn't change.
    And I'm not aware of anyone who said the current models are perfect.

    You have disagreed with the fact that there is a majority who wants to change them.

    You have written on this very thread that this is not representative of people's desires, and that there are thousands of former EQ and EQ2 players who are perfectly happy with how dwarves look.

    You have said in your podcast (The Ashen Forge) that this thread was just a loud minority.

    You flip flop worse than a politician's views after an election.
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    ThexBlackxKnightThexBlackxKnight Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Conrad wrote: »
    You literally said a few posts ago and several times before that you like them as they are and models won't get changed because they are a waste of time. I see a lot of conflicted opinions

    Dygz is a master of conflicted opinions and saying you have poor reading comprehensive when you point them out to him.

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    ConradConrad Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Conrad wrote: »
    You literally said a few posts ago and several times before that you like them as they are and models won't get changed because they are a waste of time. I see a lot of conflicted opinions

    Dygz is a master of conflicted opinions and saying you have poor reading comprehensive when you point them out to him.

    Yeah I know. Pretty confusing to read haha
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    DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited June 2021
    Conrad wrote: »
    You literally said a few posts ago and several times before that you like them as they are and models won't get changed because they are a waste of time. I see a lot of conflicted opinions
    I do like them. That does not mean the current in-game models are perfect or that there is nothing about the current in-game models that I think should change. I said that thousands of EQ/EQ2 fans are fine with the Dunir armor concept art, which is what the devs are working towards, else we would have heard vociferous complaints years ago when that concept art first appeared.
    I actually did not say anything like models won't get changed because they are a waste of time.
    That is your biased interpretation of what I wrote. Because you are arguing that they must be change to the degree you want them changed.
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    ThexBlackxKnightThexBlackxKnight Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Dygz wrote: »
    I actually did not say anything like models won't get changed because they are a waste of time.
    That is your biased interpretation of what I wrote. Because you are arguing that they must be change to the degree you want them changed.

    That has been your argument in this entire thread , beating people over the head with that the models wont change, that would of been done so already, its too late , the game won' t launch otherwise, its not Steven vision. Obviously you do think its a waste of time in your professional observation.

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    RocketFarmerRocketFarmer Member
    edited June 2021
    I think Warhammer slayer is a theme that would go with the beach dwarves. Don’t mess with a naked dwarf. Also provides the advantage of showing off some tattoos. Could there be magic in those tats?

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    DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited June 2021
    That has been your argument in this entire thread , beating people over the head with that the models wont change, that would of been done so already, its too late , the game won' t launch otherwise, its not Steven vision. Obviously you do think its a waste of time in your professional observation.
    You think that because you have poor reading comprehension and believe your own delusions.
    I write "I think Ashes Dwarves are unlikely to get much wider..."
    And you read, "The Ashes Dwarves won't get any wider!"
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    And on the subject of front flipping dwarves, beware!
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    ThexBlackxKnightThexBlackxKnight Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Dygz wrote: »
    You think that because you have poor reading comprehension and believe your own delusions.

    Ad hominem attacks is uncouth of a senior of your professional level. Please keep making your "observations" and pretending you not arguing with people for 16 pages of this thread over what Dwarves should look like.

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    I think Warhammer slayer is a theme that would go with the beach dwarves. Don’t mess with a naked dwarf. Also provides the advantage of showing off some tattoos. Could there be magic in those tats?

    i love slayers but i don't want to have to be a beach dwarf to play one..we should have the option to look like this regardless of which dwarf race we choose.

    no magic in those tats but the axe is veryy magical - belonged to the slayer god grimnir afterall
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    ThexBlackxKnightThexBlackxKnight Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    One of the many reasons warhammer fantasy is popular because they have bad ass looking Dwarves.
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    AsgerrAsgerr Member
    edited June 2021
    Dygz wrote: »
    That has been your argument in this entire thread , beating people over the head with that the models wont change, that would of been done so already, its too late , the game won' t launch otherwise, its not Steven vision. Obviously you do think its a waste of time in your professional observation.
    You think that because you have poor reading comprehension and believe your own delusions.
    I write "I think Ashes Dwarves are unlikely to get much wider..."
    And you read, "The Ashes Dwarves won't get any wider!"

    Dude, how is it that everyone on this thread that disagrees with you just happens to have poor reading comprehension?
    Could it be perhaps that if everybody reads it one way, that you either meant that and are now doing mental gymnastics to alter it? Or that perhaps you are just bad at writing your opinions (consistently)?

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    DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited June 2021
    Because if you could properly read you would understand where we agree and where we don't.
    And you would not believe that I said anything like changing the Dunir would be a waste of time.
    If you believe that's what I said, you have poor reading comprehension.
    You are too biased to see any kind of reason and all you see is that someone disagreed so he must be completely against what you suggested.
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    ThexBlackxKnightThexBlackxKnight Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Dygz wrote: »
    You are too biased to see any kind of reason and all you see is that someone disagreed so he must be completely against what you suggested.

    I think the Dunir should look more like warhammer dwarves because they more badass looking and its worth for Steven to take some time to change the models. What do you think? :p

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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited June 2021
    Asgerr wrote: »
    At this point I think it'd just be easier to entirely ignore Dygz's opinions on dwarves if not most everything.
    One of the best things that has happened to me know these forums is that I pissed Dygz off enough for him to ignore me.

    This is far better than me ignoring him, as it means I can still read his opinions on the game and be amused by several aspects of them. It also means that in a thread on a topic I care about, I can point out why his comments are incorrect (which they usually are) and not need to worry about getting in to a pointless debate with him when he inevitably contradicts himself and then tries to say that he didn't say the exact words he said earlier.

    That said
    Asgerr wrote: »

    Or that perhaps you are just bad at writing your opinions (consistently)?
    This is basically true.
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    bump, still relevant after this alpha footage xD
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