Will Dwarf designs get beefier and wider?



  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    It will most likely be relevant until at least Beta. And for Beta, relevant until the sliders are finalized.
  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Shergrim wrote: »
    bump, still relevant after this alpha footage xD

    Its probably going to stay that way till they focus more on fleshing out races and the character creator. They probably have things set this way to test mobility (Nikua flip jump) and more standardized hit boxes.
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  • I hope they become wider and beefier, but I am biased due to my past experiences in a different MMO.
  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Zyggi wrote: »
    I hope they become wider and beefier, but I am biased due to my past experiences in a different MMO.

    I hope Dünir get that expressive possibility as well. I think the current model is also fine but on the light/small side. The beards and details, have improved between certain builds leading me to believe they have been hearing peoples' concerns; I believe it's just a bit more effort/not as helpful to testing to change the model sizes/hitboxes at this stage as it would muddy test results. We will get to the stage where they need those tests though. Hopefully by alpha 2.
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  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited July 2021
    I think the devs haven't changed much for character models in response to player concerns - it's not a content Alpha. Rather they have continued to add in more of their already planned designs.
  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2021
    Dygz wrote: »
    I think they devs haven't changed much for character models in response to player concerns - it's not a content Alpha. Rather they have continued to add in more of their already planned designs.

    It happened in a build after a large amount of discussion and negative opinion on the current design was voiced. I choose to believe this was the reason. Your free to be like other people you dislike and have no faith in the devs if you want. I choose to believe their current promise of transparency and a desire for our input so they can act on it.
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  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited July 2021
    I have faith in the dev design.
    Steven leaked some new character models to me back in Feb that he was hoping would be available in game by July. So changes have been slated to occur even before that discussion thread.
    That large amount of discussion is ongoing and we don't have people saying, "Oh, the devs have now solved my concerns."
    It's Alpha. There will be changes. Primarily because those changes have always been in the schedule.
    And we can expect tweaks to character model designs based on player feedback... down the road... sure.
  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2021
    Dygz wrote: »
    I have faith in the dev design.
    Steven leaked some new character models to me back in Feb that he was hoping would be available in game by July. So changes have been slated to occur even before that discussion thread.
    That large amount of discussion is ongoing and we don't have people saying, "Oh, the devs have now solved my concerns."
    It's Alpha. There will be changes. Primarily because those changes have always been in the schedule.
    And we can expect tweaks to character model designs based on player feedback... down the road... sure.

    I didn't say 'solved the concern'. I was expressing that the build shifted with those changes at a time it would have made sense to from a community management perspective in a way that was reasonable during testing. The fact that they had changes on deck to provide in such a situation doesn't really negate my perspective at all...

    But ok dygz. Since your 'so in the know' I will not use that particular thing as evidence of that again.
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  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Also next time you have evidence as to why you think something is the way it is that won't violate an nda to reveal, lead with it instead of withholding it until someone actually pushes you. If Intrepid intends to be transparent and leaks something to you, it's your obligation to be equally transparent. The last thing they need is people getting a dumb false impression of favoritism.
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  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited July 2021
    I have no obligations whatsoever.

    Correlation does not equal causation.
    Character models got tweaked some time after a thread with people hating on the Dwarf models.
    The Dwarf models were not tweaked to any extent that alleviates the initial complaints.
    And those complaints came in during an Alpha One PREVIEW.
    Expect more and more tweaks and options as the game moves into Alpha 2 and Beta 1 and Beta 2. Mostly already planned tweaks and options. And, sure, some based on player feedback.

    Most people should already know that I'm a content creator and that that allows conversations and interactions with the devs.
    That's not favoritism - expect that with any content creator who has interviewed any of the devs - especially Steven.
  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Dygz wrote: »
    I have no obligations whatsoever.
    Character models got tweaked some time after a thread with people hating on the Dwarf models.
    The Dwarf models were not tweaked to any extent that alleviates the initial complaints.
    And those complaints came in during an Alpha One PREVIEW.
    Expect more and more tweaks and options as the game moves into Alpha 2 and Beta 1 and Beta 2. Mostly already planned tweaks and options. And, sure, some based on player feedback.

    Most people should already know that I'm a content creator and that that allows conversations and interactions with the devs.
    That's not favoritism - expect that with any content creator who has interviewed any of the devs - especially Steven.

    I'm sorry to hear that.

    If you think you aren't responsible for being transparent.... I find it odd they'd willingly partner with someone who holds that stance and attempts to negate someone's positive perception of their company. Well that'll bear it's own fruit I suppose.

    And since you have gotten to the point where it is apparent to me that you weren't able to understand what I meant in the first place, consider this particular exchange wrapped up. Feel free to consider me 'brought down to earth.'
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  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited July 2021
    I am transparent when I'm not under NDA. But, I have no obligation to be transparent. I'm transparent because I like to be when I can be. Nobody "pushed" me to do anything.

    I'm pretty sure I told people on subsequent podcasts that Steven shared some character models with me that he hoped would be available in game by July 9. I don't think they are in yet, but they are working towards that.
    I should not have to tell people that the devs have plans to tweak character models between the months of an Alpha One Preview and official Alpha One launch. Everyone should already be expecting that.

    The only way to know that something changed during the months of Alpha is because fans complained versus because it was already planned is if the devs specifically tell us so. If the change happens quickly and it is almost exactly what the complainants asked for, it's more likely to be the case that the devs made the change in response to the complaints.
    But, that is not the case with the Dwarf tweaks. We still have people making the same complaints this week that were made when these threads started two months ago.

    I don't think I have brought you down to earth.
    We are just sharing our perspectives. Which happen to disagree somewhat on this particular topic.
  • Dwarves need the MOST majestic of beards. Far superior to everyone else. For beards are part of what makes Dwarves... well Dwarves!
  • Dygz wrote: »
    Highly unlikely they are going to make that significant of a change in the models they have already created.
    If Steven wanted Warhammer style Dwarves, he would have adopted that during the concept art phase.

    Warhammer? Dwarves pre Warhammer were mostly beefier and broad shouldered lol. Not all places, but most.
  • MagnumwoodMagnumwood Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    They must.
  • ConradConrad Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    My god the preview of dwarves just proves that even with customization of body proportions there is no way we would get proper dwarf sizes. They look like a joke atm
  • Conrad wrote: »
    My god the preview of dwarves just proves that even with customization of body proportions there is no way we would get proper dwarf sizes. They look like a joke atm

    too right..my guildmate showed me a pic of one from the alpha and it made me so sad :s i also saw that the elf model looked pretty weird so at least it's not just the dwarf..gives me hope that the models will get some proper love at some point.
  • honestly just let me consult intrepid on the dwarf models - i'll give them a model nobody can complain about lol!
  • CROW3CROW3 Member
    I’m cautiously optimistic, and won’t be concerned until the kegs get low.

    Oh, and yes on the epic beard attribute. That guy was dead on.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
  • TolthorTolthor Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I like that model but they seem to bulkier naked than in the armour to me.
  • Hope we are able to see dwarves that have indulged in a little too much grog...

  • Samson wrote: »
    Hope we are able to see dwarves that have indulged in a little too much grog...


    Yes please :) all races should have weight and muscle sliders to reasonable standards
  • ConradConrad Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I kind of wish the chest was a bit taller, but maybe it's just the perspective that makes the body proportions odd
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    We also have to see a height comparison with Humans.
  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Where is that pic from, I love it
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  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I think that's Hans Eriksson from MTG... but Hans is a Human??
  • I just want to point out that they prioritized perfecting dwarves over completing the node and combat systems. That should settle a few arguments about where the Dünir stand in Verra. :D
  • JustVine wrote: »
    Where is that pic from, I love it

    I just google "fat dwarfs fantasy" and found some images. It might have been fan art.
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