Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
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Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
I see... this is an information i didn't knew, isn't present in the wiki, its definitely a change and as you said "Everything is subject to change.", with that in mind, i'd like to know if you do consider any changes that occur in design to be "inconsistencies".
Aren't we all sinners?
I was already very hesitant to play the game with global Corruption and global default as Non-Combatant. Those parameters are the compromises that had me open to playing on the same server with PvPers.
Again, that's why, within 5 minutes of our first interview with Steven on The Ashen Forge, back in 2018, I asked him to compare the Ashes PvP philoosphy with the PvP in EvE Online and in ArcheAge.
I chose not to play ArcheAge specifically because I'm not a fan of their naval combat.
For me, it's almost as if he announced that Ashes would now be P2W.
Not quite because where other people would be angry if he announced Ashes is now P2W, I'm not angry. I'm just not willing to play on servers that have zones where I'm auto-flagged as a Combatant. 1% of me wishes I had known at Kickstarter that this feature would be added. 1% of me wishes he had revealed this feature back in 2018, when I asked him about the PvP philosophy. 98% of me is fine with the change - it just means I won't be playing, but there was already a fairly decent chance that Corruption would not be enough of a deterrent for me to be willing to play the game. I just now know before testing Corruption in Alpha 2.
For me, Steven announcing that Ashes is now P2W would be as trivial as the free-for-all Open Seas is for PvPers. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of people for whom the announcement that Ashes is now P2W would be a dealbreaker.
Different strokes for different folks.
Just because the free-for-all Open Seas are a dealbreaker for me does not mean I can't support and feel happy for the PvPers who are ecstatic about the change.
Don't agree with this, you have to be looking at PvP and Pve and different and assuming how Pvp players will act. Simply because their is content added to the game that enhances pvp does not take away from the fact it is a PvX game.
The pve content is the trail for all types of players to follow and further push friction and pvp within the game. It is clear their direction with the sea content for that to be elevated to a higher level in terms of player contested territory. If you are trying to look at it different like players will go there just to PvP that isn't true. People that enjoy using boats and having a bit of fun will do that tiem to time sure, or maybe they have a planned assassination of some people. But PvP players will go where the content is that will help them progress and if a war happens they can have fun with be it on land or sea they would be there no difference. They have node and guild dec after all, there are plenty of ways to bypass the simply punishment of corruption in a more fair way.
I honestly don't understand why this is a big deal, mmos have plenty types of content for people no one should be expected that they will like every aspect of a mmorpg. To say you won't play because a part of it doesn't fit your style is a bit silly. It be like me saying I'm quitting BDO over the fact i think the navel gameplay is dog crap or life skilling in the game.
Even if they go the route of some of the stuff you need at sea to make your gear in a more heavy contested pvp zone, you are simply going int here with a understanding and ready to fight for what you want, else you don't go there and do that content later when you feel up for it. If you detest it that much simply buy it off people and focus land, i highly doubt that content is going to highly impact your gameplay loop within the game.
AGAIN if you are jumping ashes saying you are a PvE player and detest pvp, i have to ask if you realize you are playing a PvX game that has a clear focus on PvP as it impacts the entirely of the gameplay experience. When you play AoC you aren't a PvE player, you are a PvX player.
I am a non-competitive, carebear, casual challenge/hardcore time player.
That is my playstyle.
While I like objective-based opt-in PvP sometimes, I detest random PvP combat - especially when I'm not in the mood for PvP combat.
I've learned over the 25 years I've been playing MMORPGs that I don't enjoy playing on the same servers as PvPers. Even though I sometimes enjoy objective-based PvP combat, opt-in PvP combat, I'd rather just play on PvE-Only servers.
I don't really believe that you can get people who typically play on PvE-Only servers to play on the same servers as PvPers, but...
The EQNext devs seemed to think it's possible... and, since 2013, I've wanted to know how they would accomplish that.
Ashes devs also seemed to think they had that figured out - with Corruption.
Steven seemed to think that Corruption would be enough of a deterrent that players who typically play on PvE-Only servers would be comfortable playing on the same server as PvPers.
People who played Lineage II said Corruption should accomplish that because it's harsher than Karma.
Global default as Non-Combatant and global Corruption is enough of a compromise for me to be open to trying to play on the same servers as PvPers. Let's wait for Alpha 2 to see if Corruption is a sufficient deterrent to unwanted PvP combat for me to be willing to play the game. That's where I've been since 2017.
When newbies come to the forums and ask for a separate PvE-Only server, I tell them, "Hey, let's wait til Alpha 2 to see if Corruption is a sufficient deterrent for you to feel comfortable."
But, changing the parameters to include zones with unique NPCs and unique treasure-finding opportunities that 24/7 auto-flag players as Combatants with no Corruption is a deal-breaker for me. I refuse to play on a server with that ruleset.
That enhances PvP combat beyond my interest threshold.
It's great for PvPers. It's great for anyone who enjoys that enhancement.
It just does not include me.
Again, I specifically chose not to play ArcheAge because the naval combat PvP is too intense for my playstyle. I don't play EvE because the PvP is too intense for my playstyle.
You can continue to call Ashes a PvX game if you want to.
Whatever the label others wish to use, it's now too PvP-centric for me.
I guess you don't have to understand that if you can't understand that.
What I previously understood was that Ashes is a game with global default as Non-Combatant and global Corruption. I was open to playing on a server with that ruleset.
I am not willing to play on a server that includes zones with auto-flagging as Combatant and no Corruption... which is why, in 2018, I asked Steven to compare Ashes PvP with EvE PvP and ArcheAge PvP. Two games that I refuse to play.
Steven stated that a key difference is that Ashes will not have zones with different PvP rulesets.
Just because that's not important to you, does not mean it's not important to me.
P2W is not important to me. It's a dealbreaker for others.
I don't really understand why P2W is a dealbreaker for some people, but I accept that it is a dealbreaker for some people.
If I have to play on a server that includes zones with no Corruption that auto-flag me as Combatant, I won't be playing Ashes, so I guess I won't be a PvX player.
And...that's OK.
I'm pretty confident that Ashes can survive one person choosing not play the game.
Group A:
Belong players who accept that there will be world PVP in Vera. They are adventure-oriented players who accept that, in the course of these adventures, danger and risk of death await them from time to time. For this type of player, going through the adventure without any risk would be downright pointless. However, there is a big difference between risk and certainty that something bad will happen every time you leave city gates. When a fisherman sets out on his boat, he assumes that there is a chance that something bad could happen to him. In Vera's world, a poor fisherman setting out to sea is certain that he will not return to port unharmed. Group A leans more towards RP players, and wants risks to be balanced as in real life.
Group B:
Can be described more easily. These are players for whom the realism of the game world is of secondary or tertiary importance. They do not care about immersion. Unlike group A players, they will treat their freeholds purely as a tool for resource acquisition, not as their home. These are players focused on results more than adventure. If a B player has the opportunity to fight, he will do so. His approach to the game is more on a battle royale basis.
Of course, Steven reiterates all the time that AoC will not be a game for everyone. The question is whether there will be enough of this select group of players to fill the servers ? How many people will there be, such as Dygz, who will have to say "no thanks" ? This game doesn't have to be for everyone, as long as it doesn't turn out to be a sandbox with no one to play with.
My take as to why:
1 - Up until the current update to the system, players on a ship would all turn combattant or corrupted if just one player did, because they all were part of the same ship. This exposed players to no small amount of griefing and trolling from other players.
Basically someone ship is about to attack you, and one of the players in your game kills one of their players. Suddenly everyone is corrupt and the pirates now get full loot whenever they kill you (which they will as you now have dampened stats). Turns out, that player who got you all corrupt? He was in cahoots with the pirates.
Instead, since you are all now auto-flagged as combatants, no such repercussions exist if some player decides to troll, as they can't troll you anymore.
2 - We've seen a considerable amount of interested players, as well as those who already bought in, raise their voices to ask for the possible removal of Corruption, or for a more lenient version of it.
Though we can all agree that the entire removal of it is a negative on the game, this new update to the system, limiting it to a fraction of the world, helps retain a lot of those more 90% focused PvPers.
Not to account for the simple fact that the more high level players end up PvPing each other at sea, the fewer there will be on land, where more hardcore PvErs will spend the majority of their time.
3 - Seems pretty self explanatory.
4 - Up until the update, the entirety of the sea would have fallen within the purview of coastal nodes' zones of influence. All the sea was a place for resource gathering and PvE etc. with all of its corresponding XP gain counting towards the leveling of the Node.
With the expansion in size of the world, this would have conferred ulterior power to coastal nodes. They would have developed faster, offered more area of influence, leading to reduced risks of encountering anyone who may decide to PK anyone, thus diluting the PvX aspect of the game.
By essentially limiting the area a coastal node has power over, we're keeping coastal nodes to the same standards as all other nodes. Thus, we avoid the ever dreaded situation of META nodes.
But what happens when you have a regulated sized for a coastal node's ZOI? You're left with bits of maritime territories that don't fall under any node's ZOI. What do you make of it. Just leave it as an entire zone of nothingness where corruption still applies, but nothing you do there otherwise contributes to a node's development? That's basically giving you PvP without the PvE anyway. And with the risk for corruption and dropping completed items, you also then have to worry about how you program loot dropping in the middle of the sea. Does the lootable pouch spawn floating on the water? Does it drop to the bottom of the ocean floor?
With auto-flagging, you now don't drop those completed items for meandering in zone with the least content and benefit to your node, and you ease the load on the server's computations for managing what is in fact dropped (materials vs full loot).
So yeah, these are the reasons I could think of. I'm sure I could come up with these, that Intrepid probably has about double the amount of reasons, as they have more data on their systems and systems architecture.
tbh, from what you have said, you wouldn't enjoy playing ashes even without the sea change..
corruption being a deterrent does not mean people won't PK you, they Definitely will, it's just that it won't be All the time specially in your territory
and you seem to be under the wrong impression that killing a green = dying and getting 4x penalties
the map is Huge and there are plenty of mounts, people will run away Really easy in AoC you can bet on that, and after someone killed you, you will Never know if he died or not - imagine dying to people without going purple, getting 100% death penalty just to find out the other guy cleared his corruption and is now standing next to you in the node saying "thx for the farm" lol
I like that so I'm really happy Steven is going more to the risk side of things, but players like you wouldn't last that long I imagine, it goes down to personal preference
"I will not play the game because there's one piece of content I don't like" really? -.-
I mean, the system is still very different to Archeages. We need more information on
My take on that comment was in relation to the fact that in Archeage you do not have any penalty or restriction at all for killing half of the games population.
That games equivalent of the corruption system only applies to same faction PvP, not cross faction PvP.
In that regard, the over all PvP aspects of Ashes are still significantly more friendly than those of Archeage.
You have probably thought about this; but, I just have to say it anyway. Unless you were specifically looking forward to naval gameplay, not doing it would have very little impact on your game experience. You don't need anything from it as everything can be traded. You can just do the content that you like on land and purchase anything that is needed from the sea.
Also, I think you should consider some of the problems of having corruption on the sea. We have known that pirates will be a thing and large crews will also be a thing. What happens if a raid ship of 40 players is destroyed while choosing not to fight back? Does everyone on the attacking ship get corruption? Is the corruption split? Is only one person responsible for the corruption? (That could result in 1 player getting corruption for killing 40 players while only being 1 of the participants in the full fight.) What happens if a large ship pretty much one shots a small ship with a few players? In the example of destroying the large ship ridiculous amounts of corruption could be earned while destroying the weak ship would yield little corruption no matter how you split the corruption from killing a little ship. This is the opposite of the intent for corruption as the weak target actually yields the least corruption (at least if we assume that corruption is gained per player killed).
Corruption on the seas just could not work the same way as on land because corruption is earned from killing multiple players at once while the corruption is also earned by a group of attackers at a time. At the same time, power in a naval gunfight is not determined so much by the level of the players involved but by the tiers of the ships involved. However, corruption is determined by the difference in the levels of the players. How do you even determine what the corruption should be if you have a spread of levels in each group of players.
Regardless of how you look at it, either the corruption system needs a full rework for the sea; or, it needs to be removed. I think Steven did what made sense.
I wrote this in the other naval flagging thread, but it directly answers the OP.
You should consider some of the problems of having corruption on the sea. We have known that pirates will be a thing and large crews will also be a thing. What happens if a raid ship of 40 players is destroyed while choosing not to fight back? Does everyone on the attacking ship get corruption? Is the corruption split? Is only one person responsible for the corruption? (That could result in 1 player getting corruption for killing 40 players while only being 1 of the participants in the full fight.) What happens if a large ship pretty much one shots a small ship with a few players? In the example of destroying the large ship, ridiculous amounts of corruption could be earned while destroying the weak ship would yield little corruption no matter how you split the corruption from killing a little ship. This is the opposite of the intent for corruption as the weak target actually yields the least corruption (at least if we assume that corruption is gained per player killed).
Corruption on the seas just could not work the same way as on land because sea corruption would be earned from killing multiple players at once while the corruption is also earned by a group of attackers at a time. On the other hand, power in a naval gunfight is not determined so much by the level of the players involved but by the tiers of the ships involved. However, corruption is determined by the difference in the levels of the players. How do you even determine what the corruption should be if you have a spread of levels in each group of players.
Regardless of how you look at it, either the corruption system needs a full rework for the sea; or, it needs to be removed. I think Steven did what made sense.
The difficulty of implementation might be a valid reason for the change, but since the corruption system will be active in coastal waters (unless they change that too) and there will be ship battles there, I don't think this is the real reason for the change.
However, I don't want to make assumptions about the real reason for the change.. a change that I actually like!
And I know that in this thread a lot of people are focusing on if this change was good or not, but that was not my intention. There was already another thread for that.
All I am saying is that what was said on stream about the corruption in relation to the risk-vs-reward philosophy seems inconsistent to me. That's the inconsistency I am talking about, nothing else. I am not talking about systems in the game, I am not talking about the implementation of it, or anything like that. Just what was said on stream. To put it simply:
- Corruption - Bad in the open sea because we are going with a risk-vs-reward philosophy.
While, until now they were saying:
- Corruption - Good because it puts some risk on the attackers and enhances the risk-vs-reward philosophy.
Like, wtf?!
And to clarify.. The game studio from my perspective can make any change they want in their design philosophy. Their game, their rules. I'll play the game in any case, even more now since as a PvPer I want non-protected PvP areas.
I just don't like logical inconsistencies and this justification for the change seems illogical to me.. if they came out and said "It's difficult to implement so we are disabling it", or if it was a design philosophy reason "We decided to remove the risk from the top dogs in the sea and make this area a sandbox" I would be happy.
Why they chose to present it like that? I can make assumptions, but I don't want to go there. I just hope they give us more details on this.
So... the most important thing for me is to be able to explore the entire map without being auto-flagged as Combatant. And, secondarily for there to be global Corruption.
If I'm going to be playing on the same server as PvPers.
It appears that you hear unique NPCs and unique treasure-finding and think, "Oh, I could just trade for those unique treasures."
I am an explorer, first and foremost and socializer secondarily, so... of course, it's most important to me to explore those areas, interact with the NPCs and attempt to FIND the treasures. I may or may not care about acquiring the treasures. Interacting with the unique NPCs is more important than acquiring loot.
My Killer Score is 0% which isn't completely accurate, but it's close enough.
Killing mobs holds my least interest and killing players is probably as close to 0% as possible without actually being 0%. Even when I PvP, it's objective-based PvP and I'm focused on the objectives; not killing stuff.
I am not willing to play on a server that has zones where I would have to be auto-flagged as a Combatant. Trading for items does not resolve that in any way.
I don't know that I care about the details of why the Open Seas is now designated as 24/7, auto-flag Combatant free-for-all PvP. It may make the most sense or be the easiest way to implement the zone. Notice that I have not asked for the devs to reconsider that decision.
That doesn't mean I will play on that server.
Had I known during Kickstarter that the stretch goal of Enhanced Naval Content (ADDED SHIPS AND EXPLORATION More Ship Classes + Expanded Underwater Environments!) would also mean adding a zone with 24/7, auto-flag Combatant free-for-all PvP, I would have pledged $50 instead of $500. I would have paid some money to support the base concept while trying to avoid reaching the Naval Content stretch goal.
There's at least one other person in the TheoryForge community who also had the instant response of "This isn't what I was intending to pay for with the Kickstarter. I don't pledge for PvP games."
And, if Steven had said, when I asked him 4 years ago about the Ashes PvP philosphy in comparison to EvE and ArcheAge that Ashes would have zones with different PvP rulesets - including no Corruption, auto-flag as Combatant - I would have the same response I have now. I'm not willing to play on that server. Just as I'm not willing to play EvE or ArcheAge.
There are people who love playing EvE. There are people who love playing ArcheAge.
That's awesome. I'm not one of them.
I never said that Steven's decision doesn't make sense.
It's just a decision that is a dealbreaker for me.
For me its a very good change, but I think your discontent is very fair and i do understand where you are coming from. If the change went into the opposite direction, i'd probably not feel much different than you.
I do however believe for development to be fluid and changes to be expected. The change isn't mmassive enough for me to believe, that the core design really changed.
The risk within this Area is still there any maybe more prevalent than ever.
Considering how much i agree with his other design choices, i'm rather excited to see where he takes it
Question: what do you do in MMOs once you've explored the entire map? Cause though large, you can likely explore an entire continent in a week, and the other one in about as much.
Maybe you can spend a month per each to see the different seasons.
But yes, do you just drop the games then? What's the endgame? Just using it as a VR chat? Unsubscribe and wait to resub once a new expansion to the map is added?
Because if exploration is all you were in the game for, you'd have basically explored for maybe a month and ran out of content that's for you, since raiding doesn't seem to be your scene either and artisanship is nowhere to be seen in any of your posts.
At this point, rather than tell everyone your Bartle score and what Steven may have said to you over and over, maybe just log off the forums. It's clearly not for you anymore.
Unless you are actually still here to demand they change it back. But you've said that's not the case. Your feedback though it may be useful for certain aspects is now entirely unnecessary. You wouldn't ask someone who isn't your customer to review their experience with your business would you?
But, in addition to leveling characters and pursuing the questlines of various races, I also socialize with other players.
In Ashes, my expectation was to re-explore all areas of the map to see what's changed - because Ashes is a dynamic world, rather than a static world.
MMORPGs should not have an endgame. Endgame is when you've finished all of the quests and stories and you're waiting for new content.
But, yes, once I've had my fill of experiencing the story from a variety of points of view, I stop playing until the next expansion - although, by 2012/2013 I became disillusioned with the endgame treadmill of contemporary MMORPGs and thought perhaps I'd be done with MMORPGs.
Shortly thereafter, I stumbled upon EQNext. StoryBricks promised to put an end to endgame. That version of EQ would have players building and defending their cities - very similar to the Ashes concepts, but more ambitious and robust.
Similar to EQNext, the appeal of Ashes is that the rise and fall of Nodes also dynamically changes the content in the world.
So Ashes should not have an endgame.
It's interesting how people paraphrase what I write.
I did not state, "The only reason I play MMORPGs is to explore." I certainly did not state, "The only thing I do in MMORPGs is uncover the entire map."
I rarely raid. I tend to be in much smaller groups.
Why would I be talking about Artisan stuff when we know next to nothing about Artisan stuff?? Yes. In every MMORPG I play, I tend to have a handful of alts with a variety of professions.
That is also a form of exploration.
Who said the forums are not for me anymore??
There are still features I will be testing. It actually is possible to be a fan of a game that you won't play. Especially if there are several features in the game being developed that you are interested in.
Where people ask questions about this situation I will provide answers, especially for people who continue to say, "But, I don't understand why that matters to you."
I haven't demanded anything, but, also...
"Everything is subject to change."
My feedback has always been unnecessary.
And, yeah, I might ask people who are not my customers for feedback.
Especially feedback on component parts they do like.
But...since I've spent more than $500 on this product - I don't know how I am not a customer.
There is an ignore button, by the way.
I didn't say getting PKed is a dealbreaker. Frequency of being PKed could be a dealbreaker. That's what Alpha 2 is for.
It's not a mistaken impression.
The time it takes for my PKer to recover from Corruption will be considerably longer than it takes me to recover from being PKed. I'm OK with that if it acts sufficiently to minimize being the frequency of PKs. To the degree Steven and Lineage II players have said it should.
But, yeah, there is a good chance that Corruption would not have been a sufficient deterrent. Again... that's what Alpha 2 is for.
Map size is irrelevant. Everyone will die at some point. It takes time to clear Corruption.
"The primary way to remove Corruption is through death. Multiple deaths may be necessary to remove all Corruption. Dying removes a significant portion of Corruption. Gaining experience will also slowly reduce a player's corruption score."
It's not a farm if kills are not repeated.
If the map is Huge, how would the PKer find me again?
And, you know, stick and stones...
Yep. That's cool. I didn't say people should not be really happy that Steven is going with more risk. It does go down to personal preference.
This is why I said I part agree with you, the reason the philosophy etc seems inconsistent.
In my understanding, corruption is not designed to being a absolutely rule for all contents when I first time watch thelazypeon's first video about Ashes of Creation, to me it's just at some development stages saying "corruption system will be cover whole game world" is more easier to make people to understand that there are consequences when you want to killing somebody in the game in general, BUT at the other hand this is a bad way to talk about things that have a large area can be misunderstood just like what happen now there will be players won't even consider the other possibility behind what developers did talk about and didn't talk about, please aware I'm not saying you are and this is not cool, I just saying from another point of view like a star point maybe they trying to do a higher risk vs return game loop and naturally thinking of open sea because what you find in open sea it's yours just no one says clearly that even those you take from other people's hands, so maybe from this point of view you can understand why they do it instead of see it from result.
But to be honest, keep transparency and keep sharing the concepts or progress things etc to players is HARD to do it well no matter what, and Intrepid is trying to do better and trying hard to me for now, I think that is important.
AGAIN, I'm not trying to say any bad, just provide another point of view, because I'm confused by their quotations too just like I said in my last reply: dps meter can have negative effect which means toxic dps check player behaviors, but combat log can help players easier to understand what happen and how to improve, to me like: "What? it's just the difference between auto and semi-auto and I just don't see the point why one is ok the other is not, and those toxic dps checking behaviors won't be stopped by doing these things to me, like if I'm toxic player I can talk a lot BS on anyone just by timing how long you need to kill a monster.", and yes I aware that might be people think I'm just crying that I'm those players want to have dps meter but didn't get it but I just don't care, I just want know why if you ban one thing because it can have bad effect why other one just 1cm lesser bad is ok, I just trying to figure it out, and yes it maybe just the lesser of two evils, and I need move on just like you need.
In the end we just need the game to be fun and to be appeal to different players as much as the game need to maintain itself.
Archeage's zones rotate between peace(no pvp) and war(pvp). Considering he mentions this mechanic prior to the statement you are focused on, this seems to be what he is referring to. As others have pointed out, there are other significant differences between Ashes and Archeages pvp so they aren't easy to compare.
It's just a server ruleset I'm not willing to play.
Yep. I'm also eager to see what else transpires.
And now Ashes has a zoned, flagged PvP area.
Remember that Steven said that is an important CHANGE.
I'm really just saying it's not as though I just made assumptions. I proactively asked for more details on the PvP philosophy. It's different now than it was in 2018.
Which is OK. It just happens to be a change that is a dealbreaker for me.
I feel like you are cherry picking. If you read the whole statement, he is clearly talking about the peace/war mechanic and how that affected your choices.
"Well, ArcheAge... You pretty much knew in any territory that you went to what the system of PvP mechanics were, whether it was a peace zone or whether it was a PvP zone, so...if you were to take risks, it was of your time and choosing, depending on how you moved your packs and what zones you went through in order to move them.
So, that really doesn't relate well to what Ashes is trying to do. Because Ashes is an open world and there are no zoned flagged PvP areas. Instead there is just a flagging system that relates to the other players."
To reiterate, the peace and war zones was something that most zones did. They would rotate between peace and war which is something that isn't going to happen in ashes.
I agree and that's why I am providing feedback, as they mention how valuable it is for them and they seem to care. If we had any indication that they don't care, I wouldn't even bother.
"Well, ArcheAge... You pretty much knew in any territory that you went to what the system of PvP mechanics were, whether it was a peace zone or whether it was a PvP zone, so...if you were to take risks, it was of your time and choosing, depending on how you moved your packs and what zones you went through in order to move them."
So, that really doesn't relate well to what Ashes is trying to do. Because Ashes is an open world and there are no zoned flagged PvP areas. Instead there is just a flagging system that relates to the other players."
Previously, there were no zoned, flagged PvP areas. Instead, there was just one flagging system that was global.
As Steven stated Friday, this has now changed.
The Open Seas are a zoned, flagged PvP area. And, people know what the PvP mechanics are when you move through that area. You know that the PvP is heightened there because everyone will be auto-flagged as Combatant. There will be warning messages alerting you to the high-risk zone. It is of your time and choosing to travel there.
Maybe you have some other point that I'm missing?
Video and time stamp is on page 2.
Please answer me this, have you played Archeage?
The statement you are focused on is clearly in reference to the part i bolded, the part where he is referring to zones going through peace and war.
The part i think you are missing is the part where most pvp zones in archeage rotate between peace(no pvp) and war(pvp). He seems to be talking about that mechanic as in a sense, the zones have a flag that allows or disables pvp in them depending on the time. No where does he bring up how archeage's ocean was different since it never went into peace.
As other have brought up, Archeage also was a faction game where you were rewarded for killing members of the opposite faction. This is also something that Ashes does not have and another reason Steven would want to say the games are not alike. The crime system in Archeage was only for killing/stealing from members of your faction.