Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
You're used to playing games like this.
I'm not saying Ashes won't turn out to be a game like this, but it's not a thing that automatically happens.
Maybe we get a little less socialization because instead of having to meet a whole new Rogue player, one of your guildmates has a strong enough Rogue Alt for whatever the goal is, but that's about it. Everything else is a design thing that Intrepid can and probably should fix even on a single-character server.
Are you used to a lot of games with time-wasting grind and a lot of rewards that are given to the player 'just for leveling up or showing up to things'?
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
These are long-term problems that I think we will experience after 6 months or 1 year.
2 people play the game for the same amount of time, but one invested his time in 1 character, the other leveled up 8 characters, both of them played 800-800 hours in the same amount of time. And they will have a character that uses the same profession as yours. And over time, there may be 10-50 other people who level more altos with the same profession as yours in 1 city.
You see no problem with that? If not, that's fine.
I just want to have the option to have such a server with 1 character on 1 server. This also has problematic sides. But I think less than with the alt server.
I've been playing that game type for over 10 years (two of them, technically).
I've also played other games that don't do it like that. The results are different.
So it's not that I don't see a problem with it, I'm trying to say that the problem doesn't automatically happen.
There are definitely many MMOs where 'just playing more' is enough to have this result. But it's not guaranteed, it's a design question.
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
Anyway, I have these issues with them.
Maybe they have a solution for everything, but maybe they don't care.
And since they do not communicate with us on these topics.
It will be a slightly different mmo than the others, so it is not certain that everything will work as imagined.
want you to connect to 1 city and interact with the cities around it.
However, because of the alt characters, you can participate globally in the development of the life of many other cities.
There can be more content, but it can affect the quality and make the experience worse.
But this is also just a matter of perspective.
Hmmm wasn't it ... ... ? ... ... 🤨 🤔
A~HAH !!! I KNEW IT !!! (lol forgot the 100% Certainty of this)
Thanks, Dygz. 🫡
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
MMOs make many changes over their lifespans, almost all of which tend to be to increase their appeal to less invested audiences.
From my research, nearly no MMO that most people have heard of, starts off like this. Even early BDO was good. It's not the base principles that ruin it, it's the reason behind them.
If a game 'allows for more characters' at the start, it usually counters this by making individual actions very engaging, but not as tangibly rewarding, pushing players to enjoy the social aspects more. As players fall into their groups and new players appear, they may shift toward more tangible rewards for new players (new characters), and then, alts become more appealing too, to people who otherwise would not have alts.
So far, Ashes of Creation doesn't seem to plan to be that type of game. You need to put in the work, you don't get any 'bonuses' for 'just having the alt', not even bonuses to help you experience things more easily on that alt.
Some people have asked for this, but so far, we haven't seen any indications that we'll receive anything like it.
The thing we rely on each other for is results of investment of focus and time.
The limits on Artisanship Skill help for a different reason related to 'selfishness', but it shouldn't rock the foundation of the game world, or anything that drastic. Your perception isn't utterly invalid, it's just taking the concept too far, imo.
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
I'm giving you specific examples from comparable games that are live right now as proof. WoW, GW2, and ESO are not comparable examples, their economies are nowhere near as complex. . If you want to fracture the player base and get rid of alts, you can add this to the pile of dead mmos.
Just because the economy of the game will be more complex. That's why the alts will have a worse effect.
I don't think it would cause such a level of breakage on the server.
if the developer doesn't do it, someone else will do it. The bigger fracture.
example vanilla wow or what.
I've never WOWed, I don't get it.
I think he wanted to imply that wow made decisions that caused many people to leave.
I saw how it shows the structure of the servers. One nation is 100% and 95%, the other side is 0-5%.
The economy being more complex, requiring larger amounts of inputs is the reason that economy's like Eve are not dominated by individuals.
Here is another piece of evidence for you. Name a group centered mmo that denied alts and prospered. OSRS is the only thing even close, and that's a single player game at it's core. People, over time, want options and variety or they eventually leave to find it elsewhere.
These hard core ideals kill multiplayer games. Every single time. Develop one video game, and fix the problems that arise or try to account for them while designing and testing. Don't section off the player base, especially at the start. Especially don't do it to accommodate ideas that always fail.
So you're saying the game will be boring and we're going alt-s so we don't get bored. And get more experience by owning more castes and learning more professions.
If it is mongyák, it will take 600-1000 hours to develop 1 character max lvl and 1 profession.
then most of my problems disappeared.
but if it is 100-200 hour then I have problems.
Good, then you don't have problems.
Leveling character to max level is probably 250+ hours.
I've never even seen a game where max Crafting level didn't take much longer than max character level.
You have to work for nearly everything.
1000+ hours would not surprise me.
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
Also a good thing that Ashes does not have Factions.
RPGs are about the player characters; not about the gamer.
The one character only idea, will not be the only one. I'm willing to bet the population of PvE Only fans and RP Only fans, are both far larger than No Alt fans, so you'll see those servers also, and likely before yours. Based on demand, your server type won't get top billing, it may not even get second or third billing.
It further divides the play base with every new type. It also compounds the development process (I would imagine), because every time they try to make changes, they have to account for all the different server types with varying play styles.
It must be complicated, you need 1 more skillful programmer. You have to rent 1 server.
It is up to them to ensure a regulated environment and to operate them.
Or leave it to the fans. And broken servers.
Can you name an MMO that doesn't have a broken server? Which is still somewhat popular. New world may not exist .
The reason Steven doesnt want any alternate ruleset servers is because that forces them to take those rulesets in to account with any potential future changes to the game.
Perhaps in the future they may want to split each grandmaster profession off in to three branches, with a character only able to pick one. If all servers allow players to have alts, this is an easy thing to work out the impact of. If one server has no alts, the impact on that server also needs to be considered - and in this specific case that impact would prevent the change being made.
Whether YOU like it or not, this is what Steven has said.
REASON ! - Steve confirmed in one stream last year that you will be able to share loot between characters within the same server. I know this becasue I asked the question.
REASON 2 - With 64 possible classes and God know how many crafting professions having multiple characters makes sense for those who want to dedicate the time to play like that.
You seem to want hardcore PvP but on your own terms.
This is a game that has accepted croud funding. A topic gets enough traction on the forums. IS would be wise to adress it. Because of that, you can't get upset someone is trying to do just that on a forum. That's not being entitled, that's using the very forum IS team has asked for.
Starting 2-24-2024, players are NOT allowed to switch character or log in a different account to spy, and / or snipe players on the opposite faction.
- Any player caught doing this will be punished with character ban:
* 1st offense : 1 day Character ban
* 2nd offense: 1 week Character ban
* 3rd offense: Permanent Character Ban
but here 2 factions are fighting each other.
I have no problem with spying in AOC. But if you are a spy, take on a great character with all its advantages and benefits.
Alt ok to be sent to spy with 0 responsibility.
Metropolis belongs to your guild and you are besieging it with alts, of course you cannot be up with both of your characters at the same time. Free victory.
But only so well because Ashes is not out yet. 😁 . 😈
Wait when Ashes of Creation comes out and maybe takes One Million or Two Million Players from WoW. Oh, delicious, delicious Lizzard-Tears. I hope i will live to see it happen. 😁👍
I am well aware -> no other MMO Game can ever truly be a "WoW-Killer". There are to many People drained of Sanity, Joy and Reason who refuse to let their eternal Dealer go and not get one Shot after Shot after Shot ... ...
... ... of their Addiction.
But the true Problem is the lack of good Opponents and Competition. We need more good MMO's.
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
I'm not convinced WoW and Ashes serve the same audience. There is some crossover for sure but the fundamental gameplay loop is totally different.
IMO Eve Online should be worried about Ashes. WoW should be terrified of Riots MMO
I am well aware You're most likely right. Also, admitting here that i would "love" to just see Ashes take a LOT of Players away from WoW and then see the WoW-Developers get all pissy and whiny about it. 😁 . 😈
Lastly, i love a more or less "balanced" Market. If no single MMO is overall far more popular than all the Others, than this is a good thing.
All the absolutely ruthless, shameless, "soul-less" and outright GREEDY Decisions of Activision Lizzard in the last handful of Years and more are a Proof that no single MMO should have a kinda Monopoly in how many People like and play it.
It just lets the Owners devolve into shameless Bas ... ... ... t ... ... ... "greedy People" - and then they turn the MMO into a SHOP-Cashcow with cheap and painful Plotlines that put the glorious Past to shame.
While i am very convinved Ashes ' WILL ' be a very good MMO when it gets released,
i am aware the Market is oversaturated with Players who got mentally impaired by WoW, partially have "STOCKHOLME SYNDROME" because of that Game,
and are addicted to soul-less Content with Dropchances so low, it's even lower than Bobby Kotick's Respect for Women. (lol)
I personally want to get away from WoW. I want to get away from that Game which i loved so much in the Past : but i see only other MMO's left and right who are more or less everything i do not want. ^.^;"
Ashes ... ... ... Verra ... ... ... IS - what i want.
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
If anything, I can see Ashes release causing a slight temporary increase in WoW subscribers three months later.
To be clear, slight temporary increase.
The 2 games are different, WOW and Aoc.
WOW is a very PvP + story based game if the players play 1-2% pvp.
Aoc and for pvp events.
There are many reasons why many people do not leave wow.
Many people don't have time to learn 1 new mmo.
If your friends are there, you don't even leave the community.
Starting from 0 in MMO and leaving your 10 years of work there.
It's strange to me, but many people like WOW's graphics.
You put all the money in the world into WOW and then you can't leave that much money there anymore.
First good MMO, you have a hard time letting go of that feeling.
A lot of people are there because of the story.
But what's happening lately is that many people are going back to classik servers. WOW also released its own. Many people play on broken servers as well.
You don't have to do missions, it can be 'whatever you do in the area'.
There's no 'cooldown' in that sense.
Again, you just haven't played a game like this (that is understandable, they're rare, and not what most people want from an MMO).
You shouldn't make assumptions about things like this. Ask someone who actually knows at least a similar game, when you don't know how or why Intrepid plans to do something.
I'm assuming that this is actually your feedback on Commissions, but even if it wasn't, this answer is still correct enough.
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
It was just announced in the monthly stream
New World was such a mission system.
If the wording were more precise, we wouldn't get involved and we wouldn't have to think in assumptions.