Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
No, it's still a PvX game because there are still areas that we must PvP, like caravans, Guild Wars, Node sieges, open world bosses and, possibly in the future, Points of Interest. Open world PvP isn't consensual because you have no idea if somebody will attack you for whatever reason. In the systems mentioned above, the player is notified that it is an open PvP field.
You should check back your definition of a PvE server. A PvE server doesn't have any form of PvP element in it.
Well, then you got what you deserved. Fight people who want to fight, not people who don't want to fight.
It was a purposeful sarcastic over-emphasis of a point (cann't be touched without permission = pve) for effect.
I would not mind pve and pvp servers as it would keep all the whining snowflakes off of servers they have no business playing on. Oh wait..... they will still insist on playing on them and whining when pvp happens on a pvp server.... 🤣
this is a game in alpha 2. nothing is set in stone, nothing is fine tuned. Your example is of someone getting camped/griefed and they can't play or do anything now. You killed someone then got killed yourself unprepared (im guessing as you lost stuff). yes its a bit extreme right now at this moment in time but again you did something full knowing the weight of your actions and wasn't prepared for the case of you getting caught.
people have right to test in a peaceful environment without lunatics running around pvping every second of every day making it hard to get testing done and making sure stuff gets tuned outside of bloodthristy players
And you left with a server thats not even worth the cost to maintain it because population is so low.
This is the exact opposite problem in WOW in every shape and way currently the only servers left are PVP which the PVE andies flocked to due to player loss on their servers because its boring to have zero conflict.
It was a purposeful sarcastic over-emphasis of a point (cann't be touched without permission = pve) for effect.
He does NOT understand that everything he just said is PVE... oh you silly PVE Andies
The issue is really simple just allow players to drive. this corruption system will never be right for anyone. why not let bounty hunters do their jobs and make the game truly player driven. they want that for all the other systems why not this one. who is to say it wont make the game even better allowing people to live out their fantasy together instead of insisting PVP is bad.
Thats because the node systems and individual standing in those nodes and guilds didnt matter in this game they will and you could be black listed unless an outlaw guild came up who would constantly be at war with everyone.
Well, then you got what you deserved. Fight people who want to fight, not people who don't want to fight.
whats you are describing is a PVE game. Someone wants to PVP and you do NOT = PVE with opt in PVP. this game claims to be a PVX meaning player vrs everything but then there is a punishment ritual from hell if u do the X part
The system is extremely broken and is a PVE game with opt in PVP. its NOT a PVX game. if it were truly a PVX game they would not be dis incentive behavior just for PVP
Then you want a PVE server or game sir. I.E. OPT in PVP so your PVE andy feelings cant get hurt unless you say so
It's still whining though.
Corruption is purposefully ramped up in Alpha to prevent trolls and murderhobos from making it an untestable experience, because no one is going to give a shit if their temp characters get corrupted while they work against the purpose of this phase of the game.
Get over it, farm new mats, buy new gear, cry less
If the game is to be tested ALL systems need be accounted for you insufferable scrub including systems too harsh to people who want a more balanced approach to an area of the game clearly over turned just like you admitted.
The instruction was 'cry less', but if you want to be infantile, don't let anyone stop you.
If you want to actually understand how corruption is planned to work, rather than raging like a small child that got sniped in CoD, the wiki is freely available. Corruption exists as it does for a reason. Alpha is temporary, there's no reputation to care about, gear is plentiful from mobs, and ultimately all those 'lasting consequences' of corruption just don't exist yet. The obvious result is heavily frontloaded and immediate consequences.
And even then, you clearly aren't that good at PvP if you died right after. Sounds more like you chased an easy kill and then when actual PvP happened, you flopped.
PvE/PvP servers is a braindead idea.
Give them time to adjust the feature.
You should never be incentivized to attack another player. That's the point entirely. You're literally murdering them. Your reward is what you make of it, whether it's the gatherable you wanted or the farm spot, or even just blood if you're that type. If that reward isn't good enough for you, then don't attack. That's the point.
This is the only thing you've said that I agree with. I think you should get 1 kill chalk-free, but it flags you for like 10 minutes or something. If you keep killing past that, then you should be severely punished.
Going out there and killing people that do not want to fight is plain and simple wrong. Killing them when they are running away is even worst. What part of they did not want to fight is not understandable? The system is working as intended and now that you have learned the lesson you probably won’t do it again and if you do … well now you know the consequences. And if after all of that you still refuse to understand then maybe this game is not for you and you can reconsider your options or simply go join your fellow comrades in arms in WoW.
Ultimately, this is alpha and they will keep this open and the methodology adjusted to a balanced gameplay which will yield the best results for both parties PvP and PvE players.
So it doesnt/wont entice conflict and resolution.
It entices griefing and going around pvp.
And I have zero interest in PKing.