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    Welcome aboard the Crazy Train @creepysneed and @rumlox. Its awesome to have you both apart of the Enmity Family
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    thanks @gxfaithz glad to be here
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    Sup to all the new recruits! 
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    dabudo said:
    Karthos said:
    GOAT said:
    Yeah @Karthos about that. We may have told @dabudo you are a swimsuit model... hope you're Swedish.
    nope, Scottish, with some German, French and Irish.Y

    You know, in retrospect, "Karthos Freelance DUDE" should have been a give-away.

    Still, a signing bonus is a signing bonus. What do you look like in a bikini, Karthos?

    Pictures are still broke in here so just imagine the most attractive man you can think of and that's an ugly version of what I would look like.
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    Karthos said:
    dabudo said:
    Karthos said:
    GOAT said:
    Yeah @Karthos about that. We may have told @dabudo you are a swimsuit model... hope you're Swedish.
    nope, Scottish, with some German, French and Irish.Y

    You know, in retrospect, "Karthos Freelance DUDE" should have been a give-away.

    Still, a signing bonus is a signing bonus. What do you look like in a bikini, Karthos?

    Pictures are still broke in here so just imagine the most attractive man you can think of and that's an ugly version of what I would look like.

    Wait - so you're saying I'm uglier than you? You haven't seen me in a bikini!! Um, not that I've ever worn a bikini. Or pretty dresses. Or women's underwear with frilly pink lace.
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    Mmm i remember this clan from L2, good clan, i will give it a try for sure if i can  :)
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    @iRuthless Come and chit chat with us anytime!
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    @GOAT @WinterAssassin
    Hey, Just joined looking into your guild and it sounds like something i would love to be a part of!

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    Welcome to ENMITY @Dark_Phoenix! Great to have another husband/wife combo in the guild!
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2017
    Welcome to ENMITY @Lucie :)!
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    Welcome to ENMITY @ShazerRex!
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    Welcome to the Crazy Train @Dark_Phoenix, @Lucie and @ShazerRex. Looking forward to gaming with you all!
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    Hey you new people! Welcome to the guild! I expect all of you to join my alchemy association in-game! :wink:

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    I have read the Guild description at the beginning of this forum.  I am following a few to your shores.

    I seek a gaming family before I seek a raiding family.  I am not interested in the end game, I am interested in the game today.  I can work toward that goal of being in end game content, but I won’t burn through a game just to get there.  I want to be able to talk smack, talk politics, religion, and get to know the people who I am investing my gaming time with when I play.  I know that some of my topics of chat can be off putting but I have an opinion, and I know how to deal with other’s opinion even if different from my own, is still a worthy opinion.  This for me would be in guild chat.  In group chat there is something else going on.  But if I can’ find common ground with the people I play with being social as we play then I am losing half of the value in a social game, mmo.  I want to have fun, because I already have a job.  I come from a primarily PVE game core, but I look forward to a  PVP mechanic that is not a griefing mundane play style.  I love that there is a Bounty system for A-holes that just want to gank.

    1.    Gaming History:  I started in Ultima Online.  I kept getting killed by deer, so I stopped soon after.  Then to EQ, where I learned the true art of MMOs.  I still talk with a few people from that original guild.  I currently play games with one member of that guild.  It was a joy.  I remember to some of the cds I listened to in certain zones from the game.  It is my standard, maybe not visually, concept of what I think an MMO should be.  I loved the down time built into the game mechanics, that really forced you to be social.  In those days, you were social through text.  I even role played in text.  EQ2  when it came out was a disappointment for me.  The Magician was all wonky and there was no Beast Lord class.  I left for Wow soon after, but I would return to EQ2.  So Wow was a very fun game too.  Found a great family guild that was literally family.  Husband and Wife guild bosses, their two children,  the wife’s brother and his wife, a few counsins, and their family friends.  Myself and a friend I have gamed with since EQ were the only ones  without a family tie.  I still talk the guild leader.  When Wow started to change due to the whining of the players, is where I started to lose interest.  I hated logging in after a big patch and having to relearn how to play my class.  I have left out a bunch of games that came up between. I will list them at the end.  Wow moved to Star Wars KOTOR.  My main was a healing Imperial Agent.  I think I am still stuck on Hoth.  The GW2, but not long after its first expansion came out.  Let me tell you I hate jumping puzzles.  I have come back around to EQ and EQ2, and will continue to play those for just fun.  I was waiting on PRF when AOC kind of came out of no where with a game that might actually see the light of day.  I still want to play PRF, but who knows when….

    Other games:  Almost all Wow and Previous Blizzard titles, Diablo 1, 2, 3.  StarCrack 1 and 2.  Hearthstone.  Space Above and Above and Beyond.  Most Lucas Art titles.  NCSoft Space game, pretty funny.  City of Heroes.  Black and White.  Star Wars Galaxies.  Rift.  Warhammer.  The Korean game with Angles and Demons.  Conan MMO and Exile. Fury.  BattleFields. AVP Gold Edition.   And I am sure about 20 others I cant remember the names of…


    2.    I am an excellent “right hand man.”  I think I bring some good and positive things to a guild.  I care about the people that game with me.  I have run D&D since I was a wee lad.  I think I still have a few first edition gaming books.  I still hate thac0.  I ran many different campaigns.  I am remembered most for my WW2 Dragonlance campaign where the High Elves wanted to bring all the Elves back into the same bloodline.  I have written a few short stories, and also a good bit of poetry.  I usually need a strong emotion to push me to be creative.  I tell lots of jokes and funny stories.  For work I am an HL7 Hospital analyst.  Boring. I also do a lot of FTP work for insurance companies for the hospital.  I am older born in the 70s.  I am well educated, but philosophers don’t get paid much these days.  But if lived in Ancient Greece, I would have had a groupie.  I am great at defusing tensions and getting people to talk. I have lived a lot of life so I also have experiences that allow me to not only sympathize with folks but empathize with them.  I love teaching and in many games prior have spent time with the newbies getting them acclimated to the new world and gaming system. 

    3.   To enjoy a new MMO with high ideals that might take me into the next decade like I have with EQ.  To build lasting friendships with guidees.  To make a name for myself and have a reputation as a logical and just player.  To help with organizational goals, but do so in a way that fosters fun game play and conversation.  The game can be all that and a bag of chips, but if the guild is flat and not inspired, we are doing something wrong.

    4.   What value to I add to Enmity?  Hmmm  I think there is inherent value in having a person who will invest in the guild and its players prior to a game even being playable.  I am willing to invest the little time that I have to play each week, to help everyone else have an enjoyable game time.  You get a smart ass, level headed, pun wielding lunatic of a Summoner to help you along.  I was Nikua long before the droofs of this game were called Nikua.  I remember when I did not have to get early access just to pick my name.  grrrr.  I am looking for family, and I think I help vreate family.

    Thanks for taking the time to look at all my gibberish.

    To the future,



    This drive to conflict is the fate of Elves. It is tragic, but all life is tragic. We live, but we are destined to die. All of our life stories are collections of highs and lows, of victories and defeat, of struggles and of overcoming. Without conflict, no life story is worth telling. Without conflict and struggle, the answer to the question "what happened?" is: "nothing." Like Oden and Thor, we know we will die, but unless we fight, we are already dead. Better to live vigorously, better to fight, than to simply wait for the end... In peace. *

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    I made you guys a guild slogan!

    "Enmity: If you think beating us is hard, try pronouncing our name."
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    Welcome to the Crazy Train Sir @Nikua, Looking forward to hunting the heads of our enemies!
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    You guys better use that slogan I spent an entire 2 minutes working on. Not like 1min and 50seconds but the whole 2. 

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    @Karthos, I like ours and 1WB's the best I think.
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    Welcome @Nikua to the guild! o7

    @Karthos, I kind of like that... maybe I'll make a banner and put outside of the gates to my freehold (game allowing). Just so people stop and start to try pronouncing it so I can kill em. :smiley:
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    Welcome to the Crazy Train @Calmrain, looking forward to dominating Verra with you and the family!
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    Welcome to ENMITY @Kaisustrin!!! Love to have more like mined members ;)
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    I had a weird dream last night about a goat eating my left shoe...

    Is this perhaps some inception?!
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    GxFaithz said:
    Welcome to the Crazy Train @Calmrain, looking forward to dominating Verra with you and the family!

    Thanks! I can't wait =)
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    Welcome the Crazy Train @Kaisustrin. The team is assembling quite nicely!

    @Karthos, High possibility that both left and right shoe may go missing! Watch out!
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    Good group here
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     <3@Benality , Thanks! Looking forward to some fun and competitive gaming between our groups! 
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    I represent a group of players looking to find a home for this absolutely gorgeous looking game. You guys have caught my attention, and at the risk of sounding a bit old fashioned, was curious if I could schedule a window of time to speak to either of the leaders on discord for a bit to get a better overall feel of the guild. Hope to hear back soon :)
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    Hey @Psyedstep, drop by our Discord and have a chat with @GOAT or  myself . I am usually available 8pm EST during the week and pretty much anytime on weekends.
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    Welcome to the Crazy Train sir @Karnix. Looking forward to reeking havoc on the battlefield alongside you!
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    Love all of your old guild mates that have joined @Oxillion! Great group of guys and gals :).
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