Official Livestream Q&A Question Thread – May 12, 2017



  • How will cooking and alchemy look like? For example what effects will there be for specific potions or food?
  • Could we get more information on combat and quests?

    I cannot tell you how disappointed I will be there is a bar of 8 skills and my first side quest is to go kill 8 deer and bring back their antlers (which won't drop until I start the quest).
  • Hi, will there be a engineering profession, and what kind of contraptions can we build that will afect the world?.
  • My question is about crafting and a bit on clarifying things for me and us i guess

    Since u talked about in previous stream about branching can u be more specific on at least how many crafting 1 character can take up to become artisan 1 character can truly become artisan with blacksmith only or can pick up Gathering / processing one or another? like Gatherer / blacksmith or only blacksmith ?
  • Hi there, thank you for all of your hard work first of all, your the best!

    My question is revolved around crafting.

    If you obtain a high level item from a monster drop, and you choose to deconstruct it, do you receive:

    The resources used to make that item


    A recipe item that tells you what is needed to make that item.
  • Will people be able to see the account name, or only character names?
    What support can we expect for Althaholics? Will the characters be completely seperate entities and have to level up EVERYTHING again if I decide to roll a second character? Or can I keep some stuff besides gear?

    What are naming restrictions? Numbers? Special letters such as äïüùà?

    How are you gonna ensure that Tank/Tank or Bard/Bard can do solo content without too much of a hassle.

    Will there be musical instruments as weapons, and if yes, can we get some examples? (Metal Bard please)

    Underrealm race: Is that 2 subraces or just 1? As they haven’t had to left the world, they might not have split up into 2 subs.
  • [quote quote=21480]Will there be a function where I can upload images for shipsails or capes like in AA?


    One more over would we able to add images to shields
  • I used to play a side scrolling MMO back in the day. In that MMO we could summon different chairs to sit on. Can we do the same in Ashes?
  • [quote quote=21170]If I pay for the $25 pledge right now, can I add more money to that pledge and upgrade it?


    Yes, you can get a smaller package now and then upgrade it later. However, you can only upgrade to whatever is available at the time of the upgrade and only until the completion of the Kickstarter.
  • Can you guys address just how difficult you intend for end-game content to be? I'm really hoping for months of progression, not just for the nodes or castle sieges, I really hope that even crafting is arduous, in the sense that one could, for example, farm a really difficult zone that requires a well organized group to even survive in it. I'd be really grateful, if an overview of difficulty could be provided.
  • I am already seeing large guilds develop and was wondering how the smaller guilds will be able to survive in a game like this? I am hopeful, we can create our own paths and not worry about alliances and similar activities that often shatter smaller guilds.

  • Hello~

    Can you confirm if you have considered adding a music system like mml into the game?
    If not, now many sandal-cakes to I have to bake in order for you to consider it?
  • Any features that could make escorting or attacking caravans more risk and fun?

    Like we could train pets like hawks to act like drones escorting caravan and warning us for possible ambush?
    In the other side hand attackers could have hawks able to fight and kill (if they are better trained etc)the scout hawk.

    And maybe we could hire NPC soldiers hide in the cargo of a caravan an make an unexpected surprise to attackers,
    or even be able to set a wagon with explosives for a trap dealing an amount of damage to attackers side.

    Would be awesome for attackers to wondering and risking an attack to caravans and have to deal with unexpected factors
  • (Shorter version )
    Will their be stuff you can buy like cosmetic etc... that you can only get if you do World pvp ( not Instanced Battle grounds )

    Question for open world pvp I know you have a flag system base which is cool, but will their be a Reason to open world pvp for example in WOW their was an island called Timeless isle and every time you killed someone on that island you get a bloody Coin and you can buy special stuff that you can only get from those bloody coins.
  • How large is the game going to be and can you give a comparison of the size?
  • When it comes to the games of chance kickstarter stretch goal... I am super excited about this feature, I have always been one to host my own sort of casinos in games due to the lack of this feature. What types of games would be played this way? Would we have several options to choose from: dice, cards, etc.? And these games would all be played against other players? Might be a taxable venture for a node also?
  • When will more class information be released?
  • Can people join groups with caravan defense to help out those who missed hailing the NPC prior to departure until it makes it to the 50% mark of the destination path?
  • Will there be some kind of Journalism in the game that leads to newspapers that could be read in a tavern and if yes: will players be able to write articles for those newspapers to inform other players about upcoming events or to tell about events that happened recently?
  • Could you explain more about the enhanced social systems that we are working toward? It talks about thieves guilds and academia. Will I be able to make myself a thieves guild or dedicate my guild to lore and academics, or are you creating these as pre-existing structures in game?
  • Last stream you answered a question about epic quests. I'm not as familiar with those, but in one of the more famous mmo's they had quests to acquire class skills, i.e. a druid's transformations, a shaman's chants... Will we see that type of quest in AoC? If not, is there any way we could change your mind?

    From an RP and storytelling perspective, I feel like that type of quest really fleshes characters out and makes learning something really feel valuable, as opposed to "Pay Joe with a bow 100g and learn how to hail arrows from the sky."
  • With the implementation of a thieves guild, will there be pvp theft? How will that play out? Can I permanently secure my valuables? Can I catch a thief as they try to steal my goods? Can I consequently kill him? Does a thief gain corruption? Can I choose to fence stolen goods? Will there be a system for laundering those goods/money?
  • Will shipmaking and caravan crafting be an artisan class?
  • Would holiday theme events be a thing in game? Collectible holiday items?
  • Sit or stand to wipe?
  • Hey Intrepid, I am wondering if you guys are planning to take advantage of the unique position I feel you are in when it comes to making it rewarding to be an explorer?

    No game that I know of so far has been able properly reward players for being trailblazers and pushing the frontier. I think with the systems you guys have already confirmed, you have the ability to this better than anyone else to date.

    With features like climbing and an ever changing world, and no 2 servers progressing the same, plus seasons that open up and close paths, I think you could easily reward players for being the first to find hidden places or secret treasures. Even the fact that there is no fast travel is something that is going to make it so there are lots of untread trails.

    Do you have anything in mind for this aspect of game play that has never been properly developed in an mmo?
  • How does loot drop work upon death? do you keep all your gear/items/money in your inventory or do you loose everything or loose only some items?
  • Can we have a bacon religion?
  • Will there be colour blind options available on launch?
  • Will my Paladin be able to run his own Church on a Freehold?
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