Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Hehe, that would be very cool.
But, I am a big fan of "Sims-style" decorating tools... or, in the MMO space, how Black Desert does the interface.
By that I mean, it pops you into a 3/4 view if the space that is somewhat constrained.... but also, much easier to place objects and see the overall big picture.
As far as housing decor/items... I love obtaining unique things! I suppose that's not a surprise for an MMO player... but I will do even the most obscure event or go to other great lengths to obtain something rare, even as simple as a vase that will sit on a fireplace mantle
There should be varieties of ways to earn these things:
Speaking of crafting, COOKING should be able to produce housing decor that is functional. If I set bread on the table, it should also be usable.. as food! Until it runs out, of course.
Enough rambling though... can't wait
Additionally since Ashes of Creation is all about PvP and PvE elements intertwining and being equally important I think some decorations should only be available through drops. Maybe whoever deals the most damage to a world boss receives a special trophy that cannot be traded away and can be use as a house decoration? It would certainly feel players with pride every time they enter their houses and I imagine some people would dedicate themselves to making a real trophy wall!
In other games, I have a few characters just for decoration storage.
Costume: For purchases made in the shop or blueprint designs from carpenters (If that becomes a thing). This option would still allow players to change simple things around, such as interior items, but disables any color scheme features including lighting.
Standard: Similar to a Costume, but players are able to change color schemes and lighting. This option is here for the minimalist players who just want a place to hunker down to work on their Artisan Class and not worry about a bunch of detail work.
Advanced: This feature allows players to mess with almost every setting on their player housing including vertical scaling and limited dimensions (Thinking of players who would prefer their Free Holds to be one massive mansion and not a Tetris block for other buildings)
Other Ideas
Item Skin Generator: This would allow players to take items (Weapons, Tools, Armor, Etc.) and add it to the decor of their housing without removing the item from their inventory. Players who achieve a Legendary weapon know that their time with that weapon is limited, but with this feature, it will forever be part of their prestige and a talking point when they have visitors
Architect Stations: Following up from the "Costume" section. This item would allow either an Artisan Class or anyone who has purchased it from an Artisan to customize a Free Hold to exact specifications in which they can sell or give to friends that don't like to spend a lot of time designing. This could extend to other buildings that you may find on a Free Hold and not limited to a house.
So I was watching this FF14 housing design video (
If someone's creative, artistic, patient, and talented that they excels at player-housing-interior-design, let them be that professional and design floorplans for other players for a reward.
...... But you might end up with a floorplan-piracy problem. (ppl duplicating & selling floorplans created by other players)
Just need to allow them edit access to your housing, and let them do what they do. Can't duplicate that, cos it's coming directly from them.
We'll see you for our next Dev Discussion on overgearing!
Looking at this same process a player who opens a storefront can create a display item to show what they have to offer. I like the idea of being able to look at someone's storefront and see what mounts they are selling or food. It then becomes like a visual menu. Then you just need to add signs so a player could create a display price, maybe a cash register to give a visual appearance of sales or make it functional with the ability to store up to x amount of money for x amount of time.
IF the item is bound I would still allow it to be turned into a display item, but keep it bound even when removed as a disply item.
2. Colors. Like most people I like colors and color choices. It would be nice to have a scale to adjust the colors of many things, but from a business perspective I like the model used in AA where they sell dye tickets that you can buy to change the color of each item.
3. Are we going to be able to import our own personalized pictures to at least some stuff? Again in AA we can import a picture to place patterns on our walls, beds and a few items which allows us to design it ourselves or use a picture found on the internet to display what we would like to change the overall design. It may be impossible to do everything this way, but I think if it starts with pictures we can hang on the wall, maybe our blanket on the bed it would add another step to personalization.
Keep things fresh. The worst part about decorating is having a limited number of items that never change. We want to see fresh ideas on occasion. We also like to decorate for the holidays so I would like to see holiday items available at a decent time before the holidays and each year see some added new things that we can add to last year's collection.
Can we get a special trophy for major accomplishments? Maybe a statue of some bosses as a rng drop or a trophy to display showing you were mayor once or six times whatever. Even a trophy from boss kills suck as tooth from a dragon. We can then use them to show off our own accomplishments.
2. Housing with secret rooms or in secret locations?
3. Can we get a first person mode where we just see the body by zooming camera into head?
Have the camera move the characters head also like it's done in guild wars 2. This would allow VR support using vorpx, and no extra mechanics required.
I would really like to be able to place my pets about the space. Since you are limited to one showing at any given time, the house is a great place to see the others when they aren't in use.
Lots and lots of plants please. If we encounter a tree or plant in the wild, I would love the option to display it in our houses. Maybe this could benefit the gathering profession as they have to locate a version of the plant and turn it into something before it can be used as a decoration.
A water feature that has the accompanying sound. It's terrific to log into your home in the game and you have the sound of the water in the background and the wind in the trees. That's always an awesome way to start your entertainment.
Achievement award decorations, especially those directly related such as a skull decoration from a boss or rare mob kill, are also incredible to put on display.
Regarding tools, I would simply ask for a robust, but simple to use system for placing decorations. The less restrictions the better.
Dont know why i dont see that in more games.
Also like gardens, stables and other minigames in your yard.
Would be nice if you logged out and became a "guard" in your guilds town while you were logged out.
But I like the ugly decorations. I feel like if I am able to place where I want, I should be allowed to use the head of a dragon boss to create a monument.
1) Trophies ranging from the most epic to the absolute weird and obscure. If there is a small beastiary entry that comes with that is a plus. If not see 2.
2) Communication with other players - so signposts, banners, etc. the ability to leave notes for travellers or instructions.
3) Function, chair decor is only cool if you can sit in them. So I believe that if the player thinks he / she should be able to use the decor somehow, then they can. Gaming is about interactivity - its not a virtual museum. Which brings me to 4.
4) Interactivity - you mentioned having palour games! What about special group decor activities like throwing darts (doesn't have to be full functional game, just idle animations) - i.e if you both interact with something your avatars will do some stuff (think like in Sims). If you wanna go all out and implement full games, then be my guest, but you are already so ambitious that I can't see you having time for something like this. ^^
architectural styles: the freeholds and housing should be influenced by different factors and with that i mean
religions, races, classes, professions, environmental and holiday themed style. the
different styles that i mentioned now probably blend well with each other but it would be
nice to have unique differences in them with concepts as.
- holy elements: zealous church, angelic, ......
- dark elements: dungeons, demonic , cultist church , ......
- workplaces: smithy, mad laboratory, greenhouse, seamanship/ wharf, fight pit, .....
- environmental: caves, jungle tree house, oasis, island paradise, .....
- class: fighters guild, thieves den, mages guild, barbarian fort, .....
interior: with the interior i would like to see the different building styles integrated in the interior.
also look for unique things that goes well with the style of the house like a waterfall shower,
giant leaf bed, wooden boat wheel table, bar, keg stools, bone cabinets, banners, scale throne, .....
plz dont forget to include plaques, display cabinets, armor stands, pikes with boss heads, flags and
statues that change how many times we conquered a specific boss.
anything that can display our achievements or unique stuff would be great.
oh and please include the option to make curved walls, arches, beams, waterfall walls,
indoor gardens, porches, balconies, ......
building materials: would love to see that you can get almost every building material in the wild through
gathering and slaying mobs, with that i mean in and out of dungeons.
getting some unique materials through religion & racial quest would make the gathering of
materials that more divers.
with coloring some people will hate me for this but it would be great if the colors come
from the materials itself.
this should make that most materials stay somewhat marketable and i know you probably
can't make that much divers materials.
but look at professions to change your materials to make bleuprints and new colors.
landscaping: i would love to see the ability to make your own garden or edit a few things around the housing/
with plants i would like to have seasonal options, node options, underground plant life , elemental options and water vegetation.
seasonal options: - winter: i would love to see different plants with snow effects like in winter and
winter plants like a winter honeysuckle, Christmas rose, European beech .....
- autumn: the colors and plants withering effects would be nice to have and autumn plants
like toad lily, beauty berry, black tupelo, coral bark Japanese maple, ....
- spring: with spring i mean more vibrant color schemes and dew effects. with plants like
pansy, crocus, cherry tree, ....
- summer: with summer some plants begin to scatter there seeds and the same with spring
the color schemes are vibrant. don't forget the fruits and vegetable planting.
some plants like the lobelia, begonia, pelargoniums, .... grow well in the summer.
node options: looking at the map i can definitely see different terrains and that gives a possibility for
different plants. look at earth and there's a lot of different places that you can link with the map.
with that you can have dessert plants, mountain plants, jungle plants, European plants, eastern
plants, ......
underground options: with the videos i saw there's a underground world with beautiful features that you can
definitely integrate in the housing. with this i mean the fungus, luminescent plants,
roots, ..... and as example wise a luminescent fungus lamp.
elemental options: with this i would love to see a few unique plants that high lights a garden or room. like void
flower, thunder tree, fire bush, poison flowers, ..... go nuts with this
water vegetation: most of the times you will be combining this with ponds, rivers or lakes that you can craft/
find. could also be used with table ornaments and there's a diverse of vegetation like a
lotus, cattail, canna, .... for use.
Since I don't really plan to spend time in there, it would be used for storage and maybe trophies of various adventures. maybe armor dolls you could display that beloved old armor on that you loved the look of but you have out leveled. things like that.
I have never tired a "decor system" in an MMO, but GF told me final fantasy have good system.