Greetings, glorious adventurers! If you're joining in our Alpha One spot testing, please follow the steps here to see all the latest test info on our forums and Discord!

Next Livestream + Q&A Submission - Wednesday, July 3, 2024 at 11am Pacific



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    SevarielSevariel Member
    Many of us eagerly anticipate roleplaying and living in a world like Verra. It would be revolutionary to have a spellbook separate from our combat abilities and standard emotes that lends itself solely to class fantasy and immersion. Is there any chance that we will see cantrips and aesthetic abilities intended for use outside of combat?

    (Archer whittling arrows, Mage juggling elemental orbs, Gandalf blowing smoke-ships through rings, shapeshifting, conjuring a toadstool or patch of grass to sit on, growing and tending to magical plants, taking notes in the air with magical runes)

    So many of these things are done well with /emote text but visuals help. I have withheld turning in quests if a quest item gives me a cool visual effect upon use that I can incorporate into roleplay. 😅
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    oM3n007oM3n007 Member
    Who can play the Alpha 2 ?
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    What is your philosophy when it comes to balancing classes / combos that over perform in PVP, but under perform in PVE?
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    ShabooeyShabooey Member
    edited July 1
    Could you explain the design decision not to allow Nodes to siege within their vassal system? It seems a little counterintuitive to say Nodes are where player loyalties lie but then don't allow players the self-determination to progress their Node within the vassal system and as such reduce the importance of Node loyalty.

    Edit = changed the question.
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    ArunteliArunteli Member
    After Alpha 2 launches, what kind of release cadence are you planning to have for future updates and does the planned release cadence change or affect your open development process?
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    VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    edited June 26
    Glorious community - The June Development Update Livestream has been moved to Wednesday, July 3, 2024 at 11am Pacific, and the Q&A submission has been extended.

    Our glorious leader needs additional time to recover from being sick. Thank you for your understanding. 💪♥
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    ValanureValanure Member
    Dear Intrepid Studios,

    I missed buying the Alpha 2 Pack by a few days, in January. Does this mean I wont be able to support Ashes or Creation, nor get Alpha 2 access for another year? :( Missing out, while everyone else is in. I'd be more than happy to support.

    Best Wishes,

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    AnimeaddictAnimeaddict Member
    edited June 26
    ((Delete this didn’t know couldn’t post two questions))
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    What is character creation going to be like? I heard can unlock tattoos that you can wear in game does that mean it will be part of gear with its own slot instead of character creation?
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    Will there be mounts that are exclusive to specific events that will never be rereleased? I have found that one of the primary reasons why I don't try and play older MMOs is due to the fact i know I will never be able to complete my mount collection in the game due to exclusives.
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    Regarding XP debt and stat dampening, are their plans to have these turned off during progression raiding like they are for objective-based PVP? Typically when you're first learning a new raid boss, it will take dozens of wipes while you chip away at progress on the fight, learning the mechanics, and building a strategy, and this will be very counter-productive to this progression. You say that the Cleric's Resurrection skill "will return a percentage that would have been accrued as experience debt", but does this include stat dampening as well, and how much will be returned/mitigated by the Resurrection skill?
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    LeonerdoLeonerdo Member
    Can you talk a little about your thoughts on stat progression? For instance, will there be multiplicative bonuses, like critical strike chance and critical damage, which are often used as a cornerstone of high-level DPS builds?
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    RaccRacc Member
    With the marked improvements on spell effects and lighting recently, and the advent of advanced and more affordable High Dynamic Range (HDR) monitors on the market, are there any plans to support HDR visuals in Ashes of Creation?
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    VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    NiKr wrote: »
    What will happen to the siege attacker side if the owner guild has 250 members and one of the attacker guilds successfully cast the Seal to move ownership of the castle to themselves?

    Hey @NiKr

    Having some troubles understanding this question. What does the 250 members have to do with the question, exactly? And do you mean to say what will happen to the defending side?

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    Vaknar wrote: »
    Hey NiKr

    Having some troubles understanding this question. What does the 250 members have to do with the question, exactly? And do you mean to say what will happen to the defending side?

    Under the assumption of a 250v250 siege, that'd be the number of initial defenders. A siege seal would supposedly move the ownership of the castle to one of the attacking guilds.

    The core of my question is "does the siege end at the successful cast of said seal, and if not - what happens to the siege sides: does the guild that cast the seal become the single defending side while the attackers now have up to 460 members, or do the sides flip"?

    I worded it the initial way, cause wording it otherwise felt like too much of a multi-question and I didn't want to get disqualified from having a chance for an answer.
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    My question is about level progression. Currently I see this a lot in MMOsRPGs making leveling easier, this ends up leaving the game without objective pursuit as this was a good thing in older games, a quest for level and reaching that famous maximum level. But my question is! What does Intrepid think about this for AOC?

    Recrutamento aberto - Nosso Site: Clique aqui
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    xillinxillin Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Can you explain how players having the ability to purchase Monster Coins out of the shop, and then use them to target specific people or parts of nodes is NOT Pay 2 Win?
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    YikanYikan Member
    What is the current iteration of combat pets?
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    akabear wrote: »
    Do you intend to have player or guild wealth caps (currency or materials)?

    "There is no cap on how much gold a player can hold.[13]"
    This link may help you:

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    Eona wrote: »
    Will the companion pets have any active role with or to you when when they are exploring beside you (helping to gather loot or offer some sort of buff or debuff or both!), or are they simply cute comfort pixels keeping you company while you roam the world?

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    Eona wrote: »
    Will we ever see any of the items that had been offered in the store offered again? I really wanted Yew ( the ewe) and still reflect on it, and am hoping we will see some of those skins offered again at some point.

    Nope. That was one of the selling points, that they'll never be released again.
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    Spittfyre wrote: »
    Will solo/small party playstyles be viable in the open world, or will you be dependent on constantly finding players to group with? As someone with limited time to play I'm worried of being unable to progress through a vast majority of content without spending a lot of that time looking for a party

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    SherNan wrote: »
    Hello Steven, Margaret, all the awesome Intrepid team :)
    This question has probably been asked before but could you tell us what you have planned if, after a while, the servers become empty?

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    This link may help you:

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    oM3n007 wrote: »
    Who can play the Alpha 2 ?

    People who have a valid Alpha 2 Key.
    This link may help you:

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    What is character creation going to be like? I heard can unlock tattoos that you can wear in game does that mean it will be part of gear with its own slot instead of character creation?

    This link may help you:
    This link may help you:

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    Ethanh37Ethanh37 Member
    I have recently seen that Nodes are to be static(a nodes type) though out the map is this still likely to be the case and why was this decision made?.. having thought on this for quite a while it seems this will lead to there being a best node meta for maps and could lead to stagnation later on in to sever life cycles. with the upcoming news of sever messing it seems that having this tech could maybe allow for dynamic node types?

    not going to lie was very disappointed to learn you wouldn't be able to decide the out come a node type would be..
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    JeanPhilippeQCJeanPhilippeQC Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Vaknar wrote: »
    Glorious community - The June Development Update Livestream has been moved to Wednesday, July 3, 2024 at 11am Pacific, and the Q&A submission has been extended.

    Our glorious leader needs additional time to recover from being sick. Thank you for your understanding. 💪♥

    Get well soon, glorious Steven!
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    AszkalonAszkalon Member
    Tenguru wrote: »
    Did the Seven create the Ancient Artifacts ?

    LOOK what they need to do - to mimic even a fraction of Sir Steven's Power.

    ;) . :sunglasses: . :D
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✗ Not looking for a guild atm
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    FutuereFutuere Member
    Q: Will there be a way to dispatch "scout" NPCs/entities to patrol an area if an enemy guild/player has entered the zone to encourage PvP?

    An example would be an NPC scout's that will run back to the base and warn an enemy is "poaching wildlife" or "stealing natural resources" and not just a generic zone warning message. Think Hired scout's unmounted or mounted, Eye of Kilrogg from WoW, or the Arcane Eye spell from Pathfinder to patrol your territory. Passive entities or NPCs that will only fight to defend so they can sprint back to a guard post or cast Animal Messenger spell to send a warning if not stopped. There are several ways to build off of this, an object you could place within a node that has a radius like Alarm spell at a popular mining location or more advanced spells like Scrying where players who have residence in a zone could use a magic mirror/crystal ball placed by a player to view the immediate area remotely.
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    wakkytabbakywakkytabbaky Member
    edited June 30
    Ethanh37 wrote: »
    I have recently seen that Nodes are to be static(a nodes type) though out the map is this still likely to be the case and why was this decision made?.. having thought on this for quite a while it seems this will lead to there being a best node meta for maps and could lead to stagnation later on in to sever life cycles. with the upcoming news of sever messing it seems that having this tech could maybe allow for dynamic node types?

    not going to lie was very disappointed to learn you wouldn't be able to decide the out come a node type would be..

    if you randomise node type placement then it throws out certain aspects of mechanics , dungeons , world bosses etc. while the node types are static every event is hand crafted to that area and you will know X raid boss will be in this node if its lvl 5 etc and is the same across all servers. if its random node types then the already planned content wouldnt work properly.

    servers are going to be massively different from one another as more time progresses, yes alot of the nodes at launch will lvl at same rate but then any node deviation will split that server off and provide a different experience compared to other servers

    plus it will be a very very very very long time before node metas are found and while the node meta may suit all servers its a lot of work to destroy / relevel the exact perfect meta nodes + no one will want to give up their land / control just to get meta nodes
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