Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Next Live Stream + Q&A Submission - Friday, October 29, 2021 at 11AM Pacific



  • Happymeal2415Happymeal2415 Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    When talking about sieges you talk about 250v250 with a stretch goal of 500v500. Is there a chance that it ends up somewhere in between? say 350v350?
  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    If someone gives you permission to enter their freehold, can you be attacked by people who were not invited into that person's freehold?
    Node coffers: Single Payer Capitalism in action
  • SirChancelotSirChancelot Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Question about the archtype system and party roles.

    Will any combinations of X/Tank be able to fill the role of tank if they are properly geared and built to tank, or will the primary archtype of tank be the only option for tanking?
  • Will Ashes of Creation have cutscenes and voiced dialogues?
  • FenixofAsheFenixofAshe Member
    edited October 2021
    Question about social aspects:

    How are you going to take care of the social aspects of the game? If you look at the entire generation of mmorpg games at the time when they were most popular, the factor that attracted gamers the most was the opportunity to meet and chat in the virtual world with friends or guild members. In the past, all information about the game, character development, weapons, hunting places, skills learing etc. we had to obtain from players inside the game . Nowadays, unlimited access to information about games trough wikis, guides and video tutorial on YT has negatively impacted the general enjoyment of them. AoC is far from being released, and you can already find some tutorials on yt..

    I know it's impossible to tell players "don't record and don't share tutorials", or "don't watch tutorials", but are you planning any system that will make players try to get information inside the game ? Getting information by players by their own is a lot of great additional content that you, as developers, would not have to work on. Unfortunately, a new player acquiring all the knowledge in a 5-minute guide destroys all the immersion and importance of the information gained in the game.

    To sum up:
    1. Conveniences kills adventure,
    2. Facilitate and reward players interaction,

    Lots of love to all AoC lovers and creators!
  • KroniicTooKraftyKroniicTooKrafty Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Since Halloween is around the corner, can you give us any updates on the Summoner class? Will the summoner be pvp relevant? For example will the summons have high HP and damage in order to compete with players you are facing on the battlegrounds?

    Happy Halloween Intrepid!!!
  • NiyaNiya Member
    edited October 2021
    How do you plan to stop migration from controlled node to high level node? And what a benefit to improve new one? Players can just live in one node, it can be a problem.
  • Will we be able to choose which hand is our "Main" hand?
  • CataractCataract Member, Alpha Two
    edited October 2021
    Since I am a passionate PvE player, I love to run dungeons, but more in smaller groups than in larger raids:

    Are you planning to make the 8-player PvE content (dungeons) attractive in terms of difficulty and reward over the entire course of the game? Is it even planned as "endgame content"? (as an example: mythic+ dungeons in WoW)
  • MisterMxyzptlkMisterMxyzptlk Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    the animations and postures of our avatar have not evolved since apocalypse
    During the alpha we saw the final version, or are you still going to work on it?
    Master of Dimensions, Intergalactic Prankster, and Keeper of the Portals of Unforeseen
  • BigChiefJoJoBigChiefJoJo Member, Alpha Two
    One of the concerns with new games in the era we live in, is that all novelty is gone before release. Games come out and everything is known, the meta is decided by streamers, and people rush through to be the best. And I feel it causes burnout on games. Gone are the days of unknown adventure and exploration, and while it is the responsibility of the consumer to not over-indulge before the game is out and to enjoy the journey and not just the destination, I feel developers today can, and should, do better by not giving access to everything...leave some mystery for release to be discovered by all players in due time.

    I have a deep respect for the direction the devs of this game are going, and what you are aiming for. I truly don't believe I could make a better game if I had all the resources and time, which says volumes when you think of all the criticisms of other titles in today's world. I know that testing is crucial to a successful launch, and I am beyond excited to be a part of that; but I also hope that even if I sought out all I could in an alpha or beta...there would be some gleeful delight in the unknown that the developers held back just for the sake of wonder.
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    edited October 2021
    Niya wrote: »
    How do you plan to stop migration from controlled node to high level node?

    Why control it? People should be free to pack up and move if they want to.
  • BlipBlip Member, Alpha Two
    One of the concerns with new games in the era we live in, is that all novelty is gone before release. Games come out and everything is known, the meta is decided by streamers, and people rush through to be the best. And I feel it causes burnout on games. Gone are the days of unknown adventure and exploration, and while it is the responsibility of the consumer to not over-indulge before the game is out and to enjoy the journey and not just the destination, I feel developers today can, and should, do better by not giving access to everything...leave some mystery for release to be discovered by all players in due time.

    I have a deep respect for the direction the devs of this game are going, and what you are aiming for. I truly don't believe I could make a better game if I had all the resources and time, which says volumes when you think of all the criticisms of other titles in today's world. I know that testing is crucial to a successful launch, and I am beyond excited to be a part of that; but I also hope that even if I sought out all I could in an alpha or beta...there would be some gleeful delight in the unknown that the developers held back just for the sake of wonder.

    We are lucky in Ashes there is so many veriations of how the world evolves. That come release we will get a totaly new experience content wise. Same goes for agments in religions ans so 4th no way ita all maped at lunche.
  • SongRuneSongRune Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Is there any plan to have furniture items behave the way some do in Black Desert where they have effects that can be used up and need to be repaired or replaced, or will this be related in some way to node destruction?
  • what design decision that you recently had that was heavily influenced by Dev Discussions.
  • HoozierpopzHoozierpopz Member
    edited October 2021
    Have you figured out a way to ensure all resources that are gathered at level 1 remain relevant throughout the life of the game? Is there also a plan to prevent millions of low level items from flooding the markets/NPC vendors? (maybe have certain items required for daily use/consumption or items like fruits and vegetables rotting after a day or 2) Maybe eating an apple gives you a harvesting buff for 24 hours but an apple pie gives you the buff for a few days.
  • ShadonSolShadonSol Moderator, Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Bagamut wrote: »
    How many players will the server be designed for? And is there a plan to migrate characters between servers?
    Regarding server population: (also a good read for @Amar ) // Transfering characters between servers is not planned.
    Sunnyside wrote: »
    ...will I have to risk getting corrupted fighting other players to contest the nodes?
    That depends on the flagging status of yourself and the other player. If both of you are combatants you're fine. More info:
    Question: What types of progress are you planning on having be account wide?
    The current plan is that progression is per-character.
  • VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
    Hello again glorious AoC community! Thank you to all who stopped by and shared a question with us for this month’s stream. Q&A submissions are now closed, and we’ll see you at 11AM Pacific on Friday for our live stream!
  • Question about the Summoner

    Will there be one typ of every summon with 2 different augmentation’s on the necro (summoner) or will there be more than one which players could choose from,
    like does every summoner have 1 dps, 1 tank, 1 heal summon or more variations of the same kind of summon? Lets say i play with some one who has the same class as i do and uses the same augments as i do but we both still have the option to summon different kinds of death augmented tank summons.

    Thanks in advance and keep up the great work.

  • kappnikkappnik Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Any information on what classes/archetypes will be available in Alpha 2? also <3 u Intrepid team
  • KrazybairKrazybair Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
  • Hi there Steven and and the rest of intrepid! What systems do you have in place to prevent the economy from crashing from the very get go, eg. items and resources being useless to sell at the start of the game like New world? also will there be hidden treasures to find underwater!?
  • ShadonSolShadonSol Moderator, Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    kappnik wrote: »
    Any information on what classes/archetypes will be available in Alpha 2? also <3 u Intrepid team

    The current plan is to have all archetypes and some subclasses + augments.
  • JeanPhilippeGungharJeanPhilippeGunghar Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited October 2021
    My question for the developers is:
    Steven said that there will have a few months with no test. The community expected 3-4 months starting mid august. What can we expect?
  • EffluvikoffEffluvikoff Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited October 2021
    Could we please get more clarification on classes and their thematic fantasies?

    You've said in the past that Necromancer will be able to summon Skeletons, but I want to know to what extent we should expect for the other classes. For example can we expect a Spellstone to have a literal Spellstone or will an Enchanter actually be able to Enchant enemies?

    What limitations will there be in regards to a Paladin who isn't specializing in the Holy augments of the Cleric, and takes "Unholy". Is that still a Paladin? Dark Paladin?
  • VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
    Greetings again, glorious adventurers! We appreciate you stopping by to share your questions with us <3 in case you didn't hear us get to your topic on the stream today, it may be because we've covered it previously - check out more info below!

    @Leonerdo5 (question) - Crafting and gathering systems are still in development and being discussed internally. As a reminder, the system in place during Alpha-1 was placeholder!

    @Quin69 (question) - The team has been working hard on the character creator recently and Steven will surely show it off as soon as it is in a ready state to be shown so stay tuned. :)

    @Bagamut (question) - You can read more about server population here, on the wiki!

    @Senator Dodo (question) - While there will be a mix of character-based and account-based achievements, the majority of your progress will be character-based!

    @Hakaiju (question) - There will be many craftable items and drops with different and unique appearances and effects which can be made at varying levels.

    @Cadac (question) - You can learn more about instances and how they work here, on the wiki!

    @skearnz (question) - Combat pets will take away some power from the player to compensate for the power of the pet. An example of this could be speccing into some DPS abilities you don't have like crowd control! More info can be found here :)

    @Sent (question) - Hello! Steven has talked about this before which can be found here :) In short, it is possible that there will be cross-server matchmaking.

    @boshean (question) - No new information to report at this moment but rest assured it is being worked on!

    @Happymeal2415 (question) - While everything in testing is subject to change, the team is working on making 500v500 happen at this moment!

    @SirChancelot11 , @theonegargoyle (questions 1 & 2) - Correct! Any X/Tank archetype will be a viable tank. Steven has said that for upper-tier raiding, any Tank/X archetype combination will be viable as well!

    @Lethanel (question) - Yes, there will be cinematics and cutscenes and voiced dialogue. However, only specific NPCs / questlines will have uniquely voiced dialogue.

    @Maouii (question) - Everything seen in Alpha One was subject to change, improvement and alteration! This includes the animations and postures :)

    @PPaper (question) - More information on this to come :) The designers refer to the Dev Discussions as they're relevant, and we will talk about this more as we progress through development! Good question :)

    @Xaruem , @kappnik , @Pink floyd , @JeanPhilippeQC - Thank you for your question! However, you asked your question after our submission period ended :( Please come back next month and ask your question for a chance to have your question asked on next months live stream! :)

    @RAYZZ (question) - No new information to report at this moment but rest assured it is being worked on!

    @Nostra (question) - Theoretically yes, if your nodes never develop in the same ways as others, or if you fail an event because not enough people helped in time then you might come across quests that might not be completable.

    @insomnia (question) - Rest assured that as soon as Tulnar are ready to be revealed in some compacity, Steven will excitedly show them off!

    @Sunnyside (question) - Correct, fighting over gatherables will be an inherent aspect to Ashes of Creation and in doing so, you may risk corruption status depending on how you choose your battles!

    @Khoopa (question) - Steven has discussed his opinions and the design direction on DPS/HPS meters before, which can be found here on the wiki! :)

    @George Black (question) - There are no plans for daily rewards like such as this. You can read more about it here, on the wiki!

    @Vlhadus (question) - We're just a bit under 100 developers and counting! We're still hiring plenty of positions for our teams as well!:)

    @ashone (question) - When we're ready to share the latest updates from our team with our Alpha One findings!

    @DynastyLife (question) - While everything is subject to change, we appreciate feedback and take notice of subjects often brought up on the forums!

    @Valoroth (question) - Finding out what kind of info you'd like to see in guild logs has been the focus of some of our recent Guild Gathering topics! Stay tuned for more info on this. :)

    @RowniSciponi (question) - They will be identical in value as there will not be any type of P2W.

    @Moonlight Butterfly (question) - If we did we probably couldn't tell you about them ;)

    @Marzzo (question) - The team is working diligently on Alpha Two, which presents many fun and interesting challenges to tackle. Overcoming design challenges is an inherent part of game development and is often accomplished through teamwork, collaboration and time :)

    @Amar (question) - You can find information answering this question here, on the wiki! :)

    @Leolouch Vi Britannia (question) - Stay tuned for more details on artisan professions!

    @DaddySteve (question) - While I could not find a reference to this, I believe there are currently no plans on AoE caps at this time.

    @Kencha77 (question) - The design of Ashes of Creation's API is still under consideration. You can read more about it here, on the wiki! :)

    @JustVine (question) - Players can not kill other players within the footprint of their freehold, however this is subject to testing. You can read more on it here!

    @meowstical (question) - I believe Steven has said that you cannot choose whether your character is left or right hand dominant, so the answer is no AFAIK but this is subject to feedback and testing, like all things!

    @Nerror , @Blip (questions 1 & 2) - You can read more about both decay and possible destruction here, on the wiki! - Subject to further testing, of course. :)

    @Immortality (question) - Holidays are not planned to be a direct parallel, but perhaps inspired by them :) You can read more about it here, on the wiki!

    @Nova Ordem (question) - That particular aura would be an exclusive. With that said, there may be a possibility for other auras through in-game achievements and the shop!

    @Vistero (question) - As it stands, increasing ZOI will be determined by vassalization, which hasn't been shared to have any sort of node-type specific features. You can read more about it here, on the wiki!

    @Cataract (question) - Many things to do at end-game, especially since nodes will level up/get destroyed and new dungeon experiences may unlock based on how the landscape develops. Plus, new content with regular new expansions. If you're referring to a system designed around replayability specific to the example you provided, then please rephrase your question for next months live stream! :)

    @Whisperfall (question) - From a threat assessment angle, we've talked about that more here, on the wiki! If you're referring to the visual identity, then the answer is likely predominantly the FX and appearance of your skills and abilities.

    @Heyday , @ELRYNO , @Aeturnes , @GrilledCheeseMojito , @DezzRevas , @DougBug27 , @Babafat , @Hjerim , @Wolves , @Lethanel , @DABZ16 , @FenixofAshe , @KroniicTooKrafty , @Niya , @BigChiefJoJo , @Hoozierpopz , @McShave , @Taerrik , @Neurotoxin - Please only share one question next time as requested and make sure that your question is concise and succinct. The more direct/succinct it is, the more likely it is to be selected by our team!

    @Azherae , @Magic Man , @Lashing , @Tyranthraxus , @Yawnanoc , @DownpourG , @Anduin Kayvaan , @Tyrakkel , @Karthos , @SongRune - Yay! Your questions were selected at random and answered by Steven on stream! Make sure to check out the VOD incase you missed it live! :D
  • TyranthraxusTyranthraxus Member, Alpha Two
    Yours truly and @McShave apparently joined within 2 days of eachother, and I think we've both mostly posted questions every month, since then. It's really, REALLY cool to have the staff - especially SS himself - answer or address these questions - be it in the live Q&A at the end of the monthly updates, or by someone such as @Vaknar, in the after-recap.

    Ultimately, it's best to research your questions first. They've stated multiple times in the past that they don't mind answering questions that have been asked and answered 100 times already - but they often go by Likes, and it's usually the questions that have not garnered answers before that people tend to like. It was only the 2nd time one of my questions has been directly responded to - but as Steven mentioned in the Q&A section, it was highly relevant; It was something they've been actively discussing amongst the team, and don't have a finite answer for, just yet.

    Keep posting, and don't give up, just because you didn't get an answer this month; there's always the next update, and also the separate AMA's!

  • BlipBlip Member, Alpha Two
    Vaknar wrote: »
    Greetings again, glorious adventurers! We appreciate you stopping by to share your questions with us <3 in case you didn't hear us get to your topic on the stream today, it may be because we've covered it previously - check out more info below!

    @Leonerdo5 (question) - Crafting and gathering systems are still in development and being discussed internally. As a reminder, the system in place during Alpha-1 was placeholder!

    @Quin69 (question) - The team has been working hard on the character creator recently and Steven will surely show it off as soon as it is in a ready state to be shown so stay tuned. :)

    @Bagamut (question) - You can read more about server population here, on the wiki!

    @Senator Dodo (question) - While there will be a mix of character-based and account-based achievements, the majority of your progress will be character-based!

    @Hakaiju (question) - There will be many craftable items and drops with different and unique appearances and effects which can be made at varying levels.

    @Cadac (question) - You can learn more about instances and how they work here, on the wiki!

    @skearnz (question) - Combat pets will take away some power from the player to compensate for the power of the pet. An example of this could be speccing into some DPS abilities you don't have like crowd control! More info can be found here :)

    @Sent (question) - Hello! Steven has talked about this before which can be found here :) In short, it is possible that there will be cross-server matchmaking.

    @boshean (question) - No new information to report at this moment but rest assured it is being worked on!

    @Happymeal2415 (question) - While everything in testing is subject to change, the team is working on making 500v500 happen at this moment!

    @SirChancelot11 , @theonegargoyle (questions 1 & 2) - Correct! Any X/Tank archetype will be a viable tank. Steven has said that for upper-tier raiding, any Tank/X archetype combination will be viable as well!

    @Lethanel (question) - Yes, there will be cinematics and cutscenes and voiced dialogue. However, only specific NPCs / questlines will have uniquely voiced dialogue.

    @Maouii (question) - Everything seen in Alpha One was subject to change, improvement and alteration! This includes the animations and postures :)

    @PPaper (question) - More information on this to come :) The designers refer to the Dev Discussions as they're relevant, and we will talk about this more as we progress through development! Good question :)

    @Xaruem , @kappnik , @Pink floyd , @JeanPhilippeQC - Thank you for your question! However, you asked your question after our submission period ended :( Please come back next month and ask your question for a chance to have your question asked on next months live stream! :)

    @RAYZZ (question) - No new information to report at this moment but rest assured it is being worked on!

    @Nostra (question) - Theoretically yes, if your nodes never develop in the same ways as others, or if you fail an event because not enough people helped in time then you might come across quests that might not be completable.

    @insomnia (question) - Rest assured that as soon as Tulnar are ready to be revealed in some compacity, Steven will excitedly show them off!

    @Sunnyside (question) - Correct, fighting over gatherables will be an inherent aspect to Ashes of Creation and in doing so, you may risk corruption status depending on how you choose your battles!

    @Khoopa (question) - Steven has discussed his opinions and the design direction on DPS/HPS meters before, which can be found here on the wiki! :)

    @George Black (question) - There are no plans for daily rewards like such as this. You can read more about it here, on the wiki!

    @Vlhadus (question) - We're just a bit under 100 developers and counting! We're still hiring plenty of positions for our teams as well!:)

    @ashone (question) - When we're ready to share the latest updates from our team with our Alpha One findings!

    @DynastyLife (question) - While everything is subject to change, we appreciate feedback and take notice of subjects often brought up on the forums!

    @Valoroth (question) - Finding out what kind of info you'd like to see in guild logs has been the focus of some of our recent Guild Gathering topics! Stay tuned for more info on this. :)

    @RowniSciponi (question) - They will be identical in value as there will not be any type of P2W.

    @Moonlight Butterfly (question) - If we did we probably couldn't tell you about them ;)

    @Marzzo (question) - The team is working diligently on Alpha Two, which presents many fun and interesting challenges to tackle. Overcoming design challenges is an inherent part of game development and is often accomplished through teamwork, collaboration and time :)

    @Amar (question) - You can find information answering this question here, on the wiki! :)

    @Leolouch Vi Britannia (question) - Stay tuned for more details on artisan professions!

    @DaddySteve (question) - While I could not find a reference to this, I believe there are currently no plans on AoE caps at this time.

    @Kencha77 (question) - The design of Ashes of Creation's API is still under consideration. You can read more about it here, on the wiki! :)

    @JustVine (question) - Players can not kill other players within the footprint of their freehold, however this is subject to testing. You can read more on it here!

    @meowstical (question) - I believe Steven has said that you cannot choose whether your character is left or right hand dominant, so the answer is no AFAIK but this is subject to feedback and testing, like all things!

    @Nerror , @Blip (questions 1 & 2) - You can read more about both decay and possible destruction here, on the wiki! - Subject to further testing, of course. :)

    @Immortality (question) - Holidays are not planned to be a direct parallel, but perhaps inspired by them :) You can read more about it here, on the wiki!

    @Nova Ordem (question) - That particular aura would be an exclusive. With that said, there may be a possibility for other auras through in-game achievements and the shop!

    @Vistero (question) - As it stands, increasing ZOI will be determined by vassalization, which hasn't been shared to have any sort of node-type specific features. You can read more about it here, on the wiki!

    @Cataract (question) - Many things to do at end-game, especially since nodes will level up/get destroyed and new dungeon experiences may unlock based on how the landscape develops. Plus, new content with regular new expansions. If you're referring to a system designed around replayability specific to the example you provided, then please rephrase your question for next months live stream! :)

    @Whisperfall (question) - From a threat assessment angle, we've talked about that more here, on the wiki! If you're referring to the visual identity, then the answer is likely predominantly the FX and appearance of your skills and abilities.

    @Heyday , @ELRYNO , @Aeturnes , @GrilledCheeseMojito , @DezzRevas , @DougBug27 , @Babafat , @Hjerim , @Wolves , @Lethanel , @DABZ16 , @FenixofAshe , @KroniicTooKrafty , @Niya , @BigChiefJoJo , @Hoozierpopz , @McShave , @Taerrik , @Neurotoxin - Please only share one question next time as requested and make sure that your question is concise and succinct. The more direct/succinct it is, the more likely it is to be selected by our team!

    @Azherae , @Magic Man , @Lashing , @Tyranthraxus , @Yawnanoc , @DownpourG , @Anduin Kayvaan , @Tyrakkel , @Karthos , @SongRune - Yay! Your questions were selected at random and answered by Steven on stream! Make sure to check out the VOD incase you missed it live! :D

    @Vaknar Show some love my question ignored? 🤗
  • VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
    edited November 2021
    @Vaknar Show some love my question ignored? 🤗
    @Nerror , @Blip (questions 1 & 2) - You can read more about both decay and possible destruction here, on the wiki! - Subject to further testing, of course. :)

    You and Nerror had essentially the same questions from what it seemed, so I answered both of yours at once! Unless you're referring to something else?
  • LieutenantToastLieutenantToast Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    ICYMI, here's the video from our stream!
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