Next Livestream + Q&A Submission - Thursday, August 31, 2023 at 11am Pacific



  • TryolTryol Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited August 2023
    For mechanics that are shared across all archetypes like dodge and active blocking, will each archetype interface with them differently in terms of efficiency or flavor (like 50% vs 75% damage reduction for blocks)?
    If so, could you give some examples?
  • Are the parlor games going to consist of games from our world like card games, liar's dice, etc. Or perhaps ancient, but real games like the Royal Game of Ur, or perhaps also made up games of your own or other fantasy tabletop games in the same way Gwent was created?
  • GohmurGohmur Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    During the node leveling phase, where do the players currently located within the node go? If it is a set spot/location they are teleported to, are they protected in the process from ganks/griefing?
  • During a PvP encounter, which will have a greater determining factor of success; The players own skill or their characters stats?
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Even though the Ashes Cleric is supposed to be able to focus more on damage, compared to previous MMORPG Clerics, in the Cleric Demo, we saw 18 Active Skills that were mostly Heals.
    Castigation and Hallowed Ground are 2 damage Active Skills that were not seen on the hotbar.
    Does this mean they have been removed from the Cleric combat kit?
  • Will there be glass cannon gear/classes which allows us to kill players fast or will it only be slow damage?
  • What will playing a bard be like in both combat and none combat be like? Mechanically.
    " What do you mean a book I cannot have?"
    - Frufire
  • verlisifyverlisify Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    What is the limit for solo players in open world PvP? Could an experienced MMO player with better gear and a slight level advantage be able to win a 1v3 or greater?
  • With artisan progressions being a major part of the games progression and economy what kind of plans do you guys have for long term goals when it comes to economic and artisan focused players? Will we be aiming to push artisan gear for a crafting, processing or crafting specific stat or are you more looking towards chasing special exclusive recipes instead?
  • how will caravan zergs be handled, will there be a set number of players allowed to attack / defend? what is to stop a large guild from completely zerging a caravan on defence / attack, a set limit of players per caravan also has its downsides so how will this be handled
  • wakkytabbakywakkytabbaky Member
    edited August 2023
    this question is about when a node is a metropolis , will the parent nodes leftover xp have a trickle down and reduce the vassal nodes deficit or does the vassal node need to meet their own xp gain within their ZOI

    for example a metro node meets its XP deficit and has 500xp leftover, will this then trickle down and reduce the Stage 5 vassal nodes deficit by 500 xp. i know its been stated that leftover xp works for vassal -> parent but no info about parent -> vassal.
  • Will there be light spells or torches to explore very dark caves?
  • BeOwningUBeOwningU Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Regarding genetics in animal husbandry, will the ui interface include percentage increases provided by the resources and methods you are using or will effectiveness of what works best on a creature be determined while studying the offspring?
  • Games like Destiny have rare equipment (exotics) that offers unique abilities, skills, or effects that change, either somewhat or completely, how a class is played. Will there be equipment, either singular pieces or set gear bonuses, that offers unique abilities that change how a class is played? If so, are there current examples you can give?
  • TopTop Member
    What is your inspiration (you and your team) for the creation of the skills?

    How do you want the combat to look like?

    for pve and large pvp encouters...
  • VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    edited August 2023
    Hello again, glorious Ashes of Creation community! Thank you to everyone who stopped by and shared a question with us for this month’s stream. Q&A submissions are now closed, and we’ll see you at 11AM Pacific on Thursday for our livestream!
  • What is the intended or expected cadence for node destruction through a "natural means" ie: not player initiated?
  • hello steven

    Whether during the siege of castles or while traveling the world of Vera, will we have the opportunity to fall from our mount if we are attacked?
  • hello steven

    Whether during the siege of castles or while traveling the world of Vera, will we have the opportunity to fall from our mount if we are attacked?
  • Have you implemented scaling systems/events to number of active users on a server per month/week/day as opposed to just a static number or number of characters created? E.g. Amount of player activity in order to upgrade a node being different for a server with 2k peak players that month vs a server with 8k peak players. Or even events/story arcs/tax ranges.
  • New content is supposed to unlock with nodes leveling up, im wondering if it will be zone based as in "if a node in zone x reaches lvl y unlock this piece of content", with it not mattering which node specifically reaches that level, or if new unique content will be unlocked for each individual node leveling up.

    I would assume it to be zone based, as the other route just seems like way too much work.Then again though, if node leveling/sieges are the catalyst for change, you kinda require each node to unlock new stuff to encourage these things, or you can probably find some configuration of nodes per zone that has most of the content in the zone unlocked, which would deincentize pvp conflict as its it would only bring downsides.
  • ZekethephoenixZekethephoenix Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Will node world events (giant ice dragon) be triggered by specific nodes being built up or is it going to be more like a percentage of tiles taken up of multiple nodes? Or would it only be triggered by one node being built up?
  • balr0gbalr0g Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One
    Will there be character unique quests, weapons, armor? Maybe not "different" quests, but for sure a unique reward.

    I'm sure other have had this idea before, but...

    Tiered Heirloom (think WoW) type armor/gear that only scales up as you complete increasing difficult quest (common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary, mythic).

    The unique aspect is that every item is cosmetically unique and cannot be altered. Stats might differ from account to account, but should always be balanced in total stats.

    These items would be account-bound. However, players may trade their bound items with other players who have an item at the same tier. In otherwords you wanted green on the hilt but got purple and you find someone that wants the inverse. You may trade the item to inherit the cosmetic differences while retaining any enhancements, slotted gems, runes, etc.

    Additionally, the quest lines at the tiers should scale sufficiently in difficulty. Mythical level should require legendary gear and expert rotation of skills to succeed. Perhaps each account is allowed only one of these account bound items and a user needs to strategically choose which quest line to pursue to complete their build.

    Just some evening ramblings....
  • When a player uses skins specifically the ones obtained threw preorder....if you apply a skin to say a building. And your freehold gets you loose that skin? Or can it be reapplied??
  • VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    edited August 2023
    🏰 🙌 Verrans, Nodes have been sent!

    ❓ Did you enjoy this update, showcasing a Village Node?
  • VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    balr0g wrote: »
    Will there be character unique quests, weapons, armor? Maybe not "different" quests, but for sure a unique reward.

    I'm sure other have had this idea before, but...

    Tiered Heirloom (think WoW) type armor/gear that only scales up as you complete increasing difficult quest (common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary, mythic).

    The unique aspect is that every item is cosmetically unique and cannot be altered. Stats might differ from account to account, but should always be balanced in total stats.

    These items would be account-bound. However, players may trade their bound items with other players who have an item at the same tier. In otherwords you wanted green on the hilt but got purple and you find someone that wants the inverse. You may trade the item to inherit the cosmetic differences while retaining any enhancements, slotted gems, runes, etc.

    Additionally, the quest lines at the tiers should scale sufficiently in difficulty. Mythical level should require legendary gear and expert rotation of skills to succeed. Perhaps each account is allowed only one of these account bound items and a user needs to strategically choose which quest line to pursue to complete their build.

    Just some evening ramblings....

    Hey balr0g! I'll be tagging you to mention this in a post very soon, but I just wanted to remind you of the rules in the Q&A. We only accept 1 question for each user. That question also should be concise to be chosen! The rules are all in the OP ;)
  • VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    edited August 2023
    Greetings everyone - thank you so much again for sharing your questions with us, and for tuning in for today's livestream! In case you didn't hear us cover your question on the stream, it may be because we've shared an answer previously - check out more on that below!

    @Lark Wyll (question), @Sersei (question), @Balrog (question 1, 2), @Fiddlez (question), @Seulrack (question), @wakkytabbaky (question 1, 2) - Please only post one question next time as requested, and if you only posted one question, please make sure to keep it as direct/succinct as possible - that way it's more likely to be picked!

    @unkownwon (question) - Bulletin boards will be a great way to find other players and post jobs :)

    @Immortality (question) - Players within the node are teleported to a safe location, likely a respawn area near the node. Supplies will spawn around the node and system-driven caravans are spawned to bring these supplies into the node. These caravans are not able to be attacked. NPCs will begin construction activities. Players outside the node will see the new facade of the node pop into existence as the node advances in stage. You can read more about this here, on the wiki!

    @Draktar (question) - Here is a page on the wiki that goes over node types, and node benefits! :)

    @Liniker (question), @Roubi (question) - Yes! This is something the community team is looking to do something with in the future :)

    @Raven016 (question) - We look forward to Alpha Two when we'll be able to better see all of the ways players interact with the game, so we can better identify and define exploits that may not be caught during internal playtesting <3

    @Barab (question) - Currently, we don't have any announced plans to add Dünir beards to the shop <3

    @Lupo (question) - A fellow San Diegan! Cool! :)<3 As for your question - Right now, we're looking at the development of the core game. We'll have better answers for post-launch content, as we progress further in development :) For now, you can read about expansions here, on the wiki!

    @DougBug27 (question) - To answer your question simply, it may depend. There may be a few different variables that affect certain story arcs and their potential outcomes. We'll have more to share about this in the future :)

    @Punkte (question), @Voeltz (question), @Coacola (question) - We're excited to show off arenas and other similar PvP systems as soon as they're ready! For now, you can read about arenas here, and balance here, on the wiki! <3

    @ashone (question) - We hope to release the character creator before the launch of Alpha Two! <3

    @Lineager (question), @HaruCharm (question) - You can read more about Parlor games here, on the wiki! We'll have more to share regarding parlor games as we progress closer toward Alpha Two :)

    @PlasticLemons (question) - You can read more about racial benefits here, on the wiki!

    @NyceGaming (question) - We have not announced any plans for adding a "hard mode" or something similar at this time <3

    @George_Black (question) - We'll have more to share regarding guild progression as we progress further in development! <3

    @Mitchz (question) - These things tend to be a coincidence, especially for popular mount types, such as a boar! ;)<3 And our team is always receptive to feedback! :) I'm glad to see we've done a mount that you enjoy, btw! :)

    @Stalwart (question) - While I'm not sure it will be "commonplace" for players to sacrifice their own nodes in the name of content, I suppose it may not become unheard of! Though, I think there will be many reasons, for many players, to want to destroy and defend nodes, whether they call them home or not <3

    @Snekkers (question) - Our team is always looking at the latest tech, and what makes sense to implement for Ashes of Creation :)

    @NiKr (question) - Much of the game is undergoing change and development right now! As soon as something is in a state in which it is ready to share, we're excited to do so! <3

    @Tyranthraxus (question) - We haven't announced any plans for leaderboards with parlor games. <3

    @Leonerdo5 (question) - Ashes of Creation is a game designed with risk vs. reward in mind. There will be many ways to play and enjoy the game! With that said, someone can choose to go about playing without a guild. Though, there may be risks, rewards, or perhaps a lack thereof, depending on the choices you make! :)

    @mcnasty (question) - Hello! We answered this question from you last month :)

    @Lithion (question) - Inertia and momentum physics will help prevent blocking doorways/access points. This is based on a character's direction and movement speed and can be used to push people out of the way. The answer to this question and many more can be found here, on the wiki! :)

    @Sometimessmiles (question) - Many ways players choose to build their character, through secondary classes, augments, armors, weapons, skill point allocations, etc. will make their characters viable for much of the content they choose to do :)

    @rocsek (question) - Resources will have differing tiers of quality for the same resource type. This is somewhat similar to Star Wars Galaxies. This answer was taken directly from the wiki, where you can find more answers to questions you may have! :)

    @valerian (question) - We'll have more information to share regarding nodes as we progress further in development :)

    @ArcticElysium (question) - Our standards are and remain high for ourselves and for the project we're working on! It's always inspiring seeing the success of people's hard work, especially in this industry! Steven has a concrete vision of what he wants Ashes of Creation to be and we believe in taking our time to create the best possible game we can <3

    @RazThemun (question) - We would love to have guilds and alliances implemented into Alpha Two! We know this is an important feature for testing, and one players want to see! :)

    @Dovaric_Oakforge (question) - Underrealm nodes will be a feature of Ashes of Creation! Be sure to check out the wiki page here! You can also find the answers to many of your questions throughout the vast expanse of knowledge found in the wiki <3

    @SirChancelot (question) - As soon as we're ready to share updates regarding the Summoner, we will excitedly do so! <3

    @Ganjui (question) - There will be several ways in which a player may acquire bound currencies. You can read more about this here, on the wiki!

    @Roseburia (question) - The land management system doesn't necessarily ask players only to cooperate to conserve resources. The system is more complex and nuanced than that :) The system is created with risk vs. reward in mind. Some players may have an incentive to use land management for more insidious means, while others may be using it for conservation, or perhaps even something potentially event or story-arc-related. There is a lot of potential with this complex system <3You can read more about this system here, on the wiki!

    @Aliandria (question) - We're excited to show off racial augments as soon as they're ready and in a state to do so! <3

    @Sweatycup (question) - Here's a quote from Steven on augments: "Augments can affect a multitude of things. It can drastically change the ability itself. It can change the damage type. It can change the cooldown period. It can change the damage values. It can change the distance. It can dramatically change it from a ranged effect to a melee effect. Augments are essentially can create- they are creating entirely new skills, but they're going to keep obviously some identity with what that primary active ability was." With that said, you may choose to not augment some of your abilities to keep their base nature, if you wish to keep them the same.

    @Vissox (question) - There are not going to be obvious quest markers, such as question marks and exclamation marks telling players where to turn. There will be subtle ways that players will acquire knowledge that something is to be done in an area. You can read more about this here, on the wiki!

    @Fiddlez (question) - This will entirely depend on how players interact with nodes on any given server! Many nodes will come and go, so to speak, during a server's history. How much content is accessible through them is up to how often any given node is leveled up, or sieged. There are also many other systems that will affect content become accessible! Such as events, story arcs, etc.

    @lemulet (question), @Ryve (question) - This will depend on many factors. Especially the political dynamic of the server! I suspect there will be better insight into this for players during Alpha Two ;)

    @ChaosFactor (question), @Shabooey (question), @verlisify (question) - You can read more about what has been said regarding balancing here, on the wiki! :)

    @Frosty_Thundertrod (question) - Staves are a type of melee/ranged weapon in Ashes of Creation. Some staffs will be ranged, interesting note. Some staffs will be melee. The answer to this question and many more can be found here, on the wiki!

    @RocketFarmer (question) - Answering this in detail may risk potential spoilers. Generally, when it comes to lore or lore within gameplay, we like to keep our cards close to our chest so we don't spoil content for those who may not want it spoiled! <3

    @Neurath (question), @Hutchy1989 (question) - We'll have more detailed information to share regarding classes and augments as we progress further in development! :)For now, you can read about classes here, on the wiki!

    @Shmeckles (question) - This will not be a feature in Ashes of Creation <3

    @Nilah (question) - The Bard archetype will be able to play musical instruments, such as flutes and bagpipes. Other archetypes may also be able to play certain musical instruments at some future time. Custom music creation (using the likes of the Music Macro Language) will not be present in the game on release. Music within taverns can be set by players. You're also free to roleplay as you choose within your tavern :)The answer to this question and many more can be found here, on the wiki!

    @savagelogic (question) - We haven't announced plans for hand wraps or bo staff weapons. <3

    @Leiloni (question) - The four races mentioned are the 4 major races. Here is a quote from the wiki about this: "The Tulnar is a combination of four major races and many minor races that were left behind on Verra after the apocalypse." The four major races were the Aelan Humans, Dünzenkell Dwarves, Kaivek Orcs, and Pyrian Elves. You can read more about the Tulnar here, on the wiki and the races of Verra here.

    @Balanz (question) - Hello! I found the answer to your question here, on the wiki! Here is a quote from Steven about the subject from that page: "Your account is bound to one declared citizenship per server, which means that if you have two alts and your main character on one server you may only be a citizen of one node between those three... If you have an alt on a different server, it could be a citizen of a node as well."

    @ItsRegum (question) - You can learn much about what has been said regarding node governments here, on the wiki!

    @WizzyMcNasty (question) - You can read much about what has been said regarding server reservations here, on the wiki!

    @CCC_dk (question) - We would love for arenas to be present during Alpha Two! We'll have more news to share about Alpha Two as we progress further in development :)

    @GrilledCheeseMojito (question) - Let's say you use Power shot: You click Power shot, you quickly switch over to the ranged weapon, execute the skill, and you're back to your primary focus, which is the sword and shield; and then for weapon attacks like your Q or your left mouse button, you would have the option to set which is your focus, the ranged weapon, or the main offhand selection and you can swap back and forth between that as you want. You can read more about this here, on the wiki!

    @SpaceWolf (question) - Any damage dealt to a sleeping target will break the effect. I found this answer here, on the wiki!

    @Ozijak (question) - The team is always looking at new tech and what makes sense for us to implement in Ashes of Creation. You can read about our current plans with AI here, on the wiki!

    @lexxxa (question) - There are many variables that factor into the worth of resources. In an economy where supply and demand fluctuate on many variables and situations, such as weather, crafting needs, spawn rates, gatherers, the economy, etc. this can be a potential possibility.

    @Gogagetsu (question) - We're keeping our hands relatively close to our chest when it comes to some things, such as our security systems. For now, you can read more about what has been said about them here, on the wiki!

    @Sirmaximus (question) - A goal of Ashes of Creation is to emphasize micro metas that work for specific encounters and de-emphasize macro metas that work for everything. You can read much more about metas here, on the wiki!

    @Tyrol (question) - Active blocking might be an ability that - it's universal, of course it's universal- but it might be consuming mana; and you'll be able to adjust that mana consumption based off of your passive spec into your skill trees. In addition, it might also consume stamina, where that's something we're going to be testing as part of Alpha-2. We'll have more to share about this as we progress closer to Alpha Two.[url=""] For now, you can read more here, on the wiki[/url]!

    @KarNak (question) - Players within the node are teleported to a safe location, likely a respawn area near the node. You can read more about this here, on the wiki!

    @Falkath (question) - Players will likely be able to trade some survivability for more damage output through many variables, such as classes, skills, augments, gear, weapons, etc. :)

    @Frufire (question) - Bard fills a non-healing support role that makes a party better as a whole through a range of buff-oriented and proximity-based abilities. You can read more about what has been said regarding the Bard here, on the wiki!

    @johndruitt (question) - You can see Steven's thoughts on artisan mastery here, on the wiki! :)

    @Saltarioz (question) - Darkness as an environmental obstacle is being considered as part of the game mechanics. You can read more about this here, on the wiki!

    @BeOwningU (question) - You'll be able to breed creatures, study the offspring, and make informed decisions when the features you want to pursue in the next generation become apparent in you in the offspring you've created. You can read more about this here, on the wiki!

    @Top (question) - We want and desire a lot for the combat of Ashes of Creation, especially for it to be fun and engaging <3

    @Dygz (question) - Combat is going to change over the course of development. You may see some returning Alpha One abilities that are altered, and some may be removed. We'll let you know when the kits are final.

    @Gaull (question), @Sengarden (question), @Rhynedahll (question), @Azherae (question) - Congratulations! Your questions were answered by Steven and Margaret on the livestream! Be sure to check out the VoD on YouTube in case you missed it live! :)

    @Cadac (question), @White5hadow (question), @Schwann36 (question), @Saucisson (question), @-T0Mb- (question), @SkylarckTheBotanist (question), @Babayugah (question), @Drunkninja (question), @Lashing (question), @SongRune (question), @GrandSerpent (question), @Fantmx (question), @Roofian (question), @Mayhem (question), @JustVine (question), @Castai (question), @lmoxator (question) - Your questions were ones we hoped to have gotten to on stream but didn't quite have the time. We'd love it if you come by next month for the next development update livestream to ask them again! ^_^
  • VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    🏰 Glorious Verrans - If you missed yesterday’s livestream showing the latest update on Village Nodes, head over to our YouTube channel now!
    👇 Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

    Be sure to head to the official feedback thread to share your feedback: (Click here to share your thoughts!)
  • Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions, very impressive
  • Have you guys decided who will do the music for the game? Is Bear McCreary locked as composer? What's the development team's favorite song from any OST? :smiley:
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