Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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What sex will your character(s) be?



  • maybe it will let you be both, at the same time
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    All depends on how customization work. In most game I play a female do to the fact they usually have better armor/Cash shop costumes. But I'm hoping ashes gets customization right, really want my main to be a guy finally :sweat:

  • No one should be thinking, "OMG, you are a human and not an Elf??"
    Similarly no one should be thinking, "OMG, you are a male and not a female??"
    I don't, but neither should be strange to think that a player is not necessarily an actor :) You just met two people that seem to fall into one of the "extremes" of your spectrum (I'll admit I have generalized before but I spoke principally for myself).

    Kratz said:
    It all depends if Dwarven girls get longer beards than Dwarven men at character creation.

    Talk about inferiority complex... do you dwarven boys have some issues in the bedroom? Ask for help if needed, ok? We're all friends here.

    I haven't gotten to choose how my character looks since my daughter was 3 years old.  She'll be 17 this month and still insist on making my characters and they are always female characters and they are as she says "cute as I can make it".  I have made male characters, but as soon as she sees them, she deletes them and remakes them female, so I have given up.
    The only solution is a secret second account <starts whispering in a very suspicious way>

  • Normally , close range i choose male and long range i choose female :D  
  • I prefer 14 year old girl char.... ehhh EHHH.. I mean 20 year old male characters of course!

  • Man this post blew up .---. 
    Same! Well, Most of my characters are an extension of how I see myself or others have told me they see me. 
    My characters are just an extension of my self, down to age that follows my own.

    I would be lying if I would say that I don't put Jess in alot of my character names. (Jess is my first name.)

    Thank you for the conversations on this thread! I've enjoyed reading your replies so much! 

  • ruairidh said:
    Dygz said:
    I have the classic believe that these characters are your avatar's and should reflect your gender. (or the gender you identify most with for the LGBTQ community  :) )

    So since I'm male, all of my characters have been male.
    You think the characters are supposed to represent the player??
    Instead of the players being actors?
    I think that more than "the player", correct me @PlagueMonk
     if I'm wrong, is the image that the player has of himself. You can be courteous, brave, strong, magical however you want, you can vent you frustrations and anger by being a vengeful cunning rogue or your social injustice issues by being the noble thief. Just, with the skin of an elf, or a dwarf, or orc...

    Inventing a completely new character to fully represent, as a real actor would probably tell, is a very difficult thing to do, if done well enough. Maybe you won't have to care about facial expression or body movement and position, but the mindset, the behaviour, the personality of the person you're wearing the shoes of are all there.

    Most players that choose to have a female avatar are simply themselves with boobs. Then you have the occasional role player, but a lot of the time they don't "act" anything.

    Did you miss that point in bold?

    And I'm not claiming that everyone think the way I do but that's how I believe.

    I do know plenty of people who play opposite toons (mainly males playing females) for various reasons; "If I'm going to look at someone's ass all the time I want it to be a pretty female's", is popular, as is, "females are generally smaller targets and harder to hit" (the power gamer) or even, "I like to screw with people and feign the weak female so people will give me stuff". Among others.

    Do I agree with them? Personally no but they don't have to.
  • Anyone the type here that likes making male and female characters?
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    I'm a Roleplay. I'll admit this and I have plans to actually have 2 characters. One character will be a female elf, which is for the purpose of streaming. The other will be a male Tulnar.

    The female elf however I will not do any RPing on and will be strictly just me playing the game, while the Tulnar will have all the background, personality, and probably be the one I'm most active on, given I can only stream at specific points in the day,
  • I choose 7. I hate male characters' haircut, so I play female '^'
  • Usually #3, to place myself into the game. However, I have made female characters before just because they looked more appealing than males of the same race. 

    Likewise I'm not against a sexless race either, that could be kind of interesting.
  • @FairyPinkett
    I like making all kinds of characters in terms of appearance.
    I'd probably have a character of every gender available to play.
  • I normally stick with male characters since I am male and I try to make my character an exstension of myself. If I do make a female alt I normally try and make her look like my wife. 
  • I'm a man, and if I play as a female character, it feels "wrong", like I am pretending to be something I am not. I don't feel uncomfortable playing as a gnome, orc or talking lizard, though, so I guess I"m screwy.

    I do create female traders, though. Male players are said to trust female characters more.
  • Exactly!
  • I tend to stick with male characters. It makes it easier than mixing genders, in my opinion, because then you don't have to try and remember that "she" in game/text chat is "he" in voice chat. I had enough of that confusion when I had a roommate who was a drag queen. :P
  • I always make a male. Because I'm male myself. Other than that, I just create my character off of what I find "cool". I don't really have a recurring theme, nor do I try and relate them to myself. Most of my characters look fairly different from the other. I also don't roleplay.
  • I play whatever tickles my fancy. Unless its a Korean MMO then I have to go male just because I get motion sickness. They don't seem to realize boobs do in fact stop moving when standing still.....
  • I'm a female IRL and always play females. I've tried playing male characters, but it's not the same feeling and I find that funny. Now the weird thing is, I have no problem playing male characters on moba games, but for MMO's I always go with a female and I make her short (not **** short) but a normal petite size 'cause I'm a shorty in real life :D
  • I've played a male character in every game I've ever played because I'm male and just never really had a desire to do otherwise. And every single one of em has had a thick, brown beard to match my own. I suppose I could pull that off with a female character were the customization options willing, now that I think about it, but I'll stick with my usual for AoC once again.
  • Time to show my age...

    I have spent decades playing RPG's (Traditional dice and paper).  Everything from Chainmail (The precursor to Dungeons and Dragons) to White Wolf, and many, many others.  Having experienced such freedom, I have never been able to get into character in a video game.  It is far too limiting in scope, and action.  I liken it to a bird that flew for years in the wild, until one day it was trapped, and now resides in a cage.  Computers are getting better, graphics more realistic, but the choices are as limited as ever.  Regardless, even if we were playing a virtual game indistinguishable from reality in detail, looks, and choice, I would still play as male.

    This has to do with an old friend, and a man that I had gamed with for many years.  He always made female characters.  The reason was because he wanted to play something other than himself.  Which was fine by the rest of us.  To each their own.  The problem was each, and every character that he made were all afflicted with this strange from of Eternal PMS.  It was a weird form of misogynistic stereotyping in the worst way.  Never could tolerate the idea of playing a female character after that.

    Then the first time an older friend of mine showed me how he was pretending to be a girl in an IRC chat, enticing other guys to say rather lurid things, I knew that for sanity's sake I will only ever make male characters to play.

    Truth be told though, all my bank characters are female.  An old habit that I honestly do not recall when it started.  Admittedly, I have at times put them into interesting outfits for fun.  Much to the liking of my wife who enjoys such things.

  • Mine will be (if available) a Female Tank named after my daughter because since my wife left us she keeps me strong and keeps me going and i do everything i can for her.
  • You can put me in category 3. I dont roleplay I dont make female toons to oggle at, your just looking at pixels. I also go by voice, some devs make male voices sound like they have hemorrhoids, that would annoy me after 2 hours. I usually make a family of characters. 
  • Welphgryn said:
    @FairyPinkett Honestly, elves are hot. I had a man crush on Legolas from Lord of the Rings movie.. my girlfriend thought I was crazy, and my wife almost left me.
    Wait wait, did you have a wife and a girlfriend at the same time. I think you have more issues then just Legolas.
  • mcg55ss said:
    Mine will be (if available) a Female Tank named after my daughter because since my wife left us she keeps me strong and keeps me going and i do everything i can for her.
    Not gonna lie I dropped a huge "Awh" at this! 
    What's your daughter's name? :o And what type of tank would she be? 
  • My main will be a guy, like me. But I'll have an alt or two that's female. Usually because animation differences and preferences.
  • I'm mostly #1with a little bit of #3. I'll pick the character/race that most appeals to me and then I'll try to make them fit my personality 
  • Transgender dwarf for me
  • Male, I don't know how to be anything else
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    I always play female....(luckily genderlock never locked me down from playing what i want) Im proud to be a Woman :P I kinda try to give my character my own heart... I take long for character creations and stuff... I was happy another game had a character creation editor outside the game to make it before the game released... or i would be stuck in the creation for hours... and would miss the early access time... I dont like to waste time on creation then... PROGRESS woohooo!

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