Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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[Information] World PvP



  • Eleanc said:
    Ferryman said:
    Gothix said:
    Ferryman said:

    You should go few hundred years backwards and think how things where back then.
    Ashes are not placed in Earth history, so your argument is moot.

    Ashes of Creation are set in completely new fantasy world.

    Bounty system must have a point, and be integral to game mechanics regarding corruption. This is why you should need bounty contract to have legitimacy to attack a player.

    If you do not have bounty contract, you are attacking illegitimately and should be flagged purple upon your attack.
    My argument is moot, because Ashen is not based on earth, but yourself referred bountyhunter system to present time. LOL 

    Usually fantasy world is its own world, but it also has lots of elements and rules from real world and especially from mediaval times. Also it should not be hard to see that world of Ashen is closer medieval than present time. Its basically mediaval mixed with high fantasy.

    Bounty system will have meaning also in current system where it offers extra rewards from corrupted players head. Those rewards are not get without contracts. So there is point already and that part does not need change.

    Now it just obvious, that you are trying to make suggestion only in mind to cater your personal playstyle, ganking non-combatant players. Your suggestion does not bring anything good to the game, it will just turn the ow to gankingbox what devs does not want their product be in any case. Its not good enough argument to say something should be that way if you cant give any reasonable justifications in exchange. 
    Dont make a drama out of open world PvP , if you cant fight with other players you may try offline games like witcher . 
    Normal post from you. Something totally out of context and irrelevant. That just looks like you dont actually have anything to say, but you feel like you have to say something. LOL
  • Gothix said:
    Annatar said:

    You want the Corruption system nerfed because it is too harsh for people who want to gank non-combatants.
    No I want greens to grow a pair and actually play the game as it should be, and not play farmville v2.0.

    I want PvP that relies on skill..

    I want game to rely on real skilled bounty hunter society..

    I want Ashes to be real immersive and dangerous world, and not a carebear laugh land where green players hold hands and pretend they are brave heroes because they farmed 1000 mats to craft their armor.

    These things I want.

    So you know better than developers how they should design their game?

    Thats right.. you want this game to be something it clearly is not and wont be.

    Or do you guys actually expect devs to change their flagging system because few random guys wants this game to be about ganking non-combatants and especially when all arguments bases on insults and provocations? There is no value in posts like that if there is no reasoning or constructive feedback behind it.
  • Ferryman said:
    Eleanc said:
    Dont make a drama out of open world PvP , if you cant fight with other players you may try offline games like witcher . 
    Normal post from you. Something totally out of context and irrelevant. That just looks like you dont actually have anything to say, but you feel like you have to say something. LOL
    You can read 4 previous pages with my posts again if you want.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    Eleanc said:
    Ferryman said:
    Gothix said:
    Ferryman said:
    Dont make a drama out of open world PvP , if you cant fight with other players you may try offline games like witcher . 

     Perhaps you shouldn't complain so much about the flagging system and the corruption as the developers have designed it and give it a chance.  It hasn't even been tested yet.  Or are you afraid?   It sounds too much like whining. Maybe you should stick with
                  "offline games like witcher ." 

    stop being toxic please , remember the forum rules.
  • Eleanc said:
    Eleanc said:
    Ferryman said:
    Gothix said:
    Ferryman said:
    Dont make a drama out of open world PvP , if you cant fight with other players you may try offline games like witcher . 

     Perhaps you shouldn't complain so much about the flagging system and the corruption as the developers have designed it and give it a chance.  It hasn't even been tested yet.  Or are you afraid?   It sounds too much like whining. Maybe you should stick with
                  "offline games like witcher ." 

    stop being toxic please , remember the forum rules.
    This is getting hilarious. Maybe the most toxic guy in these forums teaches rules to others. :D 
  • Perhaps we can agree that we're all a little bit toxic and dial it down a notch? I'm toxic twice a day and five times on Wednesdays.

    different people want different things. 

    At at the end of the day, the devs choose their playerbase just as much as the player base choose their devs. 

    We we might not agree with their choices but we ought to try to respect them, or as has been suggested, at least see how they work out in practice before we cry foul.
  • Eleanc said:
    . Everything in this corruption system is making the game pve trolling oriented , and limits the player freedom.
    It is much more interesting  to be a part of a  real immersive and dangerous world than a world that even a small 5 years old child could easily play in.
    The penalty mechanics should be driven by the players not by the game, bounty hunting is great system that fits amazingly to the atmosphere.
    Do you honestly comprehend what you say?    There was a poll taken which showed the majority of people wanting to give the dev's version of the corruption system a chance and to test it out.  
    There ARE hard core REAL PvP players who commented and agree with this.  I would call that  player driven AND driven by the game as designed.  
  • So anyone can technically kill anyone at any point? 

    How is this mechanic going to cater for new players - or must they rely on stronger players until they are equally matched? Will it even be possible (e.g. for a challenge) to be a lone wolf? Or is it very possible that every random person you meet kills you?

    Technically you can drop someone to 1HP or very low and if they decided not to fight back you can just leave, until you come across someone that fights back?

    Not sure what this all means, but maybe I should look into combat more than crafting.
  • Sigalov said:
    So anyone can technically kill anyone at any point? 

    How is this mechanic going to cater for new players - or must they rely on stronger players until they are equally matched? Will it even be possible (e.g. for a challenge) to be a lone wolf? Or is it very possible that every random person you meet kills you?

    Technically you can drop someone to 1HP or very low and if they decided not to fight back you can just leave, until you come across someone that fights back?

    Not sure what this all means, but maybe I should look into combat more than crafting.
    Correct, but the penalties for killing someone who isn't actively flagged purple are punitive and compounding, thus the whining and salty, salty tears you see from a very small group of regular posters in pvp-centric threads. The developers are against gank/murderbox mechanics and while there is a risk of attack, 99% of people won't bother for the pittance they receive in gathered goods loot vs the penalties for corruption. Working as intended.
  • Message for the PvE focused folks who equalize everyone who wants a bit more free PvP with griefers and gankers:

    Most of us PvPers aren't for REMOVING corruption system, so please relize that and stop claiming that.

    We are for TWEAKING corruption system.

    Game is 2 years away from being released and everything is subject to tweaking, and if you don't realize that, I'm sorry but I don't know how I can help you then.

    Among everything else a corruption system is also subject to tweaking, and we the future players give our opinions from which devs can perhaps draw some ideas about how to TWEAK various mechanics.

    As other player, I myself also offered MY opinion (which is not crying, or demand as you often describe it, and with even worse descriptions about PvPers... mods being good enough not to punish you yet).

    And again, my opinion isn't that corruption system should be removed all togeather, but to be TWEAKED.

    1. everyone that attacks red target should be flagged purple BESIDES bounty hunters with contract on that target and legitimacy to attack it, who can they remain green upon attack because they perform their actions with explicit warrant from the lawmakers.

    2. stat degradation should be implemented only for attacking LOWER LEVEL targets. Equal level attacks should not be subject to stat degradation, but only to bounty hunter system of punishment.

    Now when hopefully you understand this, stop calling my above opinions "crying" or claim that they demand complete removal of corruption system, or claim I want to be griefer and ganker. By claiming this, it is you who doesn't appear in nicest light.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2017
    We can all agree that ganking lower levels is shitty. I think this is accepeted by almost everybody.
    Great amount of punishment should be dealt to gankers of lower levels, like 5 lvl difference?

    now to open or non open world pvp

    I like open world pvp, it was damm exciting in WoW at least but it had much, much to do with being a faction theme based game.
    Also, what did WoW had for players to do in open world?
    WoW had quests and farming, everything else was city and instance based. So ofc open world pvp was fun and blood pumping and fresh air.

    In a world like AoC where there will be much more new interacting things to do and make in the open world then WoW did, I think open world pvp will be a negative factor. Not letting people explore and essentialy play the game while relaxing and having fun is negative.

    WoW is basicly instanced based, AoC is open world based.
    Most of the things you do in WoW has the protection of a portal or big walls with elite guards.
    Most of the things you will do in AoC will be open world, open to everybody.
    In WoW you go to open world to expirience something you can't in instances.
    In AoC open world is the game.
    You can't put a barrier like that to every player because this is not a pvp game, neither it is a pve game, its pvx so you have to think of both groups.

    Altough I would not mind open world pvp as I love it, I have to think of some of my friends that hate it.
    I want pvp tension as well but I don't think raw open world pvp is the best option for this. So their option for declared wars I think it's the best one.
    You wanna kill everyone? declare war to every guild. But let the ones who don't want any part of it alone because pve is also a part of the game.

    It's not a matter of taking out pvp from the game, there will be pvp and it's a major factor of the game, just not free for all.

    Loot based punishments should be erased in my opinion, for the ganker, for the victim, Everyone looses no loot is my opinion.
    Make the corrpution guy a target for the world, npcs, players etc but don't take any loot unless you wanna make me and many others kill low hp farming players for resources. It wil be a lots of fun for them.
    Test the debuff thing.

  • Annatar said:

    It isn't the system that needs tweaking, it is the players.
    And that is your own personal opinion (like I have mine) and you are free to it.

    And another thing, at least you didn't use any direct insults in your post, so that's an improvement over some other peoples posts I often see.

    I think we are heading somewhere. Unfortunately, I'm quite certain some other folks here will remain on their own low level, posting insults. Shame really, but I guess it's how it is.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2017
    Gothix said:
    Message for the PvE focused folks who equalize everyone who wants a bit more free PvP with griefers and gankers:

    Most of us PvPers aren't for REMOVING corruption system, so please relize that and stop claiming that.

    We are for TWEAKING corruption system.

    I was also wondering who are the PvE focused folks here? I am also PvP player, but different kind than those who wants to change corruption system favor ganking. Ganking is on my paper barely PvP and especially if we are talking about killing green players who wants to avoid PvP as much as possible. My interests are on competitive and meaningful PvP and random OWPvP encounters.

    Your tweaking meens basically free ganking without serious penalties and it encourages to baiting. It just gives ganker change for killing spree. So it is much more than just tweaking, we are talking about major change here. 
  • I started off rather apprehensive about the way corruption is being handled, but that's because I based my concerns on other games with different systems in place for how things work, and I don't like the idea of being trolled with no way to retaliate 

    upon further consideration, I think I'm on board with the plan. Two-sided Pvp is being treated as two-sided pvp, murder is being treated as murder.  

    In in a reasonable society, murder is greatly frowned upon. Why should ashes build an unreasonable society?
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2017
    just make it like lineage 2 if i hit a green player and he dies to fall dmg or anything else cause i dropped him to 2% hp, i dont get red.
    so both sides have something to "abuse" because it almost impossible to fix it for all ppl.
    green player can abuse the system to steal "ur farm" and stuff, and u can abuse the enviroment to not get red.
  • Ferryman said:

    Your tweaking meens basically free ganking without serious penalties and it encourages to baiting. 
    How is being wanted everywhere by bounty hunters, and being attacked by them everywhere you go not serious penalty? (Them seeing you on map wherever you go, and able to track you down)

    How is chance to drop your GEAR, and loss of decent amount of exp while being red not a serious penalty?

    I'm even pro stat degradation for attacking lower levels.

    So you call all that not a serious penalty? I honestly don't know how to respond to that.

    Read again my post and look what I'm voting for. And this is only 2 minor things, no stat degradation in equal level fights, and making real use of bounty hunter system, by giving bounty hunters legitimacy to attack outlaws by having contracts on them. Otherwise what's the point of having bounty hunter system?

    All the rest I mentioned above from corruption system would remain.

    /sarcasm on
    But I guess for you serious penalty is only perma ban for whoever kills green player?
    /sarcasm off
  • Gothix said:
    Ferryman said:

    Your tweaking meens basically free ganking without serious penalties and it encourages to baiting. 
    How is being wanted everywhere by bounty hunters, and being attacked by them everywhere you go not serious penalty? (Them seeing you on map wherever you go, and able to track you down)

    How is chance to drop your GEAR, and loss of decent amount of exp while being red not a serious penalty?

    I'm even pro stat degradation for attacking lower levels.

    So you call all that not a serious penalty? I honestly don't know how to respond to that.

    Read again my post and look what I'm voting for. And this is only 2 minor things, no stat degradation in equal level fights, and making real use of bounty hunter system, by giving bounty hunters legitimacy to attack outlaws by having contracts on them. Otherwise what's the point of having bounty hunter system?

    All the rest I mentioned above from corruption system would remain.

    /sarcasm on
    But I guess for you serious penalty is only perma ban for whoever kills green player?
    /sarcasm off
    The starting point is that developers does not want to create ganking centralized game. They want to prevent continuing ganking. First step is accept that fact and understand that the current corruption system goals for that. 

    Now in current system ganker gets stat decrease when corruption score raises. That prevents gankers from killing spree especially against green players. So the system encourages gankers to focus on red and purple players instead of green onces and maybe choose the green targets more considered. Go after one juicy one instead 10 randoms.

    If stat decrease is taken off, then nothing prevents gankers continue playerkilling after each target. Bountyhunter system wont help much, maybe after that killing spree ganker get caught, but the continuing ganking is already happened and system does not work like intend.

    So thats what i meen your suggestion is not just tweaking, its changing the game more about ganking, what is against developers vision of their product. Tweaking is more like changing some numbers up or down to find balance and not to change the core of the mechanic.

    ..and possible gear lose can be easily avoid to run with easily sustainable gear. Wear what can you afford to loose and every ganker is safe. 
  • Ferryman said:

    If stat decrease is taken off, then nothing prevents gankers continue playerkilling after each target.
    Other players learning to play, and actually beating attacker prevents kiling spree.

    Also stop using word ganker inaccurately all the time...

    ganking = killing lower players who are too weak to fight back.

    Players being equal level but CHOOSING not to fight back is personal choice, not helplesness, thus this is not ganking. You don't want to die? Fight back!

    If you chose not to fight back, you honestly have noone else to blame for your death but yourself, and thats the holy truth.

    Game mechanics artificially working to help you out by punishing other players for playing the game, to help you out not wanting to play is really bad design in my own opinion.

    However I accept that devs have their vision and for this reason alone I do not ask complete removal of corruption system. I'm just advocating tweaks to it to help make it more fair.

    Again your choice not to fight is your own choice, but then you should accept consequences that you will die repeatedly. It's on you, not on devs.

    And again, stop calling eqal level fights GANKING. Ganking is killing someone who is helpless to fight back (too low level). Ganking is NOT killing someone who is choosing not to fight, even though he CAN.
  • Ferryman said:

    ..and possible gear lose can be easily avoid to run with easily sustainable gear. Wear what can you afford to loose and every ganker is safe. 
    Lol, wear what you can easily replace and be weakest guy around that cant really do anything in weak gear. Yeah nice advice.
  • @Gothix yes ganking ment at start group of players who killed less numbered players or groups, but that meaning has evolved to generally mean player killer(s) who hunts down others and usually (not always) in unfair situations. This contains lower levels, outnumbering and also players who are not willing to fight back. So try to stay with curve.

    Also i guess you dont want to understand this right, that the corruption system is there to protect green non-combatant players. Its not there just to protect lower levels, its there generally to protect all those players who does not want to fight back. Its there to cater PvE oriented player base who does not want constantly to take part to OWPvP. Well i cant explain it anymore easier way and i really hope that someone from IS part makes at some point clear and official statement.. why the current system and why it wont change to cater ganking. It would be x100 easier to just refer that in future.

    Gothix said:
    Ferryman said:

    ..and possible gear lose can be easily avoid to run with easily sustainable gear. Wear what can you afford to loose and every ganker is safe. 
    Lol, wear what you can easily replace and be weakest guy around that cant really do anything in weak gear. Yeah nice advice.
    Not my personal advice. Common rule in loot drop PvP games, which you have clearly not played if never herd of that. The gear is not everything in reasonable games and i guess it wont be that in AoC either. So propably gear gives some advantage, but most likely you can compete with lower tier gear too. Well i dont know about you, but i will follow this guideline when i go gank people..  
  • Ok i will leave the further commentary, which relates to this topic to @Annatar. You can wrap it up much better from thoughts to words. ;) 
  • Ferryman said:
    @Gothix yes ganking ment at start group of players who killed less numbered players or groups, but that meaning has evolved to generally mean player killer(s) who hunts down others and usually (not always) in unfair situations. This contains lower levels, outnumbering and also players who are not willing to fight back. So try to stay with curve. 
    No it does not contain players who do not want to fight back.

    Ganking is killing helpless players who lack even a choice and possibility to fight back.

    Players who chose to not to fight back but could, that is not ganking at all. You have a choice and ability, it's on you do you live or die.

    I know you would like to conisder this a ganking to have excuse for your inaction, but this will never be called ganking.

    ganking = someone is helpless. Chosing to do nothing is not helplesness.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2017
    Game mechanics should protect those who are helpless (lower levels) who can't fight back even if they wished so.

    Game mechanics should not protect people who are too lazy to fight back, or chose not to fight back for any other reason. This lack of action is on them. Their own problem.

    Devs are too kind to extend mechanics to protect even those players... and ok, even though i don't condone that, i will not fight it, however, the extremity of this unfair punishment is something i will write against.

    Stat degradation that affects your entire game, just because you killed lazy player who did not want to fight back (but could) it complete BS. That's why I vote against stat degradation, and am actually too kind to not vote against other parts of equal level corruption punishment, even though i really should.

    Really get a grip and fight for yourself. If you do not want to, it's your own problem mate, and other players should not be punished for your own lack of action.

    Corruption might never get changed or even tweaked, but as such it will always remain (in my mind) a crap mechanic in otherwise great game.

    Again, I chose to compromise and only vote against 2 ridiculously unfair things:

    - stat degradation for equal level fights
    - players remaining green when attacking reds, even while not having bounty contract

    Change those 2, and rest part of corruption will become bareable. Still unfair as hell, but bareable.
  • lexmax said:

    PvP Zones (also called Battlegrounds)

    These are open world PvP zones that flag everyone for battle.

    • Cravans
    • Castle sieges
    • Node sieges
    • Objective based guild wars

    Outside of these zones, normal PvP flagging rules apply (see Flagging below).

    Arenas are separate instanced PvP scenarios and are not part of open world PvP.

    So basically the whole corruption status doesn't apply to this events (since everyone is flagged for pvp automatically). Also caravans for example seem to be a quite often occurring event since players wanna make profit. So from my point of view (mostly pve player) I don't understand what pvp people are complaining about with this system. You have plenty of world pvp if you wanna pvp, the only thing you get punished really hard for is attacking people while questing, resource gathering, sitting afk etc.
    I would like to hear the argument from a pvp player for why they should be allowed to pk people that don't want to pvp at that time (didn't flag themselves).
    That being said, if all pvpers are the same opinion that you should be able to be attacked everywhere, anytime, I can't imagine any fair solutions for both pvp and pve players beside a separate server. Good old pvp servers where you get attacked while half HP from questing (I know that's not all pvp players.. but we all know there are a lot of those.
  • Yes it is unfair from ganker point of view who are after green non-combatant players. Thats the whole idea of the current corruption system. IS has made choise to not cater that kind of behaviour and i really hope they will also stick with that and do not eat their words.

    If current system is a deal breaker to some people, it just tolds that they are only after certain type of gameplay and they are not interested about the content where is the focus of AoC. They are trying to turn this game to something it does not want to be and what is against the original idea. Good luck with that. 
    • After death, players respawn at random spawn locations. (Unconfirmed)

    This has been in the Google doc for a while now, but so far I've been unable to find an Intrepid quote to confirm this. Does anyone have a quote or know the source used for this?
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2017
    you know another option is to leave the system in place and give the corrupted player X2 effects ( drop chances X2) if a bounty hunter kills them and maybe X3 if they have a contract on that person when they kill them.
  • lexmax said:
    • After death, players respawn at random spawn locations. (Unconfirmed)

    This has been in the Google doc for a while now, but so far I've been unable to find an Intrepid quote to confirm this. Does anyone have a quote or know the source used for this?
    It was from one of the earlier livestreams, don't remember which one. The question was how are they going to prevent spawn camping. Steven answered with agreement from Jeffrey. Don't feel like going through all of them again, but it is out there.
  • I found the transcript, but not who the interviewer was.

    If anyone knows, please let me know :)
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2017
    @lexmax look at the podcasts where Steven is solo interviewed but isn't on camera like the separate one he did with TheLazyPeon that wasn't with Jeffrey and Peter. They are audio only, so it may lurk in one of those. The closest I found so far was the livestream with DJ Tech where Steven references a comment DJ had made earlier about "being two shot by a glass cannon." but couldn't find the earlier off camera audio only interview.
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