Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Welcome! Introduce Yourself Here



  • MIBeardwardoMIBeardwardo Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Heya Everyone!! I am MIBeardwardo aka Sleepy Bear Incognito! I have followed Ashes of Creation since its inception and have always been intrigued by the scope and the amount of concepts being brought together. It is great to see an MMO player making an MMO! I am most excited for the dynamic systems being brought together as well as the community involvement required for this title to exceed. I hope to see many of you in Alpha and I can't wait to help create a game and community, stay safe and Happy Adventuring!!!
  • EcthalionEcthalion Member, Alpha Two
    Hi Everyone, I'm Ecthalion. I am excited by what I've seen so far and I'm eager to play this game!
  • DetoxerDetoxer Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Howdy everybody! I am Detoxer, I am feverishly obsessing over this game. I am most looking forward to playing a cleric shaman and realizing my ancient dreams of having a tea party with ghosts.
  • cpcraftcpcraft Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hello from Estonia!
    Finally got the chance to get involved with supporter pack and future game test-access. Let's make the game worthwhile for everyone.
  • Hi, Taylors Expansion here. Been online gaming since 1995 (Meridian59/Subspace). Hometown of San Diego. Always looking for what's new in the industry. Still waiting for an MMO I can call home.
  • LargeLeonLargeLeon Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    LargeLeon (yes, Airplane fans, Leon is getting larger). Looking forward to this game a lot. I loved crafting on SWG, so i think crafting on Ashes may be as good. I loved RvR on DAOC and think nodes may be comperable. I have played mmos for years (SWG, EQ2, City of Heroes/Villains, Warhammer, DAOC, WOW, and a scattering of others).
    Tank for Hire and DPS
  • Hey, everyone! I've been watching the AoC videos the past couple of days, and I have to say, this is the most exciting development in MMOs in years. So many games have become so toxic that I really hope some of these game mechanics will make toxicity more difficult to accomplish, and it honestly looks like there is real hope here for legitimate, goal oriented PVP that doesn't have that tedious, sweaty, often unwanted feel of some other games.


    I'll be watching closely.
  • Hey everyone. I have been so inspired by the game lately that I decided to start a Youtube channel that focuses on Ashes of Creation:
    While this post will hardly be seen or get recognition, I will still become a force to be reckoned with. Excited to be part of this community.
  • novercalisnovercalis Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hi folks! I am Novercalis, and I’m a gamer! I’m most excited for playing in Ashes of Creation. Been supporting them since the Kickstart announcement. I have forgotten about this game until last week after Lazy peon and Asmongold interview reminded me. Got my account updated and migrated now! Now where are those badges?
    {UPK} United Player Killer - All your loot belongs to us.
  • Hey all,

    I'm Vextrakt, I'm a gamer and 3D Artist. I'm sad to say it's taken me until last month to discover this game's existence. I used to be an avid MMO player and have been turned off by the steep falloff of innovation in the genre as a whole. Watching interviews and endless videos on AoC lately has given me an immense amount of hope, and I'm just dying to see this team break the trend.

    I'm most excited to stare at every environment asset in the starting zone for hours because I have no idea how to stop and enjoy video games anymore :D
  • I am so excited that you guys get to meet me. Now hand over all the loot cause my guild of miscreants isn't going to build itself.
  • Yo, Im slopeiz (like Slow pace), running a small , chill Norwegian guild with some friends, called Vidofnir.
    Keyboard nerd, Living in linux when im not gaming, IT student.

    I'm usually always a Mage, but when this game comes out i would love to test out more things. so far the weapons look amazing and the combat system looks real cool so far.

    coming from POE and WoW
  • PithPith Member
    Hello there!
    I am Algernon, I am really taken by what I have seen so far! I can't wait to start crafting! Salute!
  • BukaTVBukaTV Member
    edited November 2022
    error code 404
  • ZoddTheImmortalZoddTheImmortal Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Well met Friends!
    In previous MMOs I have been known as Zodd The Immortal, or Lord Zodd. I stole it from the Berserk anime/manga when I was a kid. Though, I am totally fine if people Kneel before me thinking of Zod from Superman.

    I am excited about this game!

    I learned about Ashes of Creation a week ago when a friend sent me the TheLazyPeon YouTube video. I was skeptical at first, been burned too many times by MMOs falling short of their promises. Then of course after looking more into it, I am for the first time in many years actually excited and hopeful about an upcoming MMO. This game has every single thing I have ever wanted from an MMO, besides maybe being intensely VR haha. Someday NerveGear, someday.

    I immediately sent that video to all my gamer friends and some non-gamer friends and the response was overwhelmingly positive. I would love to play an MMO with a big group of my friends, and this game might be the one to make it happen. No matter how it turns out I am grateful for the nerdy glee the hype for this game has caused me to feel. It has been a long time, and it is a true gift in and of itself.
    I have been playing MMOs since I was like 15 (I think DAoC was my first) and as the veterans know a big part of the game takes place on the Forums. So here I am eager to get to know the other fans, even the weird ones. Especially the weird ones!

    Mostly I have only lightly played MMOs in the past decade+. Trying to relive the glory days. So I have played and ditched a bunch of them.
    The main thing I want out of an MMO is to see player impact on the world. To be able to participate in 100s of players vs 100s of players battles. Especially Sieges.

    I peaked too soon with a little game named Shadowbane back in 2003. It had many features that make AoC so attractive to me. I managed to lead a guild of mercenaries on the Dread server for a good long while before I went off to college and left it in the hands of a friend. That then immediately ruined all of our hard earn reputation by accepting a siege contract from one alliance and then betraying them because the opposing force gave him more gold. Anyway, the Sieges in Shadowbane were before their time or the time when technology could support them. I still have nightmares of the fiendish sb.exe errors. I have been chasing the memories SB gave me for the past 17 years and Ashes of Creation might finally be where I create even better memories.

    I haven't played any MMO hardcore since the original AoC (Age of Conan), which came out with their Siege system too late after release. I did really enjoy the end game Raids in that game though. Honestly, Funcom just released that game before the End Game was ready, and once everyone got the max level in the first 2 weeks and had nothing to do it was DOA. I still stuck with it for a while though, since I once again decided to be a guild leader and took the responsibility seriously.

    I was an active member of the Pathfinder Online forum community. I invented Loincloth Wednesdays (Don't ask!). Alas, that poor game ran out of money and the amazing Sandbox MMO was dead even before arrival.

    Every other MMO I have played was usually more like an ARPG where I would play with 2-4 friends and eventually get bored. I need the player vs player strife to keep me interested. I also miss the large communities that thrive in MMOs. Logging in and always having guildmates online to chat with is something everyone should have in their life. I have no Guild Leader asperations anymore, but I love the idea of helping grow a Node into a Metropolis and defending it with my life.

    I will endeavor to become more active on the forums and get to know all the great people here!
    So feel free to message me and swap old war stories. Or explain current AoC power dynamics lol
    If we meet in-game on the battlefield, I hope we belong to the same alliance... For your sake :wink:
  • Veil MistwardenVeil Mistwarden Member, Alpha Two
    Veil Mistwarden, a veteran MMORPG player, and I'm looking forward to a new adventure!
    Black Mage and Summoner are my specialties, but I've been there and done that.
    It's nice to meet you all ! /salute
  • MazinMazin Member
    edited August 2020
    Hey everybody, I'm Mazin; I've looked into a few MMORPG's in the past, have started a few but never really gotten past the first few levels before becoming disinterested in the systems/culture. This game seems way different, and I've taken a bit of a leap of faith by buying the Voyager+ pack. This seems like the game that will finally get me into and keep me in MMORPG's. I hope to see you all out there! :)
  • Hello my name is Sergio (RipCrow) I live on long island Ny, I would like to make friends here and participate more deeply
  • VelokieVelokie Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hey everyone! I'm Velokie and I'm hyped to start building a world with all of you!
  • Hello! I'm Rheyd. Our family started online gaming in September 1997 when UO was released, playing through the bigger MMOs (EQ/EQ2, WoW, Shadowbane) and a variety of others. We have been looking for a new game to play as the others have lost their shine. Hoping AoC is that game. :-)
  • MoowellMoowell Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hello, everyone! I'm Moo. I've been playing MMOs for almost 10 years now, starting with Fiesta Online back when OnsOnSoft was in charge of it, and I currently play FFXIV. I'm looking forward to meeting you all and seeing you in the game when it launches!
  • paddettepaddette Member, Pioneer, Kickstarter
    Howdy all
  • Oh hi! I feel so late to the party! So I am speely from the internet. I, uh, sort of drifted away from mmorpgs after DAoC (which I played a LOT of) until ESO. Played that quite a bit, but despite the healthy stream of new content, the core of the game just kinda got stale for me. Tried BDO, and it's great I guess, but I hate the UI so much now I just basically use it to make cool-looking characters I will never play. WoW never appealed to me for various reasons.

    I guess I am just picky... but HOLY CRAP this game! I was late in discovering it, but the brilliance of the design principles alone are just unavoidable, and I am excited about a new mmorpg for the first time in a while. The mad lads went and tried to do ALL THE THINGS, and I am here for the attempt if nothing else. Really looking forward to learning more and more, and talking about stuff obsessively until release. :wink:
  • MayuMayu Member
    Hello 🙂 I'm Mayu. Totally new to the community, and I'm very excited for the launch of Ashes. Looking forward to playing as a battle mage.
  • ReedoReedo Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I am big man
  • Hi all, L2 veteran here, also loved Archage (before the p2w killed it), so when I knew about this project I was completely hooked, binged a lot of AoC videos to get more information.
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited December 2022
    Hi everyone, I'm Liniker! a Brazilian Content Creator and Guild Leader! I have been following ashes for a while and look forward to playing Alpha 1 ;)

    Edit: its been a while! looking forward to playing Alpha 2 now!
    Recrutamento aberto - Nosso Site: Clique aqui
  • TaranissTaraniss Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited August 2020
    Hello all!
    Taraniss is my in game name for the past 20 years. Looking forward to Ashes of Creation. Been following for a bit but finally decided to dip my toes in the water and invest in one of the packages for Alpha 2. Looking forward to many things in this game and watching it progress. Been the GM of legends for a while now. Former U.S. Marine and current restaurant manager in Vegas and streamer.

    Not as seasoned as some here with MMOs. I started in the early 2000's with MMOs. First one I played to the point I could not put it down was LOTRO. After that was AOC and Rift. Pretty much everything in between that has come along. For me MMOs are just as much about the people you play with as well as the game. Been with Legends since LOTRO and looking forward to an Ashes chapter.

    Heroes Fade but Legends last forever

  • Hi! I'm MrIronmouth, and I'm really excited about Ashes. This game has systems I've wanted for years from other MMOs, from the Node system to the fact that mage tanking is actually possible. I'm studying game design for a degree, and would love to work on a game like Ashes someday.
  • ExhilirateExhilirate Member, Alpha One, Adventurer, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Helloooo everyone!
    I'm Breakfast (hopefully will be in game anyway), and I'm extremely excited for Ashes of Creation! I'm big on worldbuilding and roleplay, so I know Ashes will definitely be my cup of tea! I'm stoked for how the 64 classes will tango, how cool the mobs and flora will be, and I am exhilarated with the crafting and the shipbuilding mechanics! I aim to be active in the community, and great luck to everyone in the world of Vera!
    find me at!
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