Not really feeling the whole front flip Dwarfs...



  • LudulluLudullu Member
    rollox wrote: »
    John Belushi. He was all of 5' 8" and pushing 250 lbs. Not quite a dwarf but a pretty good flipper.
    Fairly sure that's not him doing the stunt. But it doesn't matter either way, cause magic.
  • What if players could toggle jump animations or use combo buttons to perform different jumps? More options the better. Then whether a dwarf flips or not is up to the player.
  • What if players could toggle jump animations or use combo buttons to perform different jumps? More options the better. Then whether a dwarf flips or not is up to the player.

    An opt out would be awesome.
  • LudulluLudullu Member
    What if players could toggle jump animations or use combo buttons to perform different jumps? More options the better. Then whether a dwarf flips or not is up to the player.
    Yes, option would be completely fine, as long as the flip is not removed.
  • rolloxrollox Member
    edited August 3
    rollox wrote: »
    John Belushi. He was all of 5' 8" and pushing 250 lbs. Not quite a dwarf but a pretty good flipper.
    Fairly sure that's not him doing the stunt. But it doesn't matter either way, cause magic.

    I see you're right. Funny thing about lore and legends. you can live forty years believing something. Until the stunt double who did the work comes out and confirms the truth.

    Anyhow I really like the idea of the optional user set config as to how your dwarf jumps and flips. Personally I would take the flip for sure, I like it.
  • I like the Idea that People will HATE the Flip of the Dwarves.

    Why ?

    Because i think it will prevent Monkey/Bunning-Jumping then. :D . >:)
    Muahahahahahah. :grin:
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
  • Uncommon SenseUncommon Sense Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited August 4
    Ok how about this perspective.

    If the Dunir mountain dwarves were the perfect candidate to animate a front flip jump...

    What other jump animations will the other races get?

    Nikua? Double flip perhaps....

    Tulnar...Surely the ape beast Tulnar will triple flip... run on hands cartwheels too?

    What about the Elves? scissor kick twist jump with single hand plant....?

    So Intrepid you've set a precedent that stocky staunch humble mountain folk who are probably as sure footed and reserved in their everyday lives as their environment shaped them, is currently the most acrobatic race to the point every jump they do irrespective of the armor they wear now must be a front flip...

    Then we now must ask, is attacking and defending while jumping now possible for Dunir? Seeing as they've committed to flipping every jump how do they shield block or swing a battle axe (weapon) mid flip? can they even use other abilities while flipping?

    In other words are they now vulnerable or do they magically immune mid flip...

    If the other races are not as if not more so flamboyant than Dunir then what really was the deign brief in the office?

    The reality is having the Dunir dwarves flip every jump is the dumbest design commitment I have seen In this entire games development....

    If it was gnomes or pixies I'd be like "that makes plausible fantasy sense" in a believable way...

    But instead you picked mountain dwarfs for acrobatics....Which blows any sense of coherent logic to the point it makes a fantasy unbelievable.

  • OtrOtr Member
    Listen to the song here: Dünir Dwarves Do not Flip :smiley:

    Nice! :heart:
  • ZhaleZhale Member
    edited August 4
    Dygz wrote: »
    Seeming similar in many ways to Dwarves from other settings does not mean they are exactly the same as Dwarves from other settings.

    I am with the op on this one, but it has nothing to do with the behaviour of dwarves in other fantasy settings, but to do with the verisimilitude of Ashes itself- its own, internal logic being coherent and cogent. A species that is "stoic and stout" is not a species that is agile or acrobatic. The two are mutually exclusive. Any comparisons to other fictional worlds are merely for convenience or reference sake- it still doesn't make sense within the internal rules of Verra/Ashes to have Dwarves in full plate doing front flips.

    Edit: I'd actually be totally fine with dwarves doing front flips if they're:
    1. Not wearing plate
    2. Not a Tank or Tank hybrid

    So I guess for me it's less of a racial thing and more of a "bro you're wearing your weight in steel" thing, I can see Dwarven rogue classes etc doing flips

  • SengardenSengarden Member
    edited August 4
    Zhale wrote: »

    So I guess for me it's less of a racial thing and more of a "bro you're wearing your weight in steel" thing, I can see Dwarven rogue classes etc doing flips

    I was gonna comment something here about how jump flair could be class-based rather than race-based, but I couldn't come up with enough variations lol
  • CaerylCaeryl Member
    Lore concerns aside (and huge agree, it doesn’t make any sense for Dunïr to be jumping like that) it just looks ridiculous from a purely visual standpoint.

    I realize it’s high fantasy but I don’t enjoy cartoony animations when the aesthetic style is aimed at being realistic
  • Neox365Neox365 Member
    It's quite exciting to see the diverse opinions from the people here.
  • Uncommon SenseUncommon Sense Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Lets hypothetical and try to make this Fantasy a fictional success and not a flip and flop...

    If the Dunir (Stereotypical mountain fantasy dwarfs) Are not hole digging mountain climbers...Which they by all accounts should be.

    And are more like free running parkour advocates, Not even the best Parkour athletes front flip up objects...They occasionally flip down to add flourish, but mostly they roll and tumble when landing after a larger jump...

    So the argument that a flip adds height is bogus unless you intend to land on your head. At multiple times during the Bard livesteam when Brain F the Dunir jump up an object only to hitch the flip animation which look weird, as if to say gravity and friction stops and the flip must complete irrespective of terrain height.

    Flipping up objects no matter how you try and justify it is just stupid.

    At this point it is still an in house joke...

    I hope it gets put on the shelf like APOC and the battle pass...

    I'd rather have normal jumping dwarfs and crossbows or even the potion launchers than the persistent front flips...

    The Vek are star gazers. The Dunir a crotch lookers both themselves and others at this point.
  • LodrigLodrig Member
    As someone who always plays Dwarves I have no problem with Flips, though I think they could be made less 'Sonic the Hedgehog' like by being more or a roll as was shown in earlier development.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Pretty sure it's possible to stoic while performing Acrobatics.
    "Stoic: a person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining."
    I dunno why those two concepts would be inherently mutually exclusive.
  • Dygz wrote: »
    Pretty sure it's possible to stoic while performing Acrobatics.
    "Stoic: a person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining."
    I dunno why those two concepts would be inherently mutually exclusive.

    Doing flips is showing feeling. Probably happiness, or ants in the pants, but it shows some kind of emotion.
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Well at this stage of development and their recent Bard Livestream, It seems to me that Intrepid has doubled down on the Dunir doing flip jumps...give the 3 year gap between the rework to the model they would have had time to re evaluate the mobility aspect and agree whether or not it is lore appropriate...

    Some of us don't feel it is mountain dwarf behavior ...Others seem to justify it as cool but nonsensical.

    Having purchased dwarven specific cosmetics, with the original mindset of playing Dunir...

    I am now having to rethink my character choice due to the flip jump...I understand some players are fine with it...
    I am not one those players. So after my time with Alpha 2 testing I will come to conclusion after hands on testing.

    If it was perhaps a toggle-able cosmetic ability modifyer so that the player could chose on/off flips?

    I realize this might seem petty to some people...But It s kind of important to enjoy playing something if that avatar is played for 100-1000-10000+ hours.

    Might go with Vek just to troll myself...

    I like the dunir flip
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  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Doing flips is showing feeling. Probably happiness, or ants in the pants, but it shows some kind of emotion.
    Flips shows as much feeling a running or jumping without flips.
    Running could also indicate ants in the pants.
    Ants in the pants does not necessarily have anything to do with emotion. Just as running is not inherently about emotion.
  • BarabBarab Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Where was the beard on BrianF's Dunir ?
    The Dünir Hold Mithril Warhammers,Thanes of the Keelhaul, Dünir scourge of the oceans, Warhammer First Fleet Command of The Dünzenkell Nation, friends to the Dünir Dwarves of the Dünhold. Hammers High!
  • Uncommon SenseUncommon Sense Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited August 7
    How can I put this Dygz, so that your old man rocking chair perspective might grasp without falling off the porch. Then trying to make a rebuttable or then blaming ants in the pants or a broken rocking chair for your gaff...

    Flipping Dwarves (Dunir) is Basically Intrepid's Jar Jar Binks Star Wars moment.

    Feel free to flip jump back up onto the porch if you believe its possible without assistance ....

    And don't even think about using young Yoda flip fighting as a plausible reason flip jumping makes perfect sense as that uses a MacGuffin "the force" ergo "because magic". Old Yoda would never approve anyway...

    which further emphasizes why Dwarfs are the least appropriate race for acrobatics or spell assisted mobility excuses.

    Look I understand why some people might like flip jumping. But pick any race other than a preconceived dwarf.

    Hence why I originally in the way back machine advocated for the Nikua to get all the acrobatics...As it made the most plausible case for it to "make sense"

    Dunir dwarfs are plain and simple and unpretentious porridge/oatmeal, bread cheese and a tankard of ale.

    Not fruit loops or snap crackle pop cereal

  • Dygz wrote: »
    Doing flips is showing feeling. Probably happiness, or ants in the pants, but it shows some kind of emotion.
    Flips shows as much feeling a running or jumping without flips.
    Running could also indicate ants in the pants.
    Ants in the pants does not necessarily have anything to do with emotion. Just as running is not inherently about emotion.

    This is your subjective opinion. I have mine. Flipping has no meaning what so ever unless you are doing gymnastics. Standing around in a group just flipping is an act of emotion. Boredom, excitement, being annoying, or what ever. No one just flips while standing in a group that is not doing anything. Don't even say role play, Dwarves do not flip.
  • Uncommon SenseUncommon Sense Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Barab wrote: »
    Where was the beard on BrianF's Dunir ?

    The Reason BrianF's Dunir beard was missing is because he had to shave it as it was getting in the way from his jump flips...
  • HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited August 7
    daveywavey wrote: »
    Presumably it's so that they can still jump the same distance as the other races, despite being half their size. Would you prefer to have your Dwarfs only be able to jump half the distance of other races?

    Perhaps a dwarven toss is in order.

    The world is beautiful whenever you're here.
    And all the emptiness inside disappears.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited August 7
    Feel free to flip jump back up onto the porch if you believe its possible without assistance ....
    I have never practiced or learned to forward flip - even in my teens.
    But, I could still do floor tricks in my Hip Hop class at age 55.
    Again - stoicism is irrelevant.

    And don't even think about using young Yoda flip fighting as a plausible reason flip jumping makes perfect sense as that uses a MacGuffin "the force" ergo "because magic". Old Yoda would never approve anyway...
    Yoda is not a Dünir. Apparently, true Dünir revere flipping.
    We'll have to see if the same applies to Niküa.
    So far, it appears to be a cultural aesthetic on a world with High Magic.
    So, yeah... they are assisted by magic.

    which further emphasizes why Dwarfs are the least appropriate race for acrobatics or spell assisted mobility excuses.
    Empasizes nothing except your bias.

    Look I understand why some people might like flip jumping. But pick any race other than a preconceived dwarf.

    Hence why I originally in the way back machine advocated for the Nikua to get all the acrobatics...As it made the most plausible case for it to "make sense"
    If Dunir can flip, it makes sense for Dünir to flip.
    Cultural behaviors are not always 100% logical.

    Dunir dwarfs are plain and simple and unpretentious porridge/oatmeal, bread cheese and a tankard of ale. Not fruit loops or snap crackle pop cereal
    Apparently, Dünir, plain and simple, revere flipping. And are not as white bread and porridge/oatmeal as you assumed. They seemingly like a bit of spice, too. We shall see.
    I dunno where you got unpretentious from.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited August 7
    This is your subjective opinion. I have mine. Flipping has no meaning what so ever unless you are doing gymnastics. Standing around in a group just flipping is an act of emotion. Boredom, excitement, being annoying, or what ever. No one just flips while standing in a group that is not doing anything. Don't even say role play, Dwarves do not flip.
    That is your cultural bias.
    Apparently, Dünir do not agree with you.
  • Dygz wrote: »
    This is your subjective opinion. I have mine. Flipping has no meaning what so ever unless you are doing gymnastics. Standing around in a group just flipping is an act of emotion. Boredom, excitement, being annoying, or what ever. No one just flips while standing in a group that is not doing anything. Don't even say role play, Dwarves do not flip.
    That is your cultural bias.
    Apparently, Dünir do not agree with you.

    you sure like making stuff up lol. Standard Dwarven race protocol is not cultural bias, its preserving culture. You are the one pushing to change it. The Dünir speak for themselves on this. And they have stated they are not in favor of it.
  • LudulluLudullu Member
    The Dünir speak for themselves on this. And they have stated they are not in favor of it.
    I'll be a Dunir and I spoke for myself. I need the flip to be in the game.
  • The Dünir speak for themselves on this. And they have stated they are not in favor of it.
    I'll be a Dunir and I spoke for myself. I need the flip to be in the game.

    Yes, you are, but most of the Dwarven guilds do not.
  • LudulluLudullu Member
    Yes, you are, but most of the Dwarven guilds do not.
    And not all things should be done according to the majority, just as a lot of Ashes designs go directly against what the majority of mmo players would prefer - the flips might go against what majority of dwarves want. But it is what it is, and the flips stay B)
  • Thoghli RamheartThoghli Ramheart Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Yes, you are, but most of the Dwarven guilds do not.
    And not all things should be done according to the majority, just as a lot of Ashes designs go directly against what the majority of mmo players would prefer - the flips might go against what majority of dwarves want. But it is what it is, and the flips stay B)

    Perhaps a compromise where it is not forced and you can opt into it aye?
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