Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Next Livestream + Q&A Submission - Friday, April 29, 2022 at 11AM Pacific



  • VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
    Greetings everyone - thank you so much again for sharing your questions with us, and for tuning in for today's livestream! In case you didn't hear us cover your question on the stream, it may be because we've shared an answer previously - check out more on that below!

    @Lithion (question), @Shoelid (question), @arsnn (question), @Elegen (question), @SmokeTrail (question), @HoUjinos (question 1, 2, 3), @Vallo (question), @JTK (question), @LeviathanSummoner (question), @Cyanide (question), @N4YO (question 1,2), @AidanKD (question), @battierpeeler (question), @Tpwnz (question), @Nullsan (question), @Zahie (question), @Darkhan_Drathir (question), @mfckingjoker (question), @RenardCA (question), @LiquidAlpha (question), @Sago65 (question), @Gragis (questions 1, 2), @Gimlog (question), @Aasjiel (question), @Honahula (question), @SirChancelot (question), @Falkath (question) - Please only post one question next time as requested, and if you only posted one question, please make sure to keep it as direct/succinct as possible - that way it's more likely to be picked!

    @Maouii (question) - Being able to change sound and music settings in Ashes of Creation is a planned feature :)

    @Babayugah (question) - Stay tuned for more information on crafting as we progress further in development!

    @Ruined (question) - Guilds that take control over a castle will likely require a lot of dedication to keep them, which is one reason as to why there are only five guild castles! You can learn more about guild sieges here, on the wiki!

    @ChaosFactor (question) - The design team is currently discussing logistics around a similar idea that essentially encompasses this one. I believe Steven talked about this on this month's stream, so make sure to check that out on our YouTube channel!

    @SolusVulpus (question) - The Tulnar will be the last race worked on and added to the game before launch. Please stay tuned for more information as we progress further in development :)

    @oneuproad (question), @Minus (question), @Drunkninja (question) - Generally, we try not to discuss the inner workings of how our security systems and policies work. Rest assured that our built systems will be robust, and anything that isn't automatically caught will be dealt with by our team of talented professionals! ^_^

    @Sathrago (question) - Anything added during our testing systems is subject to change (especially after receiving feedback!). Generally, the closer we get to launch (From Alpha Two to Beta Two), the more finalized these systems will be!

    @Tyranthraxus (question) - Generally, we look at interns and internships on a case-by-case basis. If you're interested in an internship, head over to our careers page and let us know about yourself, your skills, your interests, and areas you'd like to learn!

    @JeanPhilippeQC (question) - This number is still subject to testing and further reiteration. Stay tuned for more information on the auction house and economy systems as we progress further in development!

    @54754N4 (question), @Falkath (question), @Halfdan (question), @CrimsonScars (question), @Uthehoe (question) - We hear you on the importance of Archetypes and Classes in Ashes of Creation. Please stay tuned for more information on Archetypes and Classes as we progress further in development!

    @Emberstone (question) - Hi! So, I'm curious to know more about what kind of information you're looking for here. Do you want an overview of the information I gathered, or do you want to know how the developers use that information? Let me know!

    @Swiftpaws (question) - Absolutely! Ashes of Creation will utilize a subscription model. I'll let Steven speak for why that is: "if the game is good then people will continue to subscribe and that subscription provides funding and revenue for the developers to continue a significant content creation and expansion rollout for the game." ;) you can read more about it here, on the wiki!

    @Csteph (question) - Technically, this may be possible. Though, it may take a *significantly* long time :)

    @Lark Wyll (question) - You will be able to name ships. The name will appear above the ship! You can read more on that here :) You will also be able to customize the way your ship looks through the ship building profession, which you can read more on here!

    @Lizarduz (question) - You will be able to change your secondary archetype, but not your primary one. You can read more on that here, and here :)

    @Echuta (question), @HumblePuffin (question), @Liniker (question), @Talents (question), @NiKr (question) - We understand our players are very eager to see combat updates! Please stay tuned for more information regarding classes and combat as we progress further in development :)

    @Browdan (question) - This is not something that is currently planned, but we will announce if that changes!

    @Ridgeford (question) - Extensive voice acting and cinematics are something we would love to see in Ashes of Creation. However, these are luxuries that are extremely expensive, time-consuming, and likely won't fit into the scope of Ashes before launch. Though, that is not to say we won't see voice acting and cinematics at all :)

    @l3v3rag3 (question) - We understand that having more information on cosmetics is important to our players. Recently, Margaret Krohn did a good job of explaining where we are on this. You can find that comment here :)

    @Deluzional (question) - The system you're referring to works as a party-based system! At the end of a fight, the party with the highest damage done, including first tagging bonus, will be granted looting rights. You can read more about that here, on the wiki!

    @ELRYNO (question) - 1v1 matchups will have a rock-paper-scissors dynamic, where one class will be superior to another. With that said, there will be some content that some classes are better at than others!

    @polarbear (question), @Mazz9n (question) - The team wasn't quite able to understand what it is exactly that you're asking. Would you possibly be able to rephrase this question for us? Ty!

    @Sometimesmiles (question) - Stay tuned for more information on market and economy systems as we progress further in development!

    @Vertus (question) - We hope to make sieges, in regards to functionality and systems, very in-depth, fun and immersive :)

    @Valorinth (question) - Stay tuned for more information regarding nodes and the systems that come with them as we progress further in development ;)

    @Marius (question) - Racial appearance of gear is focused on Armor, not Weapons. You can read more on this here, on the wiki! :)

    @The Cawckiest King (question) - Please stay tuned for more information regarding utility skills as we progress further in development!

    @Alyxavior (question) - We will have more information on freeholds as we progress further in development toward Alpha Two :) For now, you can read more on freeholds here, on the wiki!

    @Sneakz (question) - Stay tuned for more information on this topic as we progress further in development :)

    @BaddiNaddi (question) - Players will be incentivized to spread out as the servers go live. For example, different resources may be required for progressing in the game that you may need to venture out to find.

    (question) - Nothing we've shown off is complete or a finished product. Until we're closer to launch, all the systems we show off are subject to change. As for the bounty system, this is still a work in progress :)

    @Nostra (question) - Scribes are still a a potential crafting profession! Stay tuned for more information on crafting professions as we progress further in development :)

    @Kevralyn (question) - Ashes of Creation will have both PvP and PvE content. You can read more about the planned PvE content here, on the wiki!

    @Kamik (question) - You can read more about our plans on AI here, on the wiki!

    @MongiJones (question) - Addons and mods will not be allowed in Ashes of Creation. You can read more on that here, on the wiki!

    @Balrog21 (question) - These features are being actively worked on and are close to being ready to be shown. Stay tuned for more information on weather and day/night cycles :)

    @Ryve (question) - The siege systems are still being worked on and iterated on! Stay tuned for more information as we progress further in development. For now, you can read more on sieges here, on the wiki!

    @T Elf (question) - Currently, for player stalls, there are no plans to have them traveling or mobile. We have not announced any plans to have trading items from player to player give xp. You can read more on player stalls here, on the wiki!

    @Hjerim (question) - So far, so good <3 We will let you know if there is ever any cut content!

    @Saturn Aurora (question) - Woah! Spoiler warning! ;) We will have to wait to see once we get closer to launch. ^_^

    @Abarat (question) - I'm not sure I fully understand your question. Intrepid Studios is using an open-development philosophy in which we have complete Alpha and Beta testing while also being open for those who support our project!

    @-T0Mb- (question), @Hazerduhs (question) - Please stay tuned for more information regarding mounts, animal husbandry, armor and cosmetic skins as we progress further in development!

    @Cefyn (question) - Nothing shown in Alpha One is final. Everything shown is subject to change and in development. :)

    @Bladen (question) - Currently, there are no plans for adding a corruption cleansing system for killing bots.

    @SnowElf (question) - Class augments will allow for players to customize their class and skills :) You can read more an that here, on the wiki!

    @Artifact71 (question) - We would love to support controllers in Ashes of Creation! Though, it is something that might not make it into the game before launch.

    @ShadowVen (question) - Large raid-sized ships are planned! You can read more about them here Players will also be able to customize their ships through the ship building profession, which you can read more about here.

    @Apok (question) There is a ton of information on ships on our wiki! You can read more on ship destruction here, ship repairs here and naval pvp here :)

    @redemerosha (question) - Completely 100% completing a zone will heavily depend on how nodes in that zone develop. As nodes develop, they unlock content in their zones of influence, while locking content in other, nearby zones of influence. You can read more on this here, on the wiki!

    @Ozijak (question) - Good question... Certainly! We recently showed off another example during this month's livestream! Make sure to watch the VoD on our YouTube channel in case you missed it live!

    @Dizz (question) - We appreciate your feedback! Some systems in Ashes of Creation won't be for everyone. Though we are still developing the mount system and nothing is yet set in stone. Stay tuned to see more on how this system will work as we progress further in development! :)

    @Troow (question) - For the Kickstarter backers who got the Angel and Demon skins, they will eventually have access to them in the character creator.

    @Squeezy (question) - Our first true iterations of crafting will be prevalent in Alpha Two. We're excited for our players to get their hands on the crafting systems! ^_^

    @iLaw (question) - Hi! o/ Instanced arenas are planned content for Ashes of Creation! You can read more on them here We haven't said what the rewards for arenas will be quite yet!

    @Bakuhatsu (question) - We understand that character names are important to our players :) There is potential that special characters will be allowed in Ashes of Creation! :)

    @Rednam (question) - Yes, we plan on having GMs for Ashes of Creation :)

    @Gimpg (question) - The developers intend to carefully manage server populations via the use of character creation throttles to avoid the need to merge servers. There may be queues to get into high population servers, but the aim is to avoid excessively long queues. :)

    @Anduin Kayvaan (question), @Riley Rain (question) , @Evaolan (question) , @Karthos (question), @Goalid (question), @Niya (question), @Dismas (question), @Schmuky (question), @RowniSciponi (question), @Schwann36 (question), @DABZ16 (question), @RitchieSH (question), @Lashing (question), @Gizmow (question) - Congrats! Your questions were randomly selected and answered on stream! In case you missed it, make sure to check out the VoD on our YouTube channel!

    If you didn't find yourself tagged by myself in this comment, I encourage you to ask it again during our next Development Update Livestream Q&A! ^_^
  • @Vaknar i left a tl dr to keep it short enough for the stream, i even cited that :/
  • SirChancelotSirChancelot Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited April 2022
  • EmberstoneEmberstone Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    @Vaknar Both really!

    It's interesting you guys ask us for our opinions and feedback, but it's not always clear how this reflects back into Ashes. Did it change the process sometime? Did the responses align with the idea you guys had or were you guys surprised by it sometimes? Did it spark new ideas or concepts that weren't originally even under consideration? If so, any examples :3? It doesn't have to be relevant to the topics i mentioned, it was merely random grab out of the Dev discussion thread collection.

    It's always nice to hear what's been done with the opinions/feedback we give :).
  • TyranthraxusTyranthraxus Member, Alpha Two
    @AidanKD @SirChancelot @Emberstone

    Don't point fingers at poor Vaknar. Intrepid's just picking them based on the criteria they've specified. You guys could have simply read the original post.

  • SirChancelotSirChancelot Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited April 2022
  • MargaretKrohnMargaretKrohn Moderator, Staff
    edited April 2022
    👀 Check out our April Development Update to catch up on the latest news!

    🌋 What Events do you want to encounter while exploring Verra?

    (Updated OP so it has the video as well. ;) )
  • RyveRyve Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited April 2022
    Vaknar wrote: »
    @Ryve (question) - The siege systems are still being worked on and iterated on! Stay tuned for more information as we progress further in development. For now, you can read more on sieges here, on the wiki!

    I was actually referencing the Archetype Group Summoning ability, which is called Siege Summons, but I think could be something that is available in other modes besides just Sieges:

  • LeviojimaLeviojima Member, Alpha Two
    @AidanKD @SirChancelot @Emberstone

    Don't point fingers at poor Vaknar. Intrepid's just picking them based on the criteria they've specified. You guys could have simply read the original post.

    I am not sure about others by my question was classified as a violation when it broke 0 of the rules. It was exactly one question. All other posts were assisting other people by directing them to already answered questions after the cut off for submissions which was NOT a violation. They are simply going around their own rules.
  • LeviojimaLeviojima Member, Alpha Two
    @Valkner I would like you to bring my back up for an answer as I did NOT ask more than one question and should be entitled to the same honest answer as other people. Intrepid has kept development priorities very secretive and it is a bad look.
    This is the link to the question (the only question)
  • LeviojimaLeviojima Member, Alpha Two
    @Drunkninja Since it was not answered by staff I would like to tell you what we, the community, know so far. Part of the security against people using many accounts to farm and sell gold will be 1: The cost of the game as they will have to pay to maintain all the accounts 2: They will have active GMs in world 3: They will have systems in place on the back end to monitor for these. 4: Players will be able to report suspicious account to Intrepid. Past this we do not know what will be going on.
  • @AidanKD @SirChancelot @Emberstone

    Don't point fingers at poor Vaknar. Intrepid's just picking them based on the criteria they've specified. You guys could have simply read the original post.

    I could have been more concise perhaps in my reply although i still feel my tl dr should have been fine. But i only replied to his comment - there was no assignment of blame.

    If anything it was just a shame to find out that i had no shot at a shoutout! Alas - better luck next month.
  • LithionLithion Member, Alpha Two
    I am not sure about others by my question was classified as a violation when it broke 0 of the rules. It was exactly one question. All other posts were assisting other people by directing them to already answered questions after the cut off for submissions which was NOT a violation. They are simply going around their own rules.

    Did you read the second half of his sentence?

    Vaknar wrote: »
    and if you only posted one question, please make sure to keep it as direct/succinct as possible - that way it's more likely to be picked!

  • LeviojimaLeviojima Member, Alpha Two
    edited May 2022
    @Lithion I did read it. Yes it wont be answered ON STREAM due to time, but it wasn't meant to be read on stream.

    Edit because I feel I need to: Some questions can not be given in short form if you expect any REAL answer.
  • LithionLithion Member, Alpha Two
    @Lithion I did read it. Yes it wont be answered ON STREAM due to time, but it wasn't meant to be read on stream.

    Edit because I feel I need to: Some questions can not be given in short form if you expect any REAL answer.
    I understand your frustration, I was also on the same list of "question too long" but i think its mainly just Vaknar and Margret who are answering questions on the forums and I don't think they they are the ones to give big information that hasn't been talked about yet. (I could be wrong but i think its usually Steven who makes big announcements or gives estimated time frames after he gets approval from the team working on it to verify). With your question being something as big as a timeframe for class information reveal, that is a huge question that they don't want to answer before they are sure when it will happen. They probably don't have a concrete answer yet so they don't want to give any rough estimates and then get yelled at when they don't release at that time.
    Also as for your statement saying it wasn't meant to be read on stream, i think the way you worded it made it seem like you wanted it to be answered on stream so that everyone could know the answer.
    Hello, my question is simple but I would like it to be answered on screen for transparency sake.
  • LeviojimaLeviojima Member, Alpha Two
    edited May 2022
    @Lithion Ok I can understand the confusion with my introduction line. When I mention it being addressed on stream (Answered is a bad choice of words that is on me) is because I wanted the content of the question addressed on stream. The first quote about it wont be answered on stream (with answer being used properly) is because I know they wouldn't read out my question and do a direct answer like they do for the selected questions. Then entirety of my bracketed comment under the question area was the context needed for them to consider it internally. I both feel and have heard others feel they talk about open development without ever actually being open with us.

    Edit: I am sorry for any confusion I have caused on this.
  • DrunkninjaDrunkninja Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    @Vaknar Thank you for the response! That makes perfect sense why you wouldn't want to discuss the inner workings of the security. I'll keep my faith in the team and try to have a more fun question for next time!
  • VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
    edited May 2022
    Hi! I'd like to add some clarification on the questions posted by users @Anduin Kayvaan (question), @Riley Rain (question) and @Evaolan (question)

    The question asked on stream was "Will the custom text chat command /e, /emote, /me, or some variant of it be in the game for roleplay?" The answer can be found on the livestream here

    To clarify: Yes, we will support custom text emotes! The specific implementation (the / command itself) is TBD :)
  • VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
    Emberstone wrote: »
    @Vaknar Both really!

    It's interesting you guys ask us for our opinions and feedback, but it's not always clear how this reflects back into Ashes. Did it change the process sometime? Did the responses align with the idea you guys had or were you guys surprised by it sometimes? Did it spark new ideas or concepts that weren't originally even under consideration? If so, any examples :3? It doesn't have to be relevant to the topics i mentioned, it was merely random grab out of the Dev discussion thread collection.

    It's always nice to hear what's been done with the opinions/feedback we give :).

    I hear ya!

    Basically all the above have happened at some point! ^_^. I've been talking with Margaret and Roshen in regards to conveying this information so stay tuned - It's something I'm working on! ;)
  • VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
    Ryve wrote: »
    Vaknar wrote: »
    @Ryve (question) - The siege systems are still being worked on and iterated on! Stay tuned for more information as we progress further in development. For now, you can read more on sieges here, on the wiki!

    I was actually referencing the Archetype Group Summoning ability, which is called Siege Summons, but I think could be something that is available in other modes besides just Sieges:

    Ahhh I see. The feature you're referring to is still being designed and iterated so there isn't anything concrete to share at this very moment! We will surely update the community when the day comes, though ^_^
  • EmberstoneEmberstone Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Vaknar wrote: »
    Emberstone wrote: »
    @Vaknar Both really!

    It's interesting you guys ask us for our opinions and feedback, but it's not always clear how this reflects back into Ashes. Did it change the process sometime? Did the responses align with the idea you guys had or were you guys surprised by it sometimes? Did it spark new ideas or concepts that weren't originally even under consideration? If so, any examples :3? It doesn't have to be relevant to the topics i mentioned, it was merely random grab out of the Dev discussion thread collection.

    It's always nice to hear what's been done with the opinions/feedback we give :).

    I hear ya!

    Basically all the above have happened at some point! ^_^. I've been talking with Margaret and Roshen in regards to conveying this information so stay tuned - It's something I'm working on! ;)

  • VissoxVissox Member, Alpha Two
    Can our mayors name our first towns/metros when they finally become constructed? I think it would be super cool for helping to develop "server lore" by making places as unique as the people who founded them.
  • ThatGuyPowersThatGuyPowers Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    will any ships have a captains quarters type area where we can place furniture on the ship
  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    @Vissox and @ThatGuyPowers note this thread isn't for May's Q&A, it is for last months. Keep an eye out for May's Q&A thread soon to repost your questions there.
    Node coffers: Single Payer Capitalism in action
  • JanaosJanaos Member
    Will there be Limited time events? In your events article you mentioned seasonal events, but nothing was said about whether these would be limited. I love exclusive events, and by that I mean events with exclusive rare gear up for grabs that will never be able to be acquired after the event
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