Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
If you are button mashing and the person actually know how play the fighting game you shouldn't win ever pretty much. Knowing the mechanics involved and their opening you can beat them really easily. If someone is button mashing and new I just use one hand to beat them.
Let me clarify. If your opponent's attacking animation for this 'CC' is longer than your animation for 'staggering from the CC', then you will act before your opponent can do anything.
In this scenario, you can defeat the opponent that is hitting you. If someone applied this exact principle to an MMO, I would be overjoyed. A scenario in which I could 'be hit, but because my opponent's range was wrong, now they cannot attack again before I can.
Do you count 'using your own attack' as 'CC-ing yourself'?
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
I don't view yourself as getting cc'd by attacking no i view you are simply attacking. Part of a fighting game is to take advantage of that though of course and use your opening against you, and why I like soulcalibur with the complexity of the combat and its just a lot more fun (though this is besides the point)
Though I don't like the idea of a mmo being over filled my stuns and such like that, not saying its not doable but it might not be fun for a lot of people as it will be considered a cc fest. I hate lost ark pvp since all moves stagger me out of my skills and its annoying, granted I prob shouldn't be pvping with gunslinger. I like it yet its play style doesn't match my own. So i get over frustrated when im getting cc'd out of all my skills even more so off screen when mi suppose to be a range class.
I'm not talking about trades though.
Either way, it is currently not guaranteed that the person I was engaging in this conversation 'for' actually cares about the details or knowing when you say something that is not necessarily true, and I now have enough data to understand how to update my model.
You are now free to lead people to whatever conclusions you have. I suppose there is no specific benefit to me calling out either you or Dygz on your statements if there is no one who needs clarification.
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
Dude, give him back his straws, he needs them to build his men!
Either way, Mag is literarily diluted. The poor guys head cannon must be going off in all sorts of directions!
(Edit to add; I am unsure if anyone other than myself will fully appreciate this post, kudos to you for paying attention to multiple threads if you do)
As usual you bring more insults then actual evidence to a conversation.
I would say it's a dig more than an insult.
The fun this about it is - if you read it replacing the words I intentionally mis-used that you have previously mis-used for the word that you intended at the time, it is a dig.
However, if you just read it as it is now, it has a totally different meaning.
Well, not totally different, it is still a dig, it's just a different dig.
And to others reading, while it may seem patronizing pointing out the digs above, I am of the opinion that if I am going to have a dig at someone, they should at least be aware of the fact.
I do not believe Mag would have been aware of one of the above digs, so it is only fair to inform him.
Honestly, I'm just glad it wasnt only for myself...
Congrats Mag, you went 10+ pages with Noaani. Lil side dish of Azherae. I've been there. You're a regular now for better or for worse haha
The reason I find it amusing is because I gave him several chances to check himself with the first one I bothered doing anything about.
I'm not one to have a dig at people for small things unless I've personally offered some assistance, and it has been turned down. That is essentially the case here, so I feel having the occasional dig is valid - and hey, it may even be the catalyst they need to learn different, similar sounding words rather tha just accepting the first recommendation for spelling that they get.
I mean, I get things wrong too.
Point is, I always offer the assistance first.
I was just commenting on the verbage with that one.
If BDO is closest to an arcade fighter among MMOs would it also track that BDO would be the most button mash friendly of the MMO? As in if people freak they're just going to click all the things to throw anything at a target?
And yes of course someone who knows how to play sold do better than a button mash'er, I want claiming otherwise. I was just saying that the phrase button mashing is most closely tied to fighting games... Like almost exclusively.
But I'm very much not a fighting game gamer, just not my thing. Probably why I have the opinion of not wanting my MMOs to have any flavoring of fighting game in it.
I agree, nothing wrong with a lil dig here and there.
No, BDO is not button mashing friendly in the basic sense.
Rather, BDO is incredibly easy PvE, I don't know if you perceive there to be a difference, though. If you attempt to 'button-mash' your way through BDO on anything that lasts more than 3 attacks you usually just die. But perhaps that term has a different definition for you than it does for me.
BDO is also not closest to an arcade fighter amongst MMOs, that honor goes to Age of Conan, then Onigiri (though depending on your perspective Onigiri is more of a Co-op adventure game, but it counts itself as an RPG and has an 'economy'). But again, perhaps 'Arcade Fighter' has a different definition for you than it does for me.
I will go no further as I still don't know for certain if you actually care about this or not. "I don't want any fighting game in my MMO" is sufficient for me if you also don't wish to understand anything additional.
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
My use of the term button-mashing for BDO is hyperbole.
You really mean buttons-mashing, right? 🤗
ba dumm dumm
You are living in a world without reality if you think tab target should work the same as action combat where you need to aim your skills as far as dmg and accuracy is concerned