Alpha Two Roadmap Showcase and AMA Livestream - Friday, August 16, 2024 at 11AM PT



  • SaucissonSaucisson Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited August 3
    Dear Steven Sharrif, Creative Director, Lord of the Sandal, Prophet of the Holy Trinity and Holder of the Sacred Roadmap.

    What is your goal/hope for the Alpha 2 duration ?
  • buujahbuujah Member
    I would be interested to know whether you start straight away as a superhero, or whether you start out more old school with a shirt, trousers and a cheap sword in a "beginners village" and you really notice the development?
  • How many A2 key holders are there so far?
  • KatoPaoKatoPao Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited August 3
    Hello Steven,
    How advanced is the rest of the world building compared to what we'll see the first day of A2 ?

    Thank you.
  • Hi Steven,
    How many realms are expected to be available on A2 launch and what will the player cap of those realms be? Assuming that A2 will start with a smaller subset of the world/biomes available, are there plans to merge A2 realms or raise the player cap as more of the world becomes available?
  • TexasTexas Member
    How many artisan skills will be available at A2 launch?
  • TycanTycan Member, Alpha One
    Hi Steven, how many nodes can we expect to see at the start of A2?
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    will we get a duel system implemented for the start of A2 so we don't have to flag to practice PvP risking getting corrupted?
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  • FalkathFalkath Member
    What content from the game will be missing at the end of Alpha 2 because you want to keep it for the launch only?
  • When can we expect those with A2 keys to have access to the Character Creator? The character creator, supposedly, is scheduled before the start of Alpha-2.
  • balr0gbalr0g Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One
    Can we get an update on when the character creation tool will be available? When it does launch, presumably ahead of the A2 launch, will we have the option to reserve our names then?
  • LumberJakLumberJak Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    What are the plans for which races will be available by the start of A2?

    (Also where's my spot testing access? I think the mail got lost in transit)
  • BlipBlip Member
    Do you want the testers to play the game as they normally would and find bugs that way, or will you have specific testing for systems and features?

    Are we also allowed to find weaknesses like exploits and hacks, reverse the client, and so forth? My friends and I did this with the blessing of Amazon Game Studios for New World.
  • lemuletlemulet Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Can we expect dungeons to have traps and doors which will impact the tempo of people progressing through?

    Door with a timer, requiring to go get a key or pull a lever again
    Jumping puzzle with falling platform, forcing players to wait for platforms to respawn.
  • OgretwoOgretwo Member
    Since the complete refactor of the entire game with the swap to UE5 what portion of the things shown off in the last 3 years will be in for the launch of A2?
  • I have a question regarding Tulnar character creation. It was said that tulnar may have humanoid, replitilian and mammalian characteristics. But will it be possible for one character to have traits of multiple origins?
    (ex. have both mammalian and reptilian features)
  • yungsofayungsofa Member
    edited August 3
    Will fishing be in Alpha 2 and will some fish be specific to regions or seasons?
  • SavadjaSavadja Member
    hello steven
    How close the A2 will be to the latest state of the game internally ?

    thanks tou
  • What does an average day of playtime in Verra look like? What's the "golden path" gameplay loop look like?
  • Is there a difference in the size of hitboxes between the different races? Is the dwarf shorter? Can other races jump over a dwarf?
  • Have you considered that groups might bring "empty" caravans into dungeons, to make use of the caravans CC/healing/utility?
  • What do you think is an appropriate amount of killing non-combatants for server health? I created a forum post to ask the same question, but community was very divided in their opinions.
  • SymbiosomeSymbiosome Member
    edited August 4
    Will Bard be able to spec to become on-par or better than Cleric as in-combat AoE healer (assuming both spec towards AoE heals)? If the answer is different for group vs. raid, please do address that too.
  • Mk4MuteMk4Mute Member
    Can you elaborate on how ship components and armaments will influence the dynamics of both PvP and PvE naval combat? Additionally, what strategies should players consider when engaging in open sea raids or defending coastal points of interest?
  • RocketFarmerRocketFarmer Member
    edited August 3
    Can we get a session on how to be a better alpha tester?
  • JeanPhilippeGungharJeanPhilippeGunghar Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    How complete the character creator will be at A2 start?
  • Will we have access in A2 to both continents and naval events like caravans overseas and to have our own boats/ships and if we will have options like in archeage (merchant, fishing)? :blush:
  • LotusEliseLotusElise Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    We will get to be able to do animal husbandry in A2? At least the bare bones of it?
  • TetterianTetterian Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    When can we expect to see some form of achievements or anything similar for us collectors?
  • Hi, would it be possible to provide some sort of tools/enviroment where we could experiment with different class builds easily so we can figure out what to play on full release?
This discussion has been closed.