Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
to be fair the body scuplting not in a2 atm with character creation :P so who knows she might get bigger hips/butt potentially
That being said im a somewhat skinny guy and my ass is bigger than hers :P
1000% agree. They need to redo these to look like they did before. I've also bitched about this before as well -
Agreed I just think it is a placeholder and we will great things in the coming months.
I'd love to see sources for this. Nothing they did or said in their livestreams gave me that impression. What they DID though (copypaste of the vek model, for example), makes me fear the worst.
This gives me hope. I think it is not in a place they are comfortable with outsiders touching things. Maybe they want to add the other species first. /shrug
See this is where people get lost in the weeds. The character creator is not placeholder in any aspect. its an early iteration. For example we were shown how mining is supposed to work months ago.
timestamped. Yet this is not how mining works right now at all. So mining in its current form is a placeholder.
As for the character creator we have all the features shown before, but the polish, presets, and possibilities fall short of what we were shown. Almost to a misleading degree. its in a poor state currently and everyone here trying to voice that should do so.
Intrepid need this sort of feedback. You cannot go around telling people constantly that the games not completed, just an alpha, etc. The alpha 2 phase 1 is more than just stress testing.
This is a screenshot from the roadmap detailing what we are supposed to be testing in alpha 2. Notice how its not trying to dictate which part of alpha 2 to start giving feedback on each feature?
So please, stop trying to step in front of feedback people are trying to get to the devs.
That looks awesome. It also looks like a woman, not like a dude with long hair.
@bloodprophet I do hope they will rework the character models. If I'd been 100% convinced they won't, I'd not have opened this thread. I just refuse to give up and resign myself to playing as whatever it is they put in the game right now that stands in for the characters.
Yeah most of those have zero place in a game as armor. Civilian clothes sure, but not armor.
going by your logic saying this, robes have no place in the game at all. but wait, those are light armor and good against magic. How could flimsy robes protect against magic!?!?! They couldn't be.... Magical??!
female dwarves though...
Good for them curves
Once sculpting actually works people should complain less about character not being enough eyecandy for them. At that point if the characters look bad, it's a skill issue
You're just assuming that this is what we'll get, but there's no actual evidence for it.
Since this Alpha is what we got, the feedback they'll get from me is for what we have.
Not what I dream of at night.
Even with this half-finished placeholder you can use the sculpt function to make characters look good. It just doesn't save.
You can watch the stream of the Character Creator tool if you want a better understanding of what to expect
i love how just ignored the fact that the example you used for the sculpt is again something i made and as i stated after using the sculpt for hours on every race is the literal only somewhat decent face i was able to make in the whole CC and for the (most beautiful race) after so many tries and it still looks like masculine with a male jawline.
this looks great
If we are talking about proportions and physique, my personal choice for a female warrior would be young Ambessa from the latest clip, Blood, Sweat, and Tears. Outstanding, me thinks.
Stop worrying about fictional characters organs when women in real life can be skinnier. Psychotic behavior.
Yes everyone knew it was ai. Congrats little timmy, that has nothing to do with the reality that people like what the image portrays.
A slim feminine woman with badass armor.
Shameless plug:
Not an old topic but NO comments or statements AFAIK from Intrepid.
*edit: I saw that he is not a fan. Popular demand though should matter as it doesn't really effect the core systems.
They haven't made any statements on the topic. Steven doesn't like skimpy, but he also said they'll see what they'll do in the future. That's all rather old info, too, and might already be obsolete, so in reality, we have nothing to go off of.
Common sense would make them work on character models until they look appealing, then add good-looking, diverse outfits to their cosmetics store, as this is the highest source of income by a huge margin. Games like FFXIV show how this is done. It's also pretty cheap and fast for them to do.
I do not think that they're even interested in hearing player feedback on this, else they'd already told us what they plan to do, as it's such a basic thing. Hell, we didn't even get some meaningless, evasive corpo-talk on the topic, that's how little they care, at least so far.
This is a topic I find important. How deeply I will be invested in my characters also depends on how good they look. If they leave it as-is, they might as well remove the char creator and replace it with a "start" button.
Psychotic behavior because of an unserious comment about a tiny waist? And not people in every thread like this obsessed with women's femininity? Sure.
You seem upset. No need to get personal over a critique of an AI-generated girl.
We are not at the polish part of the alpha things look basic and rough cut. The fact the character creator even has sliders to some effect - hip width saves is still pretty impressive
Yeah you're right. Lets tell those women in here obsessed with femininity to shut up. let us bring out the heavy clothes and bubble wrap to make sure they dont hurt themselves.
I feel like it would be fine having some armour sets which are more ambiguous in terms of being a male or female set but I think it is important to go to the extremes on either side of the spectrum because that's where fashion tends to get the most interesting. Using FFXIV as an example again, I think people can agree that's its up there as one of the best MMO's for fashion, they have super masculine armours, super feminine and plenty in between so there's something for everyone to enjoy.
You are in no uncertain terms: Wrong.
When you extremify armor, you're being weird about female characters, and also completely locking players out of an entire cosmetic design for their characters. Extremes are stupid, and give zero way of accessing the other version because two wildly different designs were slapped into one single cosmetic rather than studios doing the logical thing of selling two different cosmetics.
I don't think the previous poster is wrong. Extremes are perspectives and can mean many things.
Myself feeling this is a world where magic is present.
This creates an ability to surpass what is extreme in real-world perspectives.
I also want to comment your points aren't invalid but you frequently portray yourself as extremely disagreeable and aggressive.
"Quod mens laeva vetat suadendo animusque sinister / Hoc saltim cupiant implere timore coacti"
Tibia(Eternia)/Knight Online/WoW(Stonemaul)/Warhammer(Ostermark)/Darkfall/GW2/ROR
Consumer-hostile decision making is in fact never good. If they want two extremely different versions to exist, they should reasonably be asking for two separate costumes that can be equipped.
People asking for polarized designs based on player sex when we already know Intrepid doesn't plan on letting characters access both versions is consumer-hostile, on top of all the other cringe bits. I really could not care less if some people take it as aggressive.