Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
[Player Feedback Request] Vek Race - Concept & 3D Art - 2022
Hello glorious community,
We’d like your feedback regarding the look and feel of the Vek race. We shared our most recent art of this race during the January Development Update livestream.
As a reminder, your feedback matters to us! For example: during Alpha One, players felt the Dünir race did not meet their expectations of a dwarf. Due to that feedback, we made adjustments to the Dünir race as mentioned in our September Development Update last year.
Vek Art

Vek race discussion from January Development Update livestream.
To help guide the conversation, here are a few thought starters:
We’ll be leaving this thread open for your feedback until the end of the day on Thursday, February 24, 2022, so that we can begin compiling a report for our development team.
Everyone here at Intrepid Studios looks forward to reading all the great reactions to our latest character designs!
UPDATE: Hi again friends! Thank you all for taking the time to stop by and share your thoughts on the Vek race! We had a blast reading through your thoughts and comments! We created an awesome report with the feedback you gave us for the design team!
Your thoughts and opinions matter to all of us here at Intrepid and we appreciate you all very much! ^_^
We’d like your feedback regarding the look and feel of the Vek race. We shared our most recent art of this race during the January Development Update livestream.
As a reminder, your feedback matters to us! For example: during Alpha One, players felt the Dünir race did not meet their expectations of a dwarf. Due to that feedback, we made adjustments to the Dünir race as mentioned in our September Development Update last year.
Vek Art

Vek race discussion from January Development Update livestream.
To help guide the conversation, here are a few thought starters:
- What do you like about the current art direction of this race?
- Is there anything you dislike about the art direction for this race, and why?
- What are your thoughts on what was shown during the livestream for the Vek race?
- Are there any specific Character Creator customizations you would like to see for the Vek race?
We’ll be leaving this thread open for your feedback until the end of the day on Thursday, February 24, 2022, so that we can begin compiling a report for our development team.
Everyone here at Intrepid Studios looks forward to reading all the great reactions to our latest character designs!
UPDATE: Hi again friends! Thank you all for taking the time to stop by and share your thoughts on the Vek race! We had a blast reading through your thoughts and comments! We created an awesome report with the feedback you gave us for the design team!
Your thoughts and opinions matter to all of us here at Intrepid and we appreciate you all very much! ^_^

The sinister, alien looking black-eyed one (the last pic) is the best by far.
Honestly, if there's a race in game which should have the ability to collect and cook the meat of other players/humanoids, its this one.
Are the intentions of their design to be similar to the trolls of warcraft lore where they have a hunched posture but are otherwise tall or will their bodies be smaller but follow the slouched demeanor?
Beat me to it. While I love their design I do think they're going to be a little too close to Warcraft trolls, especially if they pursue a hunched posture which they hinted at in the livestream.
I'm going to assume there will be more options for hair colors given the options provided for skin colors.
If I had not been told they were Orcs, I would probably assume they are Trolls, but...
I think those labels probably don't matter much.
I really like the differences we can see within a race. Not just height, width, size, but also cheek bone shape, eye cavity, ear angle and things with more implication like jewelry material/style (which makes sense as the resources/culture would not be distributed equally across Vera)
I believe one of the best things that can be done is create variation not just between races but within the races themselves.
The one thing that has me a bit miffed from what was said on the livestream is that they will be very short and hunched on top of it.
I would prefer it if the race on average was taller, specifically about the same height as the Renkai, but you can have them appear shorter because of their hunched posture. The Renkai can still be the biggest and buffest, while the Vek are more slender on average.
Or at the very least give us an option in the character creator to make our Vek characters approach the height of a Renkai through customization.
And pls don't make their butts flat.
Personally, I've always disliked Orc races, however, Intrepid has does done an exceptional job on constructing this race and its features. I can see the goblinesk influence as steven had mentioned prior. You guys are on the right track of a mixture between uniqueness and pure ugliness xD
Is there anything you dislike about the art direction for this race, and why?
There isnt much that I dont like. My only concern since i havent seen any updates on Elves, are the Veks ears. The ears shouldn't resemble or look similar to the elven races in my opinion.
What are your thoughts on what was shown during the livestream for the Vek race?
I love the creativity and direction you guys are going with these races. It reignited my hype for the PyRai and Tulnar.
Especially the (incomparison to Ren'Kai) Gigantig theeth iritate me, maybe adjust their curviture so the don't look like a giant dentals wirst nightmair?
Another difference ist the shape of their ears, im fine with their size, but I would keep the shape of the Ren'kais Ears or pronounce their similarities mor
I like that they have their own distinct look. The facepaint, the jewlery, the tusks, the eyes, the nose.
My main concern, as I wrote in another thread is that they look cartoonish compared to all the other races because of their purple skincolor (which also makes them look more like WOW creatures troll/nightelf). I would much prefere if they had a variety of different , more humanlike skintones. Look at the picture posted in discord. They kinda stand out.
Also, personally, I'm not a fan of the really long ears. Don't get me wrong, pointy ears are cool but do they have to be as tall as the head? Or, maybe if it can be personalized I can make my ears shorter and others who prefere the longers ones can have those
As for the dofus with black eyes and sprouting tusks, I think he might have been down in the caves with the Tulnar to long...
Final judgment is reserved for when I see the full bodies.
This may not be a popular opinion, but otherwise we end up with a race everyone says is cool but it's never played. Even "ugly races" can be beautiful too. The first picture is pretty close for both male and female. The others make good options but I don't see them being played as often.
The piercings and face paint are reminiscent of the Aztecs and Mayans.
The noses properly droop as they've been weighed down by nose piercings all their lives.
The gaunt cheeks and long pointed ears give an alien sense, or at least a "native of a foreign land" look.
The pale, purplish skin and long pointed ears give a dark elf vibe. Good or bad, that's up to you.
The somewhat long but well defined faces of the males is reminiscent of the facial design oft given to scholar characters, reinforcing the air of intelligence and dignity.
Side note: I love the long ears plz keep
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