Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Exactly this
Which examples do you find inappropriate? The question is where you draw the line between what you find too sexual and what is not? it will vary from person to person. I gave over 150 examples in my post of armor i felt would be good examples of female armor, are some of those too sexual also?
I agree on the heels thing and that's why in my post i mention they don't have to include heals in the designs at all because it would be weird running around un civilized wastelands in heels. Also some of my examples are for casual wear that isn't meant for battle at all. There will be plenty of people who choose not to participate in any combat at all in the game and just want to rp and artisan in towns, and thats fine the game is for them also. I think there should be casual outfits as well, there's no way every person is constantly in full armor even when in their homes or relaxing and crafting realistically, so having that option for casual wear is significant also.
I would love to see some examples of what you both feel would be appropriately badass and sexy female armor. @TheDarkSorcerer @Caeryl
edit, formatting
I think AOC is going for practicality when it comes to armour, hence why a "reveling", "sexy" armour would not make sense. Though maybe a revealing armour could work with the tattoo enchantments idea someone brought up
Let's be honest, all those people could be men posing as women.
We COULD be. Or goodness forbid, we could be women who are expressing our honest opinions, imagine that?
I'd rather we not speculate as to who is and is not. Take people at their word unless they are inconsistent about it.
I don't think the devs should only listen to women on this matter because I play female characters as well.
This doesn't need to be a man vs woman thing. Just make it flexible so everyone gets what they want. There are some women who play male characters, and I couldn't see myself saying, " they don't get a say in this."
Who could ever make such assumption?
It's better to just judge people in bad faith and expected every single person asking for something so absurd as expecting female character in a game to have the possibility of wearing feminine cloths/armors which acentuates their femininity to be thirsty neckbeard gamers for the sake of virtue signaling.
Aren't we all sinners?
Medium and light, sure, show some skin if it fits the culture ingame, but cover the vital organs at the very least. Boob-windows also look stupid for armor. Armor can be plenty feminine without any skin showing at all.
High heels are straight up a no-go in any situation involving armor and combat.
Intrepid is leaning heavily towards cosmetic items, but I really, really hope they don't let players wearing heavy plate put on cosmetic items (other than the full body suits) that shows the player in a revealing evening gown. I hope they match the cosmetics with the proper armor class items.
If it's all based on mundane, non-magical European armor. Sure.
Verra is a high magic world. Which includes illusions.
This is a pet peeve of mine. No high heels please.
I agree with that. FFXIV had glamours a.k.a illusions that explained these things. I also agree that high heels and bikini armor are a no go. That shouldn't mean I can't have a nice set of armor that looks appealing. Maybe a nice pair a boots while i'm at it?
I wasn't gonna weigh in on this thread (figured I'd catch the next train) but I've just thought about something based on some design stuff I watched another group member do a while back for a character model.
Though some of the kinematics would be affected, there are a lot of situations in which this doesn't have to be a binary choice, relative to exposed spots on armor and heels. I have no skin in the game here because I hate clothes and run around with as much skin exposed as possible (to keep cool, you see), and while I absolutely see how one can consider that sexualized, or even to want to do so because it makes one feel attractive, wearing as little as possible just comes to mind as my default because I... don't like clothes.
I would love a game where armor sets had certain 'layer points' that you could just turn off. Sometimes it's cloaks, sometimes it's the hood, sometimes it's a scarf or other decoration, so now I wonder... why not heels? Why not back-out portions and if necessary, even 'boob windows'.
I don't like the idea of forcing anyone to wear more clothes than they want to, though obviously I'll swing in the direction of realism, but we've been talking about 'clothes that accentuate the form' as a way of getting around this and producing something 'tasteful' (no one's words but mine). That's not gonna fly for me, because given that incredible character creator, and the variations in races, we aren't going to know what that means for base models, far less individual players.
So, yeah, I want back-out top armor on Cleric. I want others to be able to sling the heels if they want to, in the same armor set, without me having to do it. I want our cosmetic options to go beyond 'color' and 'is my cape on or not'. If Intrepid has got us to the point of 'tattoos', I want everyone to be able to roll up their sleeves and walk around with their rippling biceps and whatnot on display, be they male or female, Ren'Kai or Nikua, without even thinking about 'why did Intrepid give that heels?'
I wanna think "why did that PLAYER give that outfit the heels?"
Except not really, I want to just never think about it at all because it's someone else's choice. If Ulricht Stormhammer of the Dunir Royal Guard has his bare chest revealed and is swinging a halberd around in 3-inch heels, well good for him for being three inches taller.
Thank you for enduring my rant.
This. It also includes magical enchantments and tattoos. Like i can probably have a max level ring that gives more defense than a full set of level 1 gear lol. Thats why i never understood the "cant show skin or it breaks immersion" thing. Like, were in a world of magic and the rules of our world don't apply here. its also a video game
Why can't I have both feminine armor that also shows skin? And make it heavy armor if I want to be more survivable? And heels make armor look more feminine, which is a huge problem with heavy plate armor, so that's a stylistic choice that makes us women feel prettier. It's less of an issue with leather or cloth.
But I don't want to be forced to wear in game armor merely for it's looks - I want whatever weight armor I choose to look pretty so I can make the best build choice for my character.
We have horns and tails and fling magic - reality was never on the table. If I want to look pretty, who are you to tell me no? Because you feel like it's not "appropriate"? Who decides that in a high fantasy video game? Let players have choices.
I felt like my Aion examples were stylish and tame and something everyone could agree on. I'd be ok with even more skin, but those are probably the best way to go.
I wouldn't expect this to be hard to implement given everything I know about the back end tech for this kind of thing and the design process for cosmetics. A couple months at most (and really the less they care about clipping the easier on the amount of time it'd take up.) I don't think it really need to be available at launch in a perfect form as long as we know that it's a priority post launch in either case meaning they have plenty of time/resources to achieve something like this in the long term.
It certainly would offer the ultimate form of choice on an outfit and make the question of 'more skin showing vs not' kind of moot. It certainly would assuage MY particular worries since Intrepid would be incentivized to make even MORE armor that skewed towards 'hard' designs that can be 'softened' depending on which layers you reduce.
The more clothing/layers pre-existing on outfits in such a system, the more customizable it could be, and therefore while there would certainly still be outfits that just had less layers than others and were more skewed towards dresses and such, the player base would over time incentivize intrepid towards more customization (if choice is really more important to people) with the their wallets.
You mean I can have the same outfit skew sexy at sometimes and badass in others? Or even mix and match layers to get things just right to my own taste rather than it being decided from the start in a board room? That's the ultimate dream to me! IS would certainly get a ton of money from me if they game was good and they implemented something like this.
I like the idea a lot the more I think about it, although they'd need to have several templates for the work flow to keep the outfits from feeling too cookie cutter. Better yet, maybe there are different types of layering you could apply via different blue prints... It'd take more resource to implement that way, but it'd keep things fresh in the long run and could be a continuing development goal after launch. Either way it's a very achievable goal given everything I have seen about their back end so far via the cc and the skill their art team shows, so I wouldn't worry about it taking up too many resources from other things in the slightest.
male characters too. appearance shouldnt be locked to the player gender but customizable so either can look as masculine,androgynous or feminine as they want
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I'm not sure what you mean here, so I'm genuinely asking. Looking at that set, i can't think of what someone would want to be different about it? To me personally, this looks exactly normal and what I would want. The underlying form of the character would determine the overall look of this gear.
So, uh... what would you want changed here?
It simply isnt modeled for female gamers. It's a copy paste of the male design.
Personally I like the low quality monthly cosmetics. They keep their word when they said "best stuff will be found ingame".
Now back to the topic...
Just like if you asked every guy "would you like to look stronger", they would all say yes, similalry all girls would say yes when asked "would you like to look more attractive." And vise versa.
No guy or girl would say yes to "would you like to seem more average?".
And that is shown by players (both male and female) creating strong and goodlooking male or female characters.
Some irronically create funny looking characters.
Does this mean bikini armors? No. Should there not be high heels? No.
This months cosmetic is a safe female model. Average. The female gamers and horny dudes on this topic have posted good looking female designs.
The politically motivated people on this topic have talked about sexualization and objectification of the female armors, have called for revealing male outfits here, instead of creating a topic "we want revealing male designs and here are some pictures", some have mentioned cross dressing which is offtopic. I for one dont care if the devs allow for male characters to wear wedding dresses. It's still offtopic.
Some go the other route of cant have openings in the armor to show boobs, it's not realistic. Ye right, because taking 10 sword hits or fireballs is realistic.
Should we make armors looking like modern day bomb disarm gear? More realistic for you? Shut up....
Realize that those that feed you scripts on the name of equality between sexes and sexual prefrences arent looking to heal, but divide, since they NEVER cured the social diseases, but just treated the symptoms.
Division serves them, and the more you attack each other the more you further their goals. All the same like being their mouth piece.
What's wrong with having video game armors (spoiler alert: no real) look attractive since people want them?
They themselves have stated "no to bikinis and asian anime female forms".
Why do you keep on hating?
How can we argue about attractive armors in a video game, when in real life those that pretend to speak against inequality and female objefication collect taxes from onlyfans.
Is this the fight for female empowerement online? Video game armor conservatism while our classmates daughters, sisters friends etc etc do onlyfans?
There should be realistic armors, attractive armors, high heels, no heels. It's ok. It's not a "male dominated blah blah blah" crime.
There shouldnt be bikini armors and anime boobs and waists. It's REAL sexualization, with minors exposed to it.
It's 'a design'. It fits both. I want it, just not in that color. My hype for gear pieces in Ashes when I see the below:
That's probably all that's worth saying to that...
Nothing worth saying if you aim to score status quo balance points. And that's all Im getting from your posts.
"It's a design". You dont say. Could we do without it? 100%. It doesnt amaze anybody. Except you, when you pretend to.
Video games need to amaze and excite gamers. Not making sure they dont risk "offending".
If it is this difficult for you to respect the preferences of others, there's not much to say.
Intrepid, please keep doing what you're doing, there's a specific piece that I liked so much that I absolutely want it, but I couldn't find it to add to the post and make the point, so I chose the closest thing.
It's really not my business whether or not others 'don't believe I can be real' because I think that armor type looks coolest, it's only my business whether or not I get my armor, and preferably without preventing others from getting theirs.
You can just assume everything I said is 'pretense', George, that way you don't have to engage on it any further. As long as I get the armor and similar armor, it's fine if you don't believe I'm real.
Your opinion. And that’s all it is.
The above costume isn't my cup of tea either, but the gear is clearly fitting the female form. You can at a glance immediately see which one is male and female. Bosom, waist, hips are clearly different. I get you don't like the aesthetic, but for what it is, the form is perfectly fine and distinctive. Sometimes they differentiate a lot between male and female, and sometimes they are similar. In Alpha 1 they even changed the color of a cloak depending on the sex of the wearer.
In the past they've sometimes differentiated heavily between male and female designs for some costumes. These below look very different depending on which sex wears the exact same costume piece:
They have also made some where the difference is less blatant, but still with distinctive design differences based on the sex. For example this armor set:
And then we have some like the current one where the design is almost a mirror, but the shape is clearly form fitting and different between male and female.
I like the variety. I certainly don't want all the costumes to be wildly different between male and female, but on the flip-side I am also happy some are, and that some are close in design, yet still different.
But, it's OK to have some sets that are basically gender-neutral.
For me, how feminine I want my armor depends on the specific character and class.
And personality. I've had at least one character who is a male skank in sexily revealing armor.
And one male character who likes to appear a bit more feminine without being a skank.