Greetings, glorious adventurers! If you're joining in our Alpha One spot testing, please follow the steps here to see all the latest test info on our forums and Discord!

Welcome! Introduce Yourself Here



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    I am moXypants, I've also been a fan of this game (though it's been out of sight out of mind for a few years) since the beginning of the kickstarter-- I came back and checked on it this year to see it's made a remarkable amount of progression. I am stoked! I am an electrical / signals engineer by profession, and hope to be of some help as a community member. Cheers fellas!

    -pants of moXy
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    HenchHench Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited May 2021
    yoooo cant wait to kill you all in game hiiiiiiii

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      Howdy! new here, saw this video and jumped right in. looking forward to it all!
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      Sup I'm RuneLink and super excited to see a game like this. Been super addicted to LitRPG audio books and I have been craving a good MMO where the world is dynamic and your character isn't this god that can master all skills and classes. Im hoping I can find a good group of people to join and make a great team with!
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      DiminishiDiminishi Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
      Diminishi here. Ive played MMORPGS since ultima online, was a day 1 everquest player, beta tested WoW, dark age of Camelot, shadowbane, and a few others. Retired from gaming to focus on life and have been following AOC for years now. Finally pulled the trigger on buying a pack and am anxiously awaiting Alpha 2!
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      DargourDargour Member
      edited October 2020
      Hey, I’m Dargour. Long time MMO player, coming from: Planetside, Planetside 2, WoW, TERA, EvE, Wildstar, & Albion Online. I'm currently a guild leader for Ashes with plenty of guild leading experience from TERA, Planetside 2, & Albion Online. Besides MMOs, I'm a HUGE Borderlands fan that can't say no to a good session. Can't wait to see y'all in game!
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      I'm here after watching the latest dev update video, hoping this will be the ultimate successor to Lineage 2.
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      Hey , im Zhijn , wow player since vanilla and ready to move the ... on :)
      cant wait for Ashes of Creation to go live or at least a betakey would be sexy
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      Hey guys I'm Helios, I've been following AoC since June and I'm very excited to partake in the alpha 2 testing. I'll be playing a rogue type class (still havent made my mind up between assassin and shadow lord yet) and will be looking to join a pvp guild. If you see me in game I suggest you give me your loot because I'll be taking it one way or another ;)
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      New here, looking forward for this game, sounds like something I would like. I just wish, I got into it earlier. Oh well, Anyway, nice to meet you all.
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      Hello everyone. My name is Vaneer and I've been playing OLRPG's now since the '90s: Meridian 69, AC, AO, EQ, EQ2, DAOC, COH, SWG, WOW, Rift, etc.. I try to get on the beta team so I get a good feel for a new game. AoC looks pretty good and I can't wait to dive in. Until then I'll still be playing WOW...
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      Hi folks! I’m Beau from xBeauGaming, and I’m a Youtuber who loves RPGS! I’m most excited for the crazy amount of classes, more hardcore nature of Ashes of Creation.

      Glad to be here!
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      Hi all TripleB here....looking forward to play this game
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      Greetings to the community. Can't wait for alpha-1 and beyond. Got the intrepid package and a bunch of items waiting to be unearthed, as well as cross swords with you all in the near future!
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      Hello everyone. My name is Zeei and I've been playing MMORPG games since the 1999 EverQuest, EverQuest 2, Dark Age Of Camelot, World Of Warcraft, Elder Scrolls Online and a few others, I'm a hardcore gamer and has been invited by SOE, Daybreak Games, Xbox Gaming Studios and other companies to help on game design and development.
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      Hey everyone!! doesnt this project look great? im excited to say the least for a real top tier competitor in this genre. I liked to see that steven is a tabletop player as well and was into neverwinter when he was younger. see u around.
      and ps dont loot my caravans
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      Lore DynamicLore Dynamic Member
      edited October 2020
      Hello everyone, I've been following AoC for a while now; desperate to discover my 'home' since so many other realities have let me down over the years. I'm hoping that Ashes of Creation will be my "last game" (for those who understand the sentiment behind that statement).

      Anyways, looking forward to integrating into the community. Looks like we have awesome people here already!

      Just purchased the "Woe Within the Woodlands" Voyager-Plus Pre-Order pack. It has a very ascetically pleasing appeal to me. Looking forward to joining you all in game!

      Thank you.


      Steven Sharif is my James Halliday (Anorak)


      “That is not dead which can eternal lie,
      And with strange aeons even death may die.”

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      SolvrynSolvryn Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
      Hi I'm Karatos.
      #tulnarsquad and I'm going to maining Wild Blade
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      I am AtargatIs,The Mermaid!
      I heard tales of my sea mounts being in the Ashes of Creation waters so these waters will be my home.
      AtargatIs Of The Mer
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      I am Kasuzo I´ve been following AoC for a while and I got hooked by the Crafting Idea. I hope crafting and gathering will play a big role in this game. I would not mind playing a Craftsman as a Class on its own :D So you have to pay for protection to gather some rare herbs/ore etc. .Otherwise it would be shaman i guess. :D
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      BludbornBludborn Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
      Hey everyone!
      My name is Bludborn. I have been playing MMORPG's for about 15 years now and have been watching the development of Ashes since it was announced. Really looking forward to meeting lots of new faces in this community and having a great time playing too. I can't really express how excited for this game I am!
      Twitch Partner and Content Creator
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      Hello, I am HoneySheep!
      I bumped into a few videos on this upcoming game and got hooked fairly quickly by the idea and what was planned. So I wandered my way here! I have played a few different MMORPG's and have been trying to find some new ones and this one seems to be what my heart is set on! Cheers!
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      XanderSlazeXanderSlaze Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
      Hello, I am Xander! I have played MMORPG's like Ultima Online and World of Warcraft. I am really looking forward to getting my hands on this game. I really love the authentic world PVP and the risk/reward system. I wish I could be playing now!
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      Hi everyone!

      CosmicBlacksmith here. Let's see what lies ahead for a blacksmithing obsessed maniac like me in this exiting endeavour!!!
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      Hi all. Norwegian gamer in my late 40s here, not been this existed about an MMO since Ultima Online and WOW. I´ve also played a lot of Everquest 2, Anarchy Online, AoC, and lastly BDO. I hope Ashes of Creation will be a gem, hoping to join you in Aplha #.
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      Hi I’m Colt can’t wait for this love the bit about animal husbandry getting to experiment with different animals see what u get. And I’m definitely going to be a mercenary protecting caravans 👍😄
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      Hey! My name is Michael, i am from Switzerland and absolutely Hyped for this game! Cant wait to get into the game! Thanks for the work!
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      Hi I‘m from Switzerland, Zurich, as well and I‘m so looking forward for this game. After playing Vanilla WoW and Guild wars and being so frustrated how they turned out (especially retail WoW - ah man I used to love this game) I‘m so hyped seeing something like Ashes being created.
      Keep up the good work. love you guys
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      I've been lurking since the spring, suppose it's time to say hello.

      I'm Kory from Oregon, USA. Have been wanting a solid MMO to sink my teeth into for years and everything just seems to fall flat... high hopes for AoC and love the direction it looks like this game is taking.
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