Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Elixor here, following in the shadow the progress and excited to new test phases et evolution. I'm running a French speaking community for MMO players and can't wait to bring everyone along to AoC!
My name is Alzeric, and I am ecstatic to see how far AoC has come. I am most excited to see the varied ranger play that we will have.
My name is ZypX but most people will call me Zyp anyway
So this is my first time on the forums here and I usually don't talk on forums that often,
but as this game seems to promising not to invest some time in to get to know people i thought why not!?
My main focus this game is seeing how far a solo-player can go, in this world. And yes, I know there is no group finder and all. But that's what makes it fun right?
I've played Elder Scrolls Online for sometime, and also have some time invested in Albion Online. Most people will probably think no WoW? Nope, WoW never seemed to seek my attention haha! Oh, and just started getting into FF14!
I hope everyone will have a good time in the game, and hope to see a lot of names returning that I met on here
I have played alot of MMORPG, mostly by myself or in small guilds with my friends and my brother.
I've been on the lookout for my "perfect" MMO and from what I have seen so far AoC is shaping up to be as close to that ideal as I've seen any game come. Game development and writing is a passion and I hope to see you all in-game. Cheers.
My Name is Rene i enjoyed a couple of MMORPGs in my Life.
But i have never been more excited for a game to come out since.
Huge Fan of how the project started and amazed by the plans for it.
Hope you all have fun!
Looking forward to playing with everyone. I've only ever played a certain set of mmorpg, and this seems to be one of very few that has content that I am looking forward to, so hopefully it will be worth the wait.
I have a great stupid idea for Ashes for creation someday: play a hero who vowed he would never speak. May become a fun challenge
We follow the truth of the True gods, wherever she leads us
I'm Big Nonsense. I haven't dove into an MMO since the launch of Wildstar and I wanna recapture the magic of that. Very hyped for AoC, cannot wait to play with everyone.
Also I have a very photogenic dog. Will post photos on request.
I am Nikephoros, but you may call me Bear
been looking for a good ADnD game...high hopes for AoC
I joined AoC Discord a month ago and finally joined here so that I can ask questions that aren't already answerable by the wiki or by Discord community knowledge. My motivation is so that potential game exploits can be considered by the devs (Hi devs!) so that AoC runs smoothly, reducing the risk of game mechanic gotchas picking up negative media attention. I've played a large number of non-electronic RPGs, delighting in game mechanics that eloquently deliver a realistic experience. Due to RL I've been out of online PC gaming since Diablo 2 / Titan Quest, but I'm looking forward to everything that AoC could be.
I'm willing / praying/ sending all my positive energy in the direction of Intrepid Studios to help them complete a Real Life Epic Quest that is worthy of much respect and kudos.
Cheers, McMackMuck
Test Replay.
Test Replay.
Name is BlightEmpire. like the name suggests i intend to be a blight, and i plan to start up a empire! introduction aside pleased to meet you all. I have just learned about this game a short while back while im sad i cant get into the alpha to help test and enjoy watching the evolution of its progression. I am hopeful i can get into the alpha 2 going to buy a pack soon as i can afford it. Mostly because i truly like the vision that steven is preaching. Seems like a fun more character driven world and i greatly like the idea. Anyway hope we all can get along gonna be posting a lot see ya around o/
I'm Alhion...from outer-space, intergalactic-ally brought here after receiving radio-frequency-based telecommunications from a friend who was telling me about how I should be playing this game. By telecommunications, I mean telepathically, of course.
I've been playing MMOs for over 10 years and I saw some Ashes of Creation videos on YouTube that make it seem like a lot of fun to play and a very promising up-and-coming MMORPG.
I can't wait to play; I'm working on getting myself a tester key.
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk. If anyone ever needs a healer, I pretty much only play heals in game.
ZoneChaos here.. Have been excited about this game and its potential since Kickstarter!
Just upgraded to Braver of Worlds and can;t wait to be a part of this...