Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Alpha Two Roadmap Showcase and AMA Livestream - Friday, August 16, 2024 at 11AM PT



  • FrootLoopJunkieFrootLoopJunkie Member, Alpha Two
    There is a concern among some players that damage tracking addons/plugins, which announce results to the raid/party, are facilitating toxic behavior and deterring less-metric-minded players from participating in group content. Are there any plans to address these concerns in the design of the addon/plugin system?

    Are there plans to release the character creator as a standalone free to access feature during A2, or at any point?

    Seeing the hype for the game, and the player expectations, and seeing how players have responded to "let downs" previously, what do you think needs to be said to temper the community, and really prepare them for this next phase of the game, and the visibility on "rough spots".

    Thank you for considering my questions! Looking forward to the stream, as someone who's been following the game for a while, and got early hands on (Pax 2017), but never was in a financial position to get access, I look forward to the stream-able content!

    Spoils from beating my buddies in some super early ashes PvP:

    Blackrock Guard
    Guild Forum Post
  • TenguruTenguru Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    How much of the Lore and Story can players expect to learn throughout Alpha 2? I know A2 is only expected to be feature complete by the end, and not content complete. Would still be interested in knowing how much content y'all do expect between the start and end of A2 though.
    I'll tend to the flame, you can worship the ashes.
  • Pancake TornadoPancake Tornado Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Most Modern MMOs tend to revolve around the Tank, Damage Dealer, Healer triad. With the reveal of Bard, it appears that Ashes of Creation is taking on the ambitious project of re-inserting a support-specific role into party balance; a role which was seen often in older MMOs but hasn't been commonly seen in more modern MMOs.

    Will bard be the only support-leaning class and/or might we even see a possibility of multi-role classes in the future? (i.e. Hypothetically speaking, maybe a class archetype such as Summoner can play any party role depending on their equipment and what type of summon they're using.)
  • MrTapMrTap Member, Alpha Two
    Hey, will there be certain goals in alpha 2 players will have to achieve to acquire special cosmetics?
  • AnatarAnatar Member, Alpha Two
    Hello, Which races will be playable and customizable in the Character Creator at the launch of Alpha 2?
  • RhynedahllRhynedahll Member, Alpha Two
    How many A2 pre-orders have been sold in total up to this point?
  • Hey Ashes. Hope you're all doing great.

    In terms of Safeguarding. Whether that's in A2, Beta or Launch. Will there be time pop-ups or alerts to indicate a player could benefit from a short break?

    We all adore Gaming. And sometimes we lose track of time. Would be great to see Ashes lead the way in this regard.

    Thank you 🫂
  • DrizzelDrizzel Member, Alpha Two
    Which Biomes will be available at the start of Alpha 2?
  • ApokApok Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    will stat modifiers through gear be diverse enough for similar skill kits to stand out from one another?
  • Nate8282Nate8282 Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    What are you’re main goals from a testing perspective for Alpha 2?
  • XanderSlazeXanderSlaze Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Will Alpha 2 start with any underwater content or aquatic mounts or will that be added at a later time?
  • XanderSlazeXanderSlaze Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited August 2024
    How will player housing be implemented and tested in Alpha 2? Will all housing types be available at the launch of Alpha 2?
  • XanderSlazeXanderSlaze Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited August 2024
    What kind of guild progression systems and benefits can we expect during the launch of Alpha 2?
  • LevithorLevithor Member, Alpha Two
    When can I purchase a key?
  • PongclonePongclone Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    In the spirit of being able to test every aspect of the game during alpha 2 - will we be given an option to reset various aspects of our character (professions/talents/levels/etc.) at will - or will we be restricted in a way similar to the intended release of the game? I'm concerned that we may have to recreate characters often to test new gameplay elements/changes.

    P.S. Love the progress you've made - it's looking incredible!
  • JakeyEXJakeyEX Member, Alpha Two
    Hey team, how many characters will we be able to make in the Alpha 2? Will there be a limit?

    Huge congrats to the team with the bard showcase, the archetype looks fantastic!
    Ashes Creator - 1.6k subs -
  • NozzleNozzle Member, Alpha Two
    What are your plans for server locations in Alpha 2? I know it's been previously stated that OCE servers would be up during the betas, but I was wondering if anything has changed.

    Thank you!
  • DontfrownDontfrown Member, Alpha Two
    Can a citizen of an unassociated node join in on a Node War between two Nodes they are not a citizen of allowing mercenary like play?
  • TanerothTaneroth Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Will the experience gain rate (e.g., from killing monsters or completing quests) be specifically accelerated during the testing phase? Personally, I prefer MMORPGs where experience is gained slowly, with a prolonged journey to the endgame, ideally taking at least 1-2 months for the average player. How quickly I can level up in Ashes of Creation will significantly influence my decision to play the game.
    Thank you in advance for your response,
  • YommiYommi Member, Alpha Two
    What's the deal with divine nodes? Last we heard was 3 years ago the superpower is the underground catacombs but nothing since then. Is this still the case? Will there be divine nodes in A2?
  • AlexandorAlexandor Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two
    edited August 2024
    Will there be a combat log? Do you plan to increase base character HP(I think it's way to low to enjoy PvP)?
  • ShabooeyShabooey Member, Alpha Two
    edited August 2024
    What augments will be available at the launch of A2?
  • s1zzl1ns1zzl1n Member, Alpha Two
    How many races are going to be playable at the launch of Alpha 2, including being fully customizable in the Character Creator? (male and female body types for each race)
  • ArunteliArunteli Member, Alpha Two
    What is the expected scope for the Node feature for the launch of A2, and what have you out-scoped for later development ( Node level range, racial aesthetics, amount of nodes etc ) ?
  • Is your team considering allowing the game to be supported by GeForce Now? Making the game more accessible would be a net win for both Intrepid and Players.

    (obviously not for A2, but for release/future).
  • HankTheTankHankTheTank Member, Alpha Two
    What do you expect us to do in Alpha-2 Phase? Testing the Limits, search for some bugs or just play the Game like it would be a normal Launch?
  • StolkerStolker Member, Alpha Two
    Hello everyone,
    I have a question about the servers. will there be voice-related servers? So in Europe also Spanish, French, German and so on?

    Greetings Arne
  • ashoneashone Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    will we hear anything about the Character Creator??
  • playerEraplayerEra Member, Alpha Two
    Are name reservations planned to drop with A2 launch? If not when will the function become available?
  • ciarennciarenn Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    During A2 will we have access to full crafting capabilities or limited and what will we be able to "test" in regards to crafting?
This discussion has been closed.