Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
You stalking me now too? Your starting to sound like your a little obsessed. I must say that's a little creepy but from these threads i am sure that rabbit hole goes a lot deeper than just creepy. lol
I don't think you sent that to prove your point - I know it for a fact. There are words "detailed clarification", right there. Extremely entertaining to see your lame excuses and backpedalling when you are cornered.
And... So... every kid in kindergarden knows that, but then... how come you don't? You do realize that you make yourself look like a clown now, don't you? It just looks... so sad
I'm calling out your bs and I don't mind making one click to open your profile to make sure that I'm right. Join the ranks of "victim card players" - you are not gonna be alone, your friend is already there waiting for you.
If you are not used to deal with people who are one step ahead of you - get used to it. You are hilariously predictable.
TL;DR - Your psychological profile and behavior pattern
> Not being able to have a meaningful discussion
> Waiting for someone to start talking against my point
> Jumping in aggresively and becoming a part of hive mind
> Hive mind destroyed - you are alone
> Trying to put two words together but it doesn't work, cuz you can't
> Get called out for your nonsense that can be debunked in 10 seconds
> Cry and play the victim card along with more bs nonsense
I probably wouldn't even want to talk to you publicly on a podcast anymore. With that mindset of yours - I'd literally be inside your head in 60 seconds which is not fun as I prefer worthy opponents when it comes to discussions/debates. As if you had balls for that anyway
There are so many MMOs in which even casual players have a full stack of alts that can fulfill any role according to need, and everyone can do everything. That diminishes the importance of well thought out grouping.
@Flanker As a L2 vet, I completely understand your perspective, and I believe you bring up strong and valid points. Well done handling all the vitriol thrown your way in this thread.
Checkmate? LOL Your been at this thread going for weeks and the best you got from Steven is he will take feedback from the A2 testers. My guess is you won't like the feedback the masses give. I know I won't. I like 220hrs for the main progression. My guess most will want it much shorter. I hope Steven sticks to his plan.
I like it when people hear what they want to hear instead of what they've been told.
This is what we've heard and that's the brief conclusions we can make at this point. Obviously, the end result will also depend on testing.
I am literally living imside your head rent free aren't I! Wow I will stop now I should know better than to tease someone who is obviously mentally ill.
P.s. Talked to jesus the other day and he said he had no clue on how to walk on water until you showed him. Amazing, just amazing, one of a kind a special boy what would the world do without you lol Ok now I will stop, maybe. I do like free rent!
That's the way Leveling in RPGs work traditionally work: Not linear and the ealier Levels are quicker to reach than the final Levels.
A few months makes a dramatic difference to the time it takes to reach the next Level during the journey to Level 50 - and, more importantly, to reach the signature abilities, skills and stats that are associated with the Primary Archetype.
It especially is an issue for players who only have 2 hour play sessions rather than 16 hour pay sessions - because they are still going to want to see a reasonable increase on the XP progress bar for the time they have spent focused on progressing in their Primary Archetype each game session.
In EQ, I'm going to want my Druid to get Spirit of The Wind. And that can't just arbitrarily take twice as long as it should just because someone wants it to take longer to reach "Endgame".
In WoW, I'm going to want my Druid to get Cat Form and then Flight Form - and that can't just arbitrarily take twice as long as it should just because someone wants it to take longer to reach "Endgame".
In Ashes, if I want it to take weeks or months longer to reach max Level Adventurer, I can choose to do so by focusing on other fun progression paths or I can choose to continue Leveling after max Level Adventurer by Leveling those other progression paths.
In Ashes, there is no good reason to systemically prolong Leveling in the Adventurer path past 225 hours.
Persistent AF. Wow. Actually impressive tbh.
But I'm still not counting out Dygz. Dude is legendary.
Intrepid is going to need to hire a full time employee to parse this thread (and the sister thread). I'm not reading it, that's for sure.
don't seem to realise how much Depth and Weight they would take away from Verra and their own Game Experience.
Believe me, Guys. Slower is more sometimes. We are not running a Marathon. We are venturing into one of the newest and probably last, great Journeys of our MMO Lifetime.
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
In many games nowadays, leveling is seen as a burden and is just used as a means to stretch out the content. But if it’s well integrated, as Steven seems to have in mind, you can tie the content directly to the level, which takes things to another level. This way, old content doesn't get lost either, because it still retains its relevance.
In my opinion, it could even be a bit slower.
Good thing there isn't anyone like that in this thread, considering the leveling time in WoW.
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."
225 hours to adventure level 50, aka 45 days, for a long playtime, every-day player is in fact slow leveling, and most people are pretty happy about it staying in that ballpark give or take a week or two depending on how dedicated you are to adventuring progress specifically.
Extending the leveling process only serves to make it more difficult for players to enter the game after launch, because Ashes is an open world PvP game where being ten levels down will make or break your competitiveness, and if you're not competitive, you'll have difficulty accessing content that you need in order to gain proper exp and levels.
> If you think that someone who joined the game 3 months after the launch will be able to compete against players who played since launched, consider thinking about it again.
> There will be plenty of factors that will contribute to much faster leveling of a new player after launch. They are #2 and #3 in the first post of this thread: - technically, you can also add #9 in terms of more taverns with rested XP buff available to new players.
> This point, despite being somewhat valid technically, absolutely does not outweigh the points #1, #4, #5, #6, #7 and #8 in the thread above. Not even mentioning the effect that longer leveling has on player's retention and longevity.