Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
from Brazil!
I have been playing all sorts of games now for 25 years in january!!
I have been following Ashes since it was on Kickstart and watched as it has grown and bought the game when I saw alpha release.
I am a avid WoW player who plays hard core mythic progression and love to be bleeding edge of content, and I am here to say this game MIGHT be the wow killer for me.
I plan to stream this game once beta one hits!
Looking forward to the ashes community and looking for a new home virtually.
Keep kicking ass Intrepid studios!
With admiration,
I've been playing online games since the 90's, and I took part in and ran communities for some popular games, and spent thousands of hours playing. I'm hoping that sometime, in some worthwhile form, the games and genre I loved make a comeback. Maybe this will be the one that gets it started. I've been peeking in from time to time and now I'm posting...With a bit of hope, a lot of skepticism, and an open mind.
My name is Footprint NL, and I'm from the Netherlands.
I've heard of this game through a friend of mine. No idea yet where I can buy it or whether it is now online? You could request a key or something somewhere? Well, in any case, it seems to me something to play this as well. By the way, it's also been a while since I've played a kind of MMORPG.
And who knows, maybe this is also a kind of new start with gaming in general for me. Have done a lot but probably only a finger tip compared to some others. But that doesn't matter at all. I look ahead, and I hope this is something for me and what I can play with some friends
Kind regards
Salut tout le monde, je suis un joueur de MMORPG depuis mes premières minutes derrière un PC ! Je suis particulièrement déçu des récentes/à venir sorties de jeu ce proclamant "MMORPG" sans vraiment l'être... Quand je suis tombé sur Ashes of Creation il y a un mois, je suis tout de suite tombé sous le charme ! Je crois en ce projet et aimerais contribuer à son développement, que ce soit financièrement avec le merveilleux pack style "samouraï"
Dans la vie, j'ai 26 ans et suis data scientist (~ingénieur en informatique) sur Paris !
Je me demande si une communauté francophone à vu le jour. Il va falloir que je fasse des recherches
Au plaisir de vous lire
Hi everyone, I'm a MMORPG player since my first minutes behind a PC! I'm particularly disappointed by the recent/upcoming releases of games claiming to be "MMORPG" without really being... When I came across Ashes of Creation a month ago, I immediately fell in love with it ! I believe in this project and would like to contribute to its development, whether financially with the wonderful "samurai" style pack
In life, I'm 26 years old and a data scientist in Paris!
I wonder if a French-speaking community has been created. I'll have to do some research
Looking forward to reading you
I'm Droidman from Berlin, Germany, 31y, Android app developer (hence the name
I heard "Ashes of Creation" a couple of times before, but it wasn't until this year when I paid more attention to it and did some research about the game. I really loved what I saw/read so far, so I'm happy to be here and let's hope AoC will be the next-gen MMO we all have been waiting for 🙏 Cheers folks 🍻
If u see me in a game your my friend or your dead, and yes I only pvp, if u see me farming its because i need better gear to kill
Been playing MMORPG's since 2001, only for pvp.
Got refused by some guilds here
Show me the rogue and summoner.
(I am from the Netherlands)
Old mmo player (T4C, DAOC..), Multiboxer since more than 10 years on multiples mmo. I like Roleplay, i like when people can have a impact on the world, as for the multiboxing part, let's say that i always like to play with strange templates or gamestyle and i will obviously stick to the rules and see what i can or can't do.
I’m Draks. I am a new Voyager Plus Pack owner. Super excited to see y'all in the Alpha Two!
I've discovered AOC some weeks ago and i felt in love
Can't wait the game accessible to play it
My name (for now) is Aeturnes!
I'm from Texas, and just found out about AOC recently by just looking through some of the old google machine for new MMOs to play
Im a relatively seasoned MMO player starting with EQ and been along for many adventures since!
After many videos watched, I decided I wanted to give it a shot, so I purchased the Voyager plus and am looking forward to Alpha 2!
My name is Yahel and I'm from Israel.
Have been following AoC since 2017 and plan to join the wiki team for translations/adding future content.
Will be looking for a non-national PvX guild when AoC will be released, tho I mainly posted here for 'Israel' word search. If you're a fellow Israeli feel free to drop a PM! Would love to join an AoC Israeli discord. Also have 2 younger brothers, men of culture as well.