Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
As long as the end decision goes 75% of the way towards the majority with a 25% tradeoff to bring it to acceptable with the minority the community as a whole grows stronger.
Maintaining and developing for a whole bunch of different servers with sub communities all expecting different things can and often does result in half baked implementations of future content that works for different rule sets with nobody ever truly happy.
Remember what I think is a game killer, or yourself or any other one person, does not a community make, and we don't have to always be happy with or agree with decisions to still remain content as a part of a community.
The first comment about working for free was beyond stupid... No where did I say I didn't want any reward for my kills and in fact the final line in my post is as quoted; "Give me materials with actual worth over useless armor that no one wants."
Also fighting and winning a very close fight is exhilarating. Like I've mentioned before I am a PvPer, I want to FIGHT. Ganking is only considered PvP because it stands for Player vs Player but it is the lowest form of PvP that to this day I still can't understand how it is even fun for anyone.
"you should learn some basic principles of hunting."... hm... I don't like hunting games they're boring. I like PvP games. If you're looking for a hunting game then you're in the totally wrong genre atm.
Gathering materials takes precious time and people do not want to lose something of fair value. The difference with materials vs losing all your equipment is that losing materials doesn't cripple you. You don't think people won't care? What a joke... In just the past three years there has been a couple of games with a caravan like system that can be raided by other players and trust me... people care a lot. Entire wars have started just because someone lost a cart of materials.
Sorry buddy but real PvPers want to fight... if all you want is to prey on the weak for jollies then step aside and let the real PvPers through.
I think I need to read more, because I am grossly misinformed about life and death.
Hmm, what makes more sense, lose 22% of customers or lose 78% of the customers?
Let's all be honest here...
See how emotional everybody is getting just on the forums about this?
Even the people that want to be able to fully loot the corpse of people they just killed (or that others killed), if their emotions are this high, I can guarantee they would quit after losing all of their stuff a couple of times and have to start over. There would be nobody playing really soon.
And yes, everything in the game should be risk vs. reward. The "risk" shouldn't be that you have a character in the game, completely killable and lootable by everybody all the time. Just like life, there's no reward for being alive.
Now, that all said...
I wouldn't mind having a system where you could "full loot" everything in their bags. And "maybe" a weapon or trinket. It makes sense that you shouldn't be able to keep stuff you've gathered or picked up after you die. As for the gear? Well, with full crafting systems in place like they have planned, then tailored gear to that character wouldn't fit you! I suppose you could have it altered, but any reputable craftsman would know it was custom-made or tailored and would have you arrested for stealing somebody's stuff.
There need some safe(low level) zones with low amount of low level resources where you can turn PvP off.
And there should be high level areas where you are constantly PvP on, but there are more resources.
This way the casuals can play safety, they not lose their gear, only the ones who risk for the more reward will risk getting killed so lose their gear.
For example in a large radious around the city would be a PvP off zone, you know, the city guards defend them, but in the wild, noone stops anyone from murder and pillage each other.
Also even if you drop the items, it still not help the economy, as the killer just loot it and sell it. The items need to be destroyed in order to increase the need for new crafted items.
If that's not good enough for you and you want to rob people who are more PvP centric then that's very are really only interested in preying on those with less ability to fight back.
After 20 years of playing MMO's, starting in Ultima Online (pre Trammel), i spend my time pvp-ing and pk-ing full loot. I also experienced to be ganked and looted completely dry on nummerous occassions. Did i enjoy? Yes, very much.
However, times change, people change and also games change. I just speak for myself when i say that i reached a point that i don't want to spend much time in a game which incentives ganking 101. I am looking for a nice community and a game which can draw a good line between a PvE and a PvP experience.
Like many in this topic already stated, if you want to go out in PvP, go attack caravans, enjoy guild/castle battles, etc etc. If you want to run around the rest of the world, attacking crafters or gatherers, accept the fact it won't be rewarding as it used to be for you in other games and that you will have a penalty on doing so (corruption system).
Things which always bored me in other games were the following scenario's:
- Player X attacks me and i get ganked before knowing what was happening as i was gathering materials, helding a pickaxe or a fishing rod.
- Player Z attacks me, somehow i manage to survive and kill him. When i start looting player Z, there is no loot except a crappy sword as Player Z was too affraid to loose his precious gear.
In short, most gankers only wear undies as they want full loot on their victims but they refuse to wear anything usefull themselves.
Welcome to Ashes, where the incentive for endless ganking is less than you would like to hear. Wishing you a good day, Sir.
If I'm remembering correctly, corrupt player's corpses can be dry looted? (This would be fine.)
Full loot or not full loot.... hmmm that's a great question. This is not a hardcore action game like Pubg. Drop all your items on you are just stupid, we need to find a balance between reward here guys. Full loot gives the attacker more reward than the target, because attacker knows he gonna attack and therefor have nothing on him except gear. The target have gear, but also loot*/rarer loot. There is no balance here.
I would agree that you gonna to lose something or els you can just dance while getting killed.....great for the PvP player..... right. So as some people say, lose things from your bag. Some things or all things...idc.
Remember it is a high fantasy game and NOT a real life game, so in theory some kind of magic so you can't touch the targets gear can be made
This is a discussion and not a big battle, don't fight to much haha XD
Maybe add into the game that you can steal loot from the monster with last hit (Give a dry cookie to the hardcore PvP players haha XD)
Think what he's trying to say is that ... once a Player has reached the highest lvl in the game, once that same player has achieved the best items in the game, they have the audacity to treat others disrespectfully. And I've seen that happen countless times - resembling " an Elitist " . As such, this beckons @boogis ' incentive / impulse of wanting to "shut-down " that " Elitist-Attitude" via Taking their loot
(trying to figure you out > ~ < @boogis )
In addition, I think he's trying to say ... that once those items (including gear ) has been achieved, that same Player's Motivation for obtaining them has all been for nothing - because, usually, there is no end-game / " nothing left to do " in modern MMOs. As result, you;re left with seeing other players " sizing ' less-geared ' players"
- seeing if they even qualify for the Raid/Content their trying to Challenge.
but i still don't (entirely) see why the incentive of having Full-Loot. Rather
... i think you would rather change how the " Drop-Rate / Drop-Chance " would result in ? In other words, allowing the Combatants (Purple) having a chance to drop some sort of Gear-Related* Loot ?
(rather than just a Corrupted (Red) )
The bright-side is, that the PvP System mechanics might be changed after
Alpha and/or Beta Testing.
I, for one, do like the system in Place. But all will be determined after Alpha Testers (and Beta Testers ) ... gets a chance to see how that system will function.
Although I mostly disagree with him, some of the things he said would be a nice feature:
>>such as Hiding Player Lvl from other's screen
>>Preventing Players from Clicking-on you & seeing a detailed-description of your Gear.
( rather, you'd have to speculate & make good sense of Judgement ... However, it might get old once Players begin to familiarize themselves with Gear ... unless their is ample amount of Diversity in Crafting Gear and/or Obtaining Gear )
Unfortunately I've never played a Open-World Full Loot MMO. So will definitely consider what you - and everyone else - has said about this that DOES have experience.
Because the closest that i know of is RuneScape - and I do recall all the Gimmicks & Tricks some players would do to Manipulate Safe Zones & other things
(thx YouTube
In short ... i see what you mean
Especially since Full-Loot leans towards PvP in a PvX MMO