Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
To me, this thread has always been about the advantages and disadvantages of action and tab combat.
Action combat absolutely has an advantage in PvP, and even in some aspects of PvE (specifically solo).
However, tab target has advantages with large scale PvE content.
As such, this thread is about all of that - action, tab, PvE, PvP, everything.
Edit to add; which action combat games have you raided in? I'm going to assume it is basically just the piñata's that some games have called raids (Archeage, BDO et al), and not something that anyone that has participated in raid content in a number of MMO's could consider to be actual raid content.
TERA had big dungeon/raids, ESO has 12 mans, Darkfall had big boss fights.
Peoples definition of raid is entirely moot to me.
I’ve played both styles, it really just boils down to the devs.
As to the games above - Tera gave up on raid content as it didn't work well enough.
ESO has 12 person content at the most - the issues with action combat have always been stated to be in relation to more players than this.
Darkfall raids were dead easy - the only challenge involved with them was in relation to PvP content.
None of the above games have content that would be able to support a raiding scene - which is another of the qualifiers I have been very clear about this entire thread.
I mean, if you want to go off talking about games that have action combat and also had what can be generously described as low end raids, have at it.
However, that isn't what I am talking about.
Raids in AoC will be open world, so good luck and have fun.
I’m just going to support the devs and they’ll get it done.
Steven has already said that they have no problems instancing some content (up to 20%), and has clarified a number of reasons as to why they may instance a specific piece of content. One of those reasons was to make that piece of content a specific challenge for a specific number of players.
I'm glad you are just supporting the developers in this, I am as well (assuming they keep to their word on a number of matters).
However, the discussion in relation to action and tab target and how each perform in different areas of a game is not really a discussion specific to Ashes. Players can switch between them, so it can't be applicable to Ashes.
If you're expecting a purely action orientated combat I think you may be disappointed. IS has been extremely consistent on stating their directions for hybrid combat.
i totally know that i follow the game since a long time and i totally like what they are doing it was unexpected to see how much action movement is involved in the new video.
Best games that have lasted long are things like Runescape, WoW, Guild Wars 1, these all use tab targeting, and for good reason.
Spam clicking for every attack literally is tiring for the hands and the mind, over time, specially for the people who play a lot, which the game needs.
Hard disagree
1. Why are you saying you only basic attack with your weapon that deosn't make sense
2. it reducing skill cap immensely no hand eye coordination is needed or even attempting to aim your attacks.
3. Wanting everything to be generic and same base damage for weapons and having everything work the same is the meaning of no skill cap as everything is the same. I don't know why you keep saying you don't use skills in action combat that doesn't make sense to me. I dont know if you played lost ark, you only deal dmg if you use skills...
4. There is no difference between spam clicking and spamming your rotations on your 40 skills on your skill bar. Actually spam clicking you have to aim so lol.
To some it up....This isn't new world, that isn't the benchmark for action combat....
I am so excited to see players getting roasted in arenas who think action combat as aiming your attacks and landing your abilities will be the only skill needed in this game.
I am looking forward on a wide range of abilties beeing available for each class so that you actually have to think while outplaying your opponent rather than having just to aim a few basic attacks and handle a minor set of abilties like a braindead fool.
lmao in what scenario do you need to think more then action combat. This point doesn't make a lot of sense to me and feels more out of desperation to somehow say tab has more depth to it. Like all the effects and same elements aren't applied to action combat on top of needing to aim to a small or large degree.
As I expected from a guy that knows nothing else than one combat style
Apparently you have a lot of dropouts. So many things dont make sense to you
Maybe you are worried that a game based on the use of many different abilities will fry your little brain? So thats why you are praising action combat as much in every single post?
It's highly unlikely that will remain a thing for long.
I've most likely played more tab target mmorpgs then you and exactly why I'm saying you don't know what you are talking about. That is why you can't bring up an example of some element of tab combat requiring you to think more in combat it literarily makes no sense as you are trying to say skills have different effects in action combat compared to tab....Clearly effects of skills have be the same in both action and tab you are just say nonsense and you most likely got smacked up in some action based mmorpg.
If you can handly around 30 abilities with the reaction of a lets say low gladiator lvl player in wow and on top of that you wanna aim every single ability and every single basic attack. and you still wanna keep up with the speed of those kind of players. If you can manage that, you have my respect. Otherways if your only skill is based on aming and you try to compensate with that a slow mind, you still are a bad player to me.
So you are saying its easier to do, that I'd agree with you then lmao. Everyone knows tab target is a lot more easy than action combat that is why there is way less of a skill curve.
As I though. Somebody is trying to compensate something here
Compensate it is the truth lmao tab target is easier you just said it with your own words lol. Granted they said they don't want to overload with tons of abilities in AOC so i wouldn't go in expecting 3-4 abilities bars with 30 skills you are constantly mashing. My guess is there will be a lot of abilities but you will be limited on actives to around 20 but they will be a lot more meaningful.
I agree that you need some kind of IQ to manage your 6 skills in an acation game like New World. But an ape needs some IQ to be able to peel a banana as well.
Stop bringing up new world as a benchmark example. It isn't that complex lmao, when you play the game you get use what ability to use and you do your rotations. It is far more complex for skill rotations in BDO keeping track of your cds with the up to 40 skills you have, and not limited my WCD. I can tell you haven't played BDO else you would understand the complexity of the combat is more than honestly what a mmorpg should have with twitch skills on top of managing all your skills. Knowing your rotations in a tab target mmorpg doesn't take that much iq....
This is an incorrect assumption.
Gearing is not only akin to tab target mmorpgs but the whole mmorpg as a whole. I don't view gearing as a combat skill and we are talking about combat right now. You are jumping into another convo with a qoute bringing up a weak point for reasons I don't understand. Making your build is a skill, it just has nothing to do with combat that is rpg mechanics.
I feel you just want to argue to argue there is no way you are assuming on tab target mmorpgs are the only ones that have builds?
As long as situational choices (on how you can use your abilities in the most efficient way in different PvP situations - aka problem solving skills) and the fast thinking and counter reacting in fights will have the most impact on the outcome of a fight in AoC and as long as the game will not try to imitate an action/shooter and doesnt value motoric skills over fighting IQ, I am fine with it.
cognitive skills > motoric skills (imo)
Yes i agree there should be complexity and build diversity. NWO was fun but that and NW both had very limited abilities and build diversity (granted nwo is p2w). You should have a good amount of skills to pick from, but I don't believe you need to have 20+ skills either to make a good game if you add meaning to all the skills being used. If there are 40+ skills but you can have 20 of them and different upgrade perks based on your skills it would create a lot of diversity in builds and be great between people. That is what all mmo players want, action mmorpgs don't need to be limited on skills that is more so them being lazy and saving money from creating a in-depth system imo. We don't know that much at all how the abilities will work i only know it was mentioned they aren't trying to overload with a bunch of skills that become useless in time. Which makes it sound like they are going for a set amount of active skills and not letting it get out of hand. Since it is hybrid it should play a lot faster as well.
20 unique and diverse skills for each primary archetype sounds good to me